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# 🎄 md-editor-v3
English \| [中文](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-v3/blob/develop/README-CN.md)
Markdown editor for vue3, developed in `jsx` and `typescript`.
- Documentation and example: [Go](https://imzbf.github.io/md-editor-v3)
- Use it online: [Go](https://codesandbox.io/s/epic-bird-2znqo)
- The same series editor for react: [md-editor-rt](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-rt)
## ⭐️ Features
- Toolbar, screenfull or screenfull in web pages and so on.
- Themes, Built-in default and dark themes.
- Shortcut key for editor.
- Beautify your content by `prettier`(only for markdown content, not the code and other text).
- Multi-language, build-in Chinese and English(default: Chinese).
- Upload picture, paste or clip the picture and upload it.
- Render article directly(no editor, no event listener, only preview of content).
- Theme of preview, `defalut`, `vuepress`, `github`, `cyanosis`, `mk-cute`, `smart-blue` styles(not identical). It can be customized also(Refer to example page).
- `mermaid`(>=1.8.0), `katex` mathematical formula(>=1.9.0).
- Customize the toolbar as you like.
## 📦 Install
yarn add md-editor-v3
Please install `@types/marked` in your typescript project if you want to configure `renderer`:
yarn add @types/marked -D
Install existing extension of language and theme of preview:
yarn add @vavt/md-editor-extension
For more ways to use or contribute, please refer to: [md-editor-extension](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-extension)
## 💡 Usage
<md-editor v-model="text" preview-only />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const text = ref('# Hello Editor');
## 🗺 Preview
| Default theme | Dark theme | Preview only |
| --- | --- | --- |
|  |  |  |
mark and emoji extensions

## 🎁 Apis
### 🔩 Props
| name | type | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| modelValue | `string` | '' | Markdown content, use `v-model` in vue template |
| theme | `'light' \| 'dark'` | 'light' | Editor theme |
| class | `string` | '' | |
| historyLength | `number` | 10 | The max length of history(if it is too big, editor will use more `RAM`) |
| pageFullscreen | `boolean` | false | Screenfull in web page |
| preview | `boolean` | true | Preview content in editor |
| htmlPreview | `boolean` | false | Preview html in editor |
| previewOnly | `boolean` | false | Only render preview of content, no toolbar, no editing area |
| language | `string` | 'zh-CN' | Build-in language('zh-CN','en-US') |
| toolbars | `Array<ToolbarNames \| number>` | [toolbars] | Show contents of toolbar, all keys<sup>see `toolbars` below</sup> |
| toolbarsExclude | `Array<ToolbarNames \| number>` | [] | Don't show contents of toolbar, all keys`toolbars` |
| noPrettier | `boolean` | false | Use prettier to beautify content or not |
| editorId | `string` | 'md-editor-v3' | Editor's id, it is used when there are more than two editors in the same page |
| tabWidth | `number` | 2 | One tab eq some spaces |
| showCodeRowNumber | `boolean` | false | Show row number for code block or not |
| previewTheme | `'default' \| 'github' \| 'vuepress' \| 'mk-cute' \| 'smart-blue' \| 'cyanosis'` | 'default' | Theme of preview, can be customized |
| style | `string \| CSSProperties` | {} | Inline style |
| tableShape | `[number, number]` | [6, 4] | Preset the size of the table, [columns, rows] |
| noMermaid | `boolean` | false | Use mermaid or not |
| placeholder | `string` | '' | |
| noKatex | `boolean` | false | Use katex or not |
| codeTheme | `'atom' \| 'a11y' \| 'github' \| 'gradient' \| 'kimbie' \| 'paraiso' \| 'qtcreator' \| 'stackoverflow'` | 'atom' | Highlight code style, can be customized also |
| markedHeadingId | `(text: string, level: number, index: number) => string` | (text) => text | H1-H6 `ID` generator |
| sanitize | `(html: string) => string` | (html) => html | Sanitize the html, prevent XSS |
| footers | `Array<'markdownTotal' \| '=' \| 'scrollSwitch' \| number>` | ['markdownTotal', '=', 'scrollSwitch'] | Show contents of footer, they are divided by `'='`. Set it to `[]` to hidden footer |
| scrollAuto | `boolean` | true | Scroll default setting |
| noIconfont | `boolean` | false | Not append iconfont script, [download](https://at.alicdn.com/t/c/font_2605852_gymddm8qwtd.js) and import it by yourself |
| formatCopiedText | `(text: string) => string` | (text: string) => text | Format copied code |
| noUploadImg | `boolean` | false | Not show the entrance to upload pictures |
| codeStyleReverse | `boolean` | true | Code style will be reversed to dark while code block of the theme has a dark background |
| codeStyleReverseList | `Array<string>` | ['default', 'mk-cute'] | Themes to be reversed |
| autoFocus | `boolean` | false | same as `autofocus` in native textarea |
| disabled | `boolean` | false | same as `disabled` in native textarea |
| readOnly | `boolean` | false | same as `readonly` in native textarea |
| maxLength | `number` | | same as `maxlength` in native textarea |
| autoDetectCode | `boolean` | false | auto detect the type of pasted code, only support that copied from `vscode` |
'task', // ^2.4.0
> After v1.6.0, You can sort the toolbar as you like, split tools by `'-'`, the left and right toolbars are divided by `'='`!
> After v1.10.0, you can customize the toolbar. To display them, put index of `defToolbars` into `toolbars`(this is not standard), for more usage, please refer to [docs](https://imzbf.github.io/md-editor-v3/docs).
Expand language, you need to replace all the content here:
export interface ToolbarTips {
bold?: string;
underline?: string;
italic?: string;
strikeThrough?: string;
title?: string;
sub?: string;
sup?: string;
quote?: string;
unorderedList?: string;
orderedList?: string;
task?: string; // ^2.4.0
codeRow?: string;
code?: string;
link?: string;
image?: string;
table?: string;
mermaid?: string;
katex?: string;
revoke?: string;
next?: string;
save?: string;
prettier?: string;
pageFullscreen?: string;
fullscreen?: string;
catalog?: string;
preview?: string;
htmlPreview?: string;
github?: string;
'-'?: string;
'='?: string;
export interface StaticTextDefaultValue {
// Toolbar hover tips(html title)
toolbarTips?: ToolbarTips;
// H1-H6 dropdown menu item
titleItem?: {
h1?: string;
h2?: string;
h3?: string;
h4?: string;
h5?: string;
h6?: string;
imgTitleItem?: {
link: string;
upload: string;
clip2upload: string;
// The modal tips of add link or upload picture
linkModalTips?: {
linkTitle?: string;
imageTitle?: string;
descLabel?: string;
descLabelPlaceHolder?: string;
urlLabel?: string;
urlLabelPlaceHolder?: string;
buttonOK?: string;
// The modal tips of clip the picture, v1.2.0
clipModalTips?: {
title?: string;
buttonUpload?: string;
copyCode?: {
text?: string;
successTips?: string;
failTips?: string;
mermaid?: {
flow?: string;
sequence?: string;
gantt?: string;
class?: string;
state?: string;
pie?: string;
relationship?: string;
journey?: string;
katex?: {
// formula inline
inline: string;
// formula block
block: string;
footer?: {
markdownTotal: string;
scrollAuto: string;
## 🤱🏼 Expose
After 2.5.0, Editor exposes several methods on the instance, used to get or change the internal status of the editor.
<md-editor ref="editorRef" />
<script setup>
import { ref, onMounted } from 'vue';
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
import type { ExposeParam } from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const editorRef = ref<ExposeParam>();
onMounted(() => {
editorRef.value?.on('catalog', console.log);
> Switched to the opposite status, if toggle without input parameter.
### 👂🏼 on
Get the internal state of the editor, including pageFullscreen, fullscreen, preview, htmlPreview, catalog, etc.
- pageFullscreen
editorRef.value?.on('pageFullscreen', (status) => console.log(status));
- fullscreen
editorRef.value?.on('fullscreen', (status) => console.log(status));
- preview
editorRef.value?.on('preview', (status) => console.log(status));
- htmlPreview
editorRef.value?.on('htmlPreview', (status) => console.log(status));
- catalog
editorRef.value?.on('catalog', (status) => console.log(status));
### 💻 togglePageFullscreen
Toggle status of fullscreen within the page.
### 🖥 toggleFullscreen
Toggle status of fullscreen widthin browser.
### 📖 togglePreview
Toggle status of preview.
### 📼 toggleHtmlPreview
Toggle status of htmlPreview.
### 🧬 toggleCatalog
Toggle status of catalog.
### 💾 triggerSave
### 💉 insert
Manually insert content into textarea.
* @params selectedText
editorRef.value?.insert((selectedText) => {
* @return targetValue Content to be inserted
* @return select Automatically select content
* @return deviationStart Start position of the selected content
* @return deviationEnd End position of the selected content
return {
targetValue: `${selectedText}`,
select: true,
deviationStart: 0,
deviationEnd: 0
For more examples, refer to source code of [extension component](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-v3/blob/dev-docs/src/components/MarkExtension/index.vue)
### 🎯 focus
focus the textarea.
### 🎍 Slots
| name | type | default | description |
| --- | --- | --- | --- |
| defToolbars | `Array<DropdownToolbar \| NormalToolbar \| ModalToolbar>` | null | Custom toolbar in `DropdownToolbar`, `NormalToolbar` or `ModalToolbar` |
| defFooters | `Array<string \| VNode \| JSX.Element>` | null | Custom footer |
`NormalToolbar` example:
<template #defToolbars>
<normal-toolbar title="mark" @onClick="handler">
<template #trigger>
<svg class="md-editor-icon" aria-hidden="true">
<use xlink:href="#md-editor-icon-mark"></use>
<script setup>
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
const NormalToolbar = MdEditor.NormalToolbar;
const handler = () => {
console.log('NormalToolbar clicked!');
### 🪢 Events
| name | param | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| onChange | `value: string` | Content changed event(bind to `oninput` of `textarea`) |
| onSave | `value: string, html: Promise<string>` | Save content event, `ctrl+s`and click button will be triggered also |
| onUploadImg | `files: Array<File>, callback: (urls: Array<string>) => void` | Upload picture event, when picture is uploading the modal will not close, please provide right urls to the callback function |
| onHtmlChanged | `html: string` | Compile markdown successful event, you can use it to get the html code |
| onGetCatalog | `list: Array<HeadList>` | Get catalog of article |
| onError | `err: { name: string; message: string }` | Catch run-time error, `Cropper`, `fullscreen` and `prettier` are used when they are not loaded |
## 💴 Config Editor
Use `MdEditor.config(option: ConfigOption)` to reconfigure `renderer`.
- markedRenderer: `(renderer: RewriteRenderer) => RewriteRenderer`
Open target page in a new browser window:
markedRenderer(renderer) {
renderer.link = (href, title, text) => {
return `<a href="${href}" title="${title}" target="_blank">${text}</a>`;
return renderer;
> Reference: https://marked.js.org/using_pro#renderer, RewriteRenderer extends Renderer and rewrites heading, now provides index as the fifth parameter.
- markedExtensions: `Array<marked.TokenizerExtension & marked.RendererExtension>`
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
markedExtensions: [your extension]
> Reference: https://marked.js.org/using_pro#extensions
- markedOptions: `marked.MarkedOptions`
Do not render `<br>` on a single line break:
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
markedOptions: { breaks: false }
> Reference: https://marked.js.org/using_advanced#options
- editorConfig: Add more languages, reset `mermaid` template or delay rendering time:
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
editorConfig: {
languageUserDefined: { lang: StaticTextDefaultValue },
mermaidTemplate: {
flow: `flow tempalte`,
// Default 500ms. It is set to 0ms when preview only and not set.
renderDelay: 500
- editorExtensions: Config some dependency libraries, like highlight..
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
editorExtensions: { iconfont: 'https://xxx.cc' }
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
interface EditorExtensions {
highlight?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: {
[key: string]: {
light: string;
dark: string;
prettier?: {
standaloneJs?: string;
parserMarkdownJs?: string;
cropper?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: string;
iconfont?: string;
screenfull?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
mermaid?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
katex?: {
instance?: any;
js?: string;
css?: string;
## 🪡 Shortcut Key
_Pay attention: shortcut keys are only available when the textarea is focused!_
| key | function | description |
| --- | --- | --- |
| TAB | insert space | Insert space, the length eq `tabWidth`, default: 2, support multiline |
| SHIFT + TAB | delete space, setting is the same as Tab | |
| CTRL + C | copy | When selected, copy the selected content. When not selected, copy the content of the current line |
| CTRL + X | shear | When selected, cut the selected content. When not selected, cut the current line |
| CTRL + D | delete | When selected, delete the selected content. When not selected, delete the current line |
| CTRL + S | save | Trigger `onSave` event |
| CTRL + B | bold text | `**bold**` |
| CTRL + U | underline | `<u>underline</u>` |
| CTRL + I | italic | `*italic*` |
| CTRL + 1-6 | h1-h6 | `# title` |
| CTRL + ↑ | superscript | `<sup>superscript</sup>` |
| CTRL + ↓ | subscript | `<sub>subscript</sub>` |
| CTRL + Q | quote | `> quote` |
| CTRL + O | ordered list | `1. ordered list` |
| CTRL + L | link | `[link](https://github.com/imzbf/md-editor-v3)` |
| CTRL + Z | withdraw | Withdraw history in editor, not the function of system |
| CTRL + SHIFT + S | line-through | `~line-through~` |
| CTRL + SHIFT + U | unordered list | `- unordered list` |
| CTRL + SHIFT + C | code block | |
| CTRL + SHIFT + I | picture | `` |
| CTRL + SHIFT + Z | forward | Forward history in editor, not the function of system |
| CTRL + SHIFT + F | Beautify | |
| CTRL + ALT + C | code row | |
| CTRL + SHIFT + ALT + T | table | `\|table\|` |
## 🪤 Components
They are used as attributes of the editor component, eg: `Editor.DropdownToolbar`. For more examples, refer to [document](https://imzbf.github.io/md-editor-v3).
### 🐣 NormalToolbar
- **props**
- `title`: `string`, not necessary, title of toolbar.
- **events**
- `onClick`: `(e: MouseEvent) => void`, necessary.
- **slots**
- `trigger`: `string | JSX.Element`, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
### 🐼 DropdownToolbar
- **props**
- `title`: `string`, not necessary, title of toolbar.
- `visible`: `boolean`, necessary.
- **events**
- `onChange`: `(visible: boolean) => void`, necessary.
- **slots**
- `trigger`: `string | JSX.Element`, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
- `overlay`: `string | JSX.Element`, necessary, content of dropdown box.
### 🦉 ModalToolbar
- **props**
- `title`: `string`, not necessary, title of toolbar.
- `modalTitle`: `string`, not necessary, title of the Modal.
- `visible`: `boolean`, necessary, visibility of Modal.
- `width`: `string`, not necessary, width of Modal, default `auto`.
- `height`: `string`, same as `width`.
- `showAdjust`: `boolean`, not necessary, visibility of fullscreen button.
- `isFullscreen`: `boolean`, necessary when `showAdjust = true`, status of fullscreen.
- **events**
- `onClick`: `() => void`, necessary.
- `onClose`: `() => void`, necessary, close event.
- `onAdjust`: `(val: boolean) => void`, fullscreen button click event.
- **slots**
- `trigger`: `string | JSX.Element`, necessary, it is usually an icon, which is displayed on the toolbar.
- `overlay`: `string | JSX.Element`, necessary, content of Modal.
### 🐻 MdCatalog
- **props**
- `editorId`: `string`, necessary, same as editor's `editorId`, used to register listening events.
- `class`: `string`, not necessary.
- `markedHeadingId`: `MarkedHeadingId`, not necessary, same as editor.
- `scrollElement`: `string | HTMLElement`, not necessary, it is an element selector when its type is string. When `previewOnly` eq `true`, it is usually set to `document.documentElement`.
- `theme`: `'light' | 'dark'`, not necessary, provide it when you want to change theme online, it is the same as Editor `theme`.
- `offsetTop`: `number`, not necessary, highlight current item of catalogs when title is `offsetTop` pixels from the top, defalut 20.
- `scrollElementOffsetTop`: `number`, not necessary, offsetTop of the scroll container,defalut 0.
- **events**
- `onClick`: `(e: MouseEvent, t: TocItem) => void`, not necessary.
## 🗂 Examples
### 🎸 Jsx Template
import { defineComponent, reactive } from 'vue';
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
export default defineComponent({
setup() {
const md = reactive({
text: '# Hello Editor'
return () => (
<MdEditor modelValue={md.text} onChange={(value) => (md.text = value)} />
### 🥹 Upload Picture
> Tips: When you paste and upload GIF, it will upload a static picture. So you should upload it by file system!
<md-editor v-model="text" @onUploadImg="onUploadImg" />
<script setup>
import { ref } from 'vue';
import MdEditor from 'md-editor-v3';
import 'md-editor-v3/lib/style.css';
const text = ref('# Hello Editor');
const onUploadImg = async (files, callback) => {
const res = await Promise.all(
files.map((file) => {
return new Promise((rev, rej) => {
const form = new FormData();
form.append('file', file);
.post('/api/img/upload', form, {
headers: {
'Content-Type': 'multipart/form-data'
.then((res) => rev(res))
.catch((error) => rej(error));
callback(res.map((item) => item.data.url));
### 🧙♂️ Change Styles
.css-vars(@isDark) {
--md-color: if(@isDark, #999, #222);
--md-hover-color: if(@isDark, #bbb, #000);
--md-bk-color: if(@isDark, #000, #fff);
--md-bk-color-outstand: if(@isDark, #111, #f6f6f6);
--md-bk-hover-color: if(@isDark, #1b1a1a, #f5f7fa);
--md-border-color: if(@isDark, #2d2d2d, #e6e6e6);
--md-border-hover-color: if(@isDark, #636262, #b9b9b9);
--md-border-active-color: if(@isDark, #777, #999);
--md-modal-mask: #00000073;
--md-scrollbar-bg-color: if(@isDark, #0f0f0f, #e2e2e2);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-color: if(@isDark, #2d2d2d, #0000004d);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-hover-color: if(@isDark, #3a3a3a, #00000059);
--md-scrollbar-thumb-avtive-color: if(@isDark, #3a3a3a, #00000061);
.md-editor {
.md-editor-dark {
Change background color in dark mode:
.md-editor-dark {
--md-bk-color: #333 !important;