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synced 2025-03-13 23:24:43 +08:00
217 lines
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217 lines
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@echo off
mode con cp select=437 >nul
rem 还原 setup.exe
rename X:\setup.exe.disabled setup.exe
rem 等待 10 秒才自动安装
for /l %%i in (10,-1,1) do (
echo Press Ctrl+C within %%i seconds to cancel the automatic installation.
call :sleep 1000
rem win7 find 命令在 65001 代码页下有问题,仅限 win 7
rem findstr 就正常,但安装程序又没有 findstr
rem echo a | find "a"
rem 使用高性能模式
rem https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/capture-and-apply-windows-using-a-single-wim
rem win8 pe 没有 powercfg
call powercfg /s 8c5e7fda-e8bf-4a96-9a85-a6e23a8c635c 2>nul
rem 安装 SCSI 驱动
for %%F in ("X:\drivers\*.inf") do (
rem 不要查找 Class=SCSIAdapter 因为有些驱动等号两边有空格
find /i "SCSIAdapter" "%%~F" >nul
if not errorlevel 1 (
drvload "%%~F"
rem 等待加载分区
call :sleep 5000
echo rescan | diskpart
rem 判断 efi 还是 bios
rem 或者用 https://learn.microsoft.com/windows-hardware/manufacture/desktop/boot-to-uefi-mode-or-legacy-bios-mode
rem pe 下没有 mountvol
echo list vol | diskpart | find "efi" && (
set BootType=efi
) || (
set BootType=bios
rem 获取 ProductType
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\ProductOptions" /v ProductType') do (
set "ProductType=%%a"
rem 获取 BuildNumber
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in ('reg query "HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows NT\CurrentVersion" /v CurrentBuildNumber') do (
set "BuildNumber=%%a"
rem 获取 installer 卷 id
for /f "tokens=2" %%a in ('echo list vol ^| diskpart ^| find "installer"') do (
set "VolIndex=%%a"
rem 将 installer 分区设为 Y 盘
(echo select vol %VolIndex% & echo assign letter=Y) | diskpart
rem 旧版安装程序会自动在 C 盘设置虚拟内存
rem 新版安装程序(24h2)不会自动设置虚拟内存
rem 在 installer 分区创建虚拟内存,不用白不用
call :createPageFile
rem 查看虚拟内存
rem wmic pagefile
rem 获取主硬盘 id
rem vista pe 没有 wmic,因此用 diskpart
(echo select vol %VolIndex% & echo list disk) | diskpart | find "* Disk " > X:\disk.txt
for /f "tokens=3" %%a in (X:\disk.txt) do (
set "DiskIndex=%%a"
del X:\disk.txt
rem 重新分区/格式化
(if "%BootType%"=="efi" (
echo select disk %DiskIndex%
echo select part 1
echo delete part override
echo select part 2
echo delete part override
echo select part 3
echo delete part override
echo create part efi size=100
echo format fs=fat32 quick
echo create part msr size=16
echo create part primary
echo format fs=ntfs quick
rem echo assign letter=Z
) else (
echo select disk %DiskIndex%
echo select part 1
rem echo delete part override
rem echo create part primary
echo format fs=ntfs quick
echo active
rem echo assign letter=Z
)) > X:\diskpart.txt
rem 使用 diskpart /s ,出错不会执行剩下的 diskpart 命令
diskpart /s X:\diskpart.txt
del X:\diskpart.txt
rem 盘符
rem X boot.wim (ram)
rem Y installer
rem Z os
rem 旧版安装程序会自动在C盘设置虚拟内存,新版安装程序(24h2)不会
rem 如果不创建虚拟内存,1g 内存的机器安装时会报错/杀进程
if %BuildNumber% GEQ 26040 (
rem 已经在 installer 分区创建了虚拟内存,约等于 boot.wim 的大小,因此这步不需要
rem vista/2008 没有删除 boot.wim,200M预留空间-(文件系统占用+驱动占用)后,实测能创建1个64M虚拟内存文件
rem call :createPageFileOnZ
rem 设置应答文件的主硬盘 id
set "file=X:\windows.xml"
set "tempFile=X:\tmp.xml"
set "search=%%disk_id%%"
set "replace=%DiskIndex%"
(for /f "delims=" %%i in (%file%) do (
set "line=%%i"
setlocal EnableDelayedExpansion
echo !line:%search%=%replace%!
)) > %tempFile%
move /y %tempFile% %file%
rem https://github.com/pbatard/rufus/issues/1990
for %%a in (RAM TPM SecureBoot) do (
reg add HKLM\SYSTEM\Setup\LabConfig /t REG_DWORD /v Bypass%%aCheck /d 1 /f
rem 设置
set ForceOldSetup=0
set EnableUnattended=1
rem 运行 ramdisk X:\setup.exe 的话
rem vista 会找不到安装源
rem server 23h2 会无法运行
if "%ForceOldSetup%"=="1" (
set setup=Y:\sources\setup.exe
) else (
set setup=Y:\setup.exe
if "%EnableUnattended%"=="1" (
set Unattended=/unattend:X:\windows.xml
rem 新版安装程序默认开了 Compact OS
rem 新版安装程序不会创建 BIOS MBR 引导
rem 因此要回退到旧版,或者手动修复 MBR
rem server 2025 + bios 也是
rem 但是 server 2025 官网写支持 bios
rem TODO: 使用 ms-sys 可以不修复?
if %BuildNumber% GEQ 26040 if "%BootType%"=="bios" (
rem set ForceOldSetup=1
bootrec /fixmbr
rem 旧版安装程序不会创建 winre 分区
rem 新版安装程序会创建 winre 分区
rem winre 分区创建在 installer 分区前面
rem 禁止 winre 分区后,winre 储存在 C 盘,依然有效
if %BuildNumber% GEQ 26040 if "%ForceOldSetup%"=="0" (
set ResizeRecoveryPartition=/ResizeRecoveryPartition Disable
rem 为 windows server 打开 EMS
rem 普通 windows 没有自带 EMS 组件,暂不处理
if "%ProductType%"=="ServerNT" (
rem set EMS=/EMSPort:UseBIOSSettings /EMSBaudRate:115200
set EMS=/EMSPort:COM1 /EMSBaudRate:115200
echo on
%setup% %ResizeRecoveryPartition% %EMS% %Unattended%
exit /b
rem 没有加载网卡驱动,无法用 ping 来等待
rem 没有 timeout 命令
rem timeout /t 10 /nobreak
echo wscript.sleep(%~1) > X:\sleep.vbs
cscript //nologo X:\sleep.vbs
del X:\sleep.vbs
exit /b
rem 尽量填满空间,pagefile 默认 64M
for /l %%i in (1, 1, 100) do (
wpeutil CreatePageFile /path=Y:\pagefile%%i.sys >nul 2>nul && echo Created pagefile%%i.sys || exit /b
exit /b
wpeutil CreatePageFile /path=Z:\pagefile.sys /size=512
exit /b