#!/bin/bash set -eE confhome=https://raw.githubusercontent.com/bin456789/reinstall/main localtest_confhome= trap 'error line $LINENO return $?' ERR usage_and_exit() { echo "Usage: reinstall.sh centos-7/8/9 alma-8/9 rocky-8/9 fedora-37/38 ubuntu-20.04/22.04 alpine-3.16/3.17/3.18 debian-10/11/12 windows dd" exit 1 } info() { color='\e[32m' plain='\e[0m' upper=$(echo "$@" | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]') echo -e "$color***** $upper *****$plain" } error() { color='\e[31m' plain='\e[0m' echo -e "${color}Error: $*$plain" } error_and_exit() { error "$@" exit 1 } curl() { command curl --connect-timeout 5 --retry 3 --retry-delay 0 "$@" } is_in_china() { if [ -z $_is_in_china ]; then # https://geoip.fedoraproject.org/city # 不支持 ipv6 # https://geoip.ubuntu.com/lookup # 不支持 ipv6 curl -L http://www.cloudflare.com/cdn-cgi/trace | grep -qx 'loc=CN' _is_in_china=$? fi return $_is_in_china } is_in_windows() { [ "$(uname -o)" = Cygwin ] || [ "$(uname -o)" = Msys ] } is_in_alpine() { [ -f /etc/alpine-release ] } is_in_arch() { [ -f /etc/arch-release ] } is_host_has_ipv4_and_ipv6() { install_pkg dig # dig会显示cname结果,cname结果以.结尾,grep -v '\.$' 用于去除 cname 结果 res=$(dig +short $host A $host AAAA | grep -v '\.$') # 有.表示有ipv4地址,有:表示有ipv6地址 grep -q \. <<<$res && grep -q : <<<$res } get_host_by_url() { cut -d/ -f3 <<<$1 } set_github_proxy() { case "$confhome" in http*://raw.githubusercontent.com/*) if is_in_china; then confhome=https://ghproxy.com/$confhome fi ;; esac } test_url() { url=$1 expect_type=$2 var_to_eval=$3 info test url echo $url tmp_file=/tmp/reinstall-img-test http_code=$(command curl --connect-timeout 5 -Ls -r 0-1048575 -w "%{http_code}" -o $tmp_file $url) if [ "$http_code" != 200 ] && [ "$http_code" != 206 ]; then error "$url not accessible" return 1 fi if [ -n "$expect_type" ]; then # gzip的mime有很多种写法 # centos7中显示为 x-gzip,在其他系统中显示为 gzip,可能还有其他 # 所以不用mime判断 # https://www.digipres.org/formats/sources/tika/formats/#application/gzip # 有些 file 版本输出的是 # ISO 9660 CD-ROM filesystem data ,要去掉开头的井号 install_pkg file real_type=$(file -b $tmp_file | sed 's/^# //' | cut -d' ' -f1 | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]') [ -n "$var_to_eval" ] && eval $var_to_eval=$real_type if ! echo $expect_type | grep -wo "$real_type"; then error "$url expect: $expect_type. real: $real_type." return 1 fi fi } add_community_repo_for_alpine() { if ! grep -x 'http.*/community' /etc/apk/repositories; then alpine_ver=$(cut -d. -f1,2 >/etc/apk/repositories fi } is_virt() { if is_in_windows; then # https://github.com/systemd/systemd/blob/main/src/basic/virt.c # https://sources.debian.org/src/hw-detect/1.159/hw-detect.finish-install.d/08hw-detect/ vmstr='VMware|Virtual|Virtualization|VirtualBox|VMW|Hyper-V|Bochs|QEMU|KVM|OpenStack|KubeVirt|innotek|Xen|Parallels|BHYVE' for name in ComputerSystem BIOS BaseBoard; do wmic $name | grep -Eiw $vmstr && return 0 done wmic /namespace:'\\root\cimv2' PATH Win32_Fan | head -1 | grep -q -v Name else # aws t4g debian 11 systemd-detect-virt 为 none,即使装了dmidecode # virt-what: 未装 deidecode时结果为空,装了deidecode后结果为aws # 所以综合两个命令的结果来判断 if command -v systemd-detect-virt && systemd-detect-virt; then return 0 fi # debian 安装 virt-what 不会自动安装 dmidecode,因此结果有误 install_pkg dmidecode virt-what # virt-what 返回值始终是0,所以用是否有输出作为判断 [ -n "$(virt-what)" ] fi } setos() { local step=$1 local distro=$2 local releasever=$3 info set $step $distro $releasever setos_alpine() { flavour=lts if is_virt; then # alpine aarch64 3.18 才有 virt 直连链接 if [ "$basearch" == aarch64 ]; then install_pkg bc (($(echo "$releasever >= 3.18" | bc))) && flavour=virt else flavour=virt fi fi if [ "$localtest" = 1 ]; then mirror=$confhome/alpine-netboot-3.18.0-x86_64/boot eval ${step}_vmlinuz=$mirror/vmlinuz-$flavour eval ${step}_initrd=$mirror/initramfs-$flavour eval ${step}_repo=http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/alpine/v$releasever/main eval ${step}_modloop=$mirror/modloop-$flavour else # 不要用https 因为甲骨文云arm initramfs阶段不会从硬件同步时钟,导致访问https出错 if is_in_china; then mirror=http://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/alpine/v$releasever else mirror=http://dl-cdn.alpinelinux.org/alpine/v$releasever fi eval ${step}_vmlinuz=$mirror/releases/$basearch/netboot/vmlinuz-$flavour eval ${step}_initrd=$mirror/releases/$basearch/netboot/initramfs-$flavour eval ${step}_repo=$mirror/main eval ${step}_modloop=$mirror/releases/$basearch/netboot/modloop-$flavour fi } setos_debian() { if [ "$localtest" = 1 ]; then mirror=$confhome/debian/install.amd eval ${step}_vmlinuz=$mirror/vmlinuz eval ${step}_initrd=$mirror/initrd.gz else case "$releasever" in 12) codename=bookworm ;; 11) codename=bullseye ;; 10) codename=buster ;; esac if is_in_china; then hostname=ftp.cn.debian.org else hostname=deb.debian.org fi mirror=http://$hostname/debian/dists/$codename/main/installer-$basearch_alt/current/images/netboot/debian-installer/$basearch_alt eval ${step}_vmlinuz=$mirror/linux eval ${step}_initrd=$mirror/initrd.gz fi eval ${step}_ks=$confhome/preseed.cfg } setos_ubuntu() { if [ "$localtest" = 1 ]; then mirror=$confhome/ else if is_in_china; then case "$basearch" in "x86_64") mirror=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu-releases/$releasever/ ;; "aarch64") mirror=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/ubuntu-cdimage/releases/$releasever/release/ ;; esac else case "$basearch" in "x86_64") mirror=https://releases.ubuntu.com/$releasever/ ;; "aarch64") mirror=https://cdimage.ubuntu.com/releases/$releasever/release/ ;; esac fi fi filename=$(curl $mirror | grep -oP "ubuntu-$releasever.*?-live-server-$basearch_alt.iso" | head -1) iso=$mirror$filename test_url $iso iso || exit 1 eval ${step}_iso=$iso eval ${step}_ks=$confhome/user-data } setos_windows() { if [ -z "$iso" ] || [ -z "$image_name" ]; then error_and_exit "Install Windows need --iso --image-name" fi # 防止常见错误 # --image-name 肯定大于等于3个单词 if [ "$(echo "$image_name" | wc -w)" -lt 3 ]; then error_and_exit "--image-name wrong." fi test_url $iso iso || exit 1 eval "${step}_iso='$iso'" eval "${step}_image_name='$image_name'" } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 setos_dd() { if [ -z "$img" ]; then error_and_exit "dd need --img" fi test_url $img 'xz|gzip' img_type || exit 1 eval "${step}_img='$img'" eval "${step}_img_type='$img_type'" } setos_redhat() { if [ "$localtest" = 1 ]; then mirror=$confhome/$releasever/ else case $distro in "centos") case $releasever in "7") mirrorlist="http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=7&arch=$basearch&repo=os" ;; "8") mirrorlist="http://mirrorlist.centos.org/?release=8-stream&arch=$basearch&repo=BaseOS" ;; "9") mirrorlist="https://mirrors.centos.org/mirrorlist?repo=centos-baseos-9-stream&arch=$basearch" ;; esac ;; "alma") mirrorlist="https://mirrors.almalinux.org/mirrorlist/$releasever/baseos" ;; "rocky") mirrorlist="https://mirrors.rockylinux.org/mirrorlist?arch=$basearch&repo=BaseOS-$releasever" ;; "fedora") mirrorlist="https://mirrors.fedoraproject.org/mirrorlist?arch=$basearch&repo=fedora-$releasever" ;; esac # rocky/centos9 需要删除第一行注释, alma 需要替换$basearch for cur_mirror in $(curl -L $mirrorlist | sed "/^#/d" | sed "s,\$basearch,$basearch,"); do host=$(get_host_by_url $cur_mirror) if is_host_has_ipv4_and_ipv6 $host && test_url ${cur_mirror}images/pxeboot/vmlinuz; then mirror=$cur_mirror break fi done if [ -z "$mirror" ]; then error_and_exit "All mirror failed." fi eval "${step}_mirrorlist='${mirrorlist}'" fi eval ${step}_ks=$confhome/ks.cfg eval ${step}_vmlinuz=${mirror}images/pxeboot/vmlinuz eval ${step}_initrd=${mirror}images/pxeboot/initrd.img eval ${step}_squashfs=${mirror}images/install.img if [ "$releasever" = 7 ]; then eval ${step}_squashfs=${mirror}LiveOS/squashfs.img fi } eval ${step}_distro=$distro case "$distro" in ubuntu) setos_ubuntu ;; alpine) setos_alpine ;; debian) setos_debian ;; windows) setos_windows ;; dd) setos_dd ;; *) setos_redhat ;; esac } # 检查是否为正确的系统名 verify_os_string() { for os in 'centos-7|8|9' 'alma|rocky-8|9' 'fedora-37|38' 'ubuntu-20.04|22.04' 'alpine-3.16|3.17|3.18' 'debian-10|11|12' 'windows-' 'dd-'; do ds=$(echo $os | cut -d- -f1) vers=$(echo $os | cut -d- -f2 | sed 's \. \\\. g') finalos=$(echo "$@" | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]' | sed -n -E "s,^($ds)[ :-]?($vers)$,\1:\2,p") if [ -n "$finalos" ]; then distro=$(echo $finalos | cut -d: -f1) if [ "$distro" = centos ] || [ "$distro" = alma ] || [ "$distro" = rocky ]; then distro_like=redhat fi releasever=$(echo $finalos | cut -d: -f2) return fi done error "Please specify a proper os" usage_and_exit } apt_install() { [ -z "$apk_updated" ] && apt update && apk_updated=1 apt install -y $pkgs } install_pkg() { cmds=$* need_install=false for cmd in $cmds; do if ! command -v $cmd >/dev/null; then need_install=true break fi done if $need_install; then if is_in_alpine; then add_community_repo_for_alpine fi # cmds to pkgs for cmd in $cmds; do case $cmd in lsmem) pkg=util-linux ;; nslookup | dig) if is_in_alpine; then pkg="bind-tools" elif is_in_arch; then pkg="bind" else pkg="bind*-*utils" fi ;; *) pkg=$cmd ;; esac pkgs+=" $pkg" done { apt_install $pkgs || dnf install -y $pkgs || yum install -y $pkgs || zypper install -y $pkgs || pacman -Syu --noconfirm $pkgs || apk add $pkgs } 2>/dev/null fi } check_ram() { if is_in_windows; then ram_size=$(wmic memorychip get capacity | tail +2 | awk '{sum+=$1} END {print sum/1024/1024}') else # lsmem最准确但centos7 arm 和alpine不能用 # arm 24g dmidecode 显示少了128m # arm 24g lshw 显示23BiB # ec2 t4g arm alpine 用 lsmem 和 dmidecode 都无效,要用 lshw,但结果和free -m一致,其他平台则没问题 install_pkg lsmem ram_size=$(lsmem -b 2>/dev/null | grep 'Total online memory:' | awk '{ print $NF/1024/1024 }') if [ -z $ram_size ]; then install_pkg dmidecode ram_size=$(dmidecode -t 17 | grep "Size.*[GM]B" | awk '{if ($3=="GB") s+=$2*1024; else s+=$2} END {print s}') fi if [ -z $ram_size ]; then install_pkg lshw # 不能忽略 -i,alpine 显示的是 System memory ram_str=$(lshw -c memory -short | grep -i 'System Memory' | awk '{print $3}') ram_size=$(grep <<<$ram_str -o '[0-9]*') grep <<<$ram_str GiB && ram_size=$((ram_size * 1024)) fi fi case "$distro" in alpine) ram_requirement=0 ;; # 未测试 debian) ram_requirement=384 ;; *) ram_requirement=1024 ;; esac if [ -z $ram_size ] || [ $ram_size -le 0 ]; then error_and_exit "Could not detect RAM size." fi if [ $ram_size -lt $ram_requirement ]; then error_and_exit "Could not install $distro: RAM < $ram_requirement MB." fi } is_efi() { if is_in_windows; then bcdedit | grep -q '^path.*\.efi' else [ -d /sys/firmware/efi ] fi } install_grub_win() { grub_cfg=$1 # /cygdrive/$c/grub.cfg # 下载 grub info download grub grub_ver=2.06 is_in_china && grub_url=https://mirrors.tuna.tsinghua.edu.cn/gnu/grub/grub-$grub_ver-for-windows.zip || grub_url=https://ftp.gnu.org/gnu/grub/grub-$grub_ver-for-windows.zip echo $grub_url curl -Lo /tmp/grub.zip $grub_url # unzip -qo /tmp/grub.zip 7z x /tmp/grub.zip -o/tmp -r -y -xr!i386-efi -xr!locale -xr!themes -bso0 grub_exe_dir=$(readlink -f /tmp/grub-$grub_ver-for-windows) # 设置 grub 内嵌的模块 grub_modules+=" normal minicmd ls echo test cat reboot halt linux chain search all_video configfile" grub_modules+=" scsi part_msdos part_gpt fat ntfs ntfscomp ext2 lvm xfs lzopio xzio gzio zstd" if ! is_efi; then grub_modules+=" biosdisk" fi # 设置 grub prefix 为c盘根目录 # 运行 grub-probe 会改变cmd窗口字体 prefix=$($grub_exe_dir/grub-probe -t drive $c: | sed 's,.*PhysicalDrive,(hd,' | sed 's,\r,,')/ echo $prefix # 安装 grub if is_efi; then # efi info install grub for efi # 挂载 if result=$(find /cygdrive/?/EFI/Microsoft/Boot/bootmgfw.efi 2>/dev/null); then # 已经挂载 x=$(echo $result | cut -d/ -f3) else # 找到空盘符并挂载 for x in {a..z}; do [ ! -e /cygdrive/$x ] && break done mountvol $x: /s fi # 文件夹命名为reinstall而不是grub,因为可能机器已经安装了grub,bcdedit名字同理 grub_dir=$x:\\EFI\\reinstall mkdir -p $grub_dir # grub-mkimage 可设置prefix,也可嵌入配置文件(官方不建议嵌入menuentry条目) # -c $grub_cfg_win $grub_exe_dir/grub-mkimage -p $prefix -O x86_64-efi -o $grub_dir\\grubx64.efi $grub_modules # 添加引导 # 脚本可能不是首次运行,所以先删除原来的 bcdedit /enum bootmgr | grep --text -B3 Reinstall | awk '{print $2}' | grep '{.*}' | xargs -I {} cmd /c bcdedit /delete {} id=$(bcdedit /copy '{bootmgr}' /d Reinstall | grep -o '{.*}') bcdedit /set $id device partition=$x: bcdedit /set $id path \\EFI\\reinstall\\grubx64.efi bcdedit /set '{fwbootmgr}' bootsequence $id else # bios info install grub for bios # bootmgr 加载 gr2ldr 有64k限制 # 解决方法1 gr2ldr.mbr + gr2ldr # 解决方法2 生成少于64K的 g2ldr + 动态模块 # gr2ldr.mbr curl -LO http://ftp.cn.debian.org/debian/tools/win32-loader/stable/win32-loader.exe 7z x win32-loader.exe 'g2ldr.mbr' -o/tmp/win32-loader -r -y -bso0 find /tmp/win32-loader -name 'g2ldr.mbr' -exec cp {} /cygdrive/$c/ \; # g2ldr $grub_exe_dir/grub-mkimage -p "$prefix" -O i386-pc -o core.img $grub_modules cat $grub_exe_dir/i386-pc/lnxboot.img core.img >/cygdrive/$c/g2ldr # 添加引导 # 脚本可能不是首次运行,所以先删除原来的 id='{1c41f649-1637-52f1-aea8-f96bfebeecc8}' bcdedit /enum all | grep --text $id && bcdedit /delete $id bcdedit /create $id /d Reinstall /application bootsector bcdedit /set $id device partition=$c: bcdedit /set $id path \\g2ldr.mbr bcdedit /displayorder $id /addlast bcdedit /bootsequence $id /addfirst fi } # 脚本入口 # 检查 root if ! is_in_windows; then if [ "$EUID" -ne 0 ]; then info "Please run as root." exit 1 fi fi # 整理参数 if ! opts=$(getopt -n $0 -o "" --long localtest,debug,sleep:,iso:,image-name:,img: -- "$@"); then usage_and_exit fi eval set -- "$opts" # shellcheck disable=SC2034 while true; do case "$1" in --localtest) localtest=1 confhome=$localtest_confhome shift ;; --debug) set -x shift ;; --sleep) sleep=$2 shift 2 ;; --img) img=$2 shift 2 ;; --iso) iso=$2 shift 2 ;; --image-name) image_name=$2 shift 2 ;; --) shift break ;; *) echo "Unexpected option: $1." usage_and_exit ;; esac done # 验证目标系统字符串 verify_os_string "$@" # win系统盘 if is_in_windows; then c=$(echo $SYSTEMDRIVE | cut -c1) fi # 必备组件 install_pkg curl # alpine 自带的 grep 是 busybox 里面的, 要下载完整版grep if is_in_alpine; then apk add grep fi # 检查内存 check_ram # 检查硬件架构 # x86强制使用x64 basearch=$(uname -m) [ $basearch = i686 ] && basearch=x86_64 case "$basearch" in "x86_64") basearch_alt=amd64 ;; "aarch64") basearch_alt=arm64 ;; esac # 设置 github 国内代理 set_github_proxy # 以下目标系统需要进入alpine环境安装 # ubuntu/alpine # el8/9/fedora 任何架构 <2g # el7 aarch64 <1.5g if [ "$distro" = "ubuntu" ] || [ "$distro" = "alpine" ] || [ "$distro" = "windows" ] || [ "$distro" = "dd" ] || { [ "$distro_like" = "redhat" ] && [ $releasever -ge 8 ] && [ $ram_size -lt 2048 ]; } || { [ "$distro_like" = "redhat" ] && [ $releasever -eq 7 ] && [ $ram_size -lt 1536 ] && [ $basearch = "aarch64" ]; }; then # 安装alpine时,使用指定的版本。 alpine作为中间系统时,使用 3.18 [ "$distro" = "alpine" ] && alpine_releasever=$releasever || alpine_releasever=3.18 setos finalos $distro $releasever setos nextos alpine $alpine_releasever else setos nextos $distro $releasever fi # 下载启动内核 # shellcheck disable=SC2154 { info download vmlnuz and initrd echo $nextos_vmlinuz curl -Lo /reinstall-vmlinuz $nextos_vmlinuz echo $nextos_initrd curl -Lo /reinstall-initrd $nextos_initrd } # 转换 finalos_a=1 为 finalos.a=1 ,排除 finalos_mirrorlist build_finalos_cmdline() { if vars=$(compgen -v finalos_); then for key in $vars; do value=${!key} key=${key#finalos_} if [ -n "$value" ] && [ $key != "mirrorlist" ]; then finalos_cmdline+=" finalos.$key='$value'" fi done fi } build_extra_cmdline() { for key in localtest confhome sleep; do value=${!key} if [ -n "$value" ]; then extra_cmdline+=" extra.$key='$value'" fi done # 指定最终安装系统的 mirrorlist,链接有&,在grub中是特殊字符,所以要加引号 if [ -n "$finalos_mirrorlist" ]; then extra_cmdline+=" extra.mirrorlist='$finalos_mirrorlist'" elif [ -n "$nextos_mirrorlist" ]; then extra_cmdline+=" extra.mirrorlist='$nextos_mirrorlist'" fi } # shellcheck disable=SC2154 build_cmdline() { if [ -n "$finalos_cmdline" ]; then # 有 finalos_cmdline 表示需要两步安装 # 两步安装需要修改 alpine initrd mod_alpine_initrd # 可添加 pkgs=xxx,yyy 启动时自动安装 # apkovl=http://xxx.com/apkovl.tar.gz 可用,arm https未测但应该不行 # apkovl=sda2:ext4:/apkovl.tar.gz 官方有写但不生效 cmdline="alpine_repo=$nextos_repo modloop=$nextos_modloop $extra_cmdline $finalos_cmdline" else if [ $distro = debian ]; then cmdline="lowmem=+1 lowmem/low=1 auto=true priority=critical url=$nextos_ks" else # redhat cmdline="root=live:$nextos_squashfs inst.ks=$nextos_ks $extra_cmdline" fi fi } mod_alpine_initrd() { # 修改 alpine 启动时运行我们的脚本 info mod alpine initrd install_pkg gzip cpio # 解压 # 先删除临时文件,避免之前运行中断有残留文件 tmp_dir=/tmp/reinstall/ rm -rf $tmp_dir mkdir -p $tmp_dir cd $tmp_dir zcat /reinstall-initrd | cpio -idm # 预先下载脚本 curl -Lo $tmp_dir/trans.start $confhome/trans.sh # hack # exec /bin/busybox switch_root $switch_root_opts $sysroot $chart_init "$KOPT_init" $KOPT_init_args # 3.17 # exec switch_root $switch_root_opts $sysroot $chart_init "$KOPT_init" $KOPT_init_args # 3.18 line_num=$(grep -E -n '^exec (/bin/busybox )?switch_root' init | cut -d: -f1) line_num=$((line_num - 1)) # 1. alpine arm initramfs 时间问题 要添加 --no-check-certificate # 2. 神奇的 aws t4g arm 会出现bad header错误, 但甲骨文arm就正常,所以只能预先下载 # Connecting to raw.githubusercontent.com ( # 60C0BB2FFAFF0000:error:0A00009C:SSL routines:ssl3_get_record:http request:ssl/record/ssl3_record.c:345: # ssl_client: SSL_connect # wget: bad header line: � cat </reinstall-initrd cd - } build_finalos_cmdline build_extra_cmdline build_cmdline info 'create grub config' # linux grub if ! is_in_windows; then # 找到主配置 grub.cfg grub_cfg=$(find /boot -type f -name grub.cfg -exec grep -E -l 'menuentry|blscfg' {} \;) # 在x86 efi机器上,不同版本的 grub 可能用 linux 或 linuxefi 加载内核 # 通过检测原有的条目有没有 linuxefi 字样就知道当前 grub 用哪一种 search_files=$(find /boot -type f -name grub.cfg) if [ -d /boot/loader/entries/ ]; then search_files+=" /boot/loader/entries/" fi if grep -q -r -E '^[[:blank:]]*linuxefi[[:blank:]]' $search_files; then efi=efi fi fi # 生成 custom.cfg (linux) 或者 grub.cfg (win) is_in_windows && custom_cfg=/cygdrive/$c/grub.cfg || custom_cfg=$(dirname $grub_cfg)/custom.cfg echo $custom_cfg cat <