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import dayjs from "dayjs/esm"
import utcPlugin from "dayjs/esm/plugin/utc"
import timezonePlugin from "dayjs/esm/plugin/timezone"
import customParseFormat from "dayjs/esm/plugin/customParseFormat"
import duration from "dayjs/esm/plugin/duration"
import isSameOrBefore from "dayjs/esm/plugin/isSameOrBefore"
import weekday from "dayjs/esm/plugin/weekday"
* 传入任意时区的时间(不携带时区),转换为 UTC 时间
export function tranformToUTC(date: string, format?: string, timezone: string = "Asia/Shanghai"): number {
if (!format) return, timezone).valueOf()
return, format, timezone).valueOf()
const words = [
startAt: dayjs(),
regExp: /^(?:今[天日]|to?day?)(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().subtract(1, "days"),
regExp: /^(?:昨[天日]|y(?:ester)?day?)(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().subtract(2, "days"),
regExp: /^(?:前天|(?:the)?d(?:ay)?b(?:eforeyesterda)?y)(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(1)) ? dayjs().weekday(1).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(1),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)一(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(2)) ? dayjs().weekday(2).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(2),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)二(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(3)) ? dayjs().weekday(3).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(3),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)三(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(4)) ? dayjs().weekday(4).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(4),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)四(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(5)) ? dayjs().weekday(5).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(5),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)五(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(6)) ? dayjs().weekday(6).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(6),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)六(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().isSameOrBefore(dayjs().weekday(7)) ? dayjs().weekday(7).subtract(1, "week") : dayjs().weekday(7),
regExp: /^(?:周|星期)[天日](.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().add(1, "days"),
regExp: /^(?:明[天日]|y(?:ester)?day?)(.*)/,
startAt: dayjs().add(2, "days"),
regExp: /^(?:[后後][天日]|(?:the)?d(?:ay)?a(?:fter)?t(?:omrrow)?)(.*)/,
const patterns = [
unit: "years",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:年|y(?:ea)?rs?)/,
unit: "months",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:[个個]?月|months?)/,
unit: "weeks",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:周|[个個]?星期|weeks?)/,
unit: "days",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:天|日|d(?:ay)?s?)/,
unit: "hours",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:[个個]?(?:小?时|[時点點])|h(?:(?:ou)?r)?s?)/,
unit: "minutes",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:分[鐘钟]?|m(?:in(?:ute)?)?s?)/,
unit: "seconds",
regExp: /(\d+)(?:秒[鐘钟]?|s(?:ec(?:ond)?)?s?)/,
const patternSize = Object.keys(patterns).length
* 预处理日期字符串
* @param {string} date 原始日期字符串
function toDate(date: string) {
return date
.replace(/(^an?\s)|(\san?\s)/g, "1") // 替换 `a` 和 `an` 为 `1`
.replace(/几|幾/g, "3") // 如 `几秒钟前` 视作 `3秒钟前`
.replace(/[\s,]/g, "")
} // 移除所有空格
* 将 `['\d+时', ..., '\d+秒']` 转换为 `{ hours: \d+, ..., seconds: \d+ }`
* 用于描述时间长度
* @param {Array.<string>} matches 所有匹配结果
function toDurations(matches: string[]) {
const durations: Record<string, string> = {}
let p = 0
for (const m of matches) {
for (; p <= patternSize; p++) {
const match = patterns[p].regExp.exec(m)
if (match) {
durations[patterns[p].unit] = match[1]
return durations
export const parseDate = (date: string | number, ...options: any) => dayjs(date, ...options).toDate()
export function parseRelativeDate(date: string, timezone: string = "UTC") {
if (date === "刚刚") return new Date()
// 预处理日期字符串 date
const theDate = toDate(date)
// 将 `\d+年\d+月...\d+秒前` 分割成 `['\d+年', ..., '\d+秒前']`
const matches = theDate.match(/\D*\d+(?![:\-/]|(a|p)m)\D+/g)
const offset = dayjs.duration({ hours: (dayjs().tz(timezone).utcOffset() - dayjs().utcOffset()) / 60 })
console.log((dayjs().tz(timezone).utcOffset() - dayjs().utcOffset()) / 60)
if (matches) {
// 获得最后的时间单元,如 `\d+秒前`
const lastMatch = matches.pop()
if (lastMatch) {
// 若最后的时间单元含有 `前`、`以前`、`之前` 等标识字段,减去相应的时间长度
// 如 `1分10秒前`
const beforeMatches = /(.*)(?:前|ago)$/.exec(lastMatch)
if (beforeMatches) {
// duration 这个插件有 bug他会重新实现 subtract 这个方法,并且不会处理 weeks。用 ms 就可以调用默认的方法
return dayjs().subtract(dayjs.duration(toDurations(matches))).toDate()
// 若最后的时间单元含有 `后`、`以后`、`之后` 等标识字段,加上相应的时间长度
// 如 `1分10秒后`
const afterMatches = /(?:^in(.*)|(.*)[后後])$/.exec(lastMatch)
if (afterMatches) {
matches.push(afterMatches[1] ?? afterMatches[2])
return dayjs()
// 以下处理日期字符串 date 含有特殊词的情形
// 如 `今天1点10分`
const firstMatch = matches.shift()
if (firstMatch) {
for (const w of words) {
const wordMatches = w.regExp.exec(firstMatch)
if (wordMatches) {
// 取特殊词对应日零时为起点,加上相应的时间长度
.set("hour", 0)
.set("minute", 0)
.set("second", 0)
.set("millisecond", 0)
.add(offset), timezone)
} else {
// 若日期字符串 date 不匹配 patterns 中所有模式,则默认为 `特殊词 + 标准时间格式` 的情形,此时直接将特殊词替换为对应日期
// 如今天为 `2022-03-22`,则 `今天 20:00` => `2022-03-22 20:00`
for (const w of words) {
const wordMatches = w.regExp.exec(theDate)
if (wordMatches) {
// The default parser of dayjs() can parse '8:00 pm' but not '8:00pm'
// so we need to insert a space in between
return`${w.startAt.add(offset).format("YYYY-MM-DD")} ${/a|pm$/.test(wordMatches[1]) ? wordMatches[1].replace(/a|pm/, " $&") : wordMatches[1]}`, timezone).toDate()
return date