import path from "node:path" import { writeFile } from "node:fs/promises" import type { Plugin } from "rollup" import glob from "fast-glob" import type { FilterPattern } from "@rollup/pluginutils" import { createFilter, normalizePath } from "@rollup/pluginutils" import { projectDir } from "../shared/dir" const ID_PREFIX = "glob:" const root = path.join(projectDir, "server") type GlobMap = Record<string /* name:pattern */, string[]> export function RollopGlob(): Plugin { const map: GlobMap = {} const include: FilterPattern = [] const exclude: FilterPattern = [] const filter = createFilter(include, exclude) return { name: "rollup-glob", resolveId(id, src) { if (!id.startsWith(ID_PREFIX)) return if (!src || !filter(src)) return return `${id}:${encodeURIComponent(src)}` }, async load(id) { if (!id.startsWith(ID_PREFIX)) return const [_, pattern, encodePath] = id.split(":") const currentPath = decodeURIComponent(encodePath) const files = ( await glob(pattern, { cwd: currentPath ? path.dirname(currentPath) : root, absolute: true, }) ) .map(file => normalizePath(file)) .filter(file => file !== normalizePath(currentPath)) .sort() map[pattern] = files const contents = => { const r = file.replace("/index", "") const name = path.basename(r, path.extname(r)) return `export * as ${name} from '${file}'\n` }).join("\n") await writeTypeDeclaration(map, path.join(root, "glob")) return `${contents}\n` }, } } async function writeTypeDeclaration(map: GlobMap, filename: string) { function relatePath(filepath: string) { return normalizePath(path.relative(path.dirname(filename), filepath)) } let declare = `/* eslint-disable */\n\n` const sortedEntries = Object.entries(map).sort(([a], [b]) => a.localeCompare(b), ) for (const [_idx, [id, files]] of sortedEntries.entries()) { declare += `declare module '${ID_PREFIX}${id}' {\n` for (const file of files) { const relative = `./${relatePath(file)}`.replace(/\.tsx?$/, "") const r = file.replace("/index", "") const fileName = path.basename(r, path.extname(r)) declare += ` export const ${fileName}: typeof import('${relative}')\n` } declare += `}\n` } await writeFile(`${filename}.d.ts`, declare, "utf-8") }