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<script lang="ts">
import { onMount } from 'svelte'
2024-04-29 15:56:28 +08:00
import {url} from "@utils/url-utils.ts"
let keywordDesktop = ''
let keywordMobile = ''
let result = []
const fakeResult = [{
2024-04-29 15:56:28 +08:00
url: url('/'),
meta: {
title: 'This Is a Fake Search Result'
excerpt: 'Because the search cannot work in the <mark>dev</mark> environment.'
}, {
2024-04-29 15:56:28 +08:00
url: url('/'),
meta: {
title: 'If You Want to Test the Search'
excerpt: 'Try running <mark>npm build && npm preview</mark> instead.'
let search = (keyword: string, isDesktop: boolean) => {}
onMount(() => {
search = async (keyword: string, isDesktop: boolean) => {
let panel = document.getElementById('search-panel')
if (!panel)
if (!keyword && isDesktop) {
let arr = [];
if (import.meta.env.PROD) {
const ret = await pagefind.search(keyword)
for (const item of ret.results) {
arr.push(await item.data())
} else {
// Mock data for non-production environment
// arr = JSON.parse('[{"url":"/","content":"Simple Guides for Fuwari. Cover image source: Source. This blog template is built with Astro. For the things that are not mentioned in this guide, you may find the answers in the Astro Docs. Front-matter of Posts. --- title: My First Blog Post published: 2023-09-09 description: This is the first post of my new Astro blog. image: ./cover.jpg tags: [Foo, Bar] category: Front-end draft: false ---AttributeDescription title. The title of the post. published. The date the post was published. description. A short description of the post. Displayed on index page. image. The cover image path of the post. 1. Start with http:// or https://: Use web image 2. Start with /: For image in public dir 3. With none of the prefixes: Relative to the markdown file. tags. The tags of the post. category. The category of the post. draft. If this post is still a draft, which wont be displayed. Where to Place the Post Files. Your post files should be placed in src/content/posts/ directory. You can also create sub-directories to better organize your posts and assets. src/content/posts/ ├── post-1.md └── post-2/ ├── cover.png └── index.md.","word_count":187,"filters":{},"meta":{"title":"This Is a Fake Search Result"},"anchors":[{"element":"h2","id":"front-matter-of-posts","text":"Front-matter of Posts","location":34},{"element":"h2","id":"where-to-place-the-post-files","text":"Where to Place the Post Files","location":151}],"weighted_locations":[{"weight":10,"balanced_score":57600,"location":3}],"locations":[3],"raw_content":"Simple Guides for Fuwari. Cover image source: Source. This blog template is built with Astro. For the things that are not mentioned in this guide, you may find the answers in the Astro Docs. Front-matter of Posts. --- title: My First Blog Post published: 2023-09-09 description: This is the first post of my new Astro blog. image: ./cover.jpg tags: [Foo, Bar] category: Front-end draft: false ---AttributeDescription title. The title of the post. published. The date the post was published. description. A short description of the post. Displayed on index page. image. The cover image path of the post. 1. Start with http:// or https://: Use web image 2. Start with /: For image in public dir 3. With none of the prefixes: Relative to the markdown file. tags. The tags of the post. category. The category of the post. draft. If this post is still a draft, which wont be displayed. Where to Place the Post Files. Your post files should be placed in src/content/posts/ directory. You can also create sub-directories to better organize your posts and assets. src/content/posts/ ├── post-1.md └── post-2/ ├── cover.png └── index.md.","raw_url":"/posts/guide/","excerpt":"Because the search cannot work in the <mark>dev</mark> environment.","sub_results":[{"title":"Simple Guides for Fuwari - Fuwari","url":"/posts/guide/","weighted_locations":[{"weight":10,"balanced_score":57600,"location":3}],"locations":[3],"excerpt":"Simple Guides for <mark>Fuwari.</mark> Cover image source: Source. This blog template is built with Astro. For the things that are not mentioned in this guide, you may find the answers"}]},{"url":"/","content":"About. This is the demo site for Fuwari. Sources of images used in this site. Unsplash. 星と少女 by Stella. Rabbit - v1.4 Showcase by Rabbit_YourMajesty.","word_count":25,"filters":{},"meta":{"title":"If You Want to Test the Search"},"anchors":[{"element":"h1","id":"about","text":"About","location":0},{"element":"h3","id":"sources-of-images-used-in-this-site","text":"Sources of images used in this site","location":8}],"weighted_locations":[{"weight":1,"balanced_score":576,"location":7}],"locations":[7],"raw_content":"About. This is the demo site for Fuwari. Sources of images used in this site. Unsplash. 星と少女 by Stella. Rabbit - v1.4 Showcase by Rabbit_YourMajesty.","raw_url":"/about/","excerpt":"Try running <mark>npm build && npm preview</mark> instead.","sub_results":[{"title":"About","url":"/about/#about","a
arr = fakeResult
if (!arr.length && isDesktop) {
if (isDesktop) {
result = arr
const togglePanel = () => {
let panel = document.getElementById('search-panel')
$: search(keywordDesktop, true)
$: search(keywordMobile, false)
<!-- search bar for desktop view -->
<div id="search-bar" class="hidden lg:flex transition-all items-center h-11 mr-2 rounded-lg
bg-black/[0.04] hover:bg-black/[0.06] focus-within:bg-black/[0.06]
dark:bg-white/5 dark:hover:bg-white/10 dark:focus-within:bg-white/10
<slot name="search-icon"></slot>
<input placeholder="Search" bind:value={keywordDesktop} on:focus={() => search(keywordDesktop, true)}
class="transition-all pl-10 text-sm bg-transparent outline-0
h-full w-40 active:w-60 focus:w-60 text-black/50 dark:text-white/50"
<!-- toggle btn for phone/tablet view -->
<button on:click={togglePanel} aria-label="Search Panel" id="search-switch"
class="btn-plain lg:hidden rounded-lg w-11 h-11 active:scale-90">
<slot name="search-switch"></slot>
<!-- search panel -->
<div id="search-panel" class="float-panel float-panel-closed search-panel absolute md:w-[30rem]
top-20 left-4 md:left-[unset] right-4 shadow-2xl rounded-2xl p-2">
<!-- search bar inside panel for phone/tablet -->
<div id="search-bar-inside" class="flex relative lg:hidden transition-all items-center h-11 rounded-xl
bg-black/[0.04] hover:bg-black/[0.06] focus-within:bg-black/[0.06]
dark:bg-white/5 dark:hover:bg-white/10 dark:focus-within:bg-white/10
<slot name="search-icon"></slot>
<input placeholder="Search" bind:value={keywordMobile}
class="pl-10 absolute inset-0 text-sm bg-transparent outline-0
focus:w-60 text-black/50 dark:text-white/50"
<!-- search results -->
{#each result as item}
<a href={item.url}
class="transition first-of-type:mt-2 lg:first-of-type:mt-0 group block
rounded-xl text-lg px-3 py-2 hover:bg-[var(--btn-plain-bg-hover)] active:bg-[var(--btn-plain-bg-active)]">
<div class="transition text-90 inline-flex font-bold group-hover:text-[var(--primary)]">
{item.meta.title}<slot name="arrow-icon"></slot>
<div class="transition text-sm text-50">
{@html item.excerpt}