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synced 2025-03-14 09:44:45 +08:00
88 lines
4.3 KiB
88 lines
4.3 KiB
ErrInvalidParams: "Request parameter error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrTokenParse: "Token generation error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrInitialPassword: "Initial password error"
ErrInternalServer: "Service internal error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrRecordExist: "Record already exists"
ErrRecordNotFound: "Records not found"
ErrTransform: "Type conversion failure: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNotLogin: "User is not Login: {{ .detail }}"
ErrPasswordExpired: "The current password has expired: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNotSupportType: "The system does not support the current type: {{ .detail }}"
ErrProxy: "Request error, please check the node status: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNameIsExist: "Name is already exist"
ErrDemoEnvironment: "Demo server, prohibit this operation!"
ErrEntrance: "Security entrance information error. Please check and try again!"
ErrGroupIsUsed: "The group is in use and cannot be deleted"
ErrLocalDelete: "Unable to delete local node!"
ErrPortInUsed: "{{ .detail }} port already in use"
ErrCreateHttpClient: "Failed to create HTTP request {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqTimeOut: "Request timed out {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqFailed: "Request failed {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqNotFound: "The file does not exist"
ErrNoSuchHost: "Network connection failed"
ErrBackupInUsed: "The backup account is currently in use in a scheduled task and cannot be deleted."
ErrBackupCheck: "Backup account test connection failed {{.err}}"
ErrBackupLocalDelete: "Deleting local server backup accounts is not currently supported."
ErrLicense: "License format error, please check and try again!"
ErrLicenseCheck: "License verification failed, please check and try again!"
ErrLicenseSave: "Failed to save license information, error {{ .err }}, please try again!"
ErrLicenseSync: "Failed to sync license information, no license information detected in the database!"
ErrXpackNotFound: "This section is a professional edition feature, please import the license first in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrXpackExceptional: "This section is a professional edition feature, please synchronize the license status first in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrXpackOutOfDate: "The current license has expired, please re-import the license in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrXpackLost: "The license has reached the maximum number of retry attempts. Please go to the [Settings] [License] page and manually click the sync button to ensure that the professional version features are functioning properly."
ErrXpackTimeout: "Request timed out, the network connection may be unstable, please try again later!"
ErrUnbindMaster: "Detected that there are nodes in the node management, unable to unbind the current license. Please remove them first and try again!"
ErrFreeNodeLimit: "The number of nodes for the community edition has reached the free limit. Please visit www.lxware.cn/1panel to purchase and try again!"
ErrNodeBound: "This license is already bound to another node. Please check and try again!"
ErrNoSuchNode: "Failed to find the node information. Please check and try again!"
ErrNodeUnbind: "Detected that this node is no longer within the license binding range. Please check and try again!"
ErrNodeBind: "The node is already bound to a license. Please check and try again!"
TaskStart: "{{.name}} Task Start [START]"
TaskEnd: "{{.name}} Task End [COMPLETED]"
TaskFailed: "{{.name}} Task Failed"
TaskTimeout: "{{.name}} Timeout"
TaskSuccess: "{{.name}} Task Successful"
TaskRetry: "Starting the {{.name}} retry"
SubTaskSuccess: "{{ .name }} Successful"
SubTaskFailed: "{{ .name }} Failed: {{ .err }}"
TaskInstall: "Install"
TaskUninstall: "Uninstall"
TaskCreate: "Create"
TaskDelete: "Delete"
TaskUpgrade: "Upgrade"
TaskUpdate: "Update"
TaskRestart: "Restart"
TaskRollback: "Rollback"
SuccessStatus: "{{ .name }} Successful"
FailedStatus: "{{ .name }} Failed {{.err}}"
PullImage: "Pull Image"
Start: "Start"
Run: "Launch"
Stop: "Stop"
SubTask: "Subtask"
#upgrade node
NodeUpgrade: "Upgrade Node {name}"
NewSSHClient: "Initialize SSH Connection"
BackupBeforeUpgrade: "Backup Data Before Upgrade"
UploadUpgradeFile: "Distribute Upgrade Required Files"
RestartAfterUpgrade: "Start Service After Upgrade"
#add node
TaskAddNode: "Add Node"
GenerateSSLInfo: "Generate Node SSL Information"
ConnInfoNotMatch: "Connection information does not match";
MakeAgentPackage: "Generate Node Installation Package"
SendAgent: "Distribute Node Installation Package"
StartService: "Start Service" |