mirror of https://github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel.git synced 2025-03-14 09:44:45 +08:00

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ErrInvalidParams: "Request parameter error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrTokenParse: "Token generation error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrInitialPassword: "Initial password error"
ErrInternalServer: "Service internal error: {{ .detail }}"
ErrRecordExist: "Record already exists"
ErrRecordNotFound: "Records not found"
ErrStructTransform: "Type conversion failure: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNotLogin: "User is not Login: {{ .detail }}"
ErrPasswordExpired: "The current password has expired: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNotSupportType: "The system does not support the current type: {{ .detail }}"
ErrNameIsExist: "Name is already exist"
ErrDemoEnvironment: "Demo server, prohibit this operation!"
ErrCmdTimeout: "Command execution timed out"
ErrCmdIllegal: "The command contains illegal characters. Please modify and try again!"
ErrPortExist: '{{ .port }} port is already occupied by {{ .type }} [{{ .name }}]'
TYPE_APP: "Application"
TYPE_RUNTIME: "Runtime environment"
TYPE_DOMAIN: "Domain name"
ErrTypePort: 'Port {{ .name }} format error'
ErrTypePortRange: 'Port range needs to be between 1-65535'
Success: "Success"
Failed: "Failed"
SystemRestart: "System restart causes task interruption"
ErrPortInUsed: "{{ .detail }} port already in use"
ErrAppLimit: "App exceeds install limit"
ErrAppRequired: "{{ .detail }} app is required"
ErrNotInstall: "App not installed"
ErrPortInOtherApp: "{{ .port }} port already in use by app {{ .apps }}"
ErrDbUserNotValid: "Stock database, username and password do not match"
ErrDockerComposeNotValid: "docker-compose file format error!"
ErrUpdateBuWebsite: 'The application was updated successfully, but the modification of the website configuration file failed, please check the configuration!'
Err1PanelNetworkFailed: 'Default container network creation failed! {{ .detail }}'
ErrFileParse: 'Application docker-compose file parsing failed!'
ErrInstallDirNotFound: 'installation directory does not exist'
AppStoreIsUpToDate: 'The app store is already up to date'
LocalAppVersionNull: 'The {{.name}} app is not synced to version! Could not add to application list'
LocalAppVersionErr: '{{.name}} failed to sync version {{.version}}! {{.err}}'
ErrFileNotFound: '{{.name}} file does not exist'
ErrFileParseApp: 'Failed to parse {{.name}} file {{.err}}'
ErrAppDirNull: 'version folder does not exist'
LocalAppErr: "App {{.name}} sync failed! {{.err}}"
ErrContainerName: "ContainerName is already exist"
ErrAppSystemRestart: "1Panel restart causes the task to terminate"
ErrCreateHttpClient: "Failed to create HTTP request {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqTimeOut: "Request timed out {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqFailed: "Request failed {{.err}}"
ErrHttpReqNotFound: "The file does not exist"
ErrNoSuchHost: "Network connection failed"
ErrImagePullTimeOut: 'Image pull timeout'
ErrContainerNotFound: '{{ .name }} container does not exist'
ErrContainerMsg: '{{ .name }} container is abnormal, please check the log on the container page for details'
ErrAppBackup: '{{ .name }} application backup failed err {{.err}}'
ErrImagePull: '{{ .name }} image pull failed err {{.err}}'
ErrVersionTooLow: 'The current 1Panel version is too low to update the app store, please upgrade the version'
ErrAppNameExist: 'App name is already exist'
AppStoreIsSyncing: 'The App Store is syncing, please try again later'
ErrGetCompose: "Failed to obtain docker-compose.yml file! {{ .detail }}"
ErrAppWarn: "Abnormal status, please check the log"
ErrAppParamKey: "Parameter {{ .name }} field exception"
ErrAppUpgrade: "Failed to upgrade application {{ .name }} {{ .err }}"
AppRecover: "App {{ .name }} rolled back "
PullImageStart: "Start pulling image {{ .name }}"
PullImageSuccess: "Image pulled successfully"
UpgradeAppStart: "Start upgrading application {{ .name }}"
UpgradeAppSuccess: "App {{ .name }} upgraded successfully"
ErrFileCanNotRead: "File can not read"
ErrFileToLarge: "file is too large"
ErrPathNotFound: "Path is not found"
ErrMovePathFailed: "The target path cannot contain the original path!"
ErrLinkPathNotFound: "Target path does not exist!"
ErrFileIsExist: "File or directory already exists!"
ErrFileUpload: "Failed to upload file {{.name}} {{.detail}}"
ErrFileDownloadDir: "Download folder not supported"
ErrCmdNotFound: "{{ .name}} command does not exist, please install this command on the host first"
ErrSourcePathNotFound: "Source directory does not exist"
ErrFavoriteExist: "This path has been collected"
ErrInvalidChar: "Illegal characters are prohibited"
ErrDomainIsExist: "Domain is already exist"
ErrAliasIsExist: "Alias is already exist"
ErrAppDelete: 'Other Website use this App'
ErrGroupIsUsed: 'The group is in use and cannot be deleted'
ErrBackupMatch: 'the backup file does not match the current partial data of the website: {{ .detail}}'
ErrBackupExist: 'the backup file corresponds to a portion of the original data that does not exist: {{ .detail}}'
ErrPHPResource: 'The local runtime does not support switching'
ErrPathPermission: 'A folder with non-1000:1000 permissions was detected in the index directory, which may cause an Access denied error when accessing the website. Please click the save button above'
ErrDomainIsUsed: "Domain is already used by website {{ .name }}"
ErrDomainFormat: "{{ .name }} domain format error"
ErrDefaultAlias: "default is a reserved code name, please use another code name"
ErrImageNotExist: "Running environment {{.name}} image does not exist, please re-edit the running environment"
ErrSSLCannotDelete: "The certificate {{ .name }} is being used by the website and cannot be removed"
ErrAccountCannotDelete: "The certificate associated with the account cannot be deleted"
ErrSSLApply: "The certificate continues to be signed successfully, but openresty reload fails, please check the configuration"
ErrEmailIsExist: 'Email is already exist'
ErrSSLKeyNotFound: 'The private key file does not exist'
ErrSSLCertificateNotFound: 'The certificate file does not exist'
ErrSSLKeyFormat: 'Private key file verification error'
ErrSSLCertificateFormat: 'Certificate file format error, please use pem format'
ErrEabKidOrEabHmacKeyCannotBlank: 'EabKid or EabHmacKey cannot be empty'
ErrOpenrestyNotFound: 'Http mode requires Openresty to be installed first'
ApplySSLStart: 'Start applying for certificate, domain name [{{ .domain }}] application method [{{ .type }}] '
dnsAccount: "DNS Automatic"
dnsManual: "DNS Manual"
http: "HTTP"
ApplySSLFailed: 'Application for [{{ .domain }}] certificate failed, {{.detail}} '
ApplySSLSuccess: 'Application for [{{ .domain }}] certificate successful! ! '
DNSAccountName: 'DNS account [{{ .name }}] manufacturer [{{.type}}]'
PushDirLog: 'Certificate pushed to directory [{{ .path }}] {{ .status }}'
ErrDeleteCAWithSSL: "There is an issued certificate under the current organization and cannot be deleted"
ErrDeleteWithPanelSSL: "Panel SSL configuration uses this certificate and cannot be deleted"
ErrDefaultCA: "The default organization cannot be deleted"
ApplyWebSiteSSLLog: "Start updating {{ .name }} website certificate"
ErrUpdateWebsiteSSL: "{{ .name }} website failed to update certificate: {{ .err }}"
ApplyWebSiteSSLSuccess: "Update website certificate successfully"
ErrUserIsExist: "The current user already exists. Please enter a new user"
ErrDatabaseIsExist: "The current database already exists. Please enter a new database"
ErrExecTimeOut: "SQL execution timed out, please check the database"
ErrRemoteExist: "The remote database already exists with that name, please modify it and try again"
ErrLocalExist: "The local database already exists with that name, please modify it and try again"
ErrTypeOfRedis: "The recovery file type does not match the current persistence mode. Modify the file type and try again"
ErrInUsed: "{{ .detail }} is in use and cannot be deleted"
ErrObjectInUsed: "This object is in use and cannot be deleted"
ErrPortRules: "The number of ports does not match, please re-enter!"
ErrPgImagePull: "Image pull timeout. Please configure image acceleration or manually pull the postgres:16.0-alpine image and try again"
ErrDirNotFound: "The build folder does not exist! Please check file integrity"
ErrFileNotExist: "{{ .detail }} file does not exist! Please check source file integrity"
ErrImageBuildErr: "Image build failed"
ErrImageExist: "Image is already exist"
ErrDelWithWebsite: "The operating environment has been associated with a website and cannot be deleted"
ErrRuntimeStart: "Failed to start"
ErrPackageJsonNotFound: "package.json file does not exist"
ErrScriptsNotFound: "No scripts configuration item was found in package.json"
ErrContainerNameNotFound: "Unable to get container name, please check .env file"
ErrNodeModulesNotFound: "The node_modules folder does not exist! Please edit the running environment or wait for the running environment to start successfully"
ErrBackupInUsed: "The backup account is already being used in a cronjob and cannot be deleted."
ErrBackupCheck: "Backup account test connection failed {{ .err}}"
ErrOSSConn: "Unable to retrieve the latest version, please check if the server can connect to the external network."
ErrEntrance: "Security entrance information error. Please check and try again!"
ErrConfigNotFound: "Configuration file does not exist"
ErrConfigParse: "Configuration file format error"
ErrConfigIsNull: "The configuration file is not allowed to be empty"
ErrConfigDirNotFound: "The running directory does not exist"
ErrConfigAlreadyExist: "A configuration file with the same name already exists"
ErrUserFindErr: "Failed to find user {{ .name }} {{ .err }}"
ErrFirewall: "No firewalld or ufw service is detected. Please check and try again!"
ErrBashExecute: "Script execution error, please check the specific information in the task output text area."
ErrCutWebsiteLog: "{{ .name }} website log cutting failed, error {{ .err }}"
CutWebsiteLogSuccess: "{{ .name }} website log cut successfully, backup path {{ .path }}"
ErrNotExistUser: "The current user does not exist. Please modify and retry!"
ErrBanAction: "Setting failed, the current {{ .name }} service is unavailable, please check and try again!"
ErrClamdscanNotFound: "The clamdscan command was not detected, please refer to the documentation to install it!"
ErrScope: "Modification of this configuration is not supported"
ErrStateChange: "State modification failed"
ErrRuleExist: "Rule is Exist"
ErrRuleNotExist: "Rule is not Exist"
ErrParseIP: "IP format error"
ErrDefaultIP: "default is a reserved name, please change it to another name"
ErrGroupInUse: "The IP group is used by the black/white list and cannot be deleted"
ErrGroupExist: "IP group name already exists"
ErrIPRange: "Wrong IP range"
ErrIPExist: "IP is exit"
ErrLicense: "License format error, please check and try again!"
ErrLicenseCheck: "License verification failed, please check and try again!"
ErrLicenseSave: "Failed to save license information, error {{ .err }}, please try again!"
ErrLicenseSync: "Failed to sync license information, no license information detected in the database!"
ErrXpackNotFound: "This section is a professional edition feature, please import the license first in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrXpackNotActive: "This section is a professional edition feature, please synchronize the license status first in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrXpackOutOfDate: "The current license has expired, please re-import the license in Panel Settings-License interface"
ErrAlert: "Alert information format error, please check and try again!"
ErrAlertPush: "Alert push error, please check and try again!"
ErrAlertSave: "Alert save error, please check and try again!"
ErrAlertSync: "Alert sync error, please check and try again!"
ErrAlertRemote: "Remote alert error, please check and try again!"