mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 18:54:43 +08:00

* feat: Add usage scope for backup accounts * fix: 解决计划任务列表不显示备份账号的问题 * feat: 统一备份文件大小获取接口
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535 lines
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package service
import (
type BackupService struct{}
type IBackupService interface {
CheckUsed(id uint) error
Sync(req dto.SyncFromMaster) error
LoadBackupOptions() ([]dto.BackupOption, error)
SearchWithPage(search dto.SearchPageWithType) (int64, interface{}, error)
Create(backupDto dto.BackupOperate) error
GetBuckets(backupDto dto.ForBuckets) ([]interface{}, error)
Update(req dto.BackupOperate) error
Delete(id uint) error
RefreshToken(req dto.OperateByID) error
GetLocalDir() (string, error)
MysqlBackup(db dto.CommonBackup) error
PostgresqlBackup(db dto.CommonBackup) error
MysqlRecover(db dto.CommonRecover) error
PostgresqlRecover(db dto.CommonRecover) error
MysqlRecoverByUpload(req dto.CommonRecover) error
PostgresqlRecoverByUpload(req dto.CommonRecover) error
RedisBackup(db dto.CommonBackup) error
RedisRecover(db dto.CommonRecover) error
WebsiteBackup(db dto.CommonBackup) error
WebsiteRecover(req dto.CommonRecover) error
AppBackup(db dto.CommonBackup) (*model.BackupRecord, error)
AppRecover(req dto.CommonRecover) error
func NewIBackupService() IBackupService {
return &BackupService{}
func (u *BackupService) GetLocalDir() (string, error) {
account, err := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByType(constant.Local))
if err != nil {
return "", err
return account.BackupPath, nil
func (u *BackupService) SearchWithPage(req dto.SearchPageWithType) (int64, interface{}, error) {
options := []repo.DBOption{repo.WithOrderBy("created_at desc")}
if len(req.Type) != 0 {
options = append(options, repo.WithByType(req.Type))
if len(req.Info) != 0 {
options = append(options, repo.WithByType(req.Info))
count, accounts, err := backupRepo.Page(req.Page, req.PageSize, options...)
if err != nil {
return 0, nil, err
var data []dto.BackupInfo
for _, account := range accounts {
var item dto.BackupInfo
if err := copier.Copy(&item, &account); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("copy backup account to dto backup info failed, err: %v", err)
if item.Type != constant.Sftp && item.Type != constant.Local {
item.BackupPath = path.Join("/", strings.TrimPrefix(item.BackupPath, "/"))
if !item.RememberAuth {
item.AccessKey = ""
item.Credential = ""
if account.Type == constant.Sftp {
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
delete(varMap, "passPhrase")
itemVars, _ := json.Marshal(varMap)
item.Vars = string(itemVars)
} else {
item.AccessKey = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(item.AccessKey))
item.Credential = base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(item.Credential))
if account.Type == constant.OneDrive || account.Type == constant.ALIYUN || account.Type == constant.GoogleDrive {
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(item.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
delete(varMap, "refresh_token")
delete(varMap, "drive_id")
itemVars, _ := json.Marshal(varMap)
item.Vars = string(itemVars)
data = append(data, item)
return count, data, nil
func (u *BackupService) Create(req dto.BackupOperate) error {
if req.Type == constant.Local {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrBackupLocalCreate)
if req.Type != constant.Sftp && req.BackupPath != "/" {
req.BackupPath = strings.TrimPrefix(req.BackupPath, "/")
backup, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByName(req.Name))
if backup.ID != 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordExist
if err := copier.Copy(&backup, &req); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(constant.ErrStructTransform, err.Error())
itemAccessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(backup.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return err
backup.AccessKey = string(itemAccessKey)
itemCredential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(backup.Credential)
if err != nil {
return err
backup.Credential = string(itemCredential)
if req.Type == constant.OneDrive || req.Type == constant.GoogleDrive {
if err := loadRefreshTokenByCode(&backup); err != nil {
return err
if req.Type != "LOCAL" {
isOk, err := u.checkBackupConn(&backup)
if err != nil || !isOk {
return buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrBackupCheck, map[string]interface{}{"err": err.Error()}, err)
backup.AccessKey, err = encrypt.StringEncrypt(backup.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return err
backup.Credential, err = encrypt.StringEncrypt(backup.Credential)
if err != nil {
return err
if err := backupRepo.Create(&backup); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *BackupService) GetBuckets(req dto.ForBuckets) ([]interface{}, error) {
itemAccessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.AccessKey = string(itemAccessKey)
itemCredential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Credential)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
req.Credential = string(itemCredential)
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(req.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
switch req.Type {
case constant.Sftp, constant.WebDAV:
varMap["username"] = req.AccessKey
varMap["password"] = req.Credential
case constant.OSS, constant.S3, constant.MinIo, constant.Cos, constant.Kodo:
varMap["accessKey"] = req.AccessKey
varMap["secretKey"] = req.Credential
client, err := cloud_storage.NewCloudStorageClient(req.Type, varMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client.ListBuckets()
func (u *BackupService) Delete(id uint) error {
backup, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByID(id))
if backup.ID == 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordNotFound
if backup.Type == constant.Local {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrBackupLocalDelete)
return backupRepo.Delete(repo.WithByID(id))
func (u *BackupService) Update(req dto.BackupOperate) error {
backup, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByID(req.ID))
if backup.ID == 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordNotFound
if req.Type != constant.Sftp && req.Type != constant.Local && req.BackupPath != "/" {
req.BackupPath = strings.TrimPrefix(req.BackupPath, "/")
var newBackup model.BackupAccount
if err := copier.Copy(&newBackup, &req); err != nil {
return errors.WithMessage(constant.ErrStructTransform, err.Error())
itemAccessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(newBackup.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return err
newBackup.AccessKey = string(itemAccessKey)
itemCredential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(newBackup.Credential)
if err != nil {
return err
newBackup.Credential = string(itemCredential)
if backup.Type == constant.Local {
if newBackup.Vars != backup.Vars {
oldPath := backup.BackupPath
newPath := newBackup.BackupPath
if strings.HasSuffix(newPath, "/") && newPath != "/" {
newPath = newPath[:strings.LastIndex(newPath, "/")]
if err := files.NewFileOp().CopyDir(oldPath, newPath); err != nil {
return err
if newBackup.Type == constant.OneDrive || newBackup.Type == constant.GoogleDrive {
if err := loadRefreshTokenByCode(&backup); err != nil {
return err
if backup.Type != "LOCAL" {
isOk, err := u.checkBackupConn(&newBackup)
if err != nil || !isOk {
return buserr.WithMap("ErrBackupCheck", map[string]interface{}{"err": err.Error()}, err)
newBackup.AccessKey, err = encrypt.StringEncrypt(newBackup.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
return err
newBackup.Credential, err = encrypt.StringEncrypt(newBackup.Credential)
if err != nil {
return err
newBackup.ID = backup.ID
if err := backupRepo.Save(&newBackup); err != nil {
return err
return nil
func (u *BackupService) RefreshToken(req dto.OperateByID) error {
backup, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByID(req.ID))
if backup.ID == 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordNotFound
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(backup.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to refresh %s - %s token, please retry, err: %v", backup.Type, backup.Name, err)
var (
refreshToken string
err error
switch backup.Type {
case constant.OneDrive:
refreshToken, err = client.RefreshToken("refresh_token", "refreshToken", varMap)
case constant.GoogleDrive:
refreshToken, err = client.RefreshGoogleToken("refresh_token", "refreshToken", varMap)
case constant.ALIYUN:
refreshToken, err = client.RefreshALIToken(varMap)
if err != nil {
varMap["refresh_status"] = constant.StatusFailed
varMap["refresh_msg"] = err.Error()
return fmt.Errorf("Failed to refresh %s-%s token, please retry, err: %v", backup.Type, backup.Name, err)
varMap["refresh_status"] = constant.StatusSuccess
varMap["refresh_time"] = time.Now().Format(constant.DateTimeLayout)
varMap["refresh_token"] = refreshToken
varsItem, _ := json.Marshal(varMap)
backup.Vars = string(varsItem)
return backupRepo.Save(&backup)
func (u *BackupService) checkBackupConn(backup *model.BackupAccount) (bool, error) {
client, err := newClient(backup)
if err != nil {
return false, err
fileItem := path.Join(global.CONF.System.BaseDir, "1panel/tmp/test/1panel")
if _, err := os.Stat(path.Dir(fileItem)); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err = os.MkdirAll(path.Dir(fileItem), os.ModePerm); err != nil {
return false, err
file, err := os.OpenFile(fileItem, os.O_WRONLY|os.O_CREATE, constant.FilePerm)
if err != nil {
return false, err
defer file.Close()
write := bufio.NewWriter(file)
_, _ = write.WriteString("1Panel 备份账号测试文件。\n")
_, _ = write.WriteString("1Panel 備份賬號測試文件。\n")
_, _ = write.WriteString("1Panel Backs up account test files.\n")
_, _ = write.WriteString("1Panelアカウントのテストファイルをバックアップします。\n")
targetPath := path.Join(backup.BackupPath, "test/1panel")
if backup.Type != constant.Sftp && backup.Type != constant.Local && targetPath != "/" {
targetPath = strings.TrimPrefix(targetPath, "/")
return client.Upload(fileItem, targetPath)
func (u *BackupService) Sync(req dto.SyncFromMaster) error {
var accountItem model.BackupAccount
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(req.Data), &accountItem); err != nil {
return err
accountItem.AccessKey, _ = encrypt.StringEncryptWithBase64(accountItem.AccessKey)
accountItem.Credential, _ = encrypt.StringEncryptWithBase64(accountItem.Credential)
account, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByName(req.Name))
switch req.Operation {
case "create":
if account.ID != 0 {
accountItem.ID = account.ID
return backupRepo.Save(&accountItem)
return backupRepo.Create(&accountItem)
case "delete":
if account.ID == 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordNotFound
return backupRepo.Delete(repo.WithByID(account.ID))
case "update":
if account.ID == 0 {
return constant.ErrRecordNotFound
accountItem.ID = account.ID
return backupRepo.Save(&accountItem)
return fmt.Errorf("not support such operation %s", req.Operation)
func (u *BackupService) LoadBackupOptions() ([]dto.BackupOption, error) {
accounts, err := backupRepo.List(repo.WithOrderBy("created_at desc"))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
var data []dto.BackupOption
for _, account := range accounts {
var item dto.BackupOption
if err := copier.Copy(&item, &account); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("copy backup account to dto backup info failed, err: %v", err)
data = append(data, item)
return data, nil
func (u *BackupService) CheckUsed(id uint) error {
cronjobs, _ := cronjobRepo.List()
for _, job := range cronjobs {
if job.DownloadAccountID == id {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrBackupInUsed)
ids := strings.Split(job.SourceAccountIDs, ",")
for _, idItem := range ids {
if idItem == fmt.Sprintf("%v", id) {
return buserr.New(constant.ErrBackupInUsed)
return nil
func NewBackupClientWithID(id uint) (*model.BackupAccount, cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient, error) {
account, _ := backupRepo.Get(repo.WithByID(id))
backClient, err := newClient(&account)
if err != nil {
return nil, nil, err
return &account, backClient, nil
type backupClientHelper struct {
id uint
accountType string
name string
backupPath string
client cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient
func NewBackupClientMap(ids []string) (map[string]backupClientHelper, error) {
var accounts []model.BackupAccount
var idItems []uint
for i := 0; i < len(ids); i++ {
item, _ := strconv.Atoi(ids[i])
idItems = append(idItems, uint(item))
accounts, _ = backupRepo.List(repo.WithByIDs(idItems))
clientMap := make(map[string]backupClientHelper)
for _, item := range accounts {
backClient, err := newClient(&item)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
clientMap[fmt.Sprintf("%v", item.ID)] = backupClientHelper{
client: backClient,
name: item.Name,
backupPath: item.BackupPath,
accountType: item.Type,
id: item.ID,
return clientMap, nil
func newClient(account *model.BackupAccount) (cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient, error) {
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if len(account.Vars) != 0 {
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(account.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
return nil, err
varMap["bucket"] = account.Bucket
varMap["backupPath"] = account.BackupPath
account.AccessKey, _ = encrypt.StringDecrypt(account.AccessKey)
account.Credential, _ = encrypt.StringDecrypt(account.Credential)
switch account.Type {
case constant.Sftp, constant.WebDAV:
varMap["username"] = account.AccessKey
varMap["password"] = account.Credential
case constant.OSS, constant.S3, constant.MinIo, constant.Cos, constant.Kodo:
varMap["accessKey"] = account.AccessKey
varMap["secretKey"] = account.Credential
case constant.UPYUN:
varMap["operator"] = account.AccessKey
varMap["password"] = account.Credential
client, err := cloud_storage.NewCloudStorageClient(account.Type, varMap)
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return client, nil
func loadRefreshTokenByCode(backup *model.BackupAccount) error {
varMap := make(map[string]interface{})
if err := json.Unmarshal([]byte(backup.Vars), &varMap); err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("unmarshal backup vars failed, err: %v", err)
refreshToken := ""
var err error
if backup.Type == constant.GoogleDrive {
refreshToken, err = client.RefreshGoogleToken("authorization_code", "refreshToken", varMap)
if err != nil {
return err
} else {
refreshToken, err = client.RefreshToken("authorization_code", "refreshToken", varMap)
if err != nil {
return err
delete(varMap, "code")
varMap["refresh_status"] = constant.StatusSuccess
varMap["refresh_time"] = time.Now().Format(constant.DateTimeLayout)
varMap["refresh_token"] = refreshToken
itemVars, err := json.Marshal(varMap)
if err != nil {
return fmt.Errorf("json marshal var map failed, err: %v", err)
backup.Vars = string(itemVars)
return nil
func loadBackupNamesByID(accountIDs string, downloadID uint) ([]string, string, error) {
accountIDList := strings.Split(accountIDs, ",")
var ids []uint
for _, item := range accountIDList {
if len(item) != 0 {
itemID, _ := strconv.Atoi(item)
ids = append(ids, uint(itemID))
list, err := backupRepo.List(repo.WithByIDs(ids))
if err != nil {
return nil, "", err
var accounts []string
var downloadAccount string
for _, item := range list {
itemName := fmt.Sprintf("%s - %s", item.Type, item.Name)
accounts = append(accounts, itemName)
if item.ID == downloadID {
downloadAccount = itemName
return accounts, downloadAccount, nil