local uuid = require 'resty.uuid' local utils = require "utils" local config = require "config" uuid.seed() local update_req_count = function() local req_count = ngx.shared.waf_req_count local req_count_update = req_count:get("req_count") or 0 req_count:set("req_count", 0) local count_4xx_update = req_count:get("count_4xx") or 0 req_count:set("count_4xx", 0) local count_5xx_update = req_count:get("count_5xx") or 0 req_count:set("count_5xx", 0) local attack_count_update = req_count:get("attack_count") or 0 req_count:set("attack_count", 0) if req_count_update == 0 and count_4xx_update == 0 and count_5xx_update == 0 and attack_count_update == 0 then return end local today = ngx.today() local wafdb = utils.get_wafdb(config.waf_db_path) if not wafdb then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "get log db failed") return end wafdb:execute([[BEGIN TRANSACTION]]) local stmt_exist = wafdb:prepare("SELECT COUNT(*) FROM waf_stat WHERE day = ?") stmt_exist:bind_values(today) stmt_exist:step() local count = stmt_exist:get_uvalues() stmt_exist:finalize() local code = 0 if count > 0 then local stmt = wafdb:prepare("UPDATE waf_stat SET req_count = req_count + ?, count4xx = count4xx + ?, count5xx = count5xx + ?, attack_count = attack_count + ? WHERE day = ?") stmt:bind_values(req_count_update, count_4xx_update, count_5xx_update, attack_count_update, today) code = stmt:step() stmt:finalize() else local stmt = wafdb:prepare("INSERT INTO waf_stat (day, req_count, count4xx, count5xx, attack_count,create_date) VALUES (?, ?, ?, ?, ?,DATETIME('now'))") stmt:bind_values(today, req_count_update, count_4xx_update, count_5xx_update, attack_count_update) code = stmt:step() stmt:finalize() end wafdb:execute([[COMMIT]]) --local error_msg = wafdb:errmsg() --if error_msg then -- ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "update waf_stat error ", error_msg .. " ") --end end if 0 == ngx.worker.id() then local ok, err = ngx.timer.every(2, update_req_count) if not ok then ngx.log(ngx.ERR, "failed to create the timer: ", err) return end end