package v1 import ( "fmt" "net/http" "strconv" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func (b *BaseApi) WsSsh(c *gin.Context) { id, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Query("id")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } host, err := hostService.GetHostInfo(uint(id)) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } var connInfo ssh.ConnInfo if err := copier.Copy(&connInfo, &host); err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, constant.ErrStructTransform) return } wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err) return } defer wsConn.Close() client, err := connInfo.NewClient() if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to set up the connection. Please check the host information")) { return } defer client.Close() ssConn, err := connInfo.NewSshConn(cols, rows) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } defer ssConn.Close() sws, err := terminal.NewLogicSshWsSession(cols, rows, true, connInfo.Client, wsConn) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } defer sws.Close() quitChan := make(chan bool, 3) sws.Start(quitChan) go sws.Wait(quitChan) <-quitChan if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } } func (b *BaseApi) RedisWsSsh(c *gin.Context) { cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } redisConf, err := redisService.LoadConf() if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("load redis container failed, err: %v", err) helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err) return } wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err) return } defer wsConn.Close() commands := fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -it %s redis-cli", redisConf.ContainerName) if len(redisConf.Requirepass) != 0 { commands = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -it %s redis-cli -a %s --no-auth-warning", redisConf.ContainerName, redisConf.Requirepass) } slave, err := terminal.NewCommand(commands) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } defer slave.Close() tty, err := terminal.NewLocalWsSession(cols, rows, wsConn, slave) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } quitChan := make(chan bool, 3) tty.Start(quitChan) go slave.Wait(quitChan) <-quitChan global.LOG.Info("websocket finished") if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } } func (b *BaseApi) ContainerWsSsh(c *gin.Context) { containerID := c.Query("containerid") command := c.Query("command") user := c.Query("user") if len(command) == 0 || len(containerID) == 0 { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error param of command or containerID")) return } cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40")) if err != nil { helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err) return } wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil) if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err) return } defer wsConn.Close() cmds := fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s %s", containerID, command) if len(user) != 0 { cmds = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -u %s %s %s", user, containerID, command) } stdout, err := cmd.Exec(cmds) if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, stdout)) { return } commands := fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -it %s %s", containerID, command) if len(user) != 0 { commands = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -it -u %s %s %s", user, containerID, command) } slave, err := terminal.NewCommand(commands) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } defer slave.Close() tty, err := terminal.NewLocalWsSession(cols, rows, wsConn, slave) if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } quitChan := make(chan bool, 3) tty.Start(quitChan) go slave.Wait(quitChan) <-quitChan global.LOG.Info("websocket finished") if wshandleError(wsConn, err) { return } } func wshandleError(ws *websocket.Conn, err error) bool { if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("handler ws faled:, err: %v", err) dt := time.Now().Add(time.Second) if err := ws.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte(err.Error()), dt); err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("websocket writes control message failed, err: %v", err) } return true } return false } var upGrader = websocket.Upgrader{ ReadBufferSize: 1024, WriteBufferSize: 1024 * 1024 * 10, CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool { return true }, }