package service import ( "context" "fmt" "os" "path" "strconv" "strings" "sync" "time" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" "" ) func (u *CronjobService) HandleJob(cronjob *model.Cronjob) { var ( message []byte err error ) record := cronjobRepo.StartRecords(cronjob.ID, cronjob.KeepLocal, "") go func() { switch cronjob.Type { case "shell": if len(cronjob.Script) == 0 { return } if len(cronjob.ContainerName) != 0 { message, err = u.handleShell(cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name, fmt.Sprintf("docker exec %s %s", cronjob.ContainerName, cronjob.Script)) } else { message, err = u.handleShell(cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name, cronjob.Script) } u.HandleRmExpired("LOCAL", "", "", cronjob, nil) case "snapshot": messageItem := "" messageItem, record.File, err = u.handleSnapshot(cronjob, record.StartTime) message = []byte(messageItem) case "curl": if len(cronjob.URL) == 0 { return } message, err = u.handleShell(cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name, fmt.Sprintf("curl '%s'", cronjob.URL)) u.HandleRmExpired("LOCAL", "", "", cronjob, nil) case "ntp": err = u.handleNtpSync() u.HandleRmExpired("LOCAL", "", "", cronjob, nil) case "website", "database", "app": record.File, err = u.handleBackup(cronjob, record.StartTime) case "directory": if len(cronjob.SourceDir) == 0 { return } record.File, err = u.handleBackup(cronjob, record.StartTime) case "cutWebsiteLog": var messageItem []string messageItem, record.File, err = u.handleCutWebsiteLog(cronjob, record.StartTime) message = []byte(strings.Join(messageItem, "\n")) case "clean": messageItem := "" messageItem, err = u.handleSystemClean() message = []byte(messageItem) u.HandleRmExpired("LOCAL", "", "", cronjob, nil) case "log": record.File, err = u.handleSystemLog(*cronjob, record.StartTime) } if err != nil { cronjobRepo.EndRecords(record, constant.StatusFailed, err.Error(), string(message)) return } if len(message) != 0 { record.Records, err = mkdirAndWriteFile(cronjob, record.StartTime, message) if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("save file %s failed, err: %v", record.Records, err) } } cronjobRepo.EndRecords(record, constant.StatusSuccess, "", record.Records) }() } func (u *CronjobService) handleShell(cronType, cornName, script string) ([]byte, error) { handleDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/task/%s/%s", constant.DataDir, cronType, cornName) if _, err := os.Stat(handleDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(handleDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return nil, err } } stdout, err := cmd.ExecCronjobWithTimeOut(script, handleDir, 24*time.Hour) if err != nil { return []byte(stdout), err } return []byte(stdout), nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleNtpSync() error { ntpServer, err := settingRepo.Get(settingRepo.WithByKey("NtpSite")) if err != nil { return err } ntime, err := ntp.GetRemoteTime(ntpServer.Value) if err != nil { return err } if err := ntp.UpdateSystemTime(ntime.Format("2006-01-02 15:04:05")); err != nil { return err } return nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleBackup(cronjob *model.Cronjob, startTime time.Time) (string, error) { backup, err := backupRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(cronjob.TargetDirID))) if err != nil { return "", err } localDir, err := loadLocalDir() if err != nil { return "", err } global.LOG.Infof("start to backup %s %s to %s", cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name, backup.Type) switch cronjob.Type { case "database": paths, err := u.handleDatabase(*cronjob, backup, startTime) return strings.Join(paths, ","), err case "app": paths, err := u.handleApp(*cronjob, backup, startTime) return strings.Join(paths, ","), err case "website": paths, err := u.handleWebsite(*cronjob, backup, startTime) return strings.Join(paths, ","), err default: fileName := fmt.Sprintf("directory%s_%s.tar.gz", strings.ReplaceAll(cronjob.SourceDir, "/", "_"), startTime.Format("20060102150405")) backupDir := path.Join(localDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name)) itemFileDir := fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", cronjob.Type, cronjob.Name) global.LOG.Infof("handle tar %s to %s", backupDir, fileName) if err := handleTar(cronjob.SourceDir, backupDir, fileName, cronjob.ExclusionRules); err != nil { return "", err } var client cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { if !cronjob.KeepLocal { defer func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", backupDir, fileName)) }() } client, err = NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return "", err } if len(backup.BackupPath) != 0 { itemFileDir = path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/"), itemFileDir) } if _, err = client.Upload(backupDir+"/"+fileName, itemFileDir+"/"+fileName); err != nil { return "", err } } u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, localDir, cronjob, client) if backup.Type == "LOCAL" || cronjob.KeepLocal { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", backupDir, fileName), nil } else { return fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", itemFileDir, fileName), nil } } } func (u *CronjobService) HandleRmExpired(backType, backupPath, localDir string, cronjob *model.Cronjob, backClient cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient) { global.LOG.Infof("start to handle remove expired, retain copies: %d", cronjob.RetainCopies) records, _ := cronjobRepo.ListRecord(cronjobRepo.WithByJobID(int(cronjob.ID)), commonRepo.WithOrderBy("created_at desc")) if len(records) <= int(cronjob.RetainCopies) { return } for i := int(cronjob.RetainCopies); i < len(records); i++ { if len(records[i].File) != 0 { files := strings.Split(records[i].File, ",") for _, file := range files { _ = os.Remove(file) _ = backupRepo.DeleteRecord(context.TODO(), backupRepo.WithByFileName(path.Base(file))) if backType == "LOCAL" { continue } fileItem := file if cronjob.KeepLocal { if len(backupPath) != 0 { fileItem = path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backupPath, "/") + strings.TrimPrefix(file, localDir+"/")) } else { fileItem = strings.TrimPrefix(file, localDir+"/") } } if cronjob.Type == "snapshot" { _ = snapshotRepo.Delete(commonRepo.WithByName(strings.TrimSuffix(path.Base(fileItem), ".tar.gz"))) } _, _ = backClient.Delete(fileItem) } } _ = cronjobRepo.DeleteRecord(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(records[i].ID))) _ = os.Remove(records[i].Records) } } func handleTar(sourceDir, targetDir, name, exclusionRules string) error { if _, err := os.Stat(targetDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(targetDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } } excludes := strings.Split(exclusionRules, ",") excludeRules := "" excludes = append(excludes, "*.sock") for _, exclude := range excludes { if len(exclude) == 0 { continue } excludeRules += " --exclude " + exclude } path := "" if strings.Contains(sourceDir, "/") { itemDir := strings.ReplaceAll(sourceDir[strings.LastIndex(sourceDir, "/"):], "/", "") aheadDir := sourceDir[:strings.LastIndex(sourceDir, "/")] if len(aheadDir) == 0 { aheadDir = "/" } path += fmt.Sprintf("-C %s %s", aheadDir, itemDir) } else { path = sourceDir } commands := fmt.Sprintf("tar --warning=no-file-changed --ignore-failed-read -zcf %s %s %s", targetDir+"/"+name, excludeRules, path) global.LOG.Debug(commands) stdout, err := cmd.ExecWithTimeOut(commands, 24*time.Hour) if err != nil { if len(stdout) != 0 { global.LOG.Errorf("do handle tar failed, stdout: %s, err: %v", stdout, err) return fmt.Errorf("do handle tar failed, stdout: %s, err: %v", stdout, err) } } return nil } func handleUnTar(sourceFile, targetDir string) error { if _, err := os.Stat(targetDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(targetDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return err } } commands := fmt.Sprintf("tar zxvfC %s %s", sourceFile, targetDir) global.LOG.Debug(commands) stdout, err := cmd.ExecWithTimeOut(commands, 24*time.Hour) if err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("do handle untar failed, stdout: %s, err: %v", stdout, err) return errors.New(stdout) } return nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleDatabase(cronjob model.Cronjob, backup model.BackupAccount, startTime time.Time) ([]string, error) { var paths []string localDir, err := loadLocalDir() if err != nil { return paths, err } dbs := loadDbsForJob(cronjob) var client cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { client, err = NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return paths, err } } for _, dbInfo := range dbs { var record model.BackupRecord record.Type = dbInfo.DBType record.Source = "LOCAL" record.BackupType = backup.Type record.Name = dbInfo.Database backupDir := path.Join(localDir, fmt.Sprintf("database/%s/%s/%s", dbInfo.DBType, record.Name, dbInfo.Name)) record.FileName = fmt.Sprintf("db_%s_%s.sql.gz", dbInfo.Name, startTime.Format("20060102150405")) if cronjob.DBType == "mysql" || cronjob.DBType == "mariadb" { if err = handleMysqlBackup(dbInfo.Database, dbInfo.Name, backupDir, record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } } else { if err = handlePostgresqlBackup(dbInfo.Database, dbInfo.Name, backupDir, record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } } record.DetailName = dbInfo.Name record.FileDir = backupDir itemFileDir := strings.TrimPrefix(backupDir, localDir+"/") if !cronjob.KeepLocal && backup.Type != "LOCAL" { record.Source = backup.Type record.FileDir = itemFileDir } if err := backupRepo.CreateRecord(&record); err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("save backup record failed, err: %v", err) return paths, err } if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { if !cronjob.KeepLocal { defer func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", backupDir, record.FileName)) }() } if len(backup.BackupPath) != 0 { itemFileDir = path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/"), itemFileDir) } if _, err = client.Upload(backupDir+"/"+record.FileName, itemFileDir+"/"+record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } } if backup.Type == "LOCAL" || cronjob.KeepLocal { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", record.FileDir, record.FileName)) } else { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", itemFileDir, record.FileName)) } } u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, localDir, &cronjob, client) return paths, nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleCutWebsiteLog(cronjob *model.Cronjob, startTime time.Time) ([]string, string, error) { var ( err error filePaths []string msgs []string ) websites := loadWebsForJob(*cronjob) nginx, err := getAppInstallByKey(constant.AppOpenresty) if err != nil { return msgs, "", nil } baseDir := path.Join(nginx.GetPath(), "www", "sites") fileOp := files.NewFileOp() var wg sync.WaitGroup wg.Add(len(websites)) for _, website := range websites { websiteLogDir := path.Join(baseDir, website.Alias, "log") srcAccessLogPath := path.Join(websiteLogDir, "access.log") srcErrorLogPath := path.Join(websiteLogDir, "error.log") dstLogDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.Backup, "log", "website", website.Alias) if !fileOp.Stat(dstLogDir) { _ = os.MkdirAll(dstLogDir, 0755) } dstName := fmt.Sprintf("%s_log_%s.gz", website.PrimaryDomain, startTime.Format("20060102150405")) dstFilePath := path.Join(dstLogDir, dstName) filePaths = append(filePaths, dstFilePath) if err = backupLogFile(dstFilePath, websiteLogDir, fileOp); err != nil { websiteErr := buserr.WithNameAndErr("ErrCutWebsiteLog", website.PrimaryDomain, err) err = websiteErr msgs = append(msgs, websiteErr.Error()) global.LOG.Error(websiteErr.Error()) continue } else { _ = fileOp.WriteFile(srcAccessLogPath, strings.NewReader(""), 0755) _ = fileOp.WriteFile(srcErrorLogPath, strings.NewReader(""), 0755) } msg := i18n.GetMsgWithMap("CutWebsiteLogSuccess", map[string]interface{}{"name": website.PrimaryDomain, "path": dstFilePath}) global.LOG.Infof(msg) msgs = append(msgs, msg) } wg.Wait() u.HandleRmExpired("LOCAL", "", "", cronjob, nil) return msgs, strings.Join(filePaths, ","), err } func backupLogFile(dstFilePath, websiteLogDir string, fileOp files.FileOp) error { if err := cmd.ExecCmd(fmt.Sprintf("tar -czf %s -C %s %s", dstFilePath, websiteLogDir, strings.Join([]string{"access.log", "error.log"}, " "))); err != nil { dstDir := path.Dir(dstFilePath) if err = fileOp.Copy(path.Join(websiteLogDir, "access.log"), dstDir); err != nil { return err } if err = fileOp.Copy(path.Join(websiteLogDir, "error.log"), dstDir); err != nil { return err } if err = cmd.ExecCmd(fmt.Sprintf("tar -czf %s -C %s %s", dstFilePath, dstDir, strings.Join([]string{"access.log", "error.log"}, " "))); err != nil { return err } _ = fileOp.DeleteFile(path.Join(dstDir, "access.log")) _ = fileOp.DeleteFile(path.Join(dstDir, "error.log")) return nil } return nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleApp(cronjob model.Cronjob, backup model.BackupAccount, startTime time.Time) ([]string, error) { var paths []string localDir, err := loadLocalDir() if err != nil { return paths, err } var applist []model.AppInstall if cronjob.AppID == "all" { applist, err = appInstallRepo.ListBy() if err != nil { return paths, err } } else { itemID, _ := (strconv.Atoi(cronjob.AppID)) app, err := appInstallRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(itemID))) if err != nil { return paths, err } applist = append(applist, app) } var client cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { client, err = NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return paths, err } } for _, app := range applist { var record model.BackupRecord record.Type = "app" record.Name = app.App.Key record.DetailName = app.Name record.Source = "LOCAL" record.BackupType = backup.Type backupDir := path.Join(localDir, fmt.Sprintf("app/%s/%s", app.App.Key, app.Name)) record.FileDir = backupDir itemFileDir := strings.TrimPrefix(backupDir, localDir+"/") if !cronjob.KeepLocal && backup.Type != "LOCAL" { record.Source = backup.Type record.FileDir = strings.TrimPrefix(backupDir, localDir+"/") } record.FileName = fmt.Sprintf("app_%s_%s.tar.gz", app.Name, startTime.Format("20060102150405")) if err := handleAppBackup(&app, backupDir, record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } if err := backupRepo.CreateRecord(&record); err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("save backup record failed, err: %v", err) return paths, err } if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { if !cronjob.KeepLocal { defer func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", backupDir, record.FileName)) }() } if len(backup.BackupPath) != 0 { itemFileDir = path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/"), itemFileDir) } if _, err = client.Upload(backupDir+"/"+record.FileName, itemFileDir+"/"+record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } } if backup.Type == "LOCAL" || cronjob.KeepLocal { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", record.FileDir, record.FileName)) } else { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", itemFileDir, record.FileName)) } } u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, localDir, &cronjob, client) return paths, nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleWebsite(cronjob model.Cronjob, backup model.BackupAccount, startTime time.Time) ([]string, error) { var paths []string localDir, err := loadLocalDir() if err != nil { return paths, err } weblist := loadWebsForJob(cronjob) var client cloud_storage.CloudStorageClient if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { client, err = NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return paths, err } } for _, websiteItem := range weblist { var record model.BackupRecord record.Type = "website" record.Name = websiteItem.PrimaryDomain record.DetailName = websiteItem.Alias record.Source = "LOCAL" record.BackupType = backup.Type backupDir := path.Join(localDir, fmt.Sprintf("website/%s", websiteItem.PrimaryDomain)) record.FileDir = backupDir itemFileDir := strings.TrimPrefix(backupDir, localDir+"/") if !cronjob.KeepLocal && backup.Type != "LOCAL" { record.Source = backup.Type record.FileDir = strings.TrimPrefix(backupDir, localDir+"/") } record.FileName = fmt.Sprintf("website_%s_%s.tar.gz", websiteItem.PrimaryDomain, startTime.Format("20060102150405")) if err := handleWebsiteBackup(&websiteItem, backupDir, record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } if err := backupRepo.CreateRecord(&record); err != nil { global.LOG.Errorf("save backup record failed, err: %v", err) return paths, err } if backup.Type != "LOCAL" { if !cronjob.KeepLocal { defer func() { _ = os.RemoveAll(fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", backupDir, record.FileName)) }() } if len(backup.BackupPath) != 0 { itemFileDir = path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/"), itemFileDir) } if _, err = client.Upload(backupDir+"/"+record.FileName, itemFileDir+"/"+record.FileName); err != nil { return paths, err } } if backup.Type == "LOCAL" || cronjob.KeepLocal { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", record.FileDir, record.FileName)) } else { paths = append(paths, fmt.Sprintf("%s/%s", itemFileDir, record.FileName)) } } u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, localDir, &cronjob, client) return paths, nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleSnapshot(cronjob *model.Cronjob, startTime time.Time) (string, string, error) { backup, err := backupRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(cronjob.TargetDirID))) if err != nil { return "", "", err } client, err := NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return "", "", err } req := dto.SnapshotCreate{ From: backup.Type, } message, name, err := NewISnapshotService().HandleSnapshot(true, req, startTime.Format("20060102150405")) if err != nil { return message, "", err } path := path.Join(strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/"), "system_snapshot", name+".tar.gz") u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, "", cronjob, client) return message, path, nil } func (u *CronjobService) handleSystemClean() (string, error) { return NewIDeviceService().CleanForCronjob() } func (u *CronjobService) handleSystemLog(cronjob model.Cronjob, startTime time.Time) (string, error) { backup, err := backupRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(cronjob.TargetDirID))) if err != nil { return "", err } pathItem := path.Join(global.CONF.System.BaseDir, "1panel/tmp/log", startTime.Format("20060102150405")) websites, err := websiteRepo.List() if err != nil { return "", err } if len(websites) != 0 { nginxInstall, err := getAppInstallByKey(constant.AppOpenresty) if err != nil { return "", err } webItem := path.Join(nginxInstall.GetPath(), "www/sites") for _, website := range websites { dirItem := path.Join(pathItem, "website", website.Alias) if _, err := os.Stat(dirItem); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(dirItem, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return "", err } } itemDir := path.Join(webItem, website.Alias, "log") logFiles, _ := os.ReadDir(itemDir) if len(logFiles) != 0 { for i := 0; i < len(logFiles); i++ { if !logFiles[i].IsDir() { _ = cpBinary([]string{path.Join(itemDir, logFiles[i].Name())}, dirItem) } } } itemDir2 := path.Join(global.CONF.System.Backup, "log/website", website.Alias) logFiles2, _ := os.ReadDir(itemDir2) if len(logFiles2) != 0 { for i := 0; i < len(logFiles2); i++ { if !logFiles2[i].IsDir() { _ = cpBinary([]string{path.Join(itemDir2, logFiles2[i].Name())}, dirItem) } } } } global.LOG.Debug("backup website log successful!") } systemLogDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.BaseDir, "1panel/log") systemDir := path.Join(pathItem, "system") if _, err := os.Stat(systemDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(systemDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return "", err } } systemLogFiles, _ := os.ReadDir(systemLogDir) if len(systemLogFiles) != 0 { for i := 0; i < len(systemLogFiles); i++ { if !systemLogFiles[i].IsDir() { _ = cpBinary([]string{path.Join(systemLogDir, systemLogFiles[i].Name())}, systemDir) } } } global.LOG.Debug("backup system log successful!") loginLogFiles, _ := os.ReadDir("/var/log") loginDir := path.Join(pathItem, "login") if _, err := os.Stat(loginDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) { if err = os.MkdirAll(loginDir, os.ModePerm); err != nil { return "", err } } if len(loginLogFiles) != 0 { for i := 0; i < len(loginLogFiles); i++ { if !loginLogFiles[i].IsDir() && (strings.HasPrefix(loginLogFiles[i].Name(), "secure") || strings.HasPrefix(loginLogFiles[i].Name(), "auth.log")) { _ = cpBinary([]string{path.Join("/var/log", loginLogFiles[i].Name())}, loginDir) } } } global.LOG.Debug("backup ssh log successful!") fileName := fmt.Sprintf("system_log_%s.tar.gz", startTime.Format("20060102150405")) targetDir := path.Dir(pathItem) if err := handleTar(pathItem, targetDir, fileName, ""); err != nil { return "", err } defer func() { os.RemoveAll(pathItem) os.RemoveAll(path.Join(targetDir, fileName)) }() client, err := NewIBackupService().NewClient(&backup) if err != nil { return "", err } targetPath := "log/" + fileName if len(backup.BackupPath) != 0 { targetPath = strings.TrimPrefix(backup.BackupPath, "/") + "/log/" + fileName } if _, err = client.Upload(path.Join(targetDir, fileName), targetPath); err != nil { return "", err } u.HandleRmExpired(backup.Type, backup.BackupPath, "", &cronjob, client) return targetPath, nil } func hasBackup(cronjobType string) bool { return cronjobType == "app" || cronjobType == "database" || cronjobType == "website" || cronjobType == "directory" || cronjobType == "snapshot" || cronjobType == "log" } type databaseHelper struct { DBType string Database string Name string } func loadDbsForJob(cronjob model.Cronjob) []databaseHelper { var dbs []databaseHelper if cronjob.DBName == "all" { if cronjob.DBType == "mysql" || cronjob.DBType == "mariadb" { mysqlItems, _ := mysqlRepo.List() for _, mysql := range mysqlItems { dbs = append(dbs, databaseHelper{ DBType: cronjob.DBType, Database: mysql.MysqlName, Name: mysql.Name, }) } } else { pgItems, _ := postgresqlRepo.List() for _, pg := range pgItems { dbs = append(dbs, databaseHelper{ DBType: cronjob.DBType, Database: pg.PostgresqlName, Name: pg.Name, }) } } return dbs } itemID, _ := (strconv.Atoi(cronjob.DBName)) if cronjob.DBType == "mysql" || cronjob.DBType == "mariadb" { mysqlItem, _ := mysqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(itemID))) dbs = append(dbs, databaseHelper{ DBType: cronjob.DBType, Database: mysqlItem.MysqlName, Name: mysqlItem.Name, }) } else { pgItem, _ := postgresqlRepo.Get(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(itemID))) dbs = append(dbs, databaseHelper{ DBType: cronjob.DBType, Database: pgItem.PostgresqlName, Name: pgItem.Name, }) } return dbs } func loadWebsForJob(cronjob model.Cronjob) []model.Website { var weblist []model.Website if cronjob.Website == "all" { weblist, _ = websiteRepo.List() return weblist } itemID, _ := (strconv.Atoi(cronjob.Website)) webItem, _ := websiteRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(uint(itemID))) if webItem.ID != 0 { weblist = append(weblist, webItem) } return weblist }