import { AcmeAccountTypes, DNSTypes, KeyTypes } from '@/global/mimetype'; import i18n from '@/lang'; import useClipboard from 'vue-clipboard3'; const { toClipboard } = useClipboard(); import { MsgError, MsgSuccess } from '@/utils/message'; export function deepCopy(obj: any): T { let newObj: any; try { newObj = obj.push ? [] : {}; } catch (error) { newObj = {}; } for (let attr in obj) { if (typeof obj[attr] === 'object') { newObj[attr] = deepCopy(obj[attr]); } else { newObj[attr] = obj[attr]; } } return newObj; } export function randomNum(min: number, max: number): number { let num = Math.floor(Math.random() * (min - max) + max); return num; } export function getBrowserLang() { let browserLang = navigator.language ? navigator.language : navigator.browserLanguage; let defaultBrowserLang = ''; if ( browserLang.toLowerCase() === 'cn' || browserLang.toLowerCase() === 'zh' || browserLang.toLowerCase() === 'zh-cn' ) { defaultBrowserLang = 'zh'; } else { defaultBrowserLang = 'en'; } return defaultBrowserLang; } export function dateFormat(row: any, col: any, dataStr: any) { const date = new Date(dataStr); const y = date.getFullYear(); let m: string | number = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? `0${String(m)}` : m; let d: string | number = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? `0${String(d)}` : d; let h: string | number = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? `0${String(h)}` : h; let minute: string | number = date.getMinutes(); minute = minute < 10 ? `0${String(minute)}` : minute; let second: string | number = date.getSeconds(); second = second < 10 ? `0${String(second)}` : second; return `${String(y)}-${String(m)}-${String(d)} ${String(h)}:${String(minute)}:${String(second)}`; } //2016-01-12 export function dateFormatSimple(dataStr: any) { const date = new Date(dataStr); const y = date.getFullYear(); let m: string | number = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? `0${String(m)}` : m; let d: string | number = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? `0${String(d)}` : d; return `${String(y)}-${String(m)}-${String(d)}`; } // 20221013151302 export function dateFormatForName(dataStr: any) { const date = new Date(dataStr); const y = date.getFullYear(); let m: string | number = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? `0${String(m)}` : m; let d: string | number = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? `0${String(d)}` : d; let h: string | number = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? `0${String(h)}` : h; let minute: string | number = date.getMinutes(); minute = minute < 10 ? `0${String(minute)}` : minute; let second: string | number = date.getSeconds(); second = second < 10 ? `0${String(second)}` : second; return `${String(y)}${String(m)}${String(d)}${String(h)}${String(minute)}${String(second)}`; } // 10-13 \n 15:13 export function dateFormatWithoutYear(dataStr: any) { const date = new Date(dataStr); let m: string | number = date.getMonth() + 1; m = m < 10 ? `0${String(m)}` : m; let d: string | number = date.getDate(); d = d < 10 ? `0${String(d)}` : d; let h: string | number = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? `0${String(h)}` : h; let minute: string | number = date.getMinutes(); minute = minute < 10 ? `0${String(minute)}` : minute; return `${String(m)}-${String(d)}\n${String(h)}:${String(minute)}`; } // 20221013151302 export function dateFormatForSecond(dataStr: any) { const date = new Date(dataStr); let h: string | number = date.getHours(); h = h < 10 ? `0${String(h)}` : h; let minute: string | number = date.getMinutes(); minute = minute < 10 ? `0${String(minute)}` : minute; let second: string | number = date.getSeconds(); second = second < 10 ? `0${String(second)}` : second; return `${String(h)}:${String(minute)}:${String(second)}`; } export function getRandomStr(e: number): string { const t = 'ABCDEFGHJKMNPQRSTWXYZabcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; const a = t.length; let n = ''; for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a)); } return n; } export function getDBName(e: number): string { const t = 'abcdefhijkmnprstwxyz2345678'; const a = t.length; let n = ''; for (let i = 0; i < e; i++) { n += t.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * a)); } return n; } export function loadZero(i: number) { return i < 10 ? '0' + i : '' + i; } export function computeSize(size: number): string { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return size + ' B'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return formattedNumber((size / num).toFixed(2)) + ' KB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 3)) return formattedNumber((size / Math.pow(num, 2)).toFixed(2)) + ' MB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 4)) return formattedNumber((size / Math.pow(num, 3)).toFixed(2)) + ' GB'; return formattedNumber((size / Math.pow(num, 4)).toFixed(2)) + ' TB'; } export function splitSize(size: number): any { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return { size: Number(size), unit: 'B' }; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return { size: formattedNumber((size / num).toFixed(2)), unit: 'KB' }; if (size < Math.pow(num, 3)) return { size: formattedNumber((size / Number(Math.pow(num, 2).toFixed(2))).toFixed(2)), unit: 'MB' }; if (size < Math.pow(num, 4)) return { size: formattedNumber((size / Number(Math.pow(num, 3))).toFixed(2)), unit: 'GB' }; return { size: formattedNumber((size / Number(Math.pow(num, 4))).toFixed(2)), unit: 'TB' }; } export function formattedNumber(num: string) { return num.endsWith('.00') ? Number(num.slice(0, -3)) : Number(num); } export function computeSizeFromMB(size: number): string { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return size + ' MB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return (size / num).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; return (size / Math.pow(num, 3)).toFixed(2) + ' TB'; } export function computeSizeFromKB(size: number): string { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return size + ' KB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return (size / num).toFixed(2) + ' MB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 3)) return (size / Math.pow(num, 2)).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; return (size / Math.pow(num, 3)).toFixed(2) + ' TB'; } export function computeSizeFromByte(size: number): string { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return size + ' B'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return (size / num).toFixed(2) + ' KB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 3)) return (size / Math.pow(num, 2)).toFixed(2) + ' MB'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 4)) return (size / Math.pow(num, 2)).toFixed(2) + ' GB'; return (size / Math.pow(num, 5)).toFixed(2) + ' TB'; } export function computeSizeFromKBs(size: number): string { const num = 1024.0; if (size < num) return size + ' KB/s'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 2)) return (size / num).toFixed(2) + ' MB/s'; if (size < Math.pow(num, 3)) return (size / Math.pow(num, 2)).toFixed(2) + ' GB/s'; return (size / Math.pow(num, 3)).toFixed(2) + ' TB/s'; } let icons = new Map([ ['.zip', 'p-file-zip'], ['.gz', 'p-file-zip'], ['.tar.bz2', 'p-file-zip'], ['.tar', 'p-file-zip'], ['.tar.gz', 'p-file-zip'], ['.tar.xz', 'p-file-zip'], ['.mp3', 'p-file-mp3'], ['.svg', 'p-file-svg'], ['.txt', 'p-file-txt'], ['.html', 'p-file-html'], ['.word', 'p-file-word'], ['.ppt', 'p-file-ppt'], ['.jpg', 'p-file-jpg'], ['.xlsx', 'p-file-excel'], ['.doc', 'p-file-word'], ['.pdf', 'p-file-pdf'], ]); export function getIcon(extension: string): string { if (icons.get(extension) != undefined) { const icon = icons.get(extension); return String(icon); } else { return 'p-file-normal'; } } export function checkIp(value: string): boolean { if (value === '') { return true; } const reg = /^(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])\.(\d{1,2}|1\d\d|2[0-4]\d|25[0-5])$/; if (!reg.test(value) && value !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } } export function checkDomain(value: string): boolean { if (value === '') { return true; } const reg = /^(?=^.{3,255}$)[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62}(\.[a-zA-Z0-9][-a-zA-Z0-9]{0,62})+$/; if (!reg.test(value) && value !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } } export function isDomain(value: string): boolean { if (value === '') { return true; } const reg = /^(?:[a-z0-9](?:[a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9])?\.)+[a-z0-9][a-z0-9-]{0,61}[a-z0-9]$/i; if (value !== '' && reg.test(value)) { return true; } else { return false; } } export function checkIpV4V6(value: string): boolean { if (value === '') { return true; } const IPv4SegmentFormat = '(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'; const IPv4AddressFormat = `(${IPv4SegmentFormat}[.]){3}${IPv4SegmentFormat}`; const IPv4AddressRegExp = new RegExp(`^${IPv4AddressFormat}$`); const IPv6SegmentFormat = '(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})'; const IPv6AddressRegExp = new RegExp( '^(' + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){7}(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){6}(?:${IPv4AddressFormat}|:${IPv6SegmentFormat}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){5}(?::${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,2}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){4}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,1}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,3}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){3}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,2}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,4}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){2}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,3}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,5}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){1}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,4}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,6}|:)|` + `(?::((?::${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,5}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(?::${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,7}|:))` + ')(%[0-9a-zA-Z-.:]{1,})?$', ); if (!IPv4AddressRegExp.test(value) && !IPv6AddressRegExp.test(value) && value !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } } export function checkIpV6(value: string): boolean { if (value === '' || typeof value === 'undefined' || value == null) { return true; } else { const IPv4SegmentFormat = '(?:[0-9]|[1-9][0-9]|1[0-9][0-9]|2[0-4][0-9]|25[0-5])'; const IPv4AddressFormat = `(${IPv4SegmentFormat}[.]){3}${IPv4SegmentFormat}`; const IPv6SegmentFormat = '(?:[0-9a-fA-F]{1,4})'; const IPv6AddressRegExp = new RegExp( '^(' + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){7}(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){6}(?:${IPv4AddressFormat}|:${IPv6SegmentFormat}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){5}(?::${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,2}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){4}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,1}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,3}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){3}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,2}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,4}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){2}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,3}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,5}|:)|` + `(?:${IPv6SegmentFormat}:){1}(?:(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,4}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(:${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,6}|:)|` + `(?::((?::${IPv6SegmentFormat}){0,5}:${IPv4AddressFormat}|(?::${IPv6SegmentFormat}){1,7}|:))` + ')(%[0-9a-zA-Z-.:]{1,})?$', ); if (!IPv6AddressRegExp.test(value) && value !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } } } export function checkCidr(value: string): boolean { if (value === '') { return true; } const reg = /^(?:(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)\.){3}(?:25[0-5]|2[0-4][0-9]|[01]?[0-9][0-9]?)(?:\/([0-9]|[1-2][0-9]|3[0-2]))?$/; if (!reg.test(value) && value !== '') { return true; } else { return false; } } export function checkPort(value: string): boolean { if (Number(value) <= 0) { return true; } const reg = /^([1-9](\d{0,3}))$|^([1-5]\d{4})$|^(6[0-4]\d{3})$|^(65[0-4]\d{2})$|^(655[0-2]\d)$|^(6553[0-5])$/; return !reg.test(value) && value !== ''; } export function getProvider(provider: string): string { switch (provider) { case 'dnsAccount': return'website.dnsAccount'); case 'dnsManual': return'website.dnsManual'); case 'http': return 'HTTP'; case 'selfSigned': return'ssl.selfSigned'); default: return'ssl.manualCreate'); } } export function splitTime(item: string): any { if (item.indexOf('s') !== -1) { return { time: Number(item.replaceAll('s', '')), unit: 's' }; } if (item.indexOf('m') !== -1) { return { time: Number(item.replaceAll('m', '')), unit: 'm' }; } if (item.indexOf('h') !== -1) { return { time: Number(item.replaceAll('h', '')), unit: 'h' }; } if (item.indexOf('d') !== -1) { return { time: Number(item.replaceAll('d', '')), unit: 'd' }; } if (item.indexOf('y') !== -1) { return { time: Number(item.replaceAll('y', '')), unit: 'y' }; } return { time: Number(item), unit: 's' }; } export function transTimeUnit(val: string): any { if (val.indexOf('s') !== -1) { return val.replaceAll('s','commons.units.second')); } if (val.indexOf('m') !== -1) { return val.replaceAll('m','commons.units.minute')); } if (val.indexOf('h') !== -1) { return val.replaceAll('h','commons.units.hour')); } if (val.indexOf('d') !== -1) { return val.replaceAll('d','')); } if (val.indexOf('y') !== -1) { return val.replaceAll('y','commons.units.year')); } return val +'commons.units.second'); } export function splitHttp(url: string) { if (url.indexOf('https://') != -1) { return { proto: 'https', url: url.replaceAll('https://', '') }; } if (url.indexOf('http://') != -1) { return { proto: 'http', url: url.replaceAll('http://', '') }; } return { proto: '', url: url }; } export function spliceHttp(proto: string, url: string) { return proto + '://' + url.replaceAll('https://', '').replaceAll('http://', ''); } export function getAge(d1: string): string { const dateBegin = new Date(d1); const dateEnd = new Date(); const dateDiff = dateEnd.getTime() - dateBegin.getTime(); const dayDiff = Math.floor(dateDiff / (24 * 3600 * 1000)); const leave1 = dateDiff % (24 * 3600 * 1000); const hours = Math.floor(leave1 / (3600 * 1000)); const leave2 = leave1 % (3600 * 1000); const minutes = Math.floor(leave2 / (60 * 1000)); let res = ''; if (dayDiff > 0) { res += String(dayDiff) +''); if (hours <= 0) { return res; } } if (hours > 0) { res += String(hours) +'commons.units.hour'); return res; } if (minutes > 0) { res += String(minutes) +'commons.units.minute'); return res; } return'app.less1Minute'); } export function isJson(str: string) { try { if (typeof JSON.parse(str) === 'object') { return true; } } catch { return false; } } export function toLowerCase(str: string) { return str.toLowerCase(); } export function downloadFile(filePath: string) { let url = `${import.meta.env.VITE_API_URL as string}/files/download?`; let path = encodeURIComponent(filePath); + 'path=' + path, '_blank'); } export function downloadWithContent(content: string, fileName: string) { const downloadUrl = window.URL.createObjectURL(new Blob([content])); const a = document.createElement('a'); = 'none'; a.href = downloadUrl; = fileName; const event = new MouseEvent('click'); a.dispatchEvent(event); } export function getDateStr() { let now: Date = new Date(); let year: number = now.getFullYear(); let month: number = now.getMonth() + 1; let date: number = now.getDate(); let hours: number = now.getHours(); let minutes: number = now.getMinutes(); let seconds: number = now.getSeconds(); let timestamp: string = `${year}-${month < 10 ? '0' + month : month}-${date < 10 ? '0' + date : date}-${ hours < 10 ? '0' + hours : hours }-${minutes < 10 ? '0' + minutes : minutes}-${seconds < 10 ? '0' + seconds : seconds}`; return timestamp; } export function getAccountName(type: string) { for (const i of AcmeAccountTypes) { if (i.value === type) { return i.label; } } return ''; } export function getKeyName(type: string) { for (const i of KeyTypes) { if (i.value === type) { return i.label; } } return ''; } export function getDNSName(type: string) { for (const i of DNSTypes) { if (i.value === type) { return i.label; } } return ''; } export async function copyText(content: string) { try { await toClipboard(content); MsgSuccess('commons.msg.copySuccess')); } catch (e) { MsgError('commons.msg.copyFailed')); } } export function getAction(action: string) { if (action == '') { return ''; } return`xpack.waf.${action}`); } export function getLanguage() { return localStorage.getItem('lang') || 'zh'; } export function emptyLineFilter(str: string, spilt: string) { let list = str.split(spilt); let results = []; for (let i = 0; i < list.length; i++) { if (list[i].trim() !== '') { results.push(list[i]); } } return results.join(spilt); }