-- vim: ts=4 sts=4 sw=4 et: local new_tab = require "table.new" local lrucache = require "resty.lrucache" local resty_lock = require "resty.lock" local tablepool do local pok pok, tablepool = pcall(require, "tablepool") if not pok then -- fallback for OpenResty < tablepool = { fetch = function(_, narr, nrec) return new_tab(narr, nrec) end, release = function(_, _, _) -- nop (obj will be subject to GC) end, } end end local codec do local pok pok, codec = pcall(require, "string.buffer") if not pok then codec = require "cjson" end end local now = ngx.now local min = math.min local ceil = math.ceil local fmt = string.format local sub = string.sub local find = string.find local type = type local pcall = pcall local xpcall = xpcall local traceback = debug.traceback local error = error local tostring = tostring local tonumber = tonumber local encode = codec.encode local decode = codec.decode local thread_spawn = ngx.thread.spawn local thread_wait = ngx.thread.wait local setmetatable = setmetatable local shared = ngx.shared local ngx_log = ngx.log local WARN = ngx.WARN local ERR = ngx.ERR local CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU = {} local LOCK_KEY_PREFIX = "lua-resty-mlcache:lock:" local LRU_INSTANCES = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "v" }) local SHM_SET_DEFAULT_TRIES = 3 local BULK_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY = 3 local TYPES_LOOKUP = { number = 1, boolean = 2, string = 3, table = 4, } local SHM_FLAGS = { stale = 0x00000001, } local marshallers = { shm_value = function(str_value, value_type, at, ttl) return fmt("%d:%f:%f:%s", value_type, at, ttl, str_value) end, shm_nil = function(at, ttl) return fmt("0:%f:%f:", at, ttl) end, [1] = function(number) -- number return tostring(number) end, [2] = function(bool) -- boolean return bool and "true" or "false" end, [3] = function(str) -- string return str end, [4] = function(t) -- table local pok, str = pcall(encode, t) if not pok then return nil, "could not encode table value: " .. str end return str end, } local unmarshallers = { shm_value = function(marshalled) -- split our shm marshalled value by the hard-coded ":" tokens -- "type:at:ttl:value" -- 1:1501831735.052000:0.500000:123 local ttl_last = find(marshalled, ":", 21, true) - 1 local value_type = sub(marshalled, 1, 1) -- n:... local at = sub(marshalled, 3, 19) -- n:1501831160 local ttl = sub(marshalled, 21, ttl_last) local str_value = sub(marshalled, ttl_last + 2) return str_value, tonumber(value_type), tonumber(at), tonumber(ttl) end, [0] = function() -- nil return nil end, [1] = function(str) -- number return tonumber(str) end, [2] = function(str) -- boolean return str == "true" end, [3] = function(str) -- string return str end, [4] = function(str) -- table local pok, t = pcall(decode, str) if not pok then return nil, "could not decode table value: " .. t end return t end, } local function rebuild_lru(self) if self.lru then if self.lru.flush_all then self.lru:flush_all() return end -- fallback for OpenResty < -- Invalidate the entire LRU by GC-ing it. LRU_INSTANCES[self.name] = nil self.lru = nil end -- Several mlcache instances can have the same name and hence, the same -- lru instance. We need to GC such LRU instance when all mlcache instances -- using them are GC'ed. We do this with a weak table. local lru = LRU_INSTANCES[self.name] if not lru then lru = lrucache.new(self.lru_size) LRU_INSTANCES[self.name] = lru end self.lru = lru end local _M = { _VERSION = "2.6.1", _AUTHOR = "Thibault Charbonnier", _LICENSE = "MIT", _URL = "https://github.com/thibaultcha/lua-resty-mlcache", } local mt = { __index = _M } function _M.new(name, shm, opts) if type(name) ~= "string" then error("name must be a string", 2) end if type(shm) ~= "string" then error("shm must be a string", 2) end if opts ~= nil then if type(opts) ~= "table" then error("opts must be a table", 2) end if opts.lru_size ~= nil and type(opts.lru_size) ~= "number" then error("opts.lru_size must be a number", 2) end if opts.ttl ~= nil then if type(opts.ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.ttl must be a number", 2) end if opts.ttl < 0 then error("opts.ttl must be >= 0", 2) end end if opts.neg_ttl ~= nil then if type(opts.neg_ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.neg_ttl must be a number", 2) end if opts.neg_ttl < 0 then error("opts.neg_ttl must be >= 0", 2) end end if opts.resurrect_ttl ~= nil then if type(opts.resurrect_ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.resurrect_ttl must be a number", 2) end if opts.resurrect_ttl < 0 then error("opts.resurrect_ttl must be >= 0", 2) end end if opts.resty_lock_opts ~= nil and type(opts.resty_lock_opts) ~= "table" then error("opts.resty_lock_opts must be a table", 2) end if opts.ipc_shm ~= nil and type(opts.ipc_shm) ~= "string" then error("opts.ipc_shm must be a string", 2) end if opts.ipc ~= nil then if opts.ipc_shm then error("cannot specify both of opts.ipc_shm and opts.ipc", 2) end if type(opts.ipc) ~= "table" then error("opts.ipc must be a table", 2) end if type(opts.ipc.register_listeners) ~= "function" then error("opts.ipc.register_listeners must be a function", 2) end if type(opts.ipc.broadcast) ~= "function" then error("opts.ipc.broadcast must be a function", 2) end if opts.ipc.poll ~= nil and type(opts.ipc.poll) ~= "function" then error("opts.ipc.poll must be a function", 2) end end if opts.l1_serializer ~= nil and type(opts.l1_serializer) ~= "function" then error("opts.l1_serializer must be a function", 2) end if opts.shm_set_tries ~= nil then if type(opts.shm_set_tries) ~= "number" then error("opts.shm_set_tries must be a number", 2) end if opts.shm_set_tries < 1 then error("opts.shm_set_tries must be >= 1", 2) end end if opts.shm_miss ~= nil and type(opts.shm_miss) ~= "string" then error("opts.shm_miss must be a string", 2) end if opts.shm_locks ~= nil and type(opts.shm_locks) ~= "string" then error("opts.shm_locks must be a string", 2) end else opts = {} end local dict = shared[shm] if not dict then return nil, "no such lua_shared_dict: " .. shm end local dict_miss if opts.shm_miss then dict_miss = shared[opts.shm_miss] if not dict_miss then return nil, "no such lua_shared_dict for opts.shm_miss: " .. opts.shm_miss end end if opts.shm_locks then local dict_locks = shared[opts.shm_locks] if not dict_locks then return nil, "no such lua_shared_dict for opts.shm_locks: " .. opts.shm_locks end end local self = { name = name, dict = dict, shm = shm, dict_miss = dict_miss, shm_miss = opts.shm_miss, shm_locks = opts.shm_locks or shm, ttl = opts.ttl or 30, neg_ttl = opts.neg_ttl or 5, resurrect_ttl = opts.resurrect_ttl, lru_size = opts.lru_size or 100, resty_lock_opts = opts.resty_lock_opts, l1_serializer = opts.l1_serializer, shm_set_tries = opts.shm_set_tries or SHM_SET_DEFAULT_TRIES, debug = opts.debug, } if opts.ipc_shm or opts.ipc then self.events = { ["invalidation"] = { channel = fmt("mlcache:invalidations:%s", name), handler = function(key) self.lru:delete(key) end, }, ["purge"] = { channel = fmt("mlcache:purge:%s", name), handler = function() rebuild_lru(self) end, } } if opts.ipc_shm then local mlcache_ipc = require "resty.mlcache.ipc" local ipc, err = mlcache_ipc.new(opts.ipc_shm, opts.debug) if not ipc then return nil, "failed to initialize mlcache IPC " .. "(could not instantiate mlcache.ipc): " .. err end for _, ev in pairs(self.events) do ipc:subscribe(ev.channel, ev.handler) end self.broadcast = function(channel, data) return ipc:broadcast(channel, data) end self.poll = function(timeout) return ipc:poll(timeout) end self.ipc = ipc else -- opts.ipc local ok, err = opts.ipc.register_listeners(self.events) if not ok and err ~= nil then return nil, "failed to initialize custom IPC " .. "(opts.ipc.register_listeners returned an error): " .. err end self.broadcast = opts.ipc.broadcast self.poll = opts.ipc.poll self.ipc = true end end if opts.lru then self.lru = opts.lru else rebuild_lru(self) end return setmetatable(self, mt) end local function l1_serialize(value, l1_serializer) if value ~= nil and l1_serializer then local ok, err ok, value, err = pcall(l1_serializer, value) if not ok then return nil, "l1_serializer threw an error: " .. value end if err then return nil, err end if value == nil then return nil, "l1_serializer returned a nil value" end end return value end local function set_lru(self, key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, l1_serializer) local value, err = l1_serialize(value, l1_serializer) if err then return nil, err end if value == nil then value = CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU ttl = neg_ttl end if ttl == 0 then -- indefinite ttl for lua-resty-lrucache is 'nil' ttl = nil end self.lru:set(key, value, ttl) return value end local function marshall_for_shm(value, ttl, neg_ttl) local at = now() if value == nil then return marshallers.shm_nil(at, neg_ttl), nil, true -- is_nil end -- serialize insertion time + Lua types for shm storage local value_type = TYPES_LOOKUP[type(value)] if not marshallers[value_type] then error("cannot cache value of type " .. type(value)) end local str_marshalled, err = marshallers[value_type](value) if not str_marshalled then return nil, "could not serialize value for lua_shared_dict insertion: " .. err end return marshallers.shm_value(str_marshalled, value_type, at, ttl) end local function unmarshall_from_shm(shm_v) local str_serialized, value_type, at, ttl = unmarshallers.shm_value(shm_v) local value, err = unmarshallers[value_type](str_serialized) if err then return nil, err end return value, nil, at, ttl end local function set_shm(self, shm_key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, flags, shm_set_tries, throw_no_mem) local shm_value, err, is_nil = marshall_for_shm(value, ttl, neg_ttl) if not shm_value then return nil, err end local shm = self.shm local dict = self.dict if is_nil then ttl = neg_ttl if self.dict_miss then shm = self.shm_miss dict = self.dict_miss end end -- we will call `set()` N times to work around potential shm fragmentation. -- when the shm is full, it will only evict about 30 to 90 items (via -- LRU), which could lead to a situation where `set()` still does not -- have enough memory to store the cached value, in which case we -- try again to try to trigger more LRU evictions. local tries = 0 local ok, err while tries < shm_set_tries do tries = tries + 1 ok, err = dict:set(shm_key, shm_value, ttl, flags or 0) if ok or err and err ~= "no memory" then break end end if not ok then if err ~= "no memory" or throw_no_mem then return nil, "could not write to lua_shared_dict '" .. shm .. "': " .. err end ngx_log(WARN, "could not write to lua_shared_dict '", shm, "' after ", tries, " tries (no memory), ", "it is either fragmented or cannot allocate more ", "memory, consider increasing 'opts.shm_set_tries'") end return true end local function set_shm_set_lru(self, key, shm_key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, flags, shm_set_tries, l1_serializer, throw_no_mem) local ok, err = set_shm(self, shm_key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, flags, shm_set_tries, throw_no_mem) if not ok then return nil, err end return set_lru(self, key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, l1_serializer) end local function get_shm_set_lru(self, key, shm_key, l1_serializer) local v, shmerr, went_stale = self.dict:get_stale(shm_key) if v == nil and shmerr then -- shmerr can be 'flags' upon successful get_stale() calls, so we -- also check v == nil return nil, "could not read from lua_shared_dict: " .. shmerr end if self.shm_miss and v == nil then -- if we cache misses in another shm, maybe it is there v, shmerr, went_stale = self.dict_miss:get_stale(shm_key) if v == nil and shmerr then -- shmerr can be 'flags' upon successful get_stale() calls, so we -- also check v == nil return nil, "could not read from lua_shared_dict: " .. shmerr end end if v ~= nil then local value, err, at, ttl = unmarshall_from_shm(v) if err then return nil, "could not deserialize value after lua_shared_dict " .. "retrieval: " .. err end if went_stale then value, err = l1_serialize(value, l1_serializer) if err then return nil, err end return value, nil, went_stale end -- 'shmerr' is 'flags' on :get_stale() success local is_stale = shmerr == SHM_FLAGS.stale local remaining_ttl if ttl == 0 then -- indefinite ttl, keep '0' as it means 'forever' remaining_ttl = 0 else -- compute elapsed time to get remaining ttl for LRU caching remaining_ttl = ttl - (now() - at) if remaining_ttl <= 0 then -- value has less than 1ms of lifetime in the shm, avoid -- setting it in LRU which would be wasteful and could -- indefinitely cache the value when ttl == 0 value, err = l1_serialize(value, l1_serializer) if err then return nil, err end return value, nil, nil, is_stale end end value, err = set_lru(self, key, value, remaining_ttl, remaining_ttl, l1_serializer) if err then return nil, err end return value, nil, nil, is_stale end end local function check_opts(self, opts) local ttl local neg_ttl local resurrect_ttl local l1_serializer local shm_set_tries local resty_lock_opts if opts ~= nil then if type(opts) ~= "table" then error("opts must be a table", 3) end ttl = opts.ttl if ttl ~= nil then if type(ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.ttl must be a number", 3) end if ttl < 0 then error("opts.ttl must be >= 0", 3) end end neg_ttl = opts.neg_ttl if neg_ttl ~= nil then if type(neg_ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.neg_ttl must be a number", 3) end if neg_ttl < 0 then error("opts.neg_ttl must be >= 0", 3) end end resurrect_ttl = opts.resurrect_ttl if resurrect_ttl ~= nil then if type(resurrect_ttl) ~= "number" then error("opts.resurrect_ttl must be a number", 3) end if resurrect_ttl < 0 then error("opts.resurrect_ttl must be >= 0", 3) end end l1_serializer = opts.l1_serializer if l1_serializer ~= nil and type(l1_serializer) ~= "function" then error("opts.l1_serializer must be a function", 3) end shm_set_tries = opts.shm_set_tries if shm_set_tries ~= nil then if type(shm_set_tries) ~= "number" then error("opts.shm_set_tries must be a number", 3) end if shm_set_tries < 1 then error("opts.shm_set_tries must be >= 1", 3) end end resty_lock_opts = opts.resty_lock_opts if resty_lock_opts ~= nil then if type(resty_lock_opts) ~= "table" then error("opts.resty_lock_opts must be a table", 3) end end end if not ttl then ttl = self.ttl end if not neg_ttl then neg_ttl = self.neg_ttl end if not resurrect_ttl then resurrect_ttl = self.resurrect_ttl end if not l1_serializer then l1_serializer = self.l1_serializer end if not shm_set_tries then shm_set_tries = self.shm_set_tries end if not resty_lock_opts then resty_lock_opts = self.resty_lock_opts end return ttl, neg_ttl, resurrect_ttl, l1_serializer, shm_set_tries, resty_lock_opts end local function unlock_and_ret(lock, res, err, hit_lvl) local ok, lerr = lock:unlock() if not ok and lerr ~= "unlocked" then return nil, "could not unlock callback: " .. lerr end return res, err, hit_lvl end local function run_callback(self, key, shm_key, data, ttl, neg_ttl, went_stale, l1_serializer, resurrect_ttl, shm_set_tries, rlock_opts, cb, ...) local lock, err = resty_lock:new(self.shm_locks, rlock_opts) if not lock then return nil, "could not create lock: " .. err end local elapsed, lerr = lock:lock(LOCK_KEY_PREFIX .. shm_key) if not elapsed and lerr ~= "timeout" then return nil, "could not acquire callback lock: " .. lerr end do -- check for another worker's success at running the callback, but -- do not return data if it is still the same stale value (this is -- possible if the value was still not evicted between the first -- get() and this one) local data2, err, went_stale2, stale2 = get_shm_set_lru(self, key, shm_key, l1_serializer) if err then return unlock_and_ret(lock, nil, err) end if data2 ~= nil and not went_stale2 then -- we got a fresh item from shm: other worker succeeded in running -- the callback if data2 == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then data2 = nil end return unlock_and_ret(lock, data2, nil, stale2 and 4 or 2) end end -- we are either the 1st worker to hold the lock, or -- a subsequent worker whose lock has timed out before the 1st one -- finished to run the callback if lerr == "timeout" then local errmsg = "could not acquire callback lock: timeout" -- no stale data nor desire to resurrect it if not went_stale or not resurrect_ttl then return nil, errmsg end -- do not resurrect the value here (another worker is running the -- callback and will either get the new value, or resurrect it for -- us if the callback fails) ngx_log(WARN, errmsg) -- went_stale is true, hence the value cannot be set in the LRU -- cache, and cannot be CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU return data, nil, 4 end -- still not in shm, we are the 1st worker to hold the lock, and thus -- responsible for running the callback local pok, perr, err, new_ttl = xpcall(cb, traceback, ...) if not pok then return unlock_and_ret(lock, nil, "callback threw an error: " .. tostring(perr)) end if err then -- callback returned nil + err -- be resilient in case callbacks return wrong error type err = tostring(err) -- no stale data nor desire to resurrect it if not went_stale or not resurrect_ttl then return unlock_and_ret(lock, perr, err) end -- we got 'data' from the shm, even though it is stale -- 1. log as warn that the callback returned an error -- 2. resurrect: insert it back into shm if 'resurrect_ttl' -- 3. signify the staleness with a high hit_lvl of '4' ngx_log(WARN, "callback returned an error (", err, ") but stale ", "value found in shm will be resurrected for ", resurrect_ttl, "s (resurrect_ttl)") local res_data, res_err = set_shm_set_lru(self, key, shm_key, data, resurrect_ttl, resurrect_ttl, SHM_FLAGS.stale, shm_set_tries, l1_serializer) if res_err then ngx_log(WARN, "could not resurrect stale data (", res_err, ")") end if res_data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then res_data = nil end return unlock_and_ret(lock, res_data, nil, 4) end -- successful callback run returned 'data, nil, new_ttl?' data = perr -- override ttl / neg_ttl if type(new_ttl) == "number" then if new_ttl < 0 then -- bypass cache return unlock_and_ret(lock, data, nil, 3) end if data == nil then neg_ttl = new_ttl else ttl = new_ttl end end data, err = set_shm_set_lru(self, key, shm_key, data, ttl, neg_ttl, nil, shm_set_tries, l1_serializer) if err then return unlock_and_ret(lock, nil, err) end if data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then data = nil end -- unlock and return return unlock_and_ret(lock, data, nil, 3) end function _M:get(key, opts, cb, ...) if type(key) ~= "string" then error("key must be a string", 2) end if cb ~= nil and type(cb) ~= "function" then error("callback must be nil or a function", 2) end -- worker LRU cache retrieval local data = self.lru:get(key) if data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then return nil, nil, 1 end if data ~= nil then return data, nil, 1 end -- not in worker's LRU cache, need shm lookup -- restrict this key to the current namespace, so we isolate this -- mlcache instance from potential other instances using the same -- shm local namespaced_key = self.name .. key -- opts validation local ttl, neg_ttl, resurrect_ttl, l1_serializer, shm_set_tries, rlock_opts = check_opts(self, opts) local err, went_stale, is_stale data, err, went_stale, is_stale = get_shm_set_lru(self, key, namespaced_key, l1_serializer) if err then return nil, err end if data ~= nil and not went_stale then if data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then data = nil end return data, nil, is_stale and 4 or 2 end -- not in shm either if cb == nil then -- no L3 callback, early exit return nil, nil, -1 end -- L3 callback, single worker to run it return run_callback(self, key, namespaced_key, data, ttl, neg_ttl, went_stale, l1_serializer, resurrect_ttl, shm_set_tries, rlock_opts, cb, ...) end do local function run_thread(self, ops, from, to) for i = from, to do local ctx = ops[i] ctx.data, ctx.err, ctx.hit_lvl = run_callback(self, ctx.key, ctx.shm_key, ctx.data, ctx.ttl, ctx.neg_ttl, ctx.went_stale, ctx.l1_serializer, ctx.resurrect_ttl, ctx.shm_set_tries, ctx.rlock_opts, ctx.cb, ctx.arg) end end local bulk_mt = {} bulk_mt.__index = bulk_mt function _M.new_bulk(n_ops) local bulk = new_tab((n_ops or 2) * 4, 1) -- 4 slots per op bulk.n = 0 return setmetatable(bulk, bulk_mt) end function bulk_mt:add(key, opts, cb, arg) local i = (self.n * 4) + 1 self[i] = key self[i + 1] = opts self[i + 2] = cb self[i + 3] = arg self.n = self.n + 1 end local function bulk_res_iter(res, i) local idx = i * 3 + 1 if idx > res.n then return end i = i + 1 local data = res[idx] local err = res[idx + 1] local hit_lvl = res[idx + 2] return i, data, err, hit_lvl end function _M.each_bulk_res(res) if not res.n then error("res must have res.n field; is this a get_bulk() result?", 2) end return bulk_res_iter, res, 0 end function _M:get_bulk(bulk, opts) if type(bulk) ~= "table" then error("bulk must be a table", 2) end if not bulk.n then error("bulk must have n field", 2) end if opts then if type(opts) ~= "table" then error("opts must be a table", 2) end if opts.concurrency then if type(opts.concurrency) ~= "number" then error("opts.concurrency must be a number", 2) end if opts.concurrency <= 0 then error("opts.concurrency must be > 0", 2) end end end local n_bulk = bulk.n * 4 local res = new_tab(n_bulk - n_bulk / 4, 1) local res_idx = 1 -- only used if running L3 callbacks local n_cbs = 0 local cb_ctxs -- bulk -- { "key", opts, cb, arg } -- -- res -- { data, "err", hit_lvl } for i = 1, n_bulk, 4 do local b_key = bulk[i] local b_opts = bulk[i + 1] local b_cb = bulk[i + 2] if type(b_key) ~= "string" then error("key at index " .. i .. " must be a string for operation " .. ceil(i / 4) .. " (got " .. type(b_key) .. ")", 2) end if type(b_cb) ~= "function" then error("callback at index " .. i + 2 .. " must be a function " .. "for operation " .. ceil(i / 4) .. " (got " .. type(b_cb) .. ")", 2) end -- worker LRU cache retrieval local data = self.lru:get(b_key) if data ~= nil then if data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then data = nil end res[res_idx] = data --res[res_idx + 1] = nil res[res_idx + 2] = 1 else local pok, ttl, neg_ttl, resurrect_ttl, l1_serializer, shm_set_tries, rlock_opts = pcall(check_opts, self, b_opts) if not pok then -- strip the stacktrace local err = ttl:match("mlcache%.lua:%d+:%s(.*)") error("options at index " .. i + 1 .. " for operation " .. ceil(i / 4) .. " are invalid: " .. err, 2) end -- not in worker's LRU cache, need shm lookup -- we will prepare a task for each cache miss local namespaced_key = self.name .. b_key local err, went_stale, is_stale data, err, went_stale, is_stale = get_shm_set_lru(self, b_key, namespaced_key, l1_serializer) if err then --res[res_idx] = nil res[res_idx + 1] = err --res[res_idx + 2] = nil elseif data ~= nil and not went_stale then if data == CACHE_MISS_SENTINEL_LRU then data = nil end res[res_idx] = data --res[res_idx + 1] = nil res[res_idx + 2] = is_stale and 4 or 2 else -- not in shm either, we have to prepare a task to run the -- L3 callback n_cbs = n_cbs + 1 if n_cbs == 1 then cb_ctxs = tablepool.fetch("bulk_cb_ctxs", 1, 0) end local ctx = tablepool.fetch("bulk_cb_ctx", 0, 15) ctx.res_idx = res_idx ctx.cb = b_cb ctx.arg = bulk[i + 3] -- arg ctx.key = b_key ctx.shm_key = namespaced_key ctx.data = data ctx.ttl = ttl ctx.neg_ttl = neg_ttl ctx.went_stale = went_stale ctx.l1_serializer = l1_serializer ctx.resurrect_ttl = resurrect_ttl ctx.shm_set_tries = shm_set_tries ctx.rlock_opts = rlock_opts ctx.data = data ctx.err = nil ctx.hit_lvl = nil cb_ctxs[n_cbs] = ctx end end res_idx = res_idx + 3 end if n_cbs == 0 then -- no callback to run, all items were in L1/L2 res.n = res_idx - 1 return res end -- some L3 callbacks have to run -- schedule threads as per our concurrency settings -- we will use this thread as well local concurrency if opts then concurrency = opts.concurrency end if not concurrency then concurrency = BULK_DEFAULT_CONCURRENCY end local threads local threads_idx = 0 do -- spawn concurrent threads local thread_size local n_threads = min(n_cbs, concurrency) - 1 if n_threads > 0 then threads = tablepool.fetch("bulk_threads", n_threads, 0) thread_size = ceil(n_cbs / concurrency) end if self.debug then ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "spawning ", n_threads, " threads to run ", n_cbs, " callbacks") end local from = 1 local rest = n_cbs for i = 1, n_threads do local to if rest >= thread_size then rest = rest - thread_size to = from + thread_size - 1 else rest = 0 to = from end if self.debug then ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "thread ", i, " running callbacks ", from, " to ", to) end threads_idx = threads_idx + 1 threads[i] = thread_spawn(run_thread, self, cb_ctxs, from, to) from = from + thread_size if rest == 0 then break end end if rest > 0 then -- use this thread as one of our concurrent threads local to = from + rest - 1 if self.debug then ngx.log(ngx.DEBUG, "main thread running callbacks ", from, " to ", to) end run_thread(self, cb_ctxs, from, to) end end -- wait for other threads for i = 1, threads_idx do local ok, err = thread_wait(threads[i]) if not ok then -- when thread_wait() fails, we don't get res_idx, and thus -- cannot populate the appropriate res indexes with the -- error ngx_log(ERR, "failed to wait for thread number ", i, ": ", err) end end for i = 1, n_cbs do local ctx = cb_ctxs[i] local ctx_res_idx = ctx.res_idx res[ctx_res_idx] = ctx.data res[ctx_res_idx + 1] = ctx.err res[ctx_res_idx + 2] = ctx.hit_lvl tablepool.release("bulk_cb_ctx", ctx, true) -- no clear tab end tablepool.release("bulk_cb_ctxs", cb_ctxs) if threads then tablepool.release("bulk_threads", threads) end res.n = res_idx - 1 return res end end -- get_bulk() function _M:peek(key, stale) if type(key) ~= "string" then error("key must be a string", 2) end -- restrict this key to the current namespace, so we isolate this -- mlcache instance from potential other instances using the same -- shm local namespaced_key = self.name .. key local v, err, went_stale = self.dict:get_stale(namespaced_key) if v == nil and err then -- err can be 'flags' upon successful get_stale() calls, so we -- also check v == nil return nil, "could not read from lua_shared_dict: " .. err end -- if we specified shm_miss, it might be a negative hit cached -- there if self.dict_miss and v == nil then v, err, went_stale = self.dict_miss:get_stale(namespaced_key) if v == nil and err then -- err can be 'flags' upon successful get_stale() calls, so we -- also check v == nil return nil, "could not read from lua_shared_dict: " .. err end end if went_stale and not stale then return nil end if v ~= nil then local value, err, at, ttl = unmarshall_from_shm(v) if err then return nil, "could not deserialize value after lua_shared_dict " .. "retrieval: " .. err end local remaining_ttl = 0 if ttl > 0 then remaining_ttl = ttl - (now() - at) if remaining_ttl == 0 then -- guarantee a non-zero remaining_ttl if ttl is set remaining_ttl = 0.001 end end return remaining_ttl, nil, value, went_stale end end function _M:set(key, opts, value) if not self.broadcast then error("no ipc to propagate update, specify opts.ipc_shm or opts.ipc", 2) end if type(key) ~= "string" then error("key must be a string", 2) end do -- restrict this key to the current namespace, so we isolate this -- mlcache instance from potential other instances using the same -- shm local ttl, neg_ttl, _, l1_serializer, shm_set_tries = check_opts(self, opts) local namespaced_key = self.name .. key if self.dict_miss then -- since we specified a separate shm for negative caches, we -- must make sure that we clear any value that may have been -- set in the other shm local dict = value == nil and self.dict or self.dict_miss -- TODO: there is a potential race-condition here between this -- :delete() and the subsequent :set() in set_shm() local ok, err = dict:delete(namespaced_key) if not ok then return nil, "could not delete from shm: " .. err end end local _, err = set_shm_set_lru(self, key, namespaced_key, value, ttl, neg_ttl, nil, shm_set_tries, l1_serializer, true) if err then return nil, err end end local _, err = self.broadcast(self.events.invalidation.channel, key) if err then return nil, "could not broadcast update: " .. err end return true end function _M:delete(key) if not self.broadcast then error("no ipc to propagate deletion, specify opts.ipc_shm or opts.ipc", 2) end if type(key) ~= "string" then error("key must be a string", 2) end -- delete from shm first do -- restrict this key to the current namespace, so we isolate this -- mlcache instance from potential other instances using the same -- shm local namespaced_key = self.name .. key local ok, err = self.dict:delete(namespaced_key) if not ok then return nil, "could not delete from shm: " .. err end -- instance uses shm_miss for negative caches, since we don't know -- where the cached value is (is it nil or not?), we must remove it -- from both if self.dict_miss then ok, err = self.dict_miss:delete(namespaced_key) if not ok then return nil, "could not delete from shm: " .. err end end end -- delete from LRU and propagate self.lru:delete(key) local _, err = self.broadcast(self.events.invalidation.channel, key) if err then return nil, "could not broadcast deletion: " .. err end return true end function _M:purge(flush_expired) if not self.broadcast then error("no ipc to propagate purge, specify opts.ipc_shm or opts.ipc", 2) end if not self.lru.flush_all and LRU_INSTANCES[self.name] ~= self.lru then error("cannot purge when using custom LRU cache with " .. "OpenResty <", 2) end -- clear shm first self.dict:flush_all() -- clear negative caches shm if specified if self.dict_miss then self.dict_miss:flush_all() end if flush_expired then self.dict:flush_expired() if self.dict_miss then self.dict_miss:flush_expired() end end -- clear LRU content and propagate rebuild_lru(self) local _, err = self.broadcast(self.events.purge.channel, "") if err then return nil, "could not broadcast purge: " .. err end return true end function _M:update(timeout) if not self.poll then error("no polling configured, specify opts.ipc_shm or opts.ipc.poll", 2) end local _, err = self.poll(timeout) if err then return nil, "could not poll ipc events: " .. err end return true end return _M