diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts index 562aaf1de..1da66e065 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts @@ -184,7 +184,7 @@ const message = { paramUrlAndPort: 'The format is http(s)://(domain name/ip):(port)', nginxDoc: 'Only supports English case, numbers, and .', appName: 'Support English, numbers, - and _, length 2-30, and cannot start and end with -_', - containerName: 'Supports letters, numbers, -, _ and .; cannot start with - _ or .; length: 1-127', + containerName: 'Supports letters, numbers, -, _ and .; cannot start with - _ or .; length: 2-127', mirror: 'Support image accelerator addresses that start with http(s)://, English uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, periods, and hyphens, and there should be no empty lines.', disableFunction: 'Only support letters ,underscores,and,', leechExts: 'Only support letters, numbers and,', diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts index 62b20514e..37a8fc648 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ const message = { paramUrlAndPort: '格式為 http(s)://(域名/ip):(端口)', nginxDoc: '僅支持英文大小寫,數字,和.', appName: '支持英文、數字、-和_,長度2-30,並且不能以-_開頭和結尾', - containerName: '支持字母、數字、_-和.,不能以-_或.開頭,長度1-127', + containerName: '支持字母、數字、_-和.,不能以-_或.開頭,長度2-127', mirror: '支持以 http(s):// 開頭,英文大小寫,數字,. 和 - 的鏡像加速地址,且不能有空行', disableFunction: '僅支持字母、下劃線和,', leechExts: '僅支持字母數字和,', diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts index 8dd121de8..d33e7a5c0 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts @@ -183,7 +183,7 @@ const message = { paramUrlAndPort: '格式为 http(s)://(域名/ip):(端口)', nginxDoc: '仅支持英文大小写,数字,和.', appName: '支持英文、数字、-和_,长度2-30,并且不能以-_开头和结尾', - containerName: '支持字母、数字、_-和.,不能以-_或.开头,长度1-127', + containerName: '支持字母、数字、_-和.,不能以-_或.开头,长度2-127', mirror: '支持以 http(s):// 开头,英文大小写,数字,. 和 - 的镜像加速地址,且不能有空行', disableFunction: '仅支持字母、下划线和,', leechExts: '仅支持字母数字和,',