diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts index 938cdbac9..256da4cc1 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/en.ts @@ -1488,7 +1488,7 @@ const message = { knowMorePro: 'Learn More', closeAlert: 'The current page can be closed in the panel settings', introduce: 'Feature Introduction', - waf: '1Panel WAF effectively prevents common attacks such as CC attacks, malicious data collection, API abuse, and hacker penetration testing behaviors, providing strong protection for your website security.', + waf: 'Upgrade to the professional version to get interception maps, logs, blocking records, geographical location blocking, custom rules, custom blocking pages and other functions', tamper: '1Panel tamper-proof function is a security measure used to protect a website from unauthorized modifications or tampering.', setting: '1Panel interface settings allow you to customize panel logos, welcome messages, and other information.', diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts index a197d7fde..960aec244 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/tw.ts @@ -1387,7 +1387,7 @@ const message = { knowMorePro: '了解更多', closeAlert: '當前頁面可在面板設置中關閉顯示', introduce: '功能介紹', - waf: '1Panel WAF 有效防 CC 攻擊、防惡意采集、防刷接口等常見攻擊和黑客滲透測試行為,強力守護您網站業務安全。', + waf: '升級專業版可以獲得攔截地圖、日誌、封鎖記錄、地理位置封鎖、自訂規則、自訂攔截頁面等功能', tamper: '1Panel 防篡改功能是一種用於保護網站免受未經授權的修改或篡改的安全措施。', setting: '1Panel 介面設置可自定義面板 Logo、歡迎簡介等信息。', }, diff --git a/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts b/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts index 4347086cb..9c313dfc5 100644 --- a/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts +++ b/frontend/src/lang/modules/zh.ts @@ -1389,7 +1389,7 @@ const message = { knowMorePro: '了解更多', closeAlert: '当前页面可在面板设置中关闭显示', introduce: '功能介绍', - waf: '1Panel WAF 有效防CC攻击、防恶意采集、防刷接口等常见攻击和黑客渗透测试行为,强力守护您网站业务安全。', + waf: '升级专业版可以获得拦截地图、日志、封锁记录、地理位置封禁、自定义规则、自定义拦截页面等功能', tamper: '1Panel 防篡改功能是一种用于保护网站免受未经授权的修改或篡改的安全措施。', setting: '1Panel 界面设置可自定义面板 Logo、欢迎简介等信息。', },