mirror of https://github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel.git synced 2025-01-31 14:08:06 +08:00

feat: 快速命令与批量输入实现

This commit is contained in:
ssongliu 2022-09-01 16:52:58 +08:00 committed by ssongliu
parent 5b9372a148
commit bea9321fc8
11 changed files with 311 additions and 305 deletions

View File

@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ func (b *BaseApi) CreateHost(c *gin.Context) {
func (b *BaseApi) TestConn(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.HostOperate
var req dto.HostConnTest
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)

View File

@ -17,6 +17,15 @@ type HostOperate struct {
Description string `json:"description"`
type HostConnTest struct {
Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"required,ip"`
Port uint `json:"port" validate:"required,number,max=65535,min=1"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
AuthMode string `json:"authMode" validate:"oneof=password key"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Password string `json:"password"`
type SearchForTree struct {
Info string `json:"info"`

View File

@ -10,15 +10,14 @@ import (
type CommandRouter struct{}
func (s *CommandRouter) InitCommandRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
userRouter := Router.Group("commands")
withRecordRouter := userRouter.Use(middleware.OperationRecord())
cmdRouter := Router.Group("commands").Use(middleware.JwtAuth()).Use(middleware.SessionAuth())
withRecordRouter := Router.Group("commands").Use(middleware.JwtAuth()).Use(middleware.SessionAuth()).Use(middleware.OperationRecord())
baseApi := v1.ApiGroupApp.BaseApi
withRecordRouter.POST("", baseApi.CreateCommand)
withRecordRouter.POST("/del", baseApi.DeleteCommand)
withRecordRouter.PUT(":id", baseApi.UpdateCommand)
userRouter.POST("/search", baseApi.SearchCommand)
userRouter.GET("", baseApi.ListCommand)
cmdRouter.POST("/search", baseApi.SearchCommand)
cmdRouter.GET("", baseApi.ListCommand)

View File

@ -10,14 +10,14 @@ import (
type GroupRouter struct{}
func (s *GroupRouter) InitGroupRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
userRouter := Router.Group("groups").Use(middleware.JwtAuth()).Use(middleware.SessionAuth())
groupRouter := Router.Group("groups").Use(middleware.JwtAuth()).Use(middleware.SessionAuth())
withRecordRouter := Router.Group("groups").Use(middleware.JwtAuth()).Use(middleware.SessionAuth()).Use(middleware.OperationRecord())
baseApi := v1.ApiGroupApp.BaseApi
withRecordRouter.POST("", baseApi.CreateGroup)
withRecordRouter.DELETE(":id", baseApi.DeleteGroup)
userRouter.POST("/search", baseApi.ListGroup)
userRouter.GET(":id", baseApi.GetGroupInfo)
userRouter.PUT(":id", baseApi.UpdateGroup)
withRecordRouter.PUT(":id", baseApi.UpdateGroup)
groupRouter.POST("/search", baseApi.ListGroup)
groupRouter.GET(":id", baseApi.GetGroupInfo)

View File

@ -32,6 +32,14 @@ export namespace Host {
description: string;
export interface HostConnTest {
addr: string;
port: number;
user: string;
authMode: string;
privateKey: string;
password: string;
export interface ReqSearch {
info?: string;

View File

@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
import http from '@/api';
import { Host } from '../interface/host';
export const getHostList = (params: Host.ReqSearch) => {
export const getHostTree = (params: Host.ReqSearch) => {
return http.post<Array<Host.HostTree>>(`/hosts/search`, params);
@ -13,12 +13,11 @@ export const addHost = (params: Host.HostOperate) => {
return http.post<Host.HostOperate>(`/hosts`, params);
export const testConn = (params: Host.HostOperate) => {
return http.post<Host.HostOperate>(`/hosts/testconn`, params);
export const testConn = (params: Host.HostConnTest) => {
return http.post(`/hosts/testconn`, params);
export const editHost = (params: Host.HostOperate) => {
return http.put(`/hosts/` + params.id, params);

View File

@ -92,12 +92,15 @@ export default {
terminal: {
conn: 'connection',
testConn: 'Test connection',
saveAndConn: 'Save and Connect',
connTestOk: 'Connection information available',
hostList: 'Host information',
createConn: 'Create a connection',
createGroup: 'Create a group',
expand: 'Expand all',
fold: 'All contract',
batchInput: 'Batch input',
quickCommand: 'quick command',
'After the group is removed, all connections in the group will be migrated to the default group. Confirm the information',
addHost: 'Add Host',

View File

@ -95,12 +95,15 @@ export default {
terminal: {
conn: '连接',
testConn: '连接测试',
saveAndConn: '保存并连接',
connTestOk: '连接信息可用',
hostList: '主机信息',
createConn: '创建连接',
createGroup: '创建分组',
expand: '全部展开',
fold: '全部收缩',
batchInput: '批量输入',
quickCommand: '快速命令',
groupDeleteHelper: '移除组后组内所有连接将迁移到 default 组内是否确认',
quickCmd: '快捷命令',
command: '命令',

View File

@ -44,7 +44,6 @@
<template #default="{ node, data }">
<span class="custom-tree-node" @mouseover="hover = data.id" @mouseleave="hover = null">
@ -135,7 +134,7 @@ import type { ElForm } from 'element-plus';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rues';
import { Host } from '@/api/interface/host';
import { Group } from '@/api/interface/group';
import { testConn, getHostList, getHostInfo, addHost, editHost, deleteHost } from '@/api/modules/host';
import { testConn, getHostTree, getHostInfo, addHost, editHost, deleteHost } from '@/api/modules/host';
import { getGroupList, addGroup, editGroup, deleteGroup } from '@/api/modules/group';
import { useDeleteData } from '@/hooks/use-delete-data';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
@ -193,7 +192,7 @@ let groupOperation = ref<string>('create');
let groupInputShow = ref<boolean>(false);
const loadHostTree = async () => {
const res = await getHostList(searcConfig);
const res = await getHostTree(searcConfig);
hostTree.value = res.data;
@ -218,7 +217,6 @@ const submitAddHost = (formEl: FormInstance | undefined, ops: string) => {
if (!formEl) return;
formEl.validate(async (valid) => {
if (!valid) return;
switch (ops) {
case 'create':
await addHost(hostInfo);

View File

@ -1,22 +1,28 @@
<!-- <el-button class="drawer-container" icon="arrowLeftBold" @click="hostDrawer = true">
{{ $t('terminal.connHistory') }}
</el-button> -->
style="background-color: #efefef"
<el-tab-pane :key="item.key" v-for="item in terminalTabs" :label="item.title" :name="item.key">
v-for="item in terminalTabs"
<template #label>
<span class="custom-tabs-label">
<el-icon color="#67C23A" v-if="item.status === 'online'"><circleCheck /></el-icon>
<el-icon color="#F56C6C" v-if="item.status === 'closed'"><circleClose /></el-icon>
<el-icon style="margin-top: 1px" color="#67C23A" v-if="item.status === 'online'">
<circleCheck />
<el-icon style="margin-top: 1px" color="#F56C6C" v-if="item.status === 'closed'">
<circleClose />
<span> &nbsp;{{ item.title }}&nbsp;&nbsp;</span>
@ -26,17 +32,71 @@
<div style="background-color: #000">
<el-select v-model="quickCmd" style="width: 25%" class="m-2" placeholder="Select" size="small">
<el-option v-for="cmd in quickCmds" :key="cmd.value" :label="cmd.label" :value="cmd.value" />
style="width: 25%"
v-for="cmd in commandList"
:label="cmd.name + ' [ ' + cmd.command + ' ] '"
<el-input v-model="batchInput" class="terminal-input" size="small">
style="width: 75%"
<template #append>
<el-switch size="small" v-model="isBatch" class="ml-2" />
<el-tab-pane :closable="false" name="newTabs">
<template #label>
style="background-color: #ededed; border: 0"
<el-popover ref="popoverRef" width="250px" trigger="hover" virtual-triggering persistent>
<el-button-group style="width: 100%">
<el-button @click="onNewSsh">New ssh</el-button>
<el-button @click="onNewTab">New tab</el-button>
<el-input size="small" clearable style="margin-top: 5px" v-model="hostfilterInfo">
<template #append><el-button icon="search" /></template>
<template #default="{ node, data }">
<span class="custom-tree-node">
<a @click="onConn(node, data)">{{ node.label }}</a>
<div v-if="terminalTabs.length === 0">
style="background-color: #000; height: calc(100vh - 210px)"
@ -44,148 +104,88 @@
<!-- <el-drawer :size="320" v-model="hostDrawer" :title="$t('terminal.hostHistory')" direction="rtl">
<el-input size="small" clearable style="margin-top: 5px" v-model="searcConfig.info">
<template #prepend>
<el-button icon="plus" @click="onAddHost">{{ $t('commons.button.add') }}</el-button>
<el-dialog v-model="connVisiable" :title="$t('terminal.addHost')" width="30%">
<el-form ref="hostInfoRef" label-width="100px" label-position="left" :model="hostInfo" :rules="rules">
<el-form-item :label="$t('commons.table.name')" prop="name">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.name" />
<el-form-item label="IP" prop="addr">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.addr" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.port')" prop="port">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="hostInfo.port" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.user')" prop="user">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.user" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.authMode')" prop="authMode">
<el-radio-group v-model="hostInfo.authMode">
<el-radio label="password">{{ $t('terminal.passwordMode') }}</el-radio>
<el-radio label="key">{{ $t('terminal.keyMode') }}</el-radio>
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.password')" v-if="hostInfo.authMode === 'password'" prop="password">
<el-input clearable show-password type="password" v-model="hostInfo.password" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.key')" v-if="hostInfo.authMode === 'key'" prop="privateKey">
<el-input clearable type="textarea" v-model="hostInfo.privateKey" />
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="connVisiable = false">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button @click="submitAddHost(hostInfoRef, 'testConn')">
{{ $t('terminal.testConn') }}
<el-button type="primary" @click="submitAddHost(hostInfoRef, 'saveAndConn')">
{{ $t('terminal.saveAndConn') }}
<template #append><el-button icon="search" @click="loadHost" /></template>
<div v-infinite-scroll="nextPage" style="overflow: auto">
style="margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer"
<div :inline="true">
<span>{{ $t('terminal.localhost') }}</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px"> [ ]</span>
<div v-for="(item, index) in data" :key="item.id" @mouseover="hover = index" @mouseleave="hover = null">
<el-card @click="onConn(item)" style="margin-top: 5px; cursor: pointer" shadow="hover">
<div :inline="true">
<span>{{ item.name }}</span>
<span style="font-size: 14px; line-height: 25px">
[ {{ item.addr + ':' + item.port }} ]
style="float: right; margin-left: 5px"
v-if="hover === index"
style="float: right; margin-left: 5px"
v-if="hover === index"
<div v-if="item.description && hover === index">
<span style="font-size: 12px">{{ item.description }}</span>
</el-drawer> -->
<el-dialog v-model="connVisiable" :title="$t('terminal.addHost')" width="30%">
<el-form ref="hostInfoRef" label-width="100px" label-position="left" :model="hostInfo" :rules="rules">
<el-form-item :label="$t('commons.table.name')" prop="name">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.name" />
<el-form-item label="IP" prop="addr">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.addr" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.port')" prop="port">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="hostInfo.port" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.user')" prop="user">
<el-input clearable v-model="hostInfo.user" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.authMode')" prop="authMode">
<el-radio-group v-model="hostInfo.authMode">
<el-radio label="password">{{ $t('terminal.passwordMode') }}</el-radio>
<el-radio label="key">{{ $t('terminal.keyMode') }}</el-radio>
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.password')" v-if="hostInfo.authMode === 'password'" prop="password">
<el-input clearable show-password type="password" v-model="hostInfo.password" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('terminal.key')" v-if="hostInfo.authMode === 'key'" prop="privateKey">
<el-input clearable type="textarea" v-model="hostInfo.privateKey" />
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="connVisiable = false">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<!-- <el-button v-if="operation === 'conn'" type="primary" @click="submitAddHost(hostInfoRef)">
{{ $t('commons.button.conn') }}
<el-button v-else type="primary" @click="submitAddHost(hostInfoRef)">
{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}
</el-button> -->
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, onBeforeMount, ref, nextTick, reactive, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';
import { onMounted, onBeforeMount, ref, watch, nextTick, reactive, getCurrentInstance } from 'vue';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rues';
// import { getHostList, addHost, editHost, deleteHost } from '@/api/modules/host';
// import { useDeleteData } from '@/hooks/use-delete-data';
// import i18n from '@/lang';
import { testConn, getHostTree, addHost } from '@/api/modules/host';
import { getCommandList } from '@/api/modules/command';
import i18n from '@/lang';
import type { ElForm } from 'element-plus';
import { Host } from '@/api/interface/host';
// import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import Terminal from '@/views/terminal/terminal/index.vue';
import type Node from 'element-plus/es/components/tree/src/model/node';
import { ElTree } from 'element-plus';
let timer: NodeJS.Timer | null = null;
const terminalValue = ref();
const terminalTabs = ref([]) as any;
let tabIndex = 0;
// const data = ref();
// const hostDrawer = ref(false);
// let searcConfig = reactive<Host.ReqSearchWithPage>({
// info: '',
// page: 1,
// pageSize: 8,
// });
// const paginationConfig = reactive({
// currentPage: 1,
// pageSize: 8,
// total: 0,
// });
const commandList = ref();
let quickCmd = ref();
const quickCmds = [
{ label: 'ls', value: 'ls -l' },
{ label: 'pwd', value: 'pwd' },
let batchInput = ref();
let batchVal = ref();
let isBatch = ref<boolean>(false);
const popoverRef = ref();
const connVisiable = ref<boolean>(false);
const operation = ref();
// const hover = ref();
type FormInstance = InstanceType<typeof ElForm>;
const hostInfoRef = ref<FormInstance>();
const hostTree = ref<Array<Host.HostTree>>();
const treeRef = ref<InstanceType<typeof ElTree>>();
const defaultProps = {
label: 'label',
children: 'children',
const hostfilterInfo = ref('');
interface Tree {
id: number;
label: string;
children?: Tree[];
const rules = reactive({
name: [Rules.requiredInput, Rules.name],
addr: [Rules.requiredInput, Rules.ip],
@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ const rules = reactive({
let hostInfo = reactive<Host.HostOperate>({
id: 0,
name: '',
groupBelong: '',
addr: '',
port: 22,
user: '',
@ -210,112 +211,128 @@ let hostInfo = reactive<Host.HostOperate>({
const ctx = getCurrentInstance() as any;
const handleTabsEdit = (targetName: string, action: 'remove' | 'add') => {
if (action === 'add') {
connVisiable.value = true;
operation.value = 'conn';
if (hostInfoRef.value) {
} else if (action === 'remove') {
if (ctx) {
ctx.refs[`Ref${targetName}`] && ctx.refs[`Ref${targetName}`][0].onClose();
const tabs = terminalTabs.value;
let activeName = terminalValue.value;
if (activeName === targetName) {
tabs.forEach((tab: any, index: any) => {
if (tab.key === targetName) {
const nextTab = tabs[index + 1] || tabs[index - 1];
if (nextTab) {
activeName = nextTab.key;
const handleTabsRemove = (targetName: string, action: 'remove' | 'add') => {
if (action !== 'remove') {
if (ctx) {
ctx.refs[`Ref${targetName}`] && ctx.refs[`Ref${targetName}`][0].onClose();
const tabs = terminalTabs.value;
let activeName = terminalValue.value;
if (activeName === targetName) {
tabs.forEach((tab: any, index: any) => {
if (tab.key === targetName) {
const nextTab = tabs[index + 1] || tabs[index - 1];
if (nextTab) {
activeName = nextTab.key;
terminalValue.value = activeName;
terminalTabs.value = tabs.filter((tab: any) => tab.key !== targetName);
const loadHost = async () => {
const res = await getHostTree({});
hostTree.value = res.data;
watch(hostfilterInfo, (val: any) => {
const filterHost = (value: string, data: any) => {
if (!value) return true;
return data.label.includes(value);
const loadCommand = async () => {
const res = await getCommandList();
commandList.value = res.data;
function quickInput(val: any) {
if (val !== '') {
if (ctx) {
ctx.refs[`Ref${terminalValue.value}`] && ctx.refs[`Ref${terminalValue.value}`][0].onSendMsg(val + '\n');
terminalValue.value = activeName;
terminalTabs.value = tabs.filter((tab: any) => tab.key !== targetName);
function batchInput() {
if (batchVal.value === '' || !ctx) {
if (isBatch.value) {
for (const tab of terminalTabs.value) {
ctx.refs[`Ref${tab.key}`] && ctx.refs[`Ref${tab.key}`][0].onSendMsg(batchVal.value + '\n');
batchVal.value = '';
ctx.refs[`Ref${terminalValue.value}`] && ctx.refs[`Ref${terminalValue.value}`][0].onSendMsg(batchVal.value + '\n');
batchVal.value = '';
function beforeLeave(activeName: string) {
if (activeName === 'newTabs') {
return false;
const onNewTab = () => {
key: `${++tabIndex}`,
title: '',
wsID: 0,
status: 'online',
terminalValue.value = `${tabIndex}`;
const onNewSsh = () => {
connVisiable.value = true;
if (hostInfoRef.value) {
// const loadHost = async () => {
// searcConfig.page = paginationConfig.currentPage;
// searcConfig.pageSize = paginationConfig.pageSize;
// const res = await getHostList(searcConfig);
// data.value = res.data.items;
// paginationConfig.total = res.data.total;
// };
const onConn = (node: Node, data: Tree) => {
if (node.level === 1) {
let addr = data.label.split('@')[1].split(':')[0];
key: `${addr}-${++tabIndex}`,
title: addr,
wsID: data.id,
status: 'online',
terminalValue.value = `${addr}-${tabIndex}`;
// const nextPage = () => {
// if (paginationConfig.pageSize >= paginationConfig.total) {
// return;
// }
// paginationConfig.pageSize = paginationConfig.pageSize + 3;
// loadHost();
// };
// function onAddHost() {
// connVisiable.value = true;
// operation.value = 'create';
// if (hostInfoRef.value) {
// hostInfoRef.value.resetFields();
// }
// }
// function onEditHost(row: Host.Host) {
// hostInfo.id = row.id;
// hostInfo.name = row.name;
// hostInfo.addr = row.addr;
// hostInfo.port = row.port;
// hostInfo.user = row.user;
// hostInfo.authMode = row.authMode;
// hostInfo.password = '';
// hostInfo.privateKey = '';
// operation.value = 'update';
// connVisiable.value = true;
// }
// const submitAddHost = (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
// if (!formEl) return;
// formEl.validate(async (valid) => {
// if (!valid) return;
// try {
// switch (operation.value) {
// case 'create':
// await addHost(hostInfo);
// ElMessage.success(i18n.global.t('commons.msg.operationSuccess'));
// break;
// case 'update':
// await editHost(hostInfo);
// ElMessage.success(i18n.global.t('commons.msg.operationSuccess'));
// break;
// case 'conn':
// const res = await addHost(hostInfo);
// terminalTabs.value.push({
// key: `${res.data.addr}-${++tabIndex}`,
// title: res.data.addr,
// wsID: res.data.id,
// status: 'online',
// });
// terminalValue.value = `${res.data.addr}-${tabIndex}`;
// }
// connVisiable.value = false;
// // loadHost();
// } catch (error) {
// ElMessage.success(i18n.global.t('commons.msg.loginSuccess') + ':' + error);
// }
// });
// };
// const onConn = (row: Host.Host) => {
// terminalTabs.value.push({
// key: `${row.addr}-${++tabIndex}`,
// title: row.addr,
// wsID: row.id,
// status: 'online',
// });
// terminalValue.value = `${row.addr}-${tabIndex}`;
// };
const submitAddHost = (formEl: FormInstance | undefined, ops: string) => {
if (!formEl) return;
formEl.validate(async (valid) => {
if (!valid) return;
switch (ops) {
case 'testConn':
await testConn(hostInfo);
case 'saveAndConn':
const res = await addHost(hostInfo);
key: `${res.data.addr}-${++tabIndex}`,
title: res.data.addr,
wsID: res.data.id,
status: 'online',
terminalValue.value = `${res.data.addr}-${tabIndex}`;
connVisiable.value = false;
const onConnLocal = () => {
@ -327,12 +344,6 @@ const onConnLocal = () => {
terminalValue.value = `${tabIndex}`;
// const onDeleteHost = async (row: Host.Host) => {
// let ids: Array<number> = [row.id];
// await useDeleteData(deleteHost, { ids: ids }, 'commons.msg.delete');
// loadHost();
// };
function changeFrameHeight() {
let ifm = document.getElementById('iframeTerminal') as HTMLInputElement | null;
if (ifm) {
@ -343,6 +354,7 @@ function changeFrameHeight() {
function syncTerminal() {
for (const terminal of terminalTabs.value) {
if (ctx && ctx.refs[`Ref${terminal.key}`]) {
terminal.status = ctx.refs[`Ref${terminal.key}`][0].isWsOpen() ? 'online' : 'closed';
@ -354,7 +366,8 @@ onMounted(() => {
window.addEventListener('resize', changeFrameHeight);
// loadHost();
timer = setInterval(() => {
}, 1000 * 8);
@ -364,29 +377,6 @@ onBeforeMount(() => {
<style lang="scss" scoped>
.drawer-container {
transition: all 0.2s;
&:hover {
right: 0;
position: fixed;
right: -90px;
top: 15%;
height: 40px;
width: 130px;
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
z-index: 999;
border-radius: 4px 0 0 4px;
cursor: pointer;
.terminal-input {
&:hover {
width: 75%;
width: 25%;
.terminal-tabs {
:deep .el-tabs__header {
padding: 0;
@ -408,23 +398,6 @@ onBeforeMount(() => {
color: #ebeef5;
background-color: #575758;
:deep .el-tabs__new-tab {
display: flex;
align-items: center;
justify-content: center;
float: right;
border: 1pxsolidvar (--el-border-color);
height: 20px;
width: 20px;
line-height: 20px;
margin: 10px 30px 10px 10px;
border-radius: 3px;
text-align: center;
font-size: 24px;
color: var(--el-text-color-primary);
cursor: pointer;
transition: all 0.15s;
.vertical-tabs > .el-tabs__content {
@ -433,9 +406,14 @@ onBeforeMount(() => {
font-size: 32px;
font-weight: 600;
.el-tabs--right .el-tabs__content,
.el-tabs--left .el-tabs__content {
height: 100%;
.fullScreen {
position: absolute;
right: 50px;
top: 85px;
font-weight: 600;
font-size: 14px;
.el-tabs--top.el-tabs--card > .el-tabs__header .el-tabs__item:last-child {
padding-right: 0px;

View File

@ -73,7 +73,6 @@ const initTerm = () => {
if (ifm) {
if (props.wsID === 0) {
terminalSocket = new WebSocket(
@ -129,6 +128,15 @@ function onClose() {
term && term.dispose();
function onSendMsg(command: string) {
type: 'cmd',
cmd: Base64.encode(command),
function changeTerminalSize() {
const { cols, rows } = term;
@ -146,6 +154,7 @@ function changeTerminalSize() {
onMounted(() => {