mirror of
synced 2025-03-14 01:34:47 +08:00
feat: PHP 增加性能调整配置 (#6420)
This commit is contained in:
@ -76,6 +76,13 @@ func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Delete runtime
// @Description 删除运行环境校验
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /installed/delete/check/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRuntimeCheck(c *gin.Context) {
runTimeId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "runTimeId")
if err != nil {
@ -362,7 +369,6 @@ func (b *BaseApi) UpdatePHPFile(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// 写一个调用 GetPHPConfigFile 的方法
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Get php conf file
// @Description 获取 php 配置文件
@ -383,3 +389,45 @@ func (b *BaseApi) GetPHPConfigFile(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Update fpm config
// @Description 更新 fpm 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FPMConfig true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/fpm/config [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFPMConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FPMConfig
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := runtimeService.UpdateFPMConfig(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Get fpm config
// @Description 获取 fpm 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.FPMConfig
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/fpm/config/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetFPMConfig(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
data, err := runtimeService.GetFPMConfig(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
@ -95,3 +95,8 @@ type PHPFileReq struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type FPMConfig struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params" validate:"required"`
@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ func (r *Runtime) GetPath() string {
return path.Join(constant.RuntimeDir, r.Type, r.Name)
func (r *Runtime) GetFPMPath() string {
return path.Join(constant.RuntimeDir, r.Type, r.Name, "conf", "php-fpm.conf")
func (r *Runtime) GetPHPPath() string {
return path.Join(constant.RuntimeDir, r.Type, r.Name, "conf", "php.ini")
func (r *Runtime) GetLogPath() string {
return path.Join(r.GetPath(), "build.log")
@ -58,6 +58,8 @@ type IRuntimeService interface {
UpdatePHPConfig(req request.PHPConfigUpdate) (err error)
UpdatePHPConfigFile(req request.PHPFileUpdate) error
GetPHPConfigFile(req request.PHPFileReq) (*response.FileInfo, error)
UpdateFPMConfig(req request.FPMConfig) error
GetFPMConfig(id uint) (*request.FPMConfig, error)
func NewRuntimeService() IRuntimeService {
@ -833,7 +835,7 @@ func (r *RuntimeService) UpdatePHPConfig(req request.PHPConfigUpdate) (err error
phpConfigPath := path.Join(runtime.GetPath(), "conf", "php.ini")
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if !fileOp.Stat(phpConfigPath) {
return buserr.WithMap("ErrFileNotFound", map[string]interface{}{"name": "php.ini"}, nil)
return buserr.WithName("ErrFileNotFound", "php.ini")
configFile, err := fileOp.OpenFile(phpConfigPath)
if err != nil {
@ -931,3 +933,64 @@ func (r *RuntimeService) UpdatePHPConfigFile(req request.PHPFileUpdate) error {
return nil
func (r *RuntimeService) UpdateFPMConfig(req request.FPMConfig) error {
runtime, err := runtimeRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(req.ID))
if err != nil {
return err
cfg, err := ini.Load(runtime.GetFPMPath())
if err != nil {
return err
for k, v := range req.Params {
var valueStr string
switch v := v.(type) {
case string:
valueStr = v
case int:
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("%d", v)
case float64:
valueStr = fmt.Sprintf("%.f", v)
if err := cfg.SaveTo(runtime.GetFPMPath()); err != nil {
return err
return nil
var PmKeys = map[string]struct {
"pm": {},
"pm.max_children": {},
"pm.start_servers": {},
"pm.min_spare_servers": {},
"pm.max_spare_servers": {},
func (r *RuntimeService) GetFPMConfig(id uint) (*request.FPMConfig, error) {
runtime, err := runtimeRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(id))
if err != nil {
return nil, err
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if !fileOp.Stat(runtime.GetFPMPath()) {
return nil, buserr.WithName("ErrFileNotFound", "php-fpm.conf")
params := make(map[string]interface{})
cfg, err := ini.Load(runtime.GetFPMPath())
if err != nil {
return nil, err
for _, key := range cfg.Section("www").Keys() {
if _, ok := PmKeys[key.Name()]; ok {
params[key.Name()] = key.Value()
res := &request.FPMConfig{Params: params}
return res, nil
@ -13,7 +13,7 @@ func (r *RuntimeRouter) InitRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
baseApi := v2.ApiGroupApp.BaseApi
groupRouter.GET("/installed/delete/check/:runTimeId", baseApi.DeleteRuntimeCheck)
groupRouter.GET("/installed/delete/check/:id", baseApi.DeleteRuntimeCheck)
groupRouter.POST("/search", baseApi.SearchRuntimes)
groupRouter.POST("", baseApi.CreateRuntime)
groupRouter.POST("/del", baseApi.DeleteRuntime)
@ -39,6 +39,7 @@ func (r *RuntimeRouter) InitRouter(Router *gin.RouterGroup) {
groupRouter.POST("/php/config", baseApi.UpdatePHPConfig)
groupRouter.POST("/php/update", baseApi.UpdatePHPFile)
groupRouter.POST("/php/file", baseApi.GetPHPConfigFile)
groupRouter.POST("/php/fpm/config", baseApi.UpdateFPMConfig)
groupRouter.GET("/php/fpm/config/:id", baseApi.GetFPMConfig)
@ -166,4 +166,9 @@ export namespace Runtime {
id: number;
type: string;
export interface FPMConfig {
id: number;
params: any;
@ -96,3 +96,11 @@ export const UpdatePHPFile = (req: Runtime.PHPUpdate) => {
export const GetPHPConfigFile = (req: Runtime.PHPFileReq) => {
return http.post<File.File>(`/runtimes/php/file`, req);
export const UpdateFPMConfig = (req: Runtime.FPMConfig) => {
return http.post(`/runtimes/php/fpm/config`, req);
export const GetFPMConfig = (id: number) => {
return http.get<Runtime.FPMConfig>(`/runtimes/php/fpm/config/${id}`);
@ -2443,6 +2443,20 @@ const message = {
uninstallExtension: 'Are you sure you want to uninstall the extension {0}',
'Modifying the configuration requires restarting the operating environment, do you want to continue',
operateMode: 'operation mode',
dynamic: 'dynamic',
static: 'static',
ondemand: 'on-demand',
'dynamically adjust the number of processes, high flexibility, suitable for websites with large traffic fluctuations or low memory',
'fixed number of processes, suitable for websites with high concurrency and stable traffic, high resource consumption',
'processes are started and destroyed on demand, resource utilization is optimal, but the initial response may be slow',
max_children: 'maximum number of processes allowed to be created',
start_servers: 'number of processes created at startup',
min_spare_servers: 'minimum number of idle processes',
max_spare_servers: 'maximum number of idle processes',
process: {
pid: 'Process ID',
@ -2266,6 +2266,17 @@ const message = {
popularExtension: '常用擴充',
uninstallExtension: '是否確認卸載擴充功能 {0}',
phpConfigHelper: '修改配置需要重新啟動運行環境,是否繼續',
operateMode: '運行模式',
dynamic: '動態',
static: '靜態',
ondemand: '按需',
dynamicHelper: '動態調整進程數,彈性高,適合流量波動較大或低記憶體的網站',
staticHelper: '固定進程數,適合高併發穩定流量的網站,資源消耗較高',
ondemandHelper: '進程按需啟動和銷毀,資源利用最優,但初始回應可能較慢',
max_children: '允許創建的最大進程數',
start_servers: '啟動時所建立的進程數',
min_spare_servers: '最小空閒行程數',
max_spare_servers: '最大空閒行程數',
process: {
pid: '進程ID',
@ -2268,6 +2268,17 @@ const message = {
popularExtension: '常用扩展',
uninstallExtension: '是否确认卸载扩展 {0}',
phpConfigHelper: '修改配置需要重启运行环境,是否继续',
operateMode: '运行模式',
dynamic: '动态',
static: '静态',
ondemand: '按需',
dynamicHelper: '动态调整进程数,灵活性高,适合流量波动较大或者低内存的网站',
staticHelper: '固定进程数,适合高并发和稳定流量的网站,资源消耗较高',
ondemandHelper: '进程按需启动和销毁,资源利用最优,但初始响应可能较慢',
max_children: '允许创建的最大进程数',
start_servers: '启动时创建的进程数',
min_spare_servers: '最小空闲进程数',
max_spare_servers: '最大空闲进程数',
process: {
pid: '进程ID',
@ -16,7 +16,6 @@
<span class="input-help">{{ $t('php.max_execution_time') }}</span>
<el-form-item label="post_max_size" prop="post_max_size">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="form.post_max_size" maxlength="15">
<template #append>M</template>
@ -11,12 +11,15 @@
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('php.uploadMaxSize')" name="2">
<Upload :id="runtime.id" v-if="index == '2'"></Upload>
<el-tab-pane :label="'php-fpm'" name="3">
<PHP :id="runtime.id" v-if="index == '3'" :type="'fpm'"></PHP>
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('website.nginxPer')" name="5">
<Performance :id="runtime.id" v-if="index == '5'"></Performance>
<el-tab-pane :label="'php'" name="4">
<el-tab-pane :label="$t('website.source')" name="4">
<PHP :id="runtime.id" v-if="index == '4'" :type="'php'"></PHP>
<el-tab-pane :label="'FPM ' + $t('website.source')" name="3">
<PHP :id="runtime.id" v-if="index == '3'" :type="'fpm'"></PHP>
@ -24,11 +27,12 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { onMounted, ref } from 'vue';
import { Runtime } from '@/api/interface/runtime';
import Config from './config/index.vue';
import Function from './function/index.vue';
import Upload from './upload/index.vue';
import { Runtime } from '@/api/interface/runtime';
import PHP from './php-fpm/index.vue';
import Performance from './performance/index.vue';
const index = ref('0');
const open = ref(false);
@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
<el-form :model="params" :rules="variablesRules" ref="phpFormRef" label-position="top" v-loading="loading">
<el-row v-loading="loading">
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
<el-form-item :label="$t('runtime.operateMode')" prop="pm">
<el-select v-model="params.pm">
<el-option :label="$t('runtime.dynamic')" :value="'dynamic'"></el-option>
<el-option :label="$t('runtime.static')" :value="'static'"></el-option>
<el-option :label="$t('runtime.ondemand')" :value="'ondemand'"></el-option>
<span class="input-help">
<el-text v-if="params.pm == 'dynamic'">{{ $t('runtime.dynamicHelper') }}</el-text>
<el-text v-if="params.pm == 'static'">{{ $t('runtime.staticHelper') }}</el-text>
<el-text v-if="params.pm == 'ondemand'">{{ $t('runtime.ondemandHelper') }}</el-text>
<el-form-item label="max_children" prop="pm.max_children">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="params['pm.max_children']" maxlength="15"></el-input>
<span class="input-help">
{{ $t('runtime.max_children') }}
<el-form-item label="start_servers" prop="pm.start_servers">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="params['pm.start_servers']" maxlength="15"></el-input>
<span class="input-help">
{{ $t('runtime.start_servers') }}
<el-form-item label="min_spare_servers" prop="pm.min_spare_servers">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="params['pm.min_spare_servers']" maxlength="15"></el-input>
<span class="input-help">
{{ $t('runtime.min_spare_servers') }}
<el-form-item label="max_spare_servers" prop="pm.max_spare_servers">
<el-input clearable v-model.number="params['pm.max_spare_servers']" maxlength="15"></el-input>
<span class="input-help">
{{ $t('runtime.max_spare_servers') }}
<el-button type="primary" @click="onSaveStart(phpFormRef)">
{{ $t('commons.button.save') }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { GetFPMConfig, UpdateFPMConfig } from '@/api/modules/runtime';
import { checkNumberRange, Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { MsgSuccess } from '@/utils/message';
import { FormInstance } from 'element-plus';
import { computed, onMounted, reactive, ref } from 'vue';
const props = defineProps({
id: {
type: Number,
default: 0,
const id = computed(() => {
return props.id;
const loading = ref(false);
const phpFormRef = ref();
const initData = () => {
return {
pm: 'dynamic',
'pm.max_children': 150,
'pm.start_servers': 10,
'pm.min_spare_servers': 10,
'pm.max_spare_servers': 30,
const params = reactive(initData());
const variablesRules = reactive({
pm: [Rules.requiredSelect],
'pm.max_children': [checkNumberRange(0, 5000)],
'pm.start_servers': [checkNumberRange(0, 99999)],
'pm.min_spare_servers': [checkNumberRange(0, 99999)],
'pm.max_spare_servers': [checkNumberRange(0, 99999)],
const get = () => {
loading.value = true;
.then((res) => {
const resParams = res.data.params;
params['pm'] = resParams['pm'];
params['pm.max_children'] = Number(resParams['pm.max_children']);
params['pm.start_servers'] = Number(resParams['pm.start_servers']);
params['pm.min_spare_servers'] = Number(resParams['pm.min_spare_servers']);
params['pm.max_spare_servers'] = Number(resParams['pm.max_spare_servers']);
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
const onSaveStart = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
if (!formEl) return;
formEl.validate(async (valid) => {
if (!valid) return;
const action = await ElMessageBox.confirm(
confirmButtonText: i18n.global.t('commons.button.confirm'),
cancelButtonText: i18n.global.t('commons.button.cancel'),
type: 'info',
if (action === 'confirm') {
loading.value = true;
const submit = async () => {
loading.value = true;
UpdateFPMConfig({ id: id.value, params: params })
.then(() => {
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
onMounted(() => {
Reference in New Issue
Block a user