mirror of
synced 2025-03-16 10:44:44 +08:00
feat: 删除wordpress级联删除datastore
This commit is contained in:
@ -3,6 +3,7 @@ package model
type Database struct {
AppContainerId uint `json:"appContainerId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
AppInstallId uint `json:"appInstallId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
Key string `json:"key" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Dbname string `json:"dbname" gorm:"type:varchar(256);not null"`
Username string `json:"username" gorm:"type:varchar(256);not null"`
@ -63,8 +63,8 @@ func (a AppInstallRepo) DeleteBy(opts ...DBOption) error {
return db.Delete(&model.AppInstall{}).Error
func (a AppInstallRepo) Delete(install model.AppInstall) error {
db := global.DB
func (a AppInstallRepo) Delete(ctx context.Context, install model.AppInstall) error {
db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB).Model(&model.AppInstall{})
return db.Delete(&install).Error
@ -3,45 +3,54 @@ package repo
import (
type DatabaseRepo struct {
func (d DatabaseRepo) ByAppInstallId(installId uint) DBOption {
return func(db *gorm.DB) *gorm.DB {
return db.Where("app_install_id = ?", installId)
func (d DatabaseRepo) Create(ctx context.Context, database *model.Database) error {
db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB).Model(&model.Database{})
return db.Create(&database).Error
//func (a DatabaseRepo) BatchCreate(ctx context.Context, tags []*model.AppTag) error {
// db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
// return db.Create(&tags).Error
func (d DatabaseRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, opts ...DBOption) error {
db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB).Model(&model.Database{})
for _, opt := range opts {
db = opt(db)
return db.Delete(&model.Database{}).Error
//func (d DatabaseRepo) DeleteBy(ctx context.Context, appIds []uint) error {
// db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
// return db.Where("app_id in (?)", appIds).Delete(&model.AppTag{}).Error
func (d DatabaseRepo) GetBy(opts ...DBOption) ([]model.Database, error) {
db := global.DB.Model(model.Database{})
var databases []model.Database
for _, opt := range opts {
db = opt(db)
err := db.Find(&databases).Error
if err != nil {
return nil, err
return databases, nil
//func (a AppTagRepo) DeleteAll(ctx context.Context) error {
// db := ctx.Value("db").(*gorm.DB)
// return db.Where("1 = 1").Delete(&model.AppTag{}).Error
//func (a AppTagRepo) GetByAppId(appId uint) ([]model.AppTag, error) {
// var appTags []model.AppTag
// if err := global.DB.Where("app_id = ?", appId).Find(&appTags).Error; err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return appTags, nil
//func (a AppTagRepo) GetByTagIds(tagIds []uint) ([]model.AppTag, error) {
// var appTags []model.AppTag
// if err := global.DB.Where("tag_id in (?)", tagIds).Find(&appTags).Error; err != nil {
// return nil, err
// }
// return appTags, nil
func (d DatabaseRepo) GetFirst(opts ...DBOption) (model.Database, error) {
db := global.DB.Model(model.Database{})
var database model.Database
for _, opt := range opts {
db = opt(db)
err := db.Find(&database).Error
if err != nil {
return database, err
return database, nil
@ -10,14 +10,13 @@ import (
@ -180,17 +179,51 @@ func (a AppService) Operate(req dto.AppInstallOperate) error {
op := files.NewFileOp()
appDir := install.GetPath()
dir, _ := os.Stat(appDir)
tx := global.DB.Begin()
ctx := context.WithValue(context.Background(), "db", tx)
if dir == nil {
return appInstallRepo.Delete(install)
if err := appInstallRepo.Delete(ctx, install); err != nil {
return err
return nil
out, err := compose.Down(dockerComposePath)
if err != nil {
return handleErr(install, err, out)
if err := op.DeleteDir(appDir); err != nil {
return err
return appInstallRepo.Delete(install)
if err := appInstallRepo.Delete(ctx, install); err != nil {
return err
database, _ := dataBaseRepo.GetFirst(dataBaseRepo.ByAppInstallId(install.ID))
if reflect.DeepEqual(database, model.Database{}) {
return nil
if err := dataBaseRepo.DeleteBy(ctx, dataBaseRepo.ByAppInstallId(install.ID)); err != nil {
return err
container, err := appContainerRepo.GetFirst(commonRepo.WithByID(database.AppContainerId))
if err != nil {
return nil
if err := execDockerCommand(database, container, Delete); err != nil {
return err
return nil
case dto.Sync:
if err := a.SyncInstalled(install.ID); err != nil {
return err
@ -275,32 +308,8 @@ func (a AppService) Install(name string, appDetailId uint, params map[string]int
Params: string(paramByte),
resourceDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.ResourceDir, "apps", app.Key, appDetail.Version)
installDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.AppDir, app.Key)
installVersionDir := path.Join(installDir, appDetail.Version)
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if err := fileOp.Copy(resourceDir, installVersionDir); err != nil {
return err
appDir := path.Join(installDir, name)
if err := fileOp.Rename(installVersionDir, appDir); err != nil {
return err
composeFilePath := path.Join(appDir, "docker-compose.yml")
envPath := path.Join(appDir, ".env")
envParams := make(map[string]string, len(params))
for k, v := range params {
switch t := v.(type) {
case string:
envParams[k] = t
case float64:
envParams[k] = strconv.FormatFloat(t, 'f', -1, 32)
envParams[k] = t.(string)
if err := godotenv.Write(envParams, envPath); err != nil {
composeFilePath, err := copyAppData(app.Key, appDetail.Version, name, params)
if err != nil {
return err
@ -353,20 +362,11 @@ func (a AppService) Install(name string, appDetailId uint, params map[string]int
containerName := constant.ContainerPrefix + k + "-" + common.RandStr(4)
value["container_name"] = containerName
servicePort := 0
if portArray, ok := value["ports"].([]interface{}); ok {
for _, p := range portArray {
if pStr, ok := p.(string); ok {
start := strings.Index(pStr, "{")
end := strings.Index(pStr, "}")
if start > -1 && end > -1 {
portS := pStr[start+1 : end]
if v, ok := envParams[portS]; ok {
portN, _ := strconv.Atoi(v)
servicePort = portN
port, ok := params["PANEL_APP_PORT"]
if ok {
portN := int(math.Ceil(port.(float64)))
servicePort = portN
appContainers = append(appContainers, &model.AppContainer{
@ -384,6 +384,7 @@ func (a AppService) Install(name string, appDetailId uint, params map[string]int
if err != nil {
return err
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if err := fileOp.WriteFile(composeFilePath, strings.NewReader(string(composeByte)), 0775); err != nil {
return err
@ -423,19 +424,14 @@ func (a AppService) Install(name string, appDetailId uint, params map[string]int
database.Dbname = dbConfig.DbName
database.Username = dbConfig.DbUser
database.Password = dbConfig.Password
database.AppInstallId = appInstall.ID
database.Key = app.Key
if err := dataBaseRepo.Create(ctx, &database); err != nil {
return err
var auth dto.AuthParam
json.Unmarshal([]byte(container.Auth), &auth)
execConfig := dto.ContainerExec{
ContainerName: container.ContainerName,
Auth: auth,
DbParam: dbConfig,
_, err = cmd.Exec(getSqlStr(app.Key, execConfig))
if err != nil {
if err := execDockerCommand(database, container, Add); err != nil {
return err
@ -752,7 +748,6 @@ func (a AppService) SyncAppList() error {
func syncCanUpdate() {
apps, err := appRepo.GetBy()
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("sync update app error: %s", err.Error())
@ -787,78 +782,3 @@ func syncCanUpdate() {
func getApps(oldApps []model.App, items []dto.AppDefine) map[string]model.App {
apps := make(map[string]model.App, len(oldApps))
for _, old := range oldApps {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
apps[old.Key] = old
for _, item := range items {
app, ok := apps[item.Key]
if !ok {
app = model.App{}
app.Name = item.Name
app.Key = item.Key
app.ShortDesc = item.ShortDesc
app.Author = item.Author
app.Source = item.Source
app.Type = item.Type
app.CrossVersionUpdate = item.CrossVersionUpdate
app.Required = item.GetRequired()
app.Status = constant.AppNormal
apps[item.Key] = app
return apps
func getAppDetails(details []model.AppDetail, versions []string) map[string]model.AppDetail {
appDetails := make(map[string]model.AppDetail, len(details))
for _, old := range details {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
appDetails[old.Version] = old
for _, v := range versions {
detail, ok := appDetails[v]
if ok {
detail.Status = constant.AppNormal
appDetails[v] = detail
} else {
appDetails[v] = model.AppDetail{
Version: v,
Status: constant.AppNormal,
return appDetails
func upApp(composeFilePath string, appInstall model.AppInstall) {
out, err := compose.Up(composeFilePath)
if err != nil {
if out != "" {
appInstall.Message = out
} else {
appInstall.Message = err.Error()
appInstall.Status = constant.Error
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(appInstall)
} else {
appInstall.Status = constant.Running
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(appInstall)
func getSqlStr(key string, exec dto.ContainerExec) string {
var str string
param := exec.DbParam
switch key {
case "mysql":
str = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -i %s mysql -uroot -p%s -e \"CREATE USER '%s'@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%s';\" -e \"create database %s;\" -e \"GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%%';\"",
exec.ContainerName, exec.Auth.RootPassword, param.DbUser, param.Password, param.DbName, param.DbName, param.DbUser)
return str
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package service
import (
type DatabaseOp string
var (
Add DatabaseOp = "add"
Delete DatabaseOp = "delete"
func execDockerCommand(database model.Database, container model.AppContainer, op DatabaseOp) error {
var auth dto.AuthParam
var dbConfig dto.AppDatabase
dbConfig.Password = database.Password
dbConfig.DbUser = database.Username
dbConfig.DbName = database.Dbname
json.Unmarshal([]byte(container.Auth), &auth)
execConfig := dto.ContainerExec{
ContainerName: container.ContainerName,
Auth: auth,
DbParam: dbConfig,
_, err := cmd.Exec(getSqlStr(database.Key, op, execConfig))
if err != nil {
return err
return nil
func getSqlStr(key string, operate DatabaseOp, exec dto.ContainerExec) string {
var str string
param := exec.DbParam
switch key {
case "mysql":
if operate == Add {
str = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -i %s mysql -uroot -p%s -e \"CREATE USER '%s'@'%%' IDENTIFIED BY '%s';\" -e \"create database %s;\" -e \"GRANT ALL ON %s.* TO '%s'@'%%';\"",
exec.ContainerName, exec.Auth.RootPassword, param.DbUser, param.Password, param.DbName, param.DbName, param.DbUser)
if operate == Delete {
str = fmt.Sprintf("docker exec -i %s mysql -uroot -p%s -e \"drop database %s;\" -e \"drop user %s;\" ",
exec.ContainerName, exec.Auth.RootPassword, param.DbName, param.DbUser)
return str
func copyAppData(key, version, installName string, params map[string]interface{}) (composeFilePath string, err error) {
resourceDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.ResourceDir, "apps", key, version)
installDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.AppDir, key)
installVersionDir := path.Join(installDir, version)
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if err = fileOp.Copy(resourceDir, installVersionDir); err != nil {
appDir := path.Join(installDir, installName)
if err = fileOp.Rename(installVersionDir, appDir); err != nil {
composeFilePath = path.Join(appDir, "docker-compose.yml")
envPath := path.Join(appDir, ".env")
envParams := make(map[string]string, len(params))
for k, v := range params {
switch t := v.(type) {
case string:
envParams[k] = t
case float64:
envParams[k] = strconv.FormatFloat(t, 'f', -1, 32)
envParams[k] = t.(string)
if err = godotenv.Write(envParams, envPath); err != nil {
func upApp(composeFilePath string, appInstall model.AppInstall) {
out, err := compose.Up(composeFilePath)
if err != nil {
if out != "" {
appInstall.Message = out
} else {
appInstall.Message = err.Error()
appInstall.Status = constant.Error
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(appInstall)
} else {
appInstall.Status = constant.Running
_ = appInstallRepo.Save(appInstall)
func getAppDetails(details []model.AppDetail, versions []string) map[string]model.AppDetail {
appDetails := make(map[string]model.AppDetail, len(details))
for _, old := range details {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
appDetails[old.Version] = old
for _, v := range versions {
detail, ok := appDetails[v]
if ok {
detail.Status = constant.AppNormal
appDetails[v] = detail
} else {
appDetails[v] = model.AppDetail{
Version: v,
Status: constant.AppNormal,
return appDetails
func getApps(oldApps []model.App, items []dto.AppDefine) map[string]model.App {
apps := make(map[string]model.App, len(oldApps))
for _, old := range oldApps {
old.Status = constant.AppTakeDown
apps[old.Key] = old
for _, item := range items {
app, ok := apps[item.Key]
if !ok {
app = model.App{}
app.Name = item.Name
app.Key = item.Key
app.ShortDesc = item.ShortDesc
app.Author = item.Author
app.Source = item.Source
app.Type = item.Type
app.CrossVersionUpdate = item.CrossVersionUpdate
app.Required = item.GetRequired()
app.Status = constant.AppNormal
apps[item.Key] = app
return apps
Reference in New Issue
Block a user