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synced 2025-03-18 13:19:37 +08:00
feat: 增加一些提示信息 (#4730)
This commit is contained in:
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ErrGroupIsUsed: 'The group is in use and cannot be deleted'
ErrBackupMatch: 'the backup file does not match the current partial data of the website: {{ .detail}}"'
ErrBackupExist: 'the backup file corresponds to a portion of the original data that does not exist: {{ .detail}}"'
ErrPHPResource: 'The local runtime does not support switching!'
ErrPathPermission: 'A folder with non-1000:1000 permissions was detected in the index directory, which may cause Access denied errors when accessing the website.'
ErrPathPermission: 'A folder with non-1000:1000 permissions was detected in the index directory, which may cause an Access denied error when accessing the website. Please click the save button above'
ErrDomainIsUsed: "Domain is already used by website {{ .name }}"
ErrDomainFormat: "{{ .name }} domain format error"
@ -184,6 +184,7 @@ ErrDefaultIP: "default is a reserved name, please change it to another name"
ErrGroupInUse: "The IP group is used by the black/white list and cannot be deleted"
ErrGroupExist: "IP group name already exists"
ErrIPRange: "Wrong IP range"
ErrIPExist: "IP is exit"
ErrLicense: "License format error, please check and try again!"
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ErrGroupIsUsed: '分組正在使用中,無法刪除'
ErrBackupMatch: '該備份文件與當前網站部分數據不匹配: {{ .detail}}"'
ErrBackupExist: '該備份文件對應部分原數據不存在: {{ .detail}}"'
ErrPHPResource: '本地運行環境不支持切換!'
ErrPathPermission: 'index 目錄下檢測到非 1000:1000 權限文件夾,可能導致網站訪問 Access denied 錯誤'
ErrPathPermission: 'index 目錄下偵測到非 1000:1000 權限資料夾,可能導致網站存取 Access denied 錯誤,請點擊上方儲存按鈕'
ErrDomainIsUsed: "域名已被網站【{{ .name }}】使用"
ErrDomainFormat: "{{ .name }} 域名格式不正確"
@ -178,13 +178,15 @@ ErrBanAction: "設置失敗,當前 {{ .name }} 服務不可用,請檢查後
ErrScope: "不支援修改此配置"
ErrStateChange: "狀態修改失敗"
ErrRuleExist: "規則名稱已存在"
ErrRuleExist: "規則已存在"
ErrRuleNotExist: "規則不存在"
ErrParseIP: "IP 格式錯誤"
ErrDefaultIP: "default 為保留名稱,請更換其他名稱"
ErrGroupInUse: "IP 群組被黑/白名單使用,無法刪除"
ErrGroupExist: "IP 群組名稱已存在"
ErrIPRange: "IP 範圍錯誤"
ErrIPExist: "IP 已存在"
ErrLicense: "許可證格式錯誤,請檢查後重試!"
@ -90,7 +90,7 @@ ErrGroupIsUsed: '分组正在使用中,无法删除'
ErrBackupMatch: '该备份文件与当前网站部分数据不匹配 {{ .detail}}"'
ErrBackupExist: '该备份文件对应部分源数据不存在 {{ .detail}}"'
ErrPHPResource: '本地运行环境不支持切换!'
ErrPathPermission: 'index 目录下检测到非 1000:1000 权限文件夹,可能导致网站访问 Access denied 错误'
ErrPathPermission: 'index 目录下检测到非 1000:1000 权限文件夹,可能导致网站访问 Access denied 错误,请点击上方保存按钮'
ErrDomainIsUsed: "域名已被网站【{{ .name }}】使用"
ErrDomainFormat: "{{ .name }} 域名格式不正确"
@ -177,13 +177,14 @@ ErrBanAction: "设置失败,当前 {{ .name }} 服务不可用,请检查后
ErrScope: "不支持修改此配置"
ErrStateChange: "状态修改失败"
ErrRuleExist: "规则名称已存在"
ErrRuleExist: "规则已存在"
ErrRuleNotExist: "规则不存在"
ErrParseIP: "IP 格式错误"
ErrDefaultIP: "default 为保留名称,请更换其他名称"
ErrGroupInUse: "IP 组被黑/白名单使用,无法删除"
ErrGroupExist: "IP 组名称已存在"
ErrIPRange: "IP 范围错误"
ErrIPExist: "IP 已存在"
ErrLicense: "许可证格式错误,请检查后重试!"
@ -8,6 +8,9 @@
<div class="mb-4" v-if="type === 'mysql' || type === 'mariadb'">
<el-alert type="error" :title="$t('database.formatHelper', [remark])" />
<div class="mb-4" v-if="type === 'website'">
<el-alert :closable="false" type="warning" :title="$t('website.websiteBackupWarn')"></el-alert>
<el-upload ref="uploadRef" drag :on-change="fileOnChange" class="upload-demo" :auto-upload="false">
<el-icon class="el-icon--upload"><upload-filled /></el-icon>
<div class="el-upload__text">
@ -1697,6 +1697,8 @@ const message = {
'The current application network mode is host mode. If you need to open the port, please open it manually on the firewall page.',
showLocal: 'Show Local Application',
reload: 'Reload',
'Upgrading the application will replace the docker-compose.yml file. If there is any change, please replace it after upgrading',
website: {
website: 'Website',
@ -1948,6 +1950,8 @@ const message = {
containWarn: 'The domain name contains the main domain, please re-enter',
'Applications such as WordPress installed from the app store have pseudo-static configuration by default. Repeated configuration may result in errors',
'Only supports importing local backups, importing backups from other machines may cause recovery failure',
php: {
short_open_tag: 'Short tag support',
@ -1583,6 +1583,7 @@ const message = {
hostModeHelper: '目前應用網路模式為 host 模式,如需放開端口,請在防火牆頁面手動放開',
showLocal: '顯示本機應用程式',
reload: '重載',
upgradeWarn: '升級應用程式會取代 docker-compose.yml 文件,如有更改,請升級之後替換',
website: {
website: '網站',
@ -1822,6 +1823,7 @@ const message = {
tencentCloud: '騰訊雲',
containWarn: '其他域名中包含主域名,请重新輸入',
rewriteHelper2: '從應用程式商店安裝的 WordPress 等應用,預設已經配置好偽靜態,重複配置可能會報錯',
websiteBackupWarn: '僅支援導入本機備份,導入其他機器備份可能會恢復失敗',
php: {
short_open_tag: '短標簽支持',
@ -1583,6 +1583,7 @@ const message = {
hostModeHelper: '当前应用网络模式为 host 模式,如需放开端口,请在防火墙页面手动放开',
showLocal: '显示本地应用',
reload: '重载',
upgradeWarn: '升级应用会替换 docker-compose.yml 文件,如有更改,请升级之后替换',
website: {
website: '网站',
@ -1822,6 +1823,7 @@ const message = {
tencentCloud: '腾讯云',
containWarn: '其他域名中包含主域名,请重新输入',
rewriteHelper2: '从应用商店安装的 WordPress 等应用,默认已经配置好伪静态,重复配置可能会报错',
websiteBackupWarn: '仅支持导入本机备份,导入其他机器备份可能会恢复失败',
php: {
short_open_tag: '短标签支持',
@ -35,6 +35,7 @@
<el-checkbox v-model="operateReq.pullImage" :label="$t('container.forcePull')" size="large" />
<span class="input-help">{{ $t('container.forcePullHelper') }}</span>
<el-text type="warning">{{ $t('app.upgradeWarn') }}</el-text>
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
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