mirror of https://github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel.git synced 2025-03-18 21:29:26 +08:00

pref: backend 重命名 agent

This commit is contained in:
ssongliu 2024-07-23 14:48:37 +08:00
parent 45c9aaa591
commit 8d28b7db94
427 changed files with 121967 additions and 0 deletions

agent/app/api/v1/app.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,197 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags App
// @Summary List apps
// @Description 获取应用列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchApp(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
list, err := appService.PageApp(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Sync app list
// @Description 同步应用列表
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/sync [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"应用商店同步","formatEN":"App store synchronization"}
func (b *BaseApi) SyncApp(c *gin.Context) {
go appService.SyncAppListFromLocal()
res, err := appService.GetAppUpdate()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
if !res.CanUpdate {
if res.IsSyncing {
helper.SuccessWithMsg(c, i18n.GetMsgByKey("AppStoreIsSyncing"))
} else {
helper.SuccessWithMsg(c, i18n.GetMsgByKey("AppStoreIsUpToDate"))
go func() {
if err := appService.SyncAppListFromRemote(); err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("Synchronization with the App Store failed [%s]", err.Error())
helper.SuccessWithData(c, "")
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app by key
// @Description 通过 key 获取应用信息
// @Accept json
// @Param key path string true "app key"
// @Success 200 {object} response.AppDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/:key [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetApp(c *gin.Context) {
appKey, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "key")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
appDTO, err := appService.GetApp(appKey)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, appDTO)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app detail by appid
// @Description 通过 appid 获取应用详情
// @Accept json
// @Param appId path integer true "app id"
// @Param version path string true "app 版本"
// @Param version path string true "app 类型"
// @Success 200 {object} response.AppDetailDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/detail/:appId/:version/:type [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetAppDetail(c *gin.Context) {
appID, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "appId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
version := c.Param("version")
appType := c.Param("type")
appDetailDTO, err := appService.GetAppDetail(appID, version, appType)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, appDetailDTO)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Get app detail by id
// @Description 通过 id 获取应用详情
// @Accept json
// @Param appId path integer true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} response.AppDetailDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/details/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetAppDetailByID(c *gin.Context) {
appDetailID, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "id")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
appDetailDTO, err := appService.GetAppDetailByID(appDetailID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, appDetailDTO)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Get Ignore App
// @Description 获取忽略的应用版本
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {object} response.IgnoredApp
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/ignored [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetIgnoredApp(c *gin.Context) {
res, err := appService.GetIgnoredApp()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Install app
// @Description 安装应用
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstallCreate true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} model.AppInstall
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/install [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"name","input_value":"name","isList":false,"db":"app_installs","output_column":"app_id","output_value":"appId"},{"info":"appId","isList":false,"db":"apps","output_column":"key","output_value":"appKey"}],"formatZH":"安装应用 [appKey]-[name]","formatEN":"Install app [appKey]-[name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) InstallApp(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstallCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
tx, ctx := helper.GetTxAndContext()
install, err := appService.Install(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, install)
func (b *BaseApi) GetAppTags(c *gin.Context) {
tags, err := appService.GetAppTags()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, tags)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Get app list update
// @Description 获取应用更新版本
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/checkupdate [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetAppListUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
res, err := appService.GetAppUpdate()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,327 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags App
// @Summary Page app installed
// @Description 分页获取已安装应用列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstalledSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchAppInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstalledSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if req.All {
list, err := appInstallService.SearchForWebsite(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
} else {
total, list, err := appInstallService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags App
// @Summary List app installed
// @Description 获取已安装应用列表
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 array dto.AppInstallInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/list [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListAppInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := appInstallService.GetInstallList()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Check app installed
// @Description 检查应用安装情况
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstalledInfo true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.AppInstalledCheck
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) CheckAppInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstalledInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
checkData, err := appInstallService.CheckExist(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, checkData)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app port by key
// @Description 获取应用端口
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {integer} port
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/loadport [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadPort(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
port, err := appInstallService.LoadPort(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, port)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app password by key
// @Description 获取应用连接信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} response.DatabaseConn
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/conninfo/:key [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadConnInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
conn, err := appInstallService.LoadConnInfo(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, conn)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Check before delete
// @Description 删除前检查
// @Accept json
// @Param appInstallId path integer true "App install id"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.AppResource
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/delete/check/:appInstallId [get]
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCheck(c *gin.Context) {
appInstallId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "appInstallId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
checkData, err := appInstallService.DeleteCheck(appInstallId)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, checkData)
// Sync app installed
// @Tags App
// @Summary Sync app installed
// @Description 同步已安装应用列表
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/sync [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"同步已安装应用列表","formatEN":"Sync the list of installed apps"}
func (b *BaseApi) SyncInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
if err := appInstallService.SyncAll(false); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, "")
// @Tags App
// @Summary Operate installed app
// @Description 操作已安装应用
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstalledOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/op [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["installId","operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"installId","isList":false,"db":"app_installs","output_column":"app_id","output_value":"appId"},{"input_column":"id","input_value":"installId","isList":false,"db":"app_installs","output_column":"name","output_value":"appName"},{"input_column":"id","input_value":"appId","isList":false,"db":"apps","output_column":"key","output_value":"appKey"}],"formatZH":"[operate] 应用 [appKey][appName]","formatEN":"[operate] App [appKey][appName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstalledOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := appInstallService.Operate(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app service by key
// @Description 通过 key 获取应用 service
// @Accept json
// @Param key path string true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.AppService
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/services/:key [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetServices(c *gin.Context) {
key := c.Param("key")
services, err := appInstallService.GetServices(key)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, services)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search app update version by install id
// @Description 通过 install id 获取应用更新版本
// @Accept json
// @Param appInstallId path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.AppVersion
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/update/versions [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetUpdateVersions(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppUpdateVersion
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
versions, err := appInstallService.GetUpdateVersions(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, versions)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Change app port
// @Description 修改应用端口
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.PortUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/port/change [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","name","port"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"应用端口修改 [key]-[name] => [port]","formatEN":"Application port update [key]-[name] => [port]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeAppPort(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.PortUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := appInstallService.ChangeAppPort(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search default config by key
// @Description 通过 key 获取应用默认配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} content
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/conf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetDefaultConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content, err := appInstallService.GetDefaultConfigByKey(req.Type, req.Name)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Search params by appInstallId
// @Description 通过 install id 获取应用参数
// @Accept json
// @Param appInstallId path string true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.AppParam
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/params/:appInstallId [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetParams(c *gin.Context) {
appInstallId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "appInstallId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
content, err := appInstallService.GetParams(appInstallId)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags App
// @Summary Change app params
// @Description 修改应用参数
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstalledUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/params/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["installId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"应用参数修改 [installId]","formatEN":"Application param update [installId]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateInstalled(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstalledUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := appInstallService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags App
// @Summary ignore App Update
// @Description 忽略应用升级版本
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.AppInstalledIgnoreUpgrade true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /apps/installed/ignore [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["installId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"忽略应用 [installId] 版本升级","formatEN":"Application param update [installId]"}
func (b *BaseApi) IgnoreUpgrade(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.AppInstalledIgnoreUpgrade
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := appInstallService.IgnoreUpgrade(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

agent/app/api/v1/backup.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,443 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Create backup account
// @Description 创建备份账号
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BackupOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建备份账号 [type]","formatEN":"create backup account [type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateBackup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BackupOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Credential) != 0 {
credential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Credential)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Credential = string(credential)
if len(req.AccessKey) != 0 {
accessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.AccessKey = string(accessKey)
if err := backupService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Refresh OneDrive token
// @Description 刷新 OneDrive token
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/refresh/onedrive [post]
func (b *BaseApi) RefreshOneDriveToken(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary List buckets
// @Description 获取 bucket 列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ForBuckets true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ListBuckets(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ForBuckets
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Credential) != 0 {
credential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Credential)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Credential = string(credential)
if len(req.AccessKey) != 0 {
accessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.AccessKey = string(accessKey)
buckets, err := backupService.GetBuckets(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, buckets)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Load OneDrive info
// @Description 获取 OneDrive 信息
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.OneDriveInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/onedrive [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadOneDriveInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := backupService.LoadOneDriveInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Delete backup account
// @Description 删除备份账号
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"backup_accounts","output_column":"type","output_value":"types"}],"formatZH":"删除备份账号 [types]","formatEN":"delete backup account [types]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteBackup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := backupService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Page backup records
// @Description 获取备份记录列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RecordSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/record/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchBackupRecords(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RecordSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := backupService.SearchRecordsWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Page backup records by cronjob
// @Description 通过计划任务获取备份记录列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RecordSearchByCronjob true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/record/search/bycronjob [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchBackupRecordsByCronjob(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RecordSearchByCronjob
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := backupService.SearchRecordsByCronjobWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Download backup record
// @Description 下载备份记录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DownloadRecord true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/record/download [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["source","fileName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"下载备份记录 [source][fileName]","formatEN":"download backup records [source][fileName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DownloadRecord(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DownloadRecord
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
filePath, err := backupService.DownloadRecord(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, filePath)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Delete backup record
// @Description 删除备份记录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/record/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"backup_records","output_column":"file_name","output_value":"files"}],"formatZH":"删除备份记录 [files]","formatEN":"delete backup records [files]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteBackupRecord(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := backupService.BatchDeleteRecord(req.Ids); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Update backup account
// @Description 更新备份账号信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BackupOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新备份账号 [types]","formatEN":"update backup account [types]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateBackup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BackupOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Credential) != 0 {
credential, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Credential)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Credential = string(credential)
if len(req.AccessKey) != 0 {
accessKey, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.AccessKey)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.AccessKey = string(accessKey)
if err := backupService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary List backup accounts
// @Description 获取备份账号列表
// @Success 200 {array} dto.BackupInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/search [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListBackup(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := backupService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary List files from backup accounts
// @Description 获取备份账号内文件列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BackupSearchFile true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/search/files [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFilesFromBackup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BackupSearchFile
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data := backupService.ListFiles(req)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Backup system data
// @Description 备份系统数据
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CommonBackup true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/backup [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type","name","detailName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"备份 [type] 数据 [name][detailName]","formatEN":"backup [type] data [name][detailName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) Backup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CommonBackup
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
switch req.Type {
case "app":
if _, err := backupService.AppBackup(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "mysql", "mariadb":
if err := backupService.MysqlBackup(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case constant.AppPostgresql:
if err := backupService.PostgresqlBackup(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "website":
if err := backupService.WebsiteBackup(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "redis":
if err := backupService.RedisBackup(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Recover system data
// @Description 恢复系统数据
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CommonRecover true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/recover [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type","name","detailName","file"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"从 [file] 恢复 [type] 数据 [name][detailName]","formatEN":"recover [type] data [name][detailName] from [file]"}
func (b *BaseApi) Recover(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CommonRecover
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
downloadPath, err := backupService.DownloadRecord(dto.DownloadRecord{Source: req.Source, FileDir: path.Dir(req.File), FileName: path.Base(req.File)})
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, fmt.Errorf("download file failed, err: %v", err))
req.File = downloadPath
switch req.Type {
case "mysql", "mariadb":
if err := backupService.MysqlRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case constant.AppPostgresql:
if err := backupService.PostgresqlRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "website":
if err := backupService.WebsiteRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "redis":
if err := backupService.RedisRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "app":
if err := backupService.AppRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Backup Account
// @Summary Recover system data by upload
// @Description 从上传恢复系统数据
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CommonRecover true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/backup/recover/byupload [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type","name","detailName","file"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"从 [file] 恢复 [type] 数据 [name][detailName]","formatEN":"recover [type] data [name][detailName] from [file]"}
func (b *BaseApi) RecoverByUpload(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CommonRecover
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
switch req.Type {
case "mysql", "mariadb":
if err := backupService.MysqlRecoverByUpload(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case constant.AppPostgresql:
if err := backupService.PostgresqlRecoverByUpload(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "app":
if err := backupService.AppRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
case "website":
if err := backupService.WebsiteRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/clam.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,296 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Create clam
// @Description 创建扫描规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建扫描规则 [name][path]","formatEN":"create clam [name][path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateClam(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Update clam
// @Description 修改扫描规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改扫描规则 [name][path]","formatEN":"update clam [name][path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateClam(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Update clam status
// @Description 修改扫描规则状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamUpdateStatus true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/status/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","status"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"clams","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"修改扫描规则 [name] 状态为 [status]","formatEN":"change the status of clam [name] to [status]."}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateClamStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamUpdateStatus
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.UpdateStatus(req.ID, req.Status); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Page clam
// @Description 获取扫描规则列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchClamWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchClam(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchClamWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := clamService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Load clam base info
// @Description 获取 Clam 基础信息
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.ClamBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/base [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadClamBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
info, err := clamService.LoadBaseInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, info)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Operate Clam
// @Description 修改 Clam 状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Operate true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operation] Clam","formatEN":"[operation] FTP"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateClam(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Operate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.Operate(req.Operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Clean clam record
// @Description 清空扫描报告
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/record/clean [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":true,"db":"clams","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"清空扫描报告 [name]","formatEN":"clean clam record [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CleanClamRecord(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.CleanRecord(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Page clam record
// @Description 获取扫描结果列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamLogSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/record/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchClamRecord(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamLogSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := clamService.LoadRecords(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Load clam record detail
// @Description 获取扫描结果详情
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamLogReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/record/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadClamRecordLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamLogReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content, err := clamService.LoadRecordLog(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Load clam file
// @Description 获取扫描文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamFileReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/file/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchClamFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamFileReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content, err := clamService.LoadFile(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Update clam file
// @Description 更新病毒扫描配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateByNameAndFile true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/file/update [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateByNameAndFile
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.UpdateFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Delete clam
// @Description 删除扫描规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ClamDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"clams","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除扫描规则 [names]","formatEN":"delete clam [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteClam(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ClamDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Clam
// @Summary Handle clam scan
// @Description 执行病毒扫描
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clam/handle [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":true,"db":"clams","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"执行病毒扫描 [name]","formatEN":"handle clam scan [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) HandleClamScan(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := clamService.HandleOnce(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/command.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Command
// @Summary Create command
// @Description 创建快速命令
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CommandOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","command"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建快捷命令 [name][command]","formatEN":"create quick command [name][command]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CommandOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := commandService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Redis Command
// @Summary Save redis command
// @Description 保存 Redis 快速命令
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RedisCommand true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/redis [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","command"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"保存 redis 快捷命令 [name][command]","formatEN":"save quick command for redis [name][command]"}
func (b *BaseApi) SaveRedisCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RedisCommand
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := commandService.SaveRedisCommand(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Command
// @Summary Page commands
// @Description 获取快速命令列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchCommandWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := commandService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Redis Command
// @Summary Page redis commands
// @Description 获取 redis 快速命令列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/redis/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchRedisCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := commandService.SearchRedisCommandWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Command
// @Summary Tree commands
// @Description 获取快速命令树
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {Array} dto.CommandTree
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/tree [get]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchCommandTree(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := commandService.SearchForTree()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Redis Command
// @Summary List redis commands
// @Description 获取 redis 快速命令列表
// @Success 200 {Array} dto.RedisCommand
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/redis [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListRedisCommand(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := commandService.ListRedisCommand()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Command
// @Summary List commands
// @Description 获取快速命令列表
// @Success 200 {object} dto.CommandInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListCommand(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := commandService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Command
// @Summary Delete command
// @Description 删除快速命令
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"commands","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除快捷命令 [names]","formatEN":"delete quick command [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := commandService.Delete(req.Ids); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Redis Command
// @Summary Delete redis command
// @Description 删除 redis 快速命令
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/redis/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"redis_commands","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除 redis 快捷命令 [names]","formatEN":"delete quick command of redis [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRedisCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := commandService.DeleteRedisCommand(req.Ids); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Command
// @Summary Update command
// @Description 更新快速命令
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CommandOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/command/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新快捷命令 [name]","formatEN":"update quick command [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateCommand(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CommandOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
upMap := make(map[string]interface{})
upMap["name"] = req.Name
upMap["group_id"] = req.GroupID
upMap["command"] = req.Command
if err := commandService.Update(req.ID, upMap); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Container Compose-template
// @Summary Create compose template
// @Description 创建容器编排模版
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeTemplateCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/template [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 compose 模版 [name]","formatEN":"create compose template [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateComposeTemplate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeTemplateCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := composeTemplateService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Compose-template
// @Summary Page compose templates
// @Description 获取容器编排模版列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/template/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchComposeTemplate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := composeTemplateService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Compose-template
// @Summary List compose templates
// @Description 获取容器编排模版列表
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.ComposeTemplateInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/template [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListComposeTemplate(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := composeTemplateService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Compose-template
// @Summary Delete compose template
// @Description 删除容器编排模版
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/template/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"compose_templates","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除 compose 模版 [names]","formatEN":"delete compose template [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteComposeTemplate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := composeTemplateService.Delete(req.Ids); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Compose-template
// @Summary Update compose template
// @Description 更新容器编排模版
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeTemplateUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/template/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"compose_templates","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新 compose 模版 [name]","formatEN":"update compose template information [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateComposeTemplate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeTemplateUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
upMap := make(map[string]interface{})
upMap["content"] = req.Content
upMap["description"] = req.Description
if err := composeTemplateService.Update(req.ID, upMap); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,700 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Page containers
// @Description 获取容器列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageContainer true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchContainer(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageContainer
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := containerService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container
// @Summary List containers
// @Description 获取容器名称
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/list [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ListContainer(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := containerService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Page composes
// @Description 获取编排列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchCompose(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := containerService.PageCompose(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Test compose
// @Description 测试 compose 是否可用
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose/test [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"检测 compose [name] 格式","formatEN":"check compose [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) TestCompose(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
isOK, err := containerService.TestCompose(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, isOK)
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Create compose
// @Description 创建容器编排
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 compose [name]","formatEN":"create compose [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateCompose(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
log, err := containerService.CreateCompose(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, log)
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Operate compose
// @Description 容器编排操作
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeOperation true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"compose [operation] [name]","formatEN":"compose [operation] [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperatorCompose(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeOperation
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ComposeOperation(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Update container
// @Description 更新容器
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","image"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新容器 [name][image]","formatEN":"update container [name][image]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerUpdate(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Load container info
// @Description 获取容器表单信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.ContainerOperate
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/info [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := containerService.ContainerInfo(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Summary Load container limits
// @Description 获取容器限制
// @Success 200 {object} dto.ResourceLimit
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/limit [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadResourceLimit(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := containerService.LoadResourceLimit()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Summary Load container stats
// @Description 获取容器列表资源占用
// @Success 200 {array} dto.ContainerListStats
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/list/stats [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerListStats(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := containerService.ContainerListStats()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Create container
// @Description 创建容器
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","image"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建容器 [name][image]","formatEN":"create container [name][image]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerCreate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerCreate(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Upgrade container
// @Description 更新容器镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerUpgrade true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/upgrade [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","image"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新容器镜像 [name][image]","formatEN":"upgrade container image [name][image]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerUpgrade(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerUpgrade
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerUpgrade(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Clean container
// @Description 容器清理
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerPrune true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.ContainerPruneReport
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/prune [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["pruneType"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清理容器 [pruneType]","formatEN":"clean container [pruneType]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerPrune(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerPrune
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
report, err := containerService.Prune(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, report)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Clean container log
// @Description 清理容器日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/clean/log [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清理容器 [name] 日志","formatEN":"clean container [name] logs"}
func (b *BaseApi) CleanContainerLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerLogClean(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Load container log
// @Description 获取容器操作日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/load/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadContainerLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content := containerService.LoadContainerLogs(req)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Rename Container
// @Description 容器重命名
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerRename true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/rename [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","newName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"容器重命名 [name] => [newName]","formatEN":"rename container [name] => [newName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerRename(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerRename
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerRename(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Commit Container
// @Description 容器提交生成新镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerCommit true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Router /containers/commit [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerCommit(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerCommit
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerCommit(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Operate Container
// @Description 容器操作
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ContainerOperation true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["names","operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"容器 [names] 执行 [operation]","formatEN":"container [operation] [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerOperation(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerOperation
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ContainerOperation(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Container stats
// @Description 容器监控信息
// @Param id path integer true "容器id"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.ContainerStats
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/stats/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerStats(c *gin.Context) {
containerID, ok := c.Params.Get("id")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error container id in path"))
result, err := containerService.ContainerStats(containerID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, result)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Container inspect
// @Description 容器详情
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.InspectReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} result
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/inspect [post]
func (b *BaseApi) Inspect(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.InspectReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
result, err := containerService.Inspect(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, result)
// @Tags Container
// @Summary Container logs
// @Description 容器日志
// @Param container query string false "容器名称"
// @Param since query string false "时间筛选"
// @Param follow query string false "是否追踪"
// @Param tail query string false "显示行号"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/search/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerLogs(c *gin.Context) {
wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err)
defer wsConn.Close()
container := c.Query("container")
since := c.Query("since")
follow := c.Query("follow") == "true"
tail := c.Query("tail")
if err := containerService.ContainerLogs(wsConn, "container", container, since, tail, follow); err != nil {
_ = wsConn.WriteMessage(1, []byte(err.Error()))
// @Description 下载容器日志
// @Router /containers/download/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) DownloadContainerLogs(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ContainerLog
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := containerService.DownloadContainerLogs(req.ContainerType, req.Container, req.Since, strconv.Itoa(int(req.Tail)), c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Container Network
// @Summary Page networks
// @Description 获取容器网络列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/network/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchNetwork(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := containerService.PageNetwork(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Network
// @Summary List networks
// @Description 获取容器网络列表
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.Options
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/network [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListNetwork(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := containerService.ListNetwork()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Network
// @Summary Delete network
// @Description 删除容器网络
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/network/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["names"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"删除容器网络 [names]","formatEN":"delete container network [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteNetwork(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.DeleteNetwork(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Network
// @Summary Create network
// @Description 创建容器网络
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.NetworkCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/network [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建容器网络 name","formatEN":"create container network [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateNetwork(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.NetworkCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.CreateNetwork(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Volume
// @Summary Page volumes
// @Description 获取容器存储卷分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/volume/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchVolume(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := containerService.PageVolume(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Volume
// @Summary List volumes
// @Description 获取容器存储卷列表
// @Accept json
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.Options
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/volume [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListVolume(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := containerService.ListVolume()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Volume
// @Summary Delete volume
// @Description 删除容器存储卷
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/volume/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["names"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"删除容器存储卷 [names]","formatEN":"delete container volume [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteVolume(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.DeleteVolume(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Volume
// @Summary Create volume
// @Description 创建容器存储卷
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.VolumeCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/volume [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建容器存储卷 [name]","formatEN":"create container volume [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateVolume(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.VolumeCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.CreateVolume(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Update compose
// @Description 更新容器编排
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ComposeUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新 compose [name]","formatEN":"update compose information [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ComposeUpdate(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ComposeUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := containerService.ComposeUpdate(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Compose
// @Summary Container Compose logs
// @Description docker-compose 日志
// @Param compose query string false "compose 文件地址"
// @Param since query string false "时间筛选"
// @Param follow query string false "是否追踪"
// @Param tail query string false "显示行号"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/compose/search/log [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ComposeLogs(c *gin.Context) {
wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err)
defer wsConn.Close()
compose := c.Query("compose")
since := c.Query("since")
follow := c.Query("follow") == "true"
tail := c.Query("tail")
if err := containerService.ContainerLogs(wsConn, "compose", compose, since, tail, follow); err != nil {
_ = wsConn.WriteMessage(1, []byte(err.Error()))

agent/app/api/v1/cronjob.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Create cronjob
// @Description 创建计划任务
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type","name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建计划任务 [type][name]","formatEN":"create cronjob [type][name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateCronjob(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Page cronjobs
// @Description 获取计划任务分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageCronjob true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchCronjob(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageCronjob
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := cronjobService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Page job records
// @Description 获取计划任务记录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchRecord true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/search/records [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchJobRecords(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchRecord
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(common.LoadTimeZone())
req.StartTime = req.StartTime.In(loc)
req.EndTime = req.EndTime.In(loc)
total, list, err := cronjobService.SearchRecords(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Load Cronjob record log
// @Description 获取计划任务记录日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/records/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadRecordLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content := cronjobService.LoadRecordLog(req)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Clean job records
// @Description 清空计划任务记录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobClean true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/records/clean [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"cronjobs","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"清空计划任务记录 [name]","formatEN":"clean cronjob [name] records"}
func (b *BaseApi) CleanRecord(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobClean
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.CleanRecord(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Delete cronjob
// @Description 删除计划任务
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobBatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"cronjobs","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除计划任务 [names]","formatEN":"delete cronjob [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCronjob(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobBatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Update cronjob
// @Description 更新计划任务
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"cronjobs","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新计划任务 [name]","formatEN":"update cronjob [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateCronjob(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.Update(req.ID, req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Update cronjob status
// @Description 更新计划任务状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobUpdateStatus true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/status [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","status"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"cronjobs","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"修改计划任务 [name] 状态为 [status]","formatEN":"change the status of cronjob [name] to [status]."}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateCronjobStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobUpdateStatus
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.UpdateStatus(req.ID, req.Status); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Download cronjob records
// @Description 下载计划任务记录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.CronjobDownload true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/download [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["recordID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"recordID","isList":false,"db":"job_records","output_column":"file","output_value":"file"}],"formatZH":"下载计划任务记录 [file]","formatEN":"download the cronjob record [file]"}
func (b *BaseApi) TargetDownload(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.CronjobDownload
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
filePath, err := cronjobService.Download(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Cronjob
// @Summary Handle cronjob once
// @Description 手动执行计划任务
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /cronjobs/handle [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"cronjobs","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"手动执行计划任务 [name]","formatEN":"manually execute the cronjob [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) HandleOnce(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := cronjobService.HandleOnce(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,99 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Dashboard
// @Summary Load os info
// @Description 获取服务器基础数据
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.OsInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /dashboard/base/os [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDashboardOsInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := dashboardService.LoadOsInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Dashboard
// @Summary Load dashboard base info
// @Description 获取首页基础数据
// @Accept json
// @Param ioOption path string true "request"
// @Param netOption path string true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DashboardBase
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /dashboard/base/:ioOption/:netOption [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDashboardBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
ioOption, ok := c.Params.Get("ioOption")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error ioOption in path"))
netOption, ok := c.Params.Get("netOption")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error netOption in path"))
data, err := dashboardService.LoadBaseInfo(ioOption, netOption)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Dashboard
// @Summary Load dashboard current info
// @Description 获取首页实时数据
// @Accept json
// @Param ioOption path string true "request"
// @Param netOption path string true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DashboardCurrent
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /dashboard/current/:ioOption/:netOption [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDashboardCurrentInfo(c *gin.Context) {
ioOption, ok := c.Params.Get("ioOption")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error ioOption in path"))
netOption, ok := c.Params.Get("netOption")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error netOption in path"))
data := dashboardService.LoadCurrentInfo(ioOption, netOption)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Dashboard
// @Summary System restart
// @Description 重启服务器/面板
// @Accept json
// @Param operation path string true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /dashboard/system/restart/:operation [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SystemRestart(c *gin.Context) {
operation, ok := c.Params.Get("operation")
if !ok {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error operation in path"))
if err := dashboardService.Restart(operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,229 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Create database
// @Description 创建远程数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DatabaseCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name", "type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建远程数据库 [name][type]","formatEN":"create database [name][type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DatabaseCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if req.SSL {
key, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientKey)
req.ClientKey = string(key)
cert, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientCert)
req.ClientCert = string(cert)
ca, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.RootCert)
req.RootCert = string(ca)
if err := databaseService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Check database
// @Description 检测远程数据库连接性
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DatabaseCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/check [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name", "type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"检测远程数据库 [name][type] 连接性","formatEN":"check if database [name][type] is connectable"}
func (b *BaseApi) CheckDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DatabaseCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if req.SSL {
clientKey, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientKey)
req.ClientKey = string(clientKey)
clientCert, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientCert)
req.ClientCert = string(clientCert)
rootCert, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.RootCert)
req.RootCert = string(rootCert)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, databaseService.CheckDatabase(req))
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Page databases
// @Description 获取远程数据库列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DatabaseSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DatabaseSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := databaseService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Database
// @Summary List databases
// @Description 获取远程数据库列表
// @Success 200 {array} dto.DatabaseOption
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/list/:type [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
dbType, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "type")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
list, err := databaseService.List(dbType)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary List databases
// @Description 获取数据库列表
// @Success 200 {array} dto.DatabaseItem
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/item/:type [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDatabaseItems(c *gin.Context) {
dbType, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "type")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
list, err := databaseService.LoadItems(dbType)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Get databases
// @Description 获取远程数据库
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DatabaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/:name [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
name, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "name")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
data, err := databaseService.Get(name)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Check before delete remote database
// @Description Mysql 远程数据库删除前检查
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /db/remote/del/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCheckDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
apps, err := databaseService.DeleteCheck(req.ID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, apps)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Delete database
// @Description 删除远程数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DatabaseDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"databases","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除远程数据库 [names]","formatEN":"delete database [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DatabaseDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := databaseService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database
// @Summary Update database
// @Description 更新远程数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DatabaseUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/db/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新远程数据库 [name]","formatEN":"update database [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDatabase(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DatabaseUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if req.SSL {
cKey, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientKey)
req.ClientKey = string(cKey)
cCert, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.ClientCert)
req.ClientCert = string(cCert)
ca, _ := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.RootCert)
req.RootCert = string(ca)
if err := databaseService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Database Common
// @Summary Load base info
// @Description 获取数据库基础信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DBBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/common/info [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDBBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := dbCommonService.LoadBaseInfo(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Database Common
// @Summary Load Database conf
// @Description 获取数据库配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/common/load/file [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDBFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content, err := dbCommonService.LoadDatabaseFile(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)
// @Tags Database Common
// @Summary Update conf by upload file
// @Description 上传替换配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DBConfUpdateByFile true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/common/update/conf [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type","database"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新 [type] 数据库 [database] 配置信息","formatEN":"update the [type] [database] database configuration information"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDBConfByFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DBConfUpdateByFile
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dbCommonService.UpdateConfByFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,350 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Create mysql database
// @Description 创建 mysql 数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlDBCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 mysql 数据库 [name]","formatEN":"create mysql database [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateMysql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlDBCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Password) != 0 {
password, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = string(password)
if _, err := mysqlService.Create(context.Background(), req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Bind user of mysql database
// @Description 绑定 mysql 数据库用户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BindUser true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/bind [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["database", "username"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"绑定 mysql 数据库名 [database] [username]","formatEN":"bind mysql database [database] [username]"}
func (b *BaseApi) BindUser(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BindUser
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Password) != 0 {
password, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = string(password)
if err := mysqlService.BindUser(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Update mysql database description
// @Description 更新 mysql 数据库库描述信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateDescription true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/description/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","description"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_mysqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"mysql 数据库 [name] 描述信息修改 [description]","formatEN":"The description of the mysql database [name] is modified => [description]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateMysqlDescription(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateDescription
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := mysqlService.UpdateDescription(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Change mysql password
// @Description 修改 mysql 密码
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeDBInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/change/password [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_mysqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新数据库 [name] 密码","formatEN":"Update database [name] password"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeMysqlPassword(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangeDBInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Value) != 0 {
value, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Value)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Value = string(value)
if err := mysqlService.ChangePassword(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Change mysql access
// @Description 修改 mysql 访问权限
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeDBInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/change/access [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_mysqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新数据库 [name] 访问权限","formatEN":"Update database [name] access"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeMysqlAccess(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangeDBInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := mysqlService.ChangeAccess(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Update mysql variables
// @Description mysql 性能调优
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlVariablesUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/variables/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"调整 mysql 数据库性能参数","formatEN":"adjust mysql database performance parameters"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateMysqlVariables(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlVariablesUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := mysqlService.UpdateVariables(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Page mysql databases
// @Description 获取 mysql 数据库列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlDBSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchMysql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlDBSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := mysqlService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary List mysql database names
// @Description 获取 mysql 数据库列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageInfo true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.MysqlOption
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/options [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListDBName(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := mysqlService.ListDBOption()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Load mysql database from remote
// @Description 从服务器获取
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlLoadDB true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/load [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDBFromRemote(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlLoadDB
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := mysqlService.LoadFromRemote(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Check before delete mysql database
// @Description Mysql 数据库删除前检查
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlDBDeleteCheck true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/del/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCheckMysql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlDBDeleteCheck
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
apps, err := mysqlService.DeleteCheck(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, apps)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Delete mysql database
// @Description 删除 mysql 数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.MysqlDBDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_mysqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"删除 mysql 数据库 [name]","formatEN":"delete mysql database [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteMysql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MysqlDBDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
tx, ctx := helper.GetTxAndContext()
if err := mysqlService.Delete(ctx, req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Load mysql remote access
// @Description 获取 mysql 远程访问权限
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {boolean} isRemote
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/remote [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadRemoteAccess(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
isRemote, err := mysqlService.LoadRemoteAccess(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, isRemote)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Load mysql status info
// @Description 获取 mysql 状态信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.MysqlStatus
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/status [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := mysqlService.LoadStatus(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Database Mysql
// @Summary Load mysql variables info
// @Description 获取 mysql 性能参数信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithNameAndType true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.MysqlVariables
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/variables [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadVariables(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithNameAndType
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := mysqlService.LoadVariables(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,233 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Create postgresql database
// @Description 创建 postgresql 数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlDBCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 postgresql 数据库 [name]","formatEN":"create postgresql database [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreatePostgresql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlDBCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Password) != 0 {
password, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = string(password)
if _, err := postgresqlService.Create(context.Background(), req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Bind postgresql user
// @Description 绑定 postgresql 数据库用户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlBindUser true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/bind [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name", "username"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"绑定 postgresql 数据库 [name] 用户 [username]","formatEN":"bind postgresql database [name] user [username]"}
func (b *BaseApi) BindPostgresqlUser(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlBindUser
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := postgresqlService.BindUser(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Update postgresql database description
// @Description 更新 postgresql 数据库库描述信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateDescription true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/description [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","description"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_postgresqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"postgresql 数据库 [name] 描述信息修改 [description]","formatEN":"The description of the postgresql database [name] is modified => [description]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdatePostgresqlDescription(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateDescription
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := postgresqlService.UpdateDescription(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Change postgresql privileges
// @Description 修改 postgresql 用户权限
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeDBInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/privileges [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["database", "username"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新数据库 [database] 用户 [username] 权限","formatEN":"Update [user] privileges of database [database]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangePostgresqlPrivileges(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlPrivileges
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := postgresqlService.ChangePrivileges(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Change postgresql password
// @Description 修改 postgresql 密码
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeDBInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/password [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_postgresqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新数据库 [name] 密码","formatEN":"Update database [name] password"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangePostgresqlPassword(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangeDBInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Value) != 0 {
value, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Value)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Value = string(value)
if err := postgresqlService.ChangePassword(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Page postgresql databases
// @Description 获取 postgresql 数据库列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlDBSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchPostgresql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlDBSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := postgresqlService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Load postgresql database from remote
// @Description 从服务器获取
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlLoadDB true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/:database/load [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadPostgresqlDBFromRemote(c *gin.Context) {
database, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "database")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
if err := postgresqlService.LoadFromRemote(database); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Check before delete postgresql database
// @Description Postgresql 数据库删除前检查
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlDBDeleteCheck true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/del/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteCheckPostgresql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlDBDeleteCheck
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
apps, err := postgresqlService.DeleteCheck(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, apps)
// @Tags Database Postgresql
// @Summary Delete postgresql database
// @Description 删除 postgresql 数据库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PostgresqlDBDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/pg/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"database_postgresqls","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"删除 postgresql 数据库 [name]","formatEN":"delete postgresql database [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeletePostgresql(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PostgresqlDBDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
tx, ctx := helper.GetTxAndContext()
if err := postgresqlService.Delete(ctx, req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,170 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Load redis status info
// @Description 获取 redis 状态信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.RedisStatus
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/status [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadRedisStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := redisService.LoadStatus(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Load redis conf
// @Description 获取 redis 配置信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.RedisConf
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/conf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadRedisConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := redisService.LoadConf(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Load redis persistence conf
// @Description 获取 redis 持久化配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.RedisPersistence
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/persistence/conf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadPersistenceConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := redisService.LoadPersistenceConf(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
func (b *BaseApi) CheckHasCli(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, redisService.CheckHasCli())
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Install redis-cli
// @Description 安装 redis cli
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/install/cli [post]
func (b *BaseApi) InstallCli(c *gin.Context) {
if err := redisService.InstallCli(); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Update redis conf
// @Description 更新 redis 配置信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RedisConfUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/conf/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新 redis 数据库配置信息","formatEN":"update the redis database configuration information"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRedisConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RedisConfUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := redisService.UpdateConf(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Change redis password
// @Description 更新 redis 密码
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeRedisPass true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/password [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改 redis 数据库密码","formatEN":"change the password of the redis database"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeRedisPassword(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangeRedisPass
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Value) != 0 {
value, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Value)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Value = string(value)
if err := redisService.ChangePassword(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Database Redis
// @Summary Update redis persistence conf
// @Description 更新 redis 持久化配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RedisConfPersistenceUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /databases/redis/persistence/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"redis 数据库持久化配置更新","formatEN":"redis database persistence configuration update"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRedisPersistenceConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RedisConfPersistenceUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := redisService.UpdatePersistenceConf(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/device.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,236 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Load device base info
// @Description 获取设备基础信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DeviceBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/base [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDeviceBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := deviceService.LoadBaseInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary list time zone options
// @Description 获取系统可用时区选项
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {Array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/zone/options [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadTimeOption(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := deviceService.LoadTimeZone()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary load conf
// @Description 获取系统配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperationWithName true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/conf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDeviceConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
list, err := deviceService.LoadConf(req.Name)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Update device conf by file
// @Description 通过文件修改配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateByNameAndFile true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/update/byconf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDeviceByFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateByNameAndFile
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := deviceService.UpdateByConf(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Update device
// @Description 修改系统参数
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SettingUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/update/conf [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改主机参数 [key] => [value]","formatEN":"update device conf [key] => [value]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDeviceConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SettingUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := deviceService.Update(req.Key, req.Value); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Update device hosts
// @Description 修改系统 hosts
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/update/host [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改主机 Host [key] => [value]","formatEN":"update device host [key] => [value]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDeviceHost(c *gin.Context) {
var req []dto.HostHelper
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := deviceService.UpdateHosts(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Update device passwd
// @Description 修改系统密码
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangePasswd true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/update/passwd [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDevicePasswd(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangePasswd
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Passwd) != 0 {
password, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Passwd)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Passwd = string(password)
if err := deviceService.UpdatePasswd(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Update device swap
// @Description 修改系统 Swap
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SwapHelper true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/update/swap [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operate","path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operate] 主机 swap [path]","formatEN":"[operate] device swap [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDeviceSwap(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SwapHelper
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := deviceService.UpdateSwap(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Check device DNS conf
// @Description 检查系统 DNS 配置可用性
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SettingUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/device/check/dns [post]
func (b *BaseApi) CheckDNS(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SettingUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := deviceService.CheckDNS(req.Key, req.Value)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Scan system
// @Description 扫描系统垃圾文件
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/scan [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"扫描系统垃圾文件","formatEN":"scan System Junk Files"}
func (b *BaseApi) ScanSystem(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, deviceService.Scan())
// @Tags Device
// @Summary Clean system
// @Description 清理系统垃圾文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body []dto.Clean true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/clean [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清理系统垃圾文件","formatEN":"Clean system junk files"}
func (b *BaseApi) SystemClean(c *gin.Context) {
var req []dto.Clean
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/docker.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Load docker status
// @Description 获取 docker 服务状态
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {string} status
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/docker/status [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDockerStatus(c *gin.Context) {
status := dockerService.LoadDockerStatus()
helper.SuccessWithData(c, status)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Load docker daemon.json
// @Description 获取 docker 配置信息(表单)
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/daemonjson/file [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDaemonJsonFile(c *gin.Context) {
if _, err := os.Stat(constant.DaemonJsonPath); err != nil {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, "daemon.json is not find in path")
content, err := os.ReadFile(constant.DaemonJsonPath)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, string(content))
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Load docker daemon.json
// @Description 获取 docker 配置信息
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.DaemonJsonConf
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/daemonjson [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadDaemonJson(c *gin.Context) {
conf := dockerService.LoadDockerConf()
helper.SuccessWithData(c, conf)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Update docker daemon.json
// @Description 修改 docker 配置信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SettingUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/daemonjson/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key", "value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新配置 [key]","formatEN":"Updated configuration [key]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDaemonJson(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SettingUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dockerService.UpdateConf(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Update docker daemon.json log option
// @Description 修改 docker 日志配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.LogOption true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/logoption/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新日志配置","formatEN":"Updated the log option"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateLogOption(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.LogOption
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dockerService.UpdateLogOption(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Update docker daemon.json ipv6 option
// @Description 修改 docker ipv6 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.LogOption true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/ipv6option/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新 ipv6 配置","formatEN":"Updated the ipv6 option"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateIpv6Option(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Ipv6Option
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dockerService.UpdateIpv6Option(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Update docker daemon.json by upload file
// @Description 上传替换 docker 配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DaemonJsonUpdateByFile true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/daemonjson/update/byfile [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新配置文件","formatEN":"Updated configuration file"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDaemonJsonByFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DaemonJsonUpdateByFile
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dockerService.UpdateConfByFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Docker
// @Summary Operate docker
// @Description Docker 操作
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.DockerOperation true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/docker/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"docker 服务 [operation]","formatEN":"[operation] docker service"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateDocker(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.DockerOperation
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := dockerService.OperateDocker(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/entry.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,69 @@
package v1
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/service"
type ApiGroup struct {
var ApiGroupApp = new(ApiGroup)
type BaseApi struct{}
var (
dashboardService = service.NewIDashboardService()
appService = service.NewIAppService()
appInstallService = service.NewIAppInstalledService()
containerService = service.NewIContainerService()
composeTemplateService = service.NewIComposeTemplateService()
imageRepoService = service.NewIImageRepoService()
imageService = service.NewIImageService()
dockerService = service.NewIDockerService()
dbCommonService = service.NewIDBCommonService()
mysqlService = service.NewIMysqlService()
postgresqlService = service.NewIPostgresqlService()
databaseService = service.NewIDatabaseService()
redisService = service.NewIRedisService()
cronjobService = service.NewICronjobService()
hostService = service.NewIHostService()
groupService = service.NewIGroupService()
fileService = service.NewIFileService()
sshService = service.NewISSHService()
firewallService = service.NewIFirewallService()
deviceService = service.NewIDeviceService()
fail2banService = service.NewIFail2BanService()
ftpService = service.NewIFtpService()
clamService = service.NewIClamService()
settingService = service.NewISettingService()
backupService = service.NewIBackupService()
commandService = service.NewICommandService()
websiteService = service.NewIWebsiteService()
websiteDnsAccountService = service.NewIWebsiteDnsAccountService()
websiteSSLService = service.NewIWebsiteSSLService()
websiteAcmeAccountService = service.NewIWebsiteAcmeAccountService()
nginxService = service.NewINginxService()
logService = service.NewILogService()
snapshotService = service.NewISnapshotService()
runtimeService = service.NewRuntimeService()
processService = service.NewIProcessService()
phpExtensionsService = service.NewIPHPExtensionsService()
hostToolService = service.NewIHostToolService()
recycleBinService = service.NewIRecycleBinService()
favoriteService = service.NewIFavoriteService()
websiteCAService = service.NewIWebsiteCAService()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Load fail2ban base info
// @Description 获取 Fail2ban 基础信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.Fail2BanBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/base [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFail2BanBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := fail2banService.LoadBaseInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Page fail2ban ip list
// @Description 获取 Fail2ban ip
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Fail2BanSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {Array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchFail2Ban(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Fail2BanSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
list, err := fail2banService.Search(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Operate fail2ban
// @Description 修改 Fail2ban 状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Operate true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operation] Fail2ban","formatEN":"[operation] Fail2ban"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateFail2Ban(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Operate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fail2banService.Operate(req.Operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Operate sshd of fail2ban
// @Description 配置 sshd
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Operate true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/operate/sshd [post]
func (b *BaseApi) OperateSSHD(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Fail2BanSet
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fail2banService.OperateSSHD(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Update fail2ban conf
// @Description 修改 Fail2ban 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Fail2BanUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改 Fail2ban 配置 [key] => [value]","formatEN":"update fail2ban conf [key] => [value]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFail2BanConf(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Fail2BanUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fail2banService.UpdateConf(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Load fail2ban conf
// @Description 获取 fail2ban 配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/load/conf [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFail2BanConf(c *gin.Context) {
path := "/etc/fail2ban/jail.local"
file, err := os.ReadFile(path)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, string(file))
// @Tags Fail2ban
// @Summary Update fail2ban conf by file
// @Description 通过文件修改 fail2ban 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateByFile true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/fail2ban/update/byconf [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFail2BanConfByFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateByFile
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fail2banService.UpdateConfByFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags File
// @Summary List favorites
// @Description 获取收藏列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/favorite/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchFavorite(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := favoriteService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: list,
// @Tags File
// @Summary Create favorite
// @Description 创建收藏
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FavoriteCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/favorite [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"收藏文件/文件夹 [path]","formatEN":"收藏文件/文件夹 [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateFavorite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FavoriteCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
favorite, err := favoriteService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, favorite)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Delete favorite
// @Description 删除收藏
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FavoriteDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/favorite/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"favorites","output_column":"path","output_value":"path"}],"formatZH":"删除收藏 [path]","formatEN":"delete avorite [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteFavorite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FavoriteDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := favoriteService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

agent/app/api/v1/file.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,801 @@
package v1
import (
websocket2 "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/utils/websocket"
// @Tags File
// @Summary List files
// @Description 获取文件列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileOption true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ListFiles(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileOption
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
files, err := fileService.GetFileList(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, files)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Page file
// @Description 分页获取上传文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.SearchUploadWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/upload/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchUploadWithPage(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.SearchUploadWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, files, err := fileService.SearchUploadWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: files,
Total: total,
// @Tags File
// @Summary Load files tree
// @Description 加载文件树
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileOption true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.FileTree
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/tree [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetFileTree(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileOption
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
tree, err := fileService.GetFileTree(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, tree)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Create file
// @Description 创建文件/文件夹
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建文件/文件夹 [path]","formatEN":"Create dir or file [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Delete file
// @Description 删除文件/文件夹
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"删除文件/文件夹 [path]","formatEN":"Delete dir or file [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.Delete(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Batch delete file
// @Description 批量删除文件/文件夹
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileBatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/batch/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["paths"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"批量删除文件/文件夹 [paths]","formatEN":"Batch delete dir or file [paths]"}
func (b *BaseApi) BatchDeleteFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileBatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.BatchDelete(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Change file mode
// @Description 修改文件权限
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/mode [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path","mode"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改权限 [paths] => [mode]","formatEN":"Change mode [paths] => [mode]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeFileMode(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.ChangeMode(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Change file owner
// @Description 修改文件用户/组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileRoleUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/owner [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path","user","group"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改用户/组 [paths] => [user]/[group]","formatEN":"Change owner [paths] => [user]/[group]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeFileOwner(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileRoleUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fileService.ChangeOwner(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Compress file
// @Description 压缩文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileCompress true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/compress [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"压缩文件 [name]","formatEN":"Compress file [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CompressFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileCompress
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.Compress(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Decompress file
// @Description 解压文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileDeCompress true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/decompress [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"解压 [path]","formatEN":"Decompress file [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeCompressFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileDeCompress
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := fileService.DeCompress(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Load file content
// @Description 获取文件内容
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileContentReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/content [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"获取文件内容 [path]","formatEN":"Load file content [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) GetContent(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileContentReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
info, err := fileService.GetContent(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, info)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Update file content
// @Description 更新文件内容
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileEdit true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/save [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新文件内容 [path]","formatEN":"Update file content [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) SaveContent(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileEdit
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fileService.SaveContent(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Upload file
// @Description 上传文件
// @Param file formData file true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/upload [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"上传文件 [path]","formatEN":"Upload file [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UploadFiles(c *gin.Context) {
form, err := c.MultipartForm()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
uploadFiles := form.File["file"]
paths := form.Value["path"]
overwrite := true
if ow, ok := form.Value["overwrite"]; ok {
if len(ow) != 0 {
parseBool, _ := strconv.ParseBool(ow[0])
overwrite = parseBool
if len(paths) == 0 || !strings.Contains(paths[0], "/") {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, errors.New("error paths in request"))
dir := path.Dir(paths[0])
_, err = os.Stat(dir)
if err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
mode, err := files.GetParentMode(dir)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
if err = os.MkdirAll(dir, mode); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, fmt.Errorf("mkdir %s failed, err: %v", dir, err))
info, err := os.Stat(dir)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
mode := info.Mode()
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
success := 0
failures := make(buserr.MultiErr)
for _, file := range uploadFiles {
dstFilename := path.Join(paths[0], file.Filename)
dstDir := path.Dir(dstFilename)
if !fileOp.Stat(dstDir) {
if err = fileOp.CreateDir(dstDir, mode); err != nil {
e := fmt.Errorf("create dir [%s] failed, err: %v", path.Dir(dstFilename), err)
failures[file.Filename] = e
tmpFilename := dstFilename + ".tmp"
if err := c.SaveUploadedFile(file, tmpFilename); err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(tmpFilename)
e := fmt.Errorf("upload [%s] file failed, err: %v", file.Filename, err)
failures[file.Filename] = e
dstInfo, statErr := os.Stat(dstFilename)
if overwrite {
_ = os.Remove(dstFilename)
err = os.Rename(tmpFilename, dstFilename)
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(tmpFilename)
e := fmt.Errorf("upload [%s] file failed, err: %v", file.Filename, err)
failures[file.Filename] = e
if statErr == nil {
_ = os.Chmod(dstFilename, dstInfo.Mode())
} else {
_ = os.Chmod(dstFilename, mode)
if success == 0 {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, failures)
} else {
helper.SuccessWithMsg(c, fmt.Sprintf("%d files upload success", success))
// @Tags File
// @Summary Check file exist
// @Description 检测文件是否存在
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FilePathCheck true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) CheckFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FilePathCheck
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if _, err := os.Stat(req.Path); err != nil {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, false)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, true)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Change file name
// @Description 修改文件名称
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileRename true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/rename [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["oldName","newName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"重命名 [oldName] => [newName]","formatEN":"Rename [oldName] => [newName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeFileName(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileRename
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fileService.ChangeName(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Wget file
// @Description 下载远端文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileWget true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/wget [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["url","path","name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"下载 url => [path]/[name]","formatEN":"Download url => [path]/[name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) WgetFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileWget
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
key, err := fileService.Wget(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, response.FileWgetRes{
Key: key,
// @Tags File
// @Summary Move file
// @Description 移动文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileMove true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/move [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["oldPaths","newPath"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"移动文件 [oldPaths] => [newPath]","formatEN":"Move [oldPaths] => [newPath]"}
func (b *BaseApi) MoveFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileMove
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fileService.MvFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Download file
// @Description 下载文件
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/download [get]
func (b *BaseApi) Download(c *gin.Context) {
filePath := c.Query("path")
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
defer file.Close()
info, _ := file.Stat()
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(info.Size(), 10))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url.PathEscape(info.Name()))
http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, info.Name(), info.ModTime(), file)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Chunk Download file
// @Description 分片下载下载文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileDownload true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/chunkdownload [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"下载文件 [name]","formatEN":"Download file [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DownloadChunkFiles(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileChunkDownload
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
if !fileOp.Stat(req.Path) {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrPathNotFound, nil)
filePath := req.Path
fstFile, err := fileOp.OpenFile(filePath)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
info, err := fstFile.Stat()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
if info.IsDir() {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrFileDownloadDir, err)
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Disposition", fmt.Sprintf("attachment; filename=%s", req.Name))
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Type", "application/octet-stream")
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(info.Size(), 10))
c.Writer.Header().Set("Accept-Ranges", "bytes")
if c.Request.Header.Get("Range") != "" {
rangeHeader := c.Request.Header.Get("Range")
rangeArr := strings.Split(rangeHeader, "=")[1]
rangeParts := strings.Split(rangeArr, "-")
startPos, _ := strconv.ParseInt(rangeParts[0], 10, 64)
var endPos int64
if rangeParts[1] == "" {
endPos = info.Size() - 1
} else {
endPos, _ = strconv.ParseInt(rangeParts[1], 10, 64)
c.Writer.Header().Set("Content-Range", fmt.Sprintf("bytes %d-%d/%d", startPos, endPos, info.Size()))
buffer := make([]byte, 1024*1024)
file, err := os.Open(filePath)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
defer file.Close()
_, _ = file.Seek(startPos, 0)
reader := io.LimitReader(file, endPos-startPos+1)
_, err = io.CopyBuffer(c.Writer, reader, buffer)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
} else {
// @Tags File
// @Summary Load file size
// @Description 获取文件夹大小
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.DirSizeReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/size [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"获取文件夹大小 [path]","formatEN":"Load file size [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) Size(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.DirSizeReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := fileService.DirSize(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
func mergeChunks(fileName string, fileDir string, dstDir string, chunkCount int, overwrite bool) error {
defer func() {
_ = os.RemoveAll(fileDir)
op := files.NewFileOp()
dstDir = strings.TrimSpace(dstDir)
mode, _ := files.GetParentMode(dstDir)
if mode == 0 {
mode = 0755
if _, err := os.Stat(dstDir); err != nil && os.IsNotExist(err) {
if err = op.CreateDir(dstDir, mode); err != nil {
return err
dstFileName := filepath.Join(dstDir, fileName)
dstInfo, statErr := os.Stat(dstFileName)
if statErr == nil {
mode = dstInfo.Mode()
} else {
mode = 0644
if overwrite {
_ = os.Remove(dstFileName)
targetFile, err := os.OpenFile(dstFileName, os.O_RDWR|os.O_CREATE, mode)
if err != nil {
return err
defer targetFile.Close()
for i := 0; i < chunkCount; i++ {
chunkPath := filepath.Join(fileDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", fileName, i))
chunkData, err := os.ReadFile(chunkPath)
if err != nil {
return err
_, err = targetFile.Write(chunkData)
if err != nil {
return err
_ = os.Remove(chunkPath)
return nil
// @Tags File
// @Summary ChunkUpload file
// @Description 分片上传文件
// @Param file formData file true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/chunkupload [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UploadChunkFiles(c *gin.Context) {
var err error
fileForm, err := c.FormFile("chunk")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
uploadFile, err := fileForm.Open()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
defer uploadFile.Close()
chunkIndex, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("chunkIndex"))
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
chunkCount, err := strconv.Atoi(c.PostForm("chunkCount"))
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
fileOp := files.NewFileOp()
tmpDir := path.Join(global.CONF.System.TmpDir, "upload")
if !fileOp.Stat(tmpDir) {
if err := fileOp.CreateDir(tmpDir, 0755); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
filename := c.PostForm("filename")
fileDir := filepath.Join(tmpDir, filename)
if chunkIndex == 0 {
if fileOp.Stat(fileDir) {
_ = fileOp.DeleteDir(fileDir)
_ = os.MkdirAll(fileDir, 0755)
filePath := filepath.Join(fileDir, filename)
defer func() {
if err != nil {
_ = os.Remove(fileDir)
var (
emptyFile *os.File
chunkData []byte
emptyFile, err = os.Create(filePath)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
defer emptyFile.Close()
chunkData, err = io.ReadAll(uploadFile)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileUpload, map[string]interface{}{"name": filename, "detail": err.Error()}, err))
chunkPath := filepath.Join(fileDir, fmt.Sprintf("%s.%d", filename, chunkIndex))
err = os.WriteFile(chunkPath, chunkData, 0644)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileUpload, map[string]interface{}{"name": filename, "detail": err.Error()}, err))
if chunkIndex+1 == chunkCount {
overwrite := true
if ow := c.PostForm("overwrite"); ow != "" {
overwrite, _ = strconv.ParseBool(ow)
err = mergeChunks(filename, fileDir, c.PostForm("path"), chunkCount, overwrite)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, buserr.WithMap(constant.ErrFileUpload, map[string]interface{}{"name": filename, "detail": err.Error()}, err))
helper.SuccessWithData(c, true)
} else {
var wsUpgrade = websocket.Upgrader{
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true
func (b *BaseApi) Ws(c *gin.Context) {
ws, err := wsUpgrade.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
wsClient := websocket2.NewWsClient("fileClient", ws)
go wsClient.Read()
go wsClient.Write()
func (b *BaseApi) Keys(c *gin.Context) {
res := &response.FileProcessKeys{}
keys, err := global.CACHE.PrefixScanKey("file-wget-")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
res.Keys = keys
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Read file by Line
// @Description 按行读取日志文件
// @Param request body request.FileReadByLineReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/read [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ReadFileByLine(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileReadByLineReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := fileService.ReadLogByLine(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Batch change file mode and owner
// @Description 批量修改文件权限和用户/组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.FileRoleReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/batch/role [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["paths","mode","user","group"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"批量修改文件权限和用户/组 [paths] => [mode]/[user]/[group]","formatEN":"Batch change file mode and owner [paths] => [mode]/[user]/[group]"}
func (b *BaseApi) BatchChangeModeAndOwner(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.FileRoleReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := fileService.BatchChangeModeAndOwner(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Load firewall base info
// @Description 获取防火墙基础信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.FirewallBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/base [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFirewallBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := firewallService.LoadBaseInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Page firewall rules
// @Description 获取防火墙规则列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.RuleSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchFirewallRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.RuleSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := firewallService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Page firewall status
// @Description 修改防火墙状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.FirewallOperation true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operation] 防火墙","formatEN":"[operation] firewall"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateFirewall(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.FirewallOperation
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.OperateFirewall(req.Operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 创建防火墙端口规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PortRuleOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/port [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["port","strategy"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"添加端口规则 [strategy] [port]","formatEN":"create port rules [strategy][port]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperatePortRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PortRuleOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.OperatePortRule(req, true); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// OperateForwardRule
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 更新防火墙端口转发规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ForwardRuleOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/forward [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["source_port"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新端口转发规则 [source_port]","formatEN":"update port forward rules [source_port]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateForwardRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ForwardRuleOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.OperateForwardRule(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 创建防火墙 IP 规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.AddrRuleOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/ip [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["strategy","address"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"添加 ip 规则 [strategy] [address]","formatEN":"create address rules [strategy][address]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateIPRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.AddrRuleOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.OperateAddressRule(req, true); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 批量删除防火墙规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchRuleOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/batch [post]
func (b *BaseApi) BatchOperateRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchRuleOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.BatchOperateRule(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Update rule description
// @Description 更新防火墙描述
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateFirewallDescription true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/update/description [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFirewallDescription(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateFirewallDescription
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.UpdateDescription(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 更新端口防火墙规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PortRuleUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/update/port [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdatePortRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PortRuleUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.UpdatePortRule(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Firewall
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 更新 ip 防火墙规则
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.AddrRuleUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/firewall/update/addr [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateAddrRule(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.AddrRuleUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := firewallService.UpdateAddrRule(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/ftp.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,199 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Load FTP base info
// @Description 获取 FTP 基础信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.FtpBaseInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/base [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFtpBaseInfo(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := ftpService.LoadBaseInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Load FTP operation log
// @Description 获取 FTP 操作日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.FtpLogSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/log/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadFtpLogInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.FtpLogSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := ftpService.LoadLog(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Operate FTP
// @Description 修改 FTP 状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Operate true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operation] FTP","formatEN":"[operation] FTP"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateFtp(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Operate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := ftpService.Operate(req.Operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Page FTP user
// @Description 获取 FTP 账户列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchFtp(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := ftpService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Create FTP user
// @Description 创建 FTP 账户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.FtpCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["user", "path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 FTP 账户 [user][path]","formatEN":"create FTP [user][path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateFtp(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.FtpCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Password) != 0 {
pass, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = string(pass)
if _, err := ftpService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Delete FTP user
// @Description 删除 FTP 账户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"ftps","output_column":"user","output_value":"users"}],"formatZH":"删除 FTP 账户 [users]","formatEN":"delete FTP users [users]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteFtp(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := ftpService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Sync FTP user
// @Description 同步 FTP 账户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/sync [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"同步 FTP 账户","formatEN":"sync FTP users"}
func (b *BaseApi) SyncFtp(c *gin.Context) {
if err := ftpService.Sync(); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags FTP
// @Summary Update FTP user
// @Description 修改 FTP 账户
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.FtpUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /toolbox/ftp/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["user", "path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改 FTP 账户 [user][path]","formatEN":"update FTP [user][path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateFtp(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.FtpUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.Password) != 0 {
pass, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = string(pass)
if err := ftpService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

agent/app/api/v1/group.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,97 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags System Group
// @Summary Create group
// @Description 创建系统组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.GroupCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /groups [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建组 [name][type]","formatEN":"create group [name][type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateGroup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.GroupCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := groupService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Group
// @Summary Delete group
// @Description 删除系统组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /groups/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"groups","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"},{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"groups","output_column":"type","output_value":"type"}],"formatZH":"删除组 [type][name]","formatEN":"delete group [type][name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteGroup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := groupService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Group
// @Summary Update group
// @Description 更新系统组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.GroupUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /groups/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新组 [name][type]","formatEN":"update group [name][type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateGroup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.GroupUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := groupService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Group
// @Summary List groups
// @Description 查询系统组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.GroupSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.GroupInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /groups/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) ListGroup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.GroupSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
list, err := groupService.List(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,140 @@
package helper
import (
func ErrorWithDetail(ctx *gin.Context, code int, msgKey string, err error) {
res := dto.Response{
Code: code,
Message: "",
if msgKey == constant.ErrTypeInternalServer {
switch {
case errors.Is(err, constant.ErrRecordExist):
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrRecordExist", nil)
case errors.Is(constant.ErrRecordNotFound, err):
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrRecordNotFound", nil)
case errors.Is(constant.ErrInvalidParams, err):
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrInvalidParams", nil)
case errors.Is(constant.ErrStructTransform, err):
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrStructTransform", map[string]interface{}{"detail": err})
case errors.Is(constant.ErrCaptchaCode, err):
res.Code = constant.CodeAuth
res.Message = "ErrCaptchaCode"
case errors.Is(constant.ErrAuth, err):
res.Code = constant.CodeAuth
res.Message = "ErrAuth"
case errors.Is(constant.ErrInitialPassword, err):
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap("ErrInitialPassword", map[string]interface{}{"detail": err})
case errors.As(err, &buserr.BusinessError{}):
res.Message = err.Error()
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap(msgKey, map[string]interface{}{"detail": err})
} else {
res.Message = i18n.GetMsgWithMap(msgKey, map[string]interface{}{"detail": err})
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
func SuccessWithData(ctx *gin.Context, data interface{}) {
if data == nil {
data = gin.H{}
res := dto.Response{
Code: constant.CodeSuccess,
Data: data,
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
func SuccessWithOutData(ctx *gin.Context) {
res := dto.Response{
Code: constant.CodeSuccess,
Message: "success",
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
func SuccessWithMsg(ctx *gin.Context, msg string) {
res := dto.Response{
Code: constant.CodeSuccess,
Message: msg,
ctx.JSON(http.StatusOK, res)
func GetParamID(c *gin.Context) (uint, error) {
idParam, ok := c.Params.Get("id")
if !ok {
return 0, errors.New("error id in path")
intNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(idParam)
return uint(intNum), nil
func GetIntParamByKey(c *gin.Context, key string) (uint, error) {
idParam, ok := c.Params.Get(key)
if !ok {
return 0, fmt.Errorf("error %s in path", key)
intNum, _ := strconv.Atoi(idParam)
return uint(intNum), nil
func GetStrParamByKey(c *gin.Context, key string) (string, error) {
idParam, ok := c.Params.Get(key)
if !ok {
return "", fmt.Errorf("error %s in path", key)
return idParam, nil
func GetTxAndContext() (tx *gorm.DB, ctx context.Context) {
tx = global.DB.Begin()
ctx = context.WithValue(context.Background(), constant.DB, tx)
func CheckBindAndValidate(req interface{}, c *gin.Context) error {
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(req); err != nil {
ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
return err
if err := global.VALID.Struct(req); err != nil {
ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
return err
return nil
func CheckBind(req interface{}, c *gin.Context) error {
if err := c.ShouldBindJSON(&req); err != nil {
ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
return err
return nil
func ErrResponse(ctx *gin.Context, code int) {
ctx.JSON(code, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/host.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Create host
// @Description 创建主机
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.HostOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","addr"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建主机 [name][addr]","formatEN":"create host [name][addr]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateHost(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.HostOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
host, err := hostService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, host)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Test host conn by info
// @Description 测试主机连接
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.HostConnTest true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/test/byinfo [post]
func (b *BaseApi) TestByInfo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.HostConnTest
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
connStatus := hostService.TestByInfo(req)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, connStatus)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Test host conn by host id
// @Description 测试主机连接
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {boolean} connStatus
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/test/byid/:id [post]
func (b *BaseApi) TestByID(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
connStatus := hostService.TestLocalConn(id)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, connStatus)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Load host tree
// @Description 加载主机树
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchForTree true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.HostTree
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/tree [post]
func (b *BaseApi) HostTree(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchForTree
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := hostService.SearchForTree(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Page host
// @Description 获取主机列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchHostWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} dto.HostTree
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchHost(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchHostWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := hostService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Delete host
// @Description 删除主机
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDeleteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"hosts","output_column":"addr","output_value":"addrs"}],"formatZH":"删除主机 [addrs]","formatEN":"delete host [addrs]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteHost(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDeleteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := hostService.Delete(req.Ids); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Update host
// @Description 更新主机
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.HostOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name","addr"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新主机信息 [name][addr]","formatEN":"update host [name][addr]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateHost(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.HostOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
var err error
if len(req.Password) != 0 && req.AuthMode == "password" {
req.Password, err = hostService.EncryptHost(req.Password)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.PrivateKey = ""
req.PassPhrase = ""
if len(req.PrivateKey) != 0 && req.AuthMode == "key" {
req.PrivateKey, err = hostService.EncryptHost(req.PrivateKey)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
if len(req.PassPhrase) != 0 {
req.PassPhrase, err = encrypt.StringEncrypt(req.PassPhrase)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.Password = ""
upMap := make(map[string]interface{})
upMap["name"] = req.Name
upMap["group_id"] = req.GroupID
upMap["addr"] = req.Addr
upMap["port"] = req.Port
upMap["user"] = req.User
upMap["auth_mode"] = req.AuthMode
upMap["remember_password"] = req.RememberPassword
if req.AuthMode == "password" {
upMap["password"] = req.Password
upMap["private_key"] = ""
upMap["pass_phrase"] = ""
} else {
upMap["password"] = ""
upMap["private_key"] = req.PrivateKey
upMap["pass_phrase"] = req.PassPhrase
upMap["description"] = req.Description
if err := hostService.Update(req.ID, upMap); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Host
// @Summary Update host group
// @Description 切换分组
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ChangeHostGroup true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/update/group [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","group"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"hosts","output_column":"addr","output_value":"addr"}],"formatZH":"切换主机[addr]分组 => [group]","formatEN":"change host [addr] group => [group]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateHostGroup(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ChangeHostGroup
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
upMap := make(map[string]interface{})
upMap["group_id"] = req.GroupID
if err := hostService.Update(req.ID, upMap); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,180 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Get tool
// @Description 获取主机工具状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.HostToolReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetToolStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.HostToolReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
config, err := hostToolService.GetToolStatus(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, config)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Create Host tool Config
// @Description 创建主机工具配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.HostToolCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/create [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建 [type] 配置","formatEN":"create [type] config"}
func (b *BaseApi) InitToolConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.HostToolCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := hostToolService.CreateToolConfig(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Operate tool
// @Description 操作主机工具
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.HostToolReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operate","type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operate] [type] ","formatEN":"[operate] [type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateTool(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.HostToolReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := hostToolService.OperateTool(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Get tool config
// @Description 操作主机工具配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.HostToolConfig true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/config [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operate] 主机工具配置文件 ","formatEN":"[operate] tool config"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateToolConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.HostToolConfig
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
config, err := hostToolService.OperateToolConfig(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, config)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Get tool
// @Description 获取主机工具日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.HostToolLogReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetToolLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.HostToolLogReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
logContent, err := hostToolService.GetToolLog(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, logContent)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Create Supervisor process
// @Description 操作守护进程
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.SupervisorProcessConfig true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/supervisor/process [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operate] 守护进程 ","formatEN":"[operate] process"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateProcess(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.SupervisorProcessConfig
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := hostToolService.OperateSupervisorProcess(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Get Supervisor process config
// @Description 获取 Supervisor 进程配置
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/supervisor/process [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetProcess(c *gin.Context) {
configs, err := hostToolService.GetSupervisorProcessConfig()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, configs)
// @Tags Host tool
// @Summary Get Supervisor process config
// @Description 操作 Supervisor 进程文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.SupervisorProcessFileReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/tool/supervisor/process/file [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operate] Supervisor 进程文件 ","formatEN":"[operate] Supervisor Process Config file"}
func (b *BaseApi) GetProcessFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.SupervisorProcessFileReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
content, err := hostToolService.OperateSupervisorProcessFile(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, content)

agent/app/api/v1/image.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,231 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Page images
// @Description 获取镜像列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchImage(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := imageService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary List all images
// @Description 获取所有镜像列表
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.ImageInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/all [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListAllImage(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := imageService.ListAll()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary load images options
// @Description 获取镜像名称列表
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.Options
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListImage(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := imageService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Build image
// @Description 构建镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageBuild true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} log
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/build [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"构建镜像 [name]","formatEN":"build image [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImageBuild(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageBuild
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
log, err := imageService.ImageBuild(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, log)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Pull image
// @Description 拉取镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImagePull true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} log
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/pull [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["repoID","imageName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"repoID","isList":false,"db":"image_repos","output_column":"name","output_value":"reponame"}],"formatZH":"镜像拉取 [reponame][imageName]","formatEN":"image pull [reponame][imageName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImagePull(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImagePull
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
logPath, err := imageService.ImagePull(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, logPath)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Push image
// @Description 推送镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImagePush true "request"
// @Success 200 {string} log
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/push [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["repoID","tagName","name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"repoID","isList":false,"db":"image_repos","output_column":"name","output_value":"reponame"}],"formatZH":"[tagName] 推送到 [reponame][name]","formatEN":"push [tagName] to [reponame][name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImagePush(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImagePush
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
logPath, err := imageService.ImagePush(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, logPath)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Delete image
// @Description 删除镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.BatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/remove [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["names"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"移除镜像 [names]","formatEN":"remove image [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImageRemove(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.BatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageService.ImageRemove(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Save image
// @Description 导出镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageSave true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/save [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["tagName","path","name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"保留 [tagName] 为 [path]/[name]","formatEN":"save [tagName] as [path]/[name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImageSave(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageSave
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageService.ImageSave(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Tag image
// @Description Tag 镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageTag true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/tag [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["repoID","targetName"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"repoID","isList":false,"db":"image_repos","output_column":"name","output_value":"reponame"}],"formatZH":"tag 镜像 [reponame][targetName]","formatEN":"tag image [reponame][targetName]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImageTag(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageTag
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageService.ImageTag(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image
// @Summary Load image
// @Description 导入镜像
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageLoad true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/image/load [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["path"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"从 [path] 加载镜像","formatEN":"load image from [path]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImageLoad(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageLoad
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageService.ImageLoad(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary Page image repos
// @Description 获取镜像仓库列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchRepo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := imageRepoService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary List image repos
// @Description 获取镜像仓库列表
// @Produce json
// @Success 200 {array} dto.ImageRepoOption
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo [get]
func (b *BaseApi) ListRepo(c *gin.Context) {
list, err := imageRepoService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary Load repo status
// @Description 获取 docker 仓库状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo/status [get]
func (b *BaseApi) CheckRepoStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageRepoService.Login(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary Create image repo
// @Description 创建镜像仓库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageRepoDelete true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建镜像仓库 [name]","formatEN":"create image repo [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateRepo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageRepoCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageRepoService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary Delete image repo
// @Description 删除镜像仓库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageRepoDelete true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"image_repos","output_column":"name","output_value":"names"}],"formatZH":"删除镜像仓库 [names]","formatEN":"delete image repo [names]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRepo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageRepoDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageRepoService.BatchDelete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Container Image-repo
// @Summary Update image repo
// @Description 更新镜像仓库
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.ImageRepoUpdate true "request"
// @Produce json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /containers/repo/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"image_repos","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"更新镜像仓库 [name]","formatEN":"update image repo information [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRepo(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.ImageRepoUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := imageRepoService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/logs.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,45 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Logs
// @Summary Load system log files
// @Description 获取系统日志文件列表
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /logs/system/files [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetSystemFiles(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := logService.ListSystemLogFile()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Logs
// @Summary Load system logs
// @Description 获取系统日志
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /logs/system [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetSystemLogs(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperationWithName
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := logService.LoadSystemLog(req.Name)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)

agent/app/api/v1/monitor.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,134 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Monitor
// @Summary Load monitor datas
// @Description 获取监控数据
// @Param request body dto.MonitorSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/monitor/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadMonitor(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.MonitorSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
loc, _ := time.LoadLocation(common.LoadTimeZone())
req.StartTime = req.StartTime.In(loc)
req.EndTime = req.EndTime.In(loc)
var backdatas []dto.MonitorData
if req.Param == "all" || req.Param == "cpu" || req.Param == "memory" || req.Param == "load" {
var bases []model.MonitorBase
if err := global.MonitorDB.
Where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", req.StartTime, req.EndTime).
Find(&bases).Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
var itemData dto.MonitorData
itemData.Param = "base"
for _, base := range bases {
itemData.Date = append(itemData.Date, base.CreatedAt)
itemData.Value = append(itemData.Value, base)
backdatas = append(backdatas, itemData)
if req.Param == "all" || req.Param == "io" {
var bases []model.MonitorIO
if err := global.MonitorDB.
Where("created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", req.StartTime, req.EndTime).
Find(&bases).Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
var itemData dto.MonitorData
itemData.Param = "io"
for _, base := range bases {
itemData.Date = append(itemData.Date, base.CreatedAt)
itemData.Value = append(itemData.Value, base)
backdatas = append(backdatas, itemData)
if req.Param == "all" || req.Param == "network" {
var bases []model.MonitorNetwork
if err := global.MonitorDB.
Where("name = ? AND created_at > ? AND created_at < ?", req.Info, req.StartTime, req.EndTime).
Find(&bases).Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
var itemData dto.MonitorData
itemData.Param = "network"
for _, base := range bases {
itemData.Date = append(itemData.Date, base.CreatedAt)
itemData.Value = append(itemData.Value, base)
backdatas = append(backdatas, itemData)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, backdatas)
// @Tags Monitor
// @Summary Clean monitor datas
// @Description 清空监控数据
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /hosts/monitor/clean [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清空监控数据","formatEN":"clean monitor datas"}
func (b *BaseApi) CleanMonitor(c *gin.Context) {
if err := global.MonitorDB.Exec("DELETE FROM monitor_bases").Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
if err := global.MonitorDB.Exec("DELETE FROM monitor_ios").Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
if err := global.MonitorDB.Exec("DELETE FROM monitor_networks").Error; err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
func (b *BaseApi) GetNetworkOptions(c *gin.Context) {
netStat, _ := net.IOCounters(true)
var options []string
options = append(options, "all")
for _, net := range netStat {
options = append(options, net.Name)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, options)
func (b *BaseApi) GetIOOptions(c *gin.Context) {
diskStat, _ := disk.IOCounters()
var options []string
options = append(options, "all")
for _, net := range diskStat {
options = append(options, net.Name)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, options)

agent/app/api/v1/nginx.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,118 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Load OpenResty conf
// @Description 获取 OpenResty 配置信息
// @Success 200 {object} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNginx(c *gin.Context) {
fileInfo, err := nginxService.GetNginxConfig()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, fileInfo)
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Load partial OpenResty conf
// @Description 获取部分 OpenResty 配置信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxScopeReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.NginxParam
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty/scope [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNginxConfigByScope(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxScopeReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
params, err := nginxService.GetConfigByScope(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, params)
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Update OpenResty conf
// @Description 更新 OpenResty 配置信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxConfigUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteId","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新 nginx 配置 [domain]","formatEN":"Update nginx conf [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateNginxConfigByScope(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxConfigUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := nginxService.UpdateConfigByScope(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Load OpenResty status info
// @Description 获取 OpenResty 状态信息
// @Success 200 {object} response.NginxStatus
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty/status [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNginxStatus(c *gin.Context) {
res, err := nginxService.GetStatus()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Update OpenResty conf by upload file
// @Description 上传更新 OpenResty 配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxConfigFileUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty/file [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新 nginx 配置","formatEN":"Update nginx conf"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateNginxFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxConfigFileUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := nginxService.UpdateConfigFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags OpenResty
// @Summary Clear OpenResty proxy cache
// @Description 清理 OpenResty 代理缓存
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /openresty/clear [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清理 Openresty 代理缓存","formatEN":"Clear nginx proxy cache"}
func (b *BaseApi) ClearNginxProxyCache(c *gin.Context) {
if err := nginxService.ClearProxyCache(); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,103 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags PHP Extensions
// @Summary Page Extensions
// @Description Page Extensions
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.PHPExtensionsSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.PHPExtensionsDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/extensions/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PagePHPExtensions(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.PHPExtensionsSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if req.All {
list, err := phpExtensionsService.List()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
} else {
total, list, err := phpExtensionsService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: list,
// @Tags PHP Extensions
// @Summary Create Extensions
// @Description Create Extensions
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.PHPExtensionsCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/extensions [post]
func (b *BaseApi) CreatePHPExtensions(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.PHPExtensionsCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := phpExtensionsService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags PHP Extensions
// @Summary Update Extensions
// @Description Update Extensions
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.PHPExtensionsUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/extensions/update [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdatePHPExtensions(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.PHPExtensionsUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := phpExtensionsService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags PHP Extensions
// @Summary Delete Extensions
// @Description Delete Extensions
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.PHPExtensionsDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/php/extensions/del [post]
func (b *BaseApi) DeletePHPExtensions(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.PHPExtensionsDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := phpExtensionsService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package v1
import (
websocket2 "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/utils/websocket"
func (b *BaseApi) ProcessWs(c *gin.Context) {
ws, err := wsUpgrade.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
wsClient := websocket2.NewWsClient("processClient", ws)
go wsClient.Read()
go wsClient.Write()
// @Tags Process
// @Summary Stop Process
// @Description 停止进程
// @Param request body request.ProcessReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /process/stop [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["PID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"结束进程 [PID]","formatEN":"结束进程 [PID]"}
func (b *BaseApi) StopProcess(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.ProcessReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := processService.StopProcess(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,86 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags File
// @Summary List RecycleBin files
// @Description 获取回收站文件列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageInfo true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/recycle/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchRecycleBinFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, list, err := recycleBinService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Items: list,
Total: total,
// @Tags File
// @Summary Reduce RecycleBin files
// @Description 还原回收站文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RecycleBinReduce true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/recycle/reduce [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"还原回收站文件 [name]","formatEN":"Reduce RecycleBin file [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ReduceRecycleBinFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RecycleBinReduce
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := recycleBinService.Reduce(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Clear RecycleBin files
// @Description 清空回收站文件
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/recycle/clear [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"清空回收站","formatEN":"清空回收站"}
func (b *BaseApi) ClearRecycleBinFile(c *gin.Context) {
if err := recycleBinService.Clear(); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags File
// @Summary Get RecycleBin status
// @Description 获取回收站状态
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /files/recycle/status [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetRecycleStatus(c *gin.Context) {
settingInfo, err := settingService.GetSettingInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, settingInfo.FileRecycleBin)

agent/app/api/v1/runtime.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,235 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary List runtimes
// @Description 获取运行环境列表
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RuntimeSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchRuntimes(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RuntimeSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, items, err := runtimeService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: items,
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Create runtime
// @Description 创建运行环境
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RuntimeCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建运行环境 [name]","formatEN":"Create runtime [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RuntimeCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
ssl, err := runtimeService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, ssl)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Delete runtime
// @Description 删除运行环境
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RuntimeDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"删除网站 [name]","formatEN":"Delete website [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RuntimeDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := runtimeService.Delete(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteRuntimeCheck(c *gin.Context) {
runTimeId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "runTimeId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
checkData, err := runtimeService.DeleteCheck(runTimeId)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, checkData)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Update runtime
// @Description 更新运行环境
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RuntimeUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新运行环境 [name]","formatEN":"Update runtime [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RuntimeUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := runtimeService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Get runtime
// @Description 获取运行环境
// @Accept json
// @Param id path string true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "id")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
res, err := runtimeService.Get(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Get Node package scripts
// @Description 获取 Node 项目的 scripts
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NodePackageReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/node/package [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNodePackageRunScript(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NodePackageReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := runtimeService.GetNodePackageRunScript(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Operate runtime
// @Description 操作运行环境
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.RuntimeOperate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"操作运行环境 [name]","formatEN":"Operate runtime [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateRuntime(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.RuntimeOperate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := runtimeService.OperateRuntime(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Get Node modules
// @Description 获取 Node 项目的 modules
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NodeModuleReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/node/modules [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNodeModules(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NodeModuleReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := runtimeService.GetNodeModules(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Operate Node modules
// @Description 操作 Node 项目 modules
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NodeModuleReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/node/modules/operate [post]
func (b *BaseApi) OperateNodeModules(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NodeModuleOperateReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := runtimeService.OperateNodeModules(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Runtime
// @Summary Sync runtime status
// @Description 同步运行环境状态
// @Accept json
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /runtimes/sync [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SyncStatus(c *gin.Context) {
err := runtimeService.SyncRuntimeStatus()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Load system setting info
// @Description 加载系统配置信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.SettingInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetSettingInfo(c *gin.Context) {
setting, err := settingService.GetSettingInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, setting)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Load system available status
// @Description 获取系统可用状态
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/search/available [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetSystemAvailable(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Update system setting
// @Description 更新系统配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SettingUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改系统配置 [key] => [value]","formatEN":"update system setting [key] => [value]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSetting(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SettingUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := settingService.Update(req.Key, req.Value); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Load local backup dir
// @Description 获取安装根目录
// @Success 200 {string} path
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/basedir [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadBaseDir(c *gin.Context) {
helper.SuccessWithData(c, global.CONF.System.DataDir)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Create system snapshot
// @Description 创建系统快照
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SnapshotCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["from", "description"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建系统快照 [description] 到 [from]","formatEN":"Create system backup [description] to [from]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SnapshotCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.SnapshotCreate(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Import system snapshot
// @Description 导入已有快照
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SnapshotImport true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/import [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["from", "names"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"从 [from] 同步系统快照 [names]","formatEN":"Sync system snapshots [names] from [from]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ImportSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SnapshotImport
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.SnapshotImport(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Load Snapshot status
// @Description 获取快照状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.OperateByID true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/status [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadSnapShotStatus(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.OperateByID
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := snapshotService.LoadSnapShotStatus(req.ID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Update snapshot description
// @Description 更新快照描述信息
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.UpdateDescription true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/description/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id","description"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"snapshots","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"快照 [name] 描述信息修改 [description]","formatEN":"The description of the snapshot [name] is modified => [description]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSnapDescription(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.UpdateDescription
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.UpdateDescription(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Page system snapshot
// @Description 获取系统快照列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchWithPage true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) SearchSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchWithPage
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, accounts, err := snapshotService.SearchWithPage(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: accounts,
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Recover system backup
// @Description 从系统快照恢复
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SnapshotRecover true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/recover [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"snapshots","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"从系统快照 [name] 恢复","formatEN":"Recover from system backup [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) RecoverSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SnapshotRecover
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.SnapshotRecover(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Rollback system backup
// @Description 从系统快照回滚
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SnapshotRecover true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/rollback [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"snapshots","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"从系统快照 [name] 回滚","formatEN":"Rollback from system backup [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) RollbackSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SnapshotRecover
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.SnapshotRollback(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags System Setting
// @Summary Delete system backup
// @Description 删除系统快照
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SnapshotBatchDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /settings/snapshot/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"snapshots","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"删除系统快照 [name]","formatEN":"Delete system backup [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteSnapshot(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SnapshotBatchDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := snapshotService.Delete(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

agent/app/api/v1/ssh.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,169 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Load host SSH setting info
// @Description 加载 SSH 配置信息
// @Success 200 {object} dto.SSHInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetSSHInfo(c *gin.Context) {
info, err := sshService.GetSSHInfo()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, info)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Operate SSH
// @Description 修改 SSH 服务状态
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.Operate true "request"
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["operation"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"[operation] SSH ","formatEN":"[operation] SSH"}
func (b *BaseApi) OperateSSH(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.Operate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := sshService.OperateSSH(req.Operation); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Update host SSH setting
// @Description 更新 SSH 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SSHUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["key","value"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改 SSH 配置 [key] => [value]","formatEN":"update SSH setting [key] => [value]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSSH(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SSHUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := sshService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Update host SSH setting by file
// @Description 上传文件更新 SSH 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SSHConf true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/conffile/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"修改 SSH 配置文件","formatEN":"update SSH conf"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSSHByfile(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SSHConf
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := sshService.UpdateByFile(req.File); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Generate host SSH secret
// @Description 生成 SSH 密钥
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.GenerateSSH true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/generate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":[],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"生成 SSH 密钥 ","formatEN":"generate SSH secret"}
func (b *BaseApi) GenerateSSH(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.GenerateSSH
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := sshService.GenerateSSH(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Load host SSH secret
// @Description 获取 SSH 密钥
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.GenerateLoad true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/secret [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadSSHSecret(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.GenerateLoad
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := sshService.LoadSSHSecret(req.EncryptionMode)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Load host SSH logs
// @Description 获取 SSH 登录日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.SearchSSHLog true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.SSHLog
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/log [post]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadSSHLogs(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.SearchSSHLog
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := sshService.LoadLog(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags SSH
// @Summary Load host SSH conf
// @Description 获取 SSH 配置文件
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /host/ssh/conf [get]
func (b *BaseApi) LoadSSHConf(c *gin.Context) {
data, err := sshService.LoadSSHConf()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,285 @@
package v1
import (
func (b *BaseApi) WsSsh(c *gin.Context) {
wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err)
defer wsConn.Close()
id, err := strconv.Atoi(c.Query("id"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param id in request")) {
cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param cols in request")) {
rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param rows in request")) {
host, err := hostService.GetHostInfo(uint(id))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "load host info by id failed")) {
var connInfo ssh.ConnInfo
_ = copier.Copy(&connInfo, &host)
connInfo.PrivateKey = []byte(host.PrivateKey)
if len(host.PassPhrase) != 0 {
connInfo.PassPhrase = []byte(host.PassPhrase)
client, err := connInfo.NewClient()
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "failed to set up the connection. Please check the host information")) {
defer client.Close()
sws, err := terminal.NewLogicSshWsSession(cols, rows, true, connInfo.Client, wsConn)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
defer sws.Close()
quitChan := make(chan bool, 3)
go sws.Wait(quitChan)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
func (b *BaseApi) RedisWsSsh(c *gin.Context) {
wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err)
defer wsConn.Close()
if global.CONF.System.IsDemo {
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.New(" demo server, prohibit this operation!")) {
cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param cols in request")) {
rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param rows in request")) {
name := c.Query("name")
from := c.Query("from")
commands := []string{"redis-cli"}
database, err := databaseService.Get(name)
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "no such database in db")) {
if from == "local" {
redisInfo, err := appInstallService.LoadConnInfo(dto.OperationWithNameAndType{Name: name, Type: "redis"})
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "no such database in db")) {
name = redisInfo.ContainerName
if len(database.Password) != 0 {
commands = []string{"redis-cli", "-a", database.Password, "--no-auth-warning"}
} else {
itemPort := fmt.Sprintf("%v", database.Port)
commands = []string{"redis-cli", "-h", database.Address, "-p", itemPort}
if len(database.Password) != 0 {
commands = []string{"redis-cli", "-h", database.Address, "-p", itemPort, "-a", database.Password, "--no-auth-warning"}
name = "1Panel-redis-cli-tools"
pidMap := loadMapFromDockerTop(name)
itemCmds := append([]string{"exec", "-it", name}, commands...)
slave, err := terminal.NewCommand(itemCmds)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
defer killBash(name, strings.Join(commands, " "), pidMap)
defer slave.Close()
tty, err := terminal.NewLocalWsSession(cols, rows, wsConn, slave, false)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
quitChan := make(chan bool, 3)
go slave.Wait(quitChan)
global.LOG.Info("websocket finished")
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
func (b *BaseApi) ContainerWsSsh(c *gin.Context) {
wsConn, err := upGrader.Upgrade(c.Writer, c.Request, nil)
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("gin context http handler failed, err: %v", err)
defer wsConn.Close()
if global.CONF.System.IsDemo {
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.New(" demo server, prohibit this operation!")) {
containerID := c.Query("containerid")
command := c.Query("command")
user := c.Query("user")
if len(command) == 0 || len(containerID) == 0 {
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.New("error param of command or containerID")) {
cols, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("cols", "80"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param cols in request")) {
rows, err := strconv.Atoi(c.DefaultQuery("rows", "40"))
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, "invalid param rows in request")) {
cmds := []string{"exec", containerID, command}
if len(user) != 0 {
cmds = []string{"exec", "-u", user, containerID, command}
if cmd.CheckIllegal(user, containerID, command) {
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.New(" The command contains illegal characters.")) {
stdout, err := cmd.ExecWithCheck("docker", cmds...)
if wshandleError(wsConn, errors.WithMessage(err, stdout)) {
commands := []string{"exec", "-it", containerID, command}
if len(user) != 0 {
commands = []string{"exec", "-it", "-u", user, containerID, command}
pidMap := loadMapFromDockerTop(containerID)
slave, err := terminal.NewCommand(commands)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
defer killBash(containerID, command, pidMap)
defer slave.Close()
tty, err := terminal.NewLocalWsSession(cols, rows, wsConn, slave, true)
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
quitChan := make(chan bool, 3)
go slave.Wait(quitChan)
global.LOG.Info("websocket finished")
if wshandleError(wsConn, err) {
func wshandleError(ws *websocket.Conn, err error) bool {
if err != nil {
global.LOG.Errorf("handler ws faled:, err: %v", err)
dt := time.Now().Add(time.Second)
if ctlerr := ws.WriteControl(websocket.CloseMessage, []byte(err.Error()), dt); ctlerr != nil {
wsData, err := json.Marshal(terminal.WsMsg{
Type: terminal.WsMsgCmd,
Data: base64.StdEncoding.EncodeToString([]byte(err.Error())),
if err != nil {
_ = ws.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, []byte("{\"type\":\"cmd\",\"data\":\"failed to encoding to json\"}"))
} else {
_ = ws.WriteMessage(websocket.TextMessage, wsData)
return true
return false
func loadMapFromDockerTop(containerID string) map[string]string {
pidMap := make(map[string]string)
sudo := cmd.SudoHandleCmd()
stdout, err := cmd.Execf("%s docker top %s -eo pid,command ", sudo, containerID)
if err != nil {
return pidMap
lines := strings.Split(stdout, "\n")
for _, line := range lines {
parts := strings.Fields(line)
if len(parts) < 2 {
pidMap[parts[0]] = strings.Join(parts[1:], " ")
return pidMap
func killBash(containerID, comm string, pidMap map[string]string) {
sudo := cmd.SudoHandleCmd()
newPidMap := loadMapFromDockerTop(containerID)
for pid, command := range newPidMap {
isOld := false
for pid2 := range pidMap {
if pid == pid2 {
isOld = true
if !isOld && command == comm {
_, _ = cmd.Execf("%s kill -9 %s", sudo, pid)
var upGrader = websocket.Upgrader{
ReadBufferSize: 1024,
WriteBufferSize: 1024 * 1024 * 10,
CheckOrigin: func(r *http.Request) bool {
return true

agent/app/api/v1/website.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,822 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Page websites
// @Description 获取网站列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PageWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, websites, err := websiteService.PageWebsite(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: websites,
// @Tags Website
// @Summary List websites
// @Description 获取网站列表
// @Success 200 {array} response.WebsiteDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/list [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsites(c *gin.Context) {
websites, err := websiteService.GetWebsites()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, websites)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary List website names
// @Description 获取网站列表
// @Success 200 {array} string
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/options [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsiteOptions(c *gin.Context) {
websites, err := websiteService.GetWebsiteOptions()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, websites)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Create website
// @Description 创建网站
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["primaryDomain"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建网站 [primaryDomain]","formatEN":"Create website [primaryDomain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if len(req.FtpPassword) != 0 {
pass, err := base64.StdEncoding.DecodeString(req.FtpPassword)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
req.FtpPassword = string(pass)
err := websiteService.CreateWebsite(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Operate website
// @Description 操作网站
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteOp true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/operate [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id", "operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"[operate] 网站 [domain]","formatEN":"[operate] website [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) OpWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteOp
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := websiteService.OpWebsite(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Delete website
// @Description 删除网站
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"删除网站 [domain]","formatEN":"Delete website [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := websiteService.DeleteWebsite(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update website
// @Description 更新网站
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["primaryDomain"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新网站 [primaryDomain]","formatEN":"Update website [primaryDomain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateWebsite(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Search website by id
// @Description 通过 id 查询网站
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsite(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
website, err := websiteService.GetWebsite(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, website)
// @Tags Website Nginx
// @Summary Search website nginx by id
// @Description 通过 id 查询网站 nginx
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/:id/config/:type [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsiteNginx(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
configType := c.Param("type")
fileInfo, err := websiteService.GetWebsiteNginxConfig(id, configType)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, fileInfo)
// @Tags Website Nginx
// @Summary Load nginx conf
// @Description 获取 nginx 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxScopeReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteNginxConfig
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/config [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetNginxConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxScopeReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
config, err := websiteService.GetNginxConfigByScope(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, config)
// @Tags Website Nginx
// @Summary Update nginx conf
// @Description 更新 nginx 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxConfigUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/config/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteId","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"nginx 配置修改 [domain]","formatEN":"Nginx conf update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateNginxConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxConfigUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateNginxConfigByScope(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website HTTPS
// @Summary Load https conf
// @Description 获取 https 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteHTTPS
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/:id/https [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetHTTPSConfig(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
res, err := websiteService.GetWebsiteHTTPS(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website HTTPS
// @Summary Update https conf
// @Description 更新 https 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteHTTPSOp true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteHTTPS
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/:id/https [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteId","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新网站 [domain] https 配置","formatEN":"Update website https [domain] conf"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateHTTPSConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteHTTPSOp
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
tx, ctx := helper.GetTxAndContext()
res, err := websiteService.OpWebsiteHTTPS(ctx, req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Check before create website
// @Description 网站创建前检查
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteInstallCheckReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.WebsitePreInstallCheck
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/check [post]
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsiteCheck(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteInstallCheckReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
data, err := websiteService.PreInstallCheck(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Website Nginx
// @Summary Update website nginx conf
// @Description 更新 网站 nginx 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteNginxUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/nginx/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"[domain] Nginx 配置修改","formatEN":"[domain] Nginx conf update"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateWebsiteNginxConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteNginxUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateNginxConfigFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Operate website log
// @Description 操作网站日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteLogReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteLog
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/log [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id", "operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"[domain][operate] 日志","formatEN":"[domain][operate] logs"}
func (b *BaseApi) OpWebsiteLog(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteLogReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.OpWebsiteLog(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Change default server
// @Description 操作网站日志
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDefaultUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/default/server [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id", "operate"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"修改默认 server => [domain]","formatEN":"Change default server => [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangeDefaultServer(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDefaultUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.ChangeDefaultServer(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Load website php conf
// @Description 获取网站 php 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.PHPConfig
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/php/config/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsitePHPConfig(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
data, err := websiteService.GetPHPConfig(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, data)
// @Tags Website PHP
// @Summary Update website php conf
// @Description 更新 网站 PHP 配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsitePHPConfigUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/php/config [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"[domain] PHP 配置修改","formatEN":"[domain] PHP conf update"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateWebsitePHPConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsitePHPConfigUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdatePHPConfig(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website PHP
// @Summary Update php conf
// @Description 更新 php 配置文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsitePHPFileUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/php/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteId","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"php 配置修改 [domain]","formatEN":"Nginx conf update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdatePHPFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsitePHPFileUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdatePHPConfigFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website PHP
// @Summary Update php version
// @Description 变更 php 版本
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsitePHPVersionReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/php/version [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteId"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteId","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"php 版本变更 [domain]","formatEN":"php version update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ChangePHPVersion(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsitePHPVersionReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.ChangePHPVersion(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get rewrite conf
// @Description 获取伪静态配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxRewriteReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/rewrite [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetRewriteConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxRewriteReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.GetRewriteConfig(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update rewrite conf
// @Description 更新伪静态配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxRewriteUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/rewrite/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteID","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"伪静态配置修改 [domain]","formatEN":"Nginx conf rewrite update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRewriteConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxRewriteUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateRewriteConfig(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update Site Dir
// @Description 更新网站目录
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteUpdateDir true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dir/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新网站 [domain] 目录","formatEN":"Update domain [domain] dir"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSiteDir(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteUpdateDir
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateSiteDir(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update Site Dir permission
// @Description 更新网站目录权限
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteUpdateDirPermission true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dir/permission [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新网站 [domain] 目录权限","formatEN":"Update domain [domain] dir permission"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateSiteDirPermission(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteUpdateDirPermission
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateSitePermission(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get proxy conf
// @Description 获取反向代理配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteProxyReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/proxies [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetProxyConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteProxyReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.GetProxies(req.ID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update proxy conf
// @Description 修改反向代理配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteProxyConfig true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/proxies/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"修改网站 [domain] 反向代理配置 ","formatEN":"Update domain [domain] proxy config"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateProxyConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteProxyConfig
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := websiteService.OperateProxy(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update proxy file
// @Description 更新反向代理文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxProxyUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/proxy/file [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteID","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新反向代理文件 [domain]","formatEN":"Nginx conf proxy file update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateProxyConfigFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxProxyUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateProxyFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get AuthBasic conf
// @Description 获取密码访问配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxAuthReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/auths [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetAuthConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxAuthReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.GetAuthBasics(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get AuthBasic conf
// @Description 更新密码访问配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxAuthUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/auths/update [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateAuthConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxAuthUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateAuthBasic(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get AntiLeech conf
// @Description 获取防盗链配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxCommonReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/leech [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetAntiLeech(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxCommonReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.GetAntiLeech(req.WebsiteID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update AntiLeech
// @Description 更新防盗链配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxAntiLeechUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/leech/update [post]
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateAntiLeech(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxAntiLeechUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateAntiLeech(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update redirect conf
// @Description 修改重定向配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxRedirectReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/redirect/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteID","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"修改网站 [domain] 重定向理配置 ","formatEN":"Update domain [domain] redirect config"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRedirectConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxRedirectReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
err := websiteService.OperateRedirect(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get redirect conf
// @Description 获取重定向配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteProxyReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/redirect [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetRedirectConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteRedirectReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.GetRedirect(req.WebsiteID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update redirect file
// @Description 更新重定向文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.NginxRedirectUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/redirect/file [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["websiteID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"websiteID","isList":false,"db":"websites","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新重定向文件 [domain]","formatEN":"Nginx conf redirect file update [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateRedirectConfigFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.NginxRedirectUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateRedirectFile(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get website dir
// @Description 获取网站目录配置
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCommonReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dir [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetDirConfig(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCommonReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteService.LoadWebsiteDirConfig(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Get default html
// @Description 获取默认 html
// @Accept json
// @Success 200 {object} response.FileInfo
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/default/html/:type [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetDefaultHtml(c *gin.Context) {
resourceType, err := helper.GetStrParamByKey(c, "type")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
fileInfo, err := websiteService.GetDefaultHtml(resourceType)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, fileInfo)
// @Tags Website
// @Summary Update default html
// @Description 更新默认 html
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteHtmlUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/default/html/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新默认 html","formatEN":"Update default html"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateDefaultHtml(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteHtmlUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.UpdateDefaultHtml(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,76 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website Acme
// @Summary Page website acme accounts
// @Description 获取网站 acme 列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageInfo true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/acme/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PageWebsiteAcmeAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, accounts, err := websiteAcmeAccountService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: accounts,
// @Tags Website Acme
// @Summary Create website acme account
// @Description 创建网站 acme
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteAcmeAccountCreate true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteAcmeAccountDTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/acme [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["email"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建网站 acme [email]","formatEN":"Create website acme [email]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsiteAcmeAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteAcmeAccountCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteAcmeAccountService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website Acme
// @Summary Delete website acme account
// @Description 删除网站 acme
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteResourceReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/acme/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_acme_accounts","output_column":"email","output_value":"email"}],"formatZH":"删除网站 acme [email]","formatEN":"Delete website acme [email]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebsiteAcmeAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteResourceReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteAcmeAccountService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Page website ca
// @Description 获取网站 ca 列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCASearch true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PageWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCASearch
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, cas, err := websiteCAService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: cas,
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Create website ca
// @Description 创建网站 ca
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCACreate true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} request.WebsiteCACreate
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建网站 ca [name]","formatEN":"Create website ca [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCACreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteCAService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Get website ca
// @Description 获取网站 ca
// @Accept json
// @Param id path int true "id"
// @Success 200 {object} response.WebsiteCADTO
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/{id} [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
res, err := websiteCAService.GetCA(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Delete website ca
// @Description 删除网站 ca
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCommonReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_cas","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"删除网站 ca [name]","formatEN":"Delete website ca [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCommonReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteCAService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Obtain SSL
// @Description 自签 SSL 证书
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCAObtain true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/obtain [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_cas","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"自签 SSL 证书 [name]","formatEN":"Obtain SSL [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ObtainWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCAObtain
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if _, err := websiteCAService.ObtainSSL(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Obtain SSL
// @Description 续签 SSL 证书
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteCAObtain true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/renew [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_cas","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"自签 SSL 证书 [name]","formatEN":"Obtain SSL [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) RenewWebsiteCA(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteCARenew
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if _, err := websiteCAService.ObtainSSL(request.WebsiteCAObtain{
Renew: true,
Unit: "year",
Time: 1,
}); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website CA
// @Summary Download CA file
// @Description 下载 CA 证书文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteResourceReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ca/download [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_cas","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"下载 CA 证书文件 [name]","formatEN":"download ca file [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DownloadCAFile(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteResourceReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
file, err := websiteCAService.DownloadFile(req.ID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
defer file.Close()
info, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(info.Size(), 10))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url.PathEscape(info.Name()))
http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, info.Name(), info.ModTime(), file)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website DNS
// @Summary Page website dns accounts
// @Description 获取网站 dns 列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body dto.PageInfo true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} dto.PageResult
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dns/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PageWebsiteDnsAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req dto.PageInfo
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
total, accounts, err := websiteDnsAccountService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: accounts,
// @Tags Website DNS
// @Summary Create website dns account
// @Description 创建网站 dns
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDnsAccountCreate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dns [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建网站 dns [name]","formatEN":"Create website dns [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsiteDnsAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDnsAccountCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if _, err := websiteDnsAccountService.Create(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website DNS
// @Summary Update website dns account
// @Description 更新网站 dns
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDnsAccountUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dns/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["name"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"更新网站 dns [name]","formatEN":"Update website dns [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateWebsiteDnsAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDnsAccountUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if _, err := websiteDnsAccountService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website DNS
// @Summary Delete website dns account
// @Description 删除网站 dns
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteResourceReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/dns/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_dns_accounts","output_column":"name","output_value":"name"}],"formatZH":"删除网站 dns [name]","formatEN":"Delete website dns [name]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebsiteDnsAccount(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteResourceReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteDnsAccountService.Delete(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,73 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website Domain
// @Summary Delete website domain
// @Description 删除网站域名
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDomainDelete true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/domains/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_domains","output_column":"domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"删除域名 [domain]","formatEN":"Delete domain [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebDomain(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDomainDelete
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteService.DeleteWebsiteDomain(req.ID); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website Domain
// @Summary Create website domain
// @Description 创建网站域名
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDomainCreate true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} model.WebsiteDomain
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/domains [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["domain"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建域名 [domain]","formatEN":"Create domain [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebDomain(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDomainCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
domain, err := websiteService.CreateWebsiteDomain(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, domain)
// @Tags Website Domain
// @Summary Search website domains by websiteId
// @Description 通过网站 id 查询域名
// @Accept json
// @Param websiteId path integer true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} model.WebsiteDomain
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/domains/:websiteId [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebDomains(c *gin.Context) {
websiteId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "websiteId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, nil)
list, err := websiteService.GetWebsiteDomain(websiteId)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,248 @@
package v1
import (
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Page website ssl
// @Description 获取网站 ssl 列表分页
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSSLSearch true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/search [post]
func (b *BaseApi) PageWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSSLSearch
if err := helper.CheckBind(&req, c); err != nil {
if !reflect.DeepEqual(req.PageInfo, dto.PageInfo{}) {
total, accounts, err := websiteSSLService.Page(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, dto.PageResult{
Total: total,
Items: accounts,
} else {
list, err := websiteSSLService.Search(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, list)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Create website ssl
// @Description 创建网站 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSSLCreate true "request"
// @Success 200 {object} request.WebsiteSSLCreate
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["primaryDomain"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"创建网站 ssl [primaryDomain]","formatEN":"Create website ssl [primaryDomain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) CreateWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSSLCreate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteSSLService.Create(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Apply ssl
// @Description 申请证书
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSSLApply true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/obtain [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ID"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ID","isList":false,"db":"website_ssls","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"申请证书 [domain]","formatEN":"apply ssl [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) ApplyWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSSLApply
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteSSLService.ObtainSSL(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Resolve website ssl
// @Description 解析网站 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteDNSReq true "request"
// @Success 200 {array} response.WebsiteDNSRes
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/resolve [post]
func (b *BaseApi) GetDNSResolve(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteDNSReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
res, err := websiteSSLService.GetDNSResolve(req)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, res)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Delete website ssl
// @Description 删除网站 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteBatchDelReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/del [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["ids"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"ids","isList":true,"db":"website_ssls","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"删除 ssl [domain]","formatEN":"Delete ssl [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DeleteWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteBatchDelReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteSSLService.Delete(req.IDs); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Search website ssl by website id
// @Description 通过网站 id 查询 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param websiteId path integer true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/website/:websiteId [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsiteSSLByWebsiteId(c *gin.Context) {
websiteId, err := helper.GetIntParamByKey(c, "websiteId")
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
websiteSSL, err := websiteSSLService.GetWebsiteSSL(websiteId)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, websiteSSL)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Search website ssl by id
// @Description 通过 id 查询 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param id path integer true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/:id [get]
func (b *BaseApi) GetWebsiteSSLById(c *gin.Context) {
id, err := helper.GetParamID(c)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrBadRequest, constant.ErrTypeInvalidParams, err)
websiteSSL, err := websiteSSLService.GetSSL(id)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, websiteSSL)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Update ssl
// @Description 更新 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSSLUpdate true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/update [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_ssls","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"更新证书设置 [domain]","formatEN":"Update ssl config [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UpdateWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSSLUpdate
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteSSLService.Update(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Upload ssl
// @Description 上传 ssl
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteSSLUpload true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/upload [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["type"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[],"formatZH":"上传 ssl [type]","formatEN":"Upload ssl [type]"}
func (b *BaseApi) UploadWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteSSLUpload
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
if err := websiteSSLService.Upload(req); err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
helper.SuccessWithData(c, nil)
// @Tags Website SSL
// @Summary Download SSL file
// @Description 下载证书文件
// @Accept json
// @Param request body request.WebsiteResourceReq true "request"
// @Success 200
// @Security ApiKeyAuth
// @Router /websites/ssl/download [post]
// @x-panel-log {"bodyKeys":["id"],"paramKeys":[],"BeforeFunctions":[{"input_column":"id","input_value":"id","isList":false,"db":"website_ssls","output_column":"primary_domain","output_value":"domain"}],"formatZH":"下载证书文件 [domain]","formatEN":"download ssl file [domain]"}
func (b *BaseApi) DownloadWebsiteSSL(c *gin.Context) {
var req request.WebsiteResourceReq
if err := helper.CheckBindAndValidate(&req, c); err != nil {
file, err := websiteSSLService.DownloadFile(req.ID)
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
defer file.Close()
info, err := file.Stat()
if err != nil {
helper.ErrorWithDetail(c, constant.CodeErrInternalServer, constant.ErrTypeInternalServer, err)
c.Header("Content-Length", strconv.FormatInt(info.Size(), 10))
c.Header("Content-Disposition", "attachment; filename*=utf-8''"+url.PathEscape(info.Name()))
http.ServeContent(c.Writer, c.Request, info.Name(), info.ModTime(), file)

agent/app/dto/app.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,149 @@
package dto
import (
type AppDatabase struct {
ServiceName string `json:"PANEL_DB_HOST"`
DbName string `json:"PANEL_DB_NAME"`
DbUser string `json:"PANEL_DB_USER"`
Password string `json:"PANEL_DB_USER_PASSWORD"`
type AuthParam struct {
RootPassword string `json:"PANEL_DB_ROOT_PASSWORD"`
RootUser string `json:"PANEL_DB_ROOT_USER"`
type RedisAuthParam struct {
RootPassword string `json:"PANEL_REDIS_ROOT_PASSWORD"`
type MinioAuthParam struct {
RootPassword string `json:"PANEL_MINIO_ROOT_PASSWORD"`
RootUser string `json:"PANEL_MINIO_ROOT_USER"`
type ContainerExec struct {
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
DbParam AppDatabase `json:"dbParam"`
Auth AuthParam `json:"auth"`
type AppOssConfig struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
Package string `json:"package"`
type AppVersion struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
DetailId uint `json:"detailId"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`
type AppList struct {
Valid bool `json:"valid"`
Violations []string `json:"violations"`
LastModified int `json:"lastModified"`
Apps []AppDefine `json:"apps"`
Extra ExtraProperties `json:"additionalProperties"`
type AppDefine struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ReadMe string `json:"readMe"`
LastModified int `json:"lastModified"`
AppProperty AppProperty `json:"additionalProperties"`
Versions []AppConfigVersion `json:"versions"`
type LocalAppAppDefine struct {
AppProperty model.App `json:"additionalProperties" yaml:"additionalProperties"`
type LocalAppParam struct {
AppParams LocalAppInstallDefine `json:"additionalProperties" yaml:"additionalProperties"`
type LocalAppInstallDefine struct {
FormFields interface{} `json:"formFields" yaml:"formFields"`
type ExtraProperties struct {
Tags []Tag `json:"tags"`
Version string `json:"version"`
type AppProperty struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
ShortDescZh string `json:"shortDescZh"`
ShortDescEn string `json:"shortDescEn"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Required []string `json:"Required"`
CrossVersionUpdate bool `json:"crossVersionUpdate"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
Recommend int `json:"recommend"`
Website string `json:"website"`
Github string `json:"github"`
Document string `json:"document"`
type AppConfigVersion struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
LastModified int `json:"lastModified"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl"`
DownloadCallBackUrl string `json:"downloadCallBackUrl"`
AppForm interface{} `json:"additionalProperties"`
type Tag struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Sort int `json:"sort"`
type AppForm struct {
FormFields []AppFormFields `json:"formFields"`
type AppFormFields struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
LabelZh string `json:"labelZh"`
LabelEn string `json:"labelEn"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Default interface{} `json:"default"`
EnvKey string `json:"envKey"`
Disabled bool `json:"disabled"`
Edit bool `json:"edit"`
Rule string `json:"rule"`
Multiple bool `json:"multiple"`
Child interface{} `json:"child"`
Values []AppFormValue `json:"values"`
type AppFormValue struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type AppResource struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
var AppToolMap = map[string]string{
"mysql": "phpmyadmin",
"redis": "redis-commander",
type AppInstallInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Name string `json:"name"`

agent/app/dto/backup.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,82 @@
package dto
import "time"
type BackupOperate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
Credential string `json:"credential"`
BackupPath string `json:"backupPath"`
Vars string `json:"vars" validate:"required"`
type BackupInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Bucket string `json:"bucket"`
BackupPath string `json:"backupPath"`
Vars string `json:"vars"`
type OneDriveInfo struct {
ClientID string `json:"client_id"`
ClientSecret string `json:"client_secret"`
RedirectUri string `json:"redirect_uri"`
type BackupSearchFile struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type CommonBackup struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=app mysql mariadb redis website postgresql"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DetailName string `json:"detailName"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type CommonRecover struct {
Source string `json:"source" validate:"required,oneof=OSS S3 SFTP MINIO LOCAL COS KODO OneDrive WebDAV"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=app mysql mariadb redis website postgresql"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DetailName string `json:"detailName"`
File string `json:"file"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type RecordSearch struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DetailName string `json:"detailName"`
type RecordSearchByCronjob struct {
CronjobID uint `json:"cronjobID" validate:"required"`
type BackupRecords struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Source string `json:"source"`
BackupType string `json:"backupType"`
FileDir string `json:"fileDir"`
FileName string `json:"fileName"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
type DownloadRecord struct {
Source string `json:"source" validate:"required,oneof=OSS S3 SFTP MINIO LOCAL COS KODO OneDrive WebDAV"`
FileDir string `json:"fileDir" validate:"required"`
FileName string `json:"fileName" validate:"required"`
type ForBuckets struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
AccessKey string `json:"accessKey"`
Credential string `json:"credential" validate:"required"`
Vars string `json:"vars" validate:"required"`

agent/app/dto/clam.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
package dto
import (
type SearchClamWithPage struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name status created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
type ClamBaseInfo struct {
Version string `json:"version"`
IsActive bool `json:"isActive"`
IsExist bool `json:"isExist"`
FreshVersion string `json:"freshVersion"`
FreshIsActive bool `json:"freshIsActive"`
FreshIsExist bool `json:"freshIsExist"`
type ClamInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Path string `json:"path"`
InfectedStrategy string `json:"infectedStrategy"`
InfectedDir string `json:"infectedDir"`
LastHandleDate string `json:"lastHandleDate"`
Spec string `json:"spec"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type ClamLogSearch struct {
ClamID uint `json:"clamID"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"`
EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"`
type ClamLogReq struct {
Tail string `json:"tail"`
ClamName string `json:"clamName"`
RecordName string `json:"recordName"`
type ClamFileReq struct {
Tail string `json:"tail"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type ClamLog struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ScanDate string `json:"scanDate"`
ScanTime string `json:"scanTime"`
InfectedFiles string `json:"infectedFiles"`
TotalError string `json:"totalError"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type ClamCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Path string `json:"path"`
InfectedStrategy string `json:"infectedStrategy"`
InfectedDir string `json:"infectedDir"`
Spec string `json:"spec"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type ClamUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
InfectedStrategy string `json:"infectedStrategy"`
InfectedDir string `json:"infectedDir"`
Spec string `json:"spec"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type ClamUpdateStatus struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type ClamDelete struct {
RemoveRecord bool `json:"removeRecord"`
RemoveInfected bool `json:"removeInfected"`
Ids []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`

agent/app/dto/command.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
package dto
type SearchCommandWithPage struct {
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name command created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
Info string `json:"info"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type CommandOperate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
GroupBelong string `json:"groupBelong"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Command string `json:"command" validate:"required"`
type CommandInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Command string `json:"command"`
GroupBelong string `json:"groupBelong"`
type CommandTree struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Children []CommandInfo `json:"children"`
type RedisCommand struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Command string `json:"command"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
package dto
type SearchWithPage struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
type PageInfo struct {
Page int `json:"page" validate:"required,number"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize" validate:"required,number"`
type UpdateDescription struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Description string `json:"description" validate:"max=256"`
type OperationWithName struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type OperateByID struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
type Operate struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required"`
type BatchDeleteReq struct {
Ids []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`
type FilePath struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type DeleteByName struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type UpdateByFile struct {
File string `json:"file"`
type UpdateByNameAndFile struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
File string `json:"file"`
type OperationWithNameAndType struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package dto
type PageResult struct {
Total int64 `json:"total"`
Items interface{} `json:"items"`
type Response struct {
Code int `json:"code"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Data interface{} `json:"data"`
type Options struct {
Option string `json:"option"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,23 @@
package dto
import "time"
type ComposeTemplateCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type ComposeTemplateUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type ComposeTemplateInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description"`
Content string `json:"content"`

agent/app/dto/container.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,234 @@
package dto
import (
type PageContainer struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
State string `json:"state" validate:"required,oneof=all created running paused restarting removing exited dead"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name state created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
Filters string `json:"filters"`
ExcludeAppStore bool `json:"excludeAppStore"`
type InspectReq struct {
ID string `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type ContainerInfo struct {
ContainerID string `json:"containerID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
ImageId string `json:"imageID"`
ImageName string `json:"imageName"`
CreateTime string `json:"createTime"`
State string `json:"state"`
RunTime string `json:"runTime"`
Network []string `json:"network"`
Ports []string `json:"ports"`
IsFromApp bool `json:"isFromApp"`
IsFromCompose bool `json:"isFromCompose"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
AppInstallName string `json:"appInstallName"`
Websites []string `json:"websites"`
type ResourceLimit struct {
CPU int `json:"cpu"`
Memory uint64 `json:"memory"`
type ContainerOperate struct {
ContainerID string `json:"containerID"`
ForcePull bool `json:"forcePull"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Image string `json:"image" validate:"required"`
Network string `json:"network"`
Ipv4 string `json:"ipv4"`
Ipv6 string `json:"ipv6"`
PublishAllPorts bool `json:"publishAllPorts"`
ExposedPorts []PortHelper `json:"exposedPorts"`
Tty bool `json:"tty"`
OpenStdin bool `json:"openStdin"`
Cmd []string `json:"cmd"`
Entrypoint []string `json:"entrypoint"`
CPUShares int64 `json:"cpuShares"`
NanoCPUs float64 `json:"nanoCPUs"`
Memory float64 `json:"memory"`
Privileged bool `json:"privileged"`
AutoRemove bool `json:"autoRemove"`
Volumes []VolumeHelper `json:"volumes"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Env []string `json:"env"`
RestartPolicy string `json:"restartPolicy"`
type ContainerUpgrade struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Image string `json:"image" validate:"required"`
ForcePull bool `json:"forcePull"`
type ContainerListStats struct {
ContainerID string `json:"containerID"`
CPUTotalUsage uint64 `json:"cpuTotalUsage"`
SystemUsage uint64 `json:"systemUsage"`
CPUPercent float64 `json:"cpuPercent"`
PercpuUsage int `json:"percpuUsage"`
MemoryCache uint64 `json:"memoryCache"`
MemoryUsage uint64 `json:"memoryUsage"`
MemoryLimit uint64 `json:"memoryLimit"`
MemoryPercent float64 `json:"memoryPercent"`
type ContainerStats struct {
CPUPercent float64 `json:"cpuPercent"`
Memory float64 `json:"memory"`
Cache float64 `json:"cache"`
IORead float64 `json:"ioRead"`
IOWrite float64 `json:"ioWrite"`
NetworkRX float64 `json:"networkRX"`
NetworkTX float64 `json:"networkTX"`
ShotTime time.Time `json:"shotTime"`
type VolumeHelper struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
SourceDir string `json:"sourceDir"`
ContainerDir string `json:"containerDir"`
Mode string `json:"mode"`
type PortHelper struct {
HostIP string `json:"hostIP"`
HostPort string `json:"hostPort"`
ContainerPort string `json:"containerPort"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
type ContainerOperation struct {
Names []string `json:"names" validate:"required"`
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=start stop restart kill pause unpause remove"`
type ContainerRename struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
NewName string `json:"newName" validate:"required"`
type ContainerCommit struct {
ContainerId string `json:"containerID" validate:"required"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
NewImageName string `json:"newImageName"`
Comment string `json:"comment"`
Author string `json:"author"`
Pause bool `json:"pause"`
type ContainerPrune struct {
PruneType string `json:"pruneType" validate:"required,oneof=container image volume network buildcache"`
WithTagAll bool `json:"withTagAll"`
type ContainerPruneReport struct {
DeletedNumber int `json:"deletedNumber"`
SpaceReclaimed int `json:"spaceReclaimed"`
type Network struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Driver string `json:"driver"`
IPAMDriver string `json:"ipamDriver"`
Subnet string `json:"subnet"`
Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Attachable bool `json:"attachable"`
type NetworkCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Driver string `json:"driver" validate:"required"`
Options []string `json:"options"`
Ipv4 bool `json:"ipv4"`
Subnet string `json:"subnet"`
Gateway string `json:"gateway"`
IPRange string `json:"ipRange"`
AuxAddress []SettingUpdate `json:"auxAddress"`
Ipv6 bool `json:"ipv6"`
SubnetV6 string `json:"subnetV6"`
GatewayV6 string `json:"gatewayV6"`
IPRangeV6 string `json:"ipRangeV6"`
AuxAddressV6 []SettingUpdate `json:"auxAddressV6"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
type Volume struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
Driver string `json:"driver"`
Mountpoint string `json:"mountpoint"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
type VolumeCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Driver string `json:"driver" validate:"required"`
Options []string `json:"options"`
Labels []string `json:"labels"`
type BatchDelete struct {
Force bool `json:"force"`
Names []string `json:"names" validate:"required"`
type ComposeInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
CreatedBy string `json:"createdBy"`
ContainerNumber int `json:"containerNumber"`
ConfigFile string `json:"configFile"`
Workdir string `json:"workdir"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Containers []ComposeContainer `json:"containers"`
type ComposeContainer struct {
ContainerID string `json:"containerID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
CreateTime string `json:"createTime"`
State string `json:"state"`
type ComposeCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=edit path template"`
File string `json:"file"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Template uint `json:"template"`
type ComposeOperation struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=start stop down"`
WithFile bool `json:"withFile"`
type ComposeUpdate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
type ContainerLog struct {
Container string `json:"container" validate:"required"`
Since string `json:"since"`
Tail uint `json:"tail"`
ContainerType string `json:"containerType"`

agent/app/dto/cronjob.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,121 @@
package dto
import (
type PageCronjob struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name status created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
type CronjobCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Spec string `json:"spec" validate:"required"`
Script string `json:"script"`
Command string `json:"command"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
AppID string `json:"appID"`
Website string `json:"website"`
ExclusionRules string `json:"exclusionRules"`
DBType string `json:"dbType"`
DBName string `json:"dbName"`
URL string `json:"url"`
SourceDir string `json:"sourceDir"`
BackupAccounts string `json:"backupAccounts"`
DefaultDownload string `json:"defaultDownload"`
RetainCopies int `json:"retainCopies" validate:"number,min=1"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type CronjobUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Spec string `json:"spec" validate:"required"`
Script string `json:"script"`
Command string `json:"command"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
AppID string `json:"appID"`
Website string `json:"website"`
ExclusionRules string `json:"exclusionRules"`
DBType string `json:"dbType"`
DBName string `json:"dbName"`
URL string `json:"url"`
SourceDir string `json:"sourceDir"`
BackupAccounts string `json:"backupAccounts"`
DefaultDownload string `json:"defaultDownload"`
RetainCopies int `json:"retainCopies" validate:"number,min=1"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type CronjobUpdateStatus struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Status string `json:"status" validate:"required"`
type CronjobDownload struct {
RecordID uint `json:"recordID" validate:"required"`
BackupAccountID uint `json:"backupAccountID" validate:"required"`
type CronjobClean struct {
IsDelete bool `json:"isDelete"`
CleanData bool `json:"cleanData"`
CronjobID uint `json:"cronjobID" validate:"required"`
type CronjobBatchDelete struct {
CleanData bool `json:"cleanData"`
IDs []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`
type CronjobInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Spec string `json:"spec"`
Script string `json:"script"`
Command string `json:"command"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
AppID string `json:"appID"`
Website string `json:"website"`
ExclusionRules string `json:"exclusionRules"`
DBType string `json:"dbType"`
DBName string `json:"dbName"`
URL string `json:"url"`
SourceDir string `json:"sourceDir"`
BackupAccounts string `json:"backupAccounts"`
DefaultDownload string `json:"defaultDownload"`
RetainCopies int `json:"retainCopies"`
LastRecordTime string `json:"lastRecordTime"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type SearchRecord struct {
CronjobID int `json:"cronjobID"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"`
EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type Record struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
StartTime string `json:"startTime"`
Records string `json:"records"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
TargetPath string `json:"targetPath"`
Interval int `json:"interval"`
File string `json:"file"`

agent/app/dto/dashboard.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,107 @@
package dto
import "time"
type DashboardBase struct {
WebsiteNumber int `json:"websiteNumber"`
DatabaseNumber int `json:"databaseNumber"`
CronjobNumber int `json:"cronjobNumber"`
AppInstalledNumber int `json:"appInstalledNumber"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
OS string `json:"os"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
PlatformFamily string `json:"platformFamily"`
PlatformVersion string `json:"platformVersion"`
KernelArch string `json:"kernelArch"`
KernelVersion string `json:"kernelVersion"`
VirtualizationSystem string `json:"virtualizationSystem"`
CPUCores int `json:"cpuCores"`
CPULogicalCores int `json:"cpuLogicalCores"`
CPUModelName string `json:"cpuModelName"`
CurrentInfo DashboardCurrent `json:"currentInfo"`
type OsInfo struct {
OS string `json:"os"`
Platform string `json:"platform"`
PlatformFamily string `json:"platformFamily"`
KernelArch string `json:"kernelArch"`
KernelVersion string `json:"kernelVersion"`
DiskSize int64 `json:"diskSize"`
type DashboardCurrent struct {
Uptime uint64 `json:"uptime"`
TimeSinceUptime string `json:"timeSinceUptime"`
Procs uint64 `json:"procs"`
Load1 float64 `json:"load1"`
Load5 float64 `json:"load5"`
Load15 float64 `json:"load15"`
LoadUsagePercent float64 `json:"loadUsagePercent"`
CPUPercent []float64 `json:"cpuPercent"`
CPUUsedPercent float64 `json:"cpuUsedPercent"`
CPUUsed float64 `json:"cpuUsed"`
CPUTotal int `json:"cpuTotal"`
MemoryTotal uint64 `json:"memoryTotal"`
MemoryAvailable uint64 `json:"memoryAvailable"`
MemoryUsed uint64 `json:"memoryUsed"`
MemoryUsedPercent float64 `json:"memoryUsedPercent"`
SwapMemoryTotal uint64 `json:"swapMemoryTotal"`
SwapMemoryAvailable uint64 `json:"swapMemoryAvailable"`
SwapMemoryUsed uint64 `json:"swapMemoryUsed"`
SwapMemoryUsedPercent float64 `json:"swapMemoryUsedPercent"`
IOReadBytes uint64 `json:"ioReadBytes"`
IOWriteBytes uint64 `json:"ioWriteBytes"`
IOCount uint64 `json:"ioCount"`
IOReadTime uint64 `json:"ioReadTime"`
IOWriteTime uint64 `json:"ioWriteTime"`
DiskData []DiskInfo `json:"diskData"`
NetBytesSent uint64 `json:"netBytesSent"`
NetBytesRecv uint64 `json:"netBytesRecv"`
GPUData []GPUInfo `json:"gpuData"`
ShotTime time.Time `json:"shotTime"`
type DiskInfo struct {
Path string `json:"path"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Device string `json:"device"`
Total uint64 `json:"total"`
Free uint64 `json:"free"`
Used uint64 `json:"used"`
UsedPercent float64 `json:"usedPercent"`
InodesTotal uint64 `json:"inodesTotal"`
InodesUsed uint64 `json:"inodesUsed"`
InodesFree uint64 `json:"inodesFree"`
InodesUsedPercent float64 `json:"inodesUsedPercent"`
type GPUInfo struct {
Index uint `json:"index"`
ProductName string `json:"productName"`
GPUUtil string `json:"gpuUtil"`
Temperature string `json:"temperature"`
PerformanceState string `json:"performanceState"`
PowerUsage string `json:"powerUsage"`
PowerDraw string `json:"powerDraw"`
MaxPowerLimit string `json:"maxPowerLimit"`
MemoryUsage string `json:"memoryUsage"`
MemUsed string `json:"memUsed"`
MemTotal string `json:"memTotal"`
FanSpeed string `json:"fanSpeed"`

agent/app/dto/database.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
package dto
import "time"
// common
type DBConfUpdateByFile struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb postgresql redis"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
File string `json:"file"`
type ChangeDBInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb postgresql"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Value string `json:"value" validate:"required"`
type DBBaseInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
Port int64 `json:"port"`
// mysql
type MysqlDBSearch struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
type MysqlDBInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name"`
From string `json:"from"`
MysqlName string `json:"mysqlName"`
Format string `json:"format"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Permission string `json:"permission"`
IsDelete bool `json:"isDelete"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type MysqlOption struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
From string `json:"from"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type MysqlDBCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Format string `json:"format" validate:"required,oneof=utf8mb4 utf8 gbk big5"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
Permission string `json:"permission" validate:"required"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type BindUser struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
DB string `json:"db" validate:"required"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
Permission string `json:"permission" validate:"required"`
type MysqlLoadDB struct {
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
type MysqlDBDeleteCheck struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
type MysqlDBDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`
type MysqlStatus struct {
AbortedClients string `json:"Aborted_clients"`
AbortedConnects string `json:"Aborted_connects"`
BytesReceived string `json:"Bytes_received"`
BytesSent string `json:"Bytes_sent"`
ComCommit string `json:"Com_commit"`
ComRollback string `json:"Com_rollback"`
Connections string `json:"Connections"`
CreatedTmpDiskTables string `json:"Created_tmp_disk_tables"`
CreatedTmpTables string `json:"Created_tmp_tables"`
InnodbBufferPoolPagesDirty string `json:"Innodb_buffer_pool_pages_dirty"`
InnodbBufferPoolReadRequests string `json:"Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests"`
InnodbBufferPoolReads string `json:"Innodb_buffer_pool_reads"`
KeyReadRequests string `json:"Key_read_requests"`
KeyReads string `json:"Key_reads"`
KeyWriteEequests string `json:"Key_write_requests"`
KeyWrites string `json:"Key_writes"`
MaxUsedConnections string `json:"Max_used_connections"`
OpenTables string `json:"Open_tables"`
OpenedFiles string `json:"Opened_files"`
OpenedTables string `json:"Opened_tables"`
QcacheHits string `json:"Qcache_hits"`
QcacheInserts string `json:"Qcache_inserts"`
Questions string `json:"Questions"`
SelectFullJoin string `json:"Select_full_join"`
SelectRangeCheck string `json:"Select_range_check"`
SortMergePasses string `json:"Sort_merge_passes"`
TableLocksWaited string `json:"Table_locks_waited"`
ThreadsCached string `json:"Threads_cached"`
ThreadsConnected string `json:"Threads_connected"`
ThreadsCreated string `json:"Threads_created"`
ThreadsRunning string `json:"Threads_running"`
Uptime string `json:"Uptime"`
Run string `json:"Run"`
File string `json:"File"`
Position string `json:"Position"`
type MysqlVariables struct {
BinlogCacheSize string `json:"binlog_cache_size"`
InnodbBufferPoolSize string `json:"innodb_buffer_pool_size"`
InnodbLogBufferSize string `json:"innodb_log_buffer_size"`
JoinBufferSize string `json:"join_buffer_size"`
KeyBufferSize string `json:"key_buffer_size"`
MaxConnections string `json:"max_connections"`
MaxHeapTableSize string `json:"max_heap_table_size"`
QueryCacheSize string `json:"query_cache_size"`
QueryCacheType string `json:"query_cache_type"`
ReadBufferSize string `json:"read_buffer_size"`
ReadRndBufferSize string `json:"read_rnd_buffer_size"`
SortBufferSize string `json:"sort_buffer_size"`
TableOpenCache string `json:"table_open_cache"`
ThreadCacheSize string `json:"thread_cache_size"`
ThreadStack string `json:"thread_stack"`
TmpTableSize string `json:"tmp_table_size"`
SlowQueryLog string `json:"slow_query_log"`
LongQueryTime string `json:"long_query_time"`
type MysqlVariablesUpdate struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=mysql mariadb"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Variables []MysqlVariablesUpdateHelper `json:"variables"`
type MysqlVariablesUpdateHelper struct {
Param string `json:"param"`
Value interface{} `json:"value"`
// redis
type ChangeRedisPass struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type RedisConfUpdate struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Timeout string `json:"timeout"`
Maxclients string `json:"maxclients"`
Maxmemory string `json:"maxmemory"`
type RedisConfPersistenceUpdate struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=aof rbd"`
Appendonly string `json:"appendonly"`
Appendfsync string `json:"appendfsync"`
Save string `json:"save"`
type RedisConf struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Port int64 `json:"port"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
Timeout string `json:"timeout"`
Maxclients string `json:"maxclients"`
Requirepass string `json:"requirepass"`
Maxmemory string `json:"maxmemory"`
type RedisPersistence struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Appendonly string `json:"appendonly"`
Appendfsync string `json:"appendfsync"`
Save string `json:"save"`
type RedisStatus struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
TcpPort string `json:"tcp_port"`
UptimeInDays string `json:"uptime_in_days"`
ConnectedClients string `json:"connected_clients"`
UsedMemory string `json:"used_memory"`
UsedMemoryRss string `json:"used_memory_rss"`
UsedMemoryPeak string `json:"used_memory_peak"`
MemFragmentationRatio string `json:"mem_fragmentation_ratio"`
TotalConnectionsReceived string `json:"total_connections_received"`
TotalCommandsProcessed string `json:"total_commands_processed"`
InstantaneousOpsPerSec string `json:"instantaneous_ops_per_sec"`
KeyspaceHits string `json:"keyspace_hits"`
KeyspaceMisses string `json:"keyspace_misses"`
LatestForkUsec string `json:"latest_fork_usec"`
type DatabaseFileRecords struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
FileName string `json:"fileName"`
FileDir string `json:"fileDir"`
CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
Size int `json:"size"`
type RedisBackupRecover struct {
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
FileName string `json:"fileName"`
FileDir string `json:"fileDir"`
// database
type DatabaseSearch struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
Type string `json:"type"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
type DatabaseInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"max=256"`
From string `json:"from"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port uint `json:"port"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
SSL bool `json:"ssl"`
RootCert string `json:"rootCert"`
ClientKey string `json:"clientKey"`
ClientCert string `json:"clientCert"`
SkipVerify bool `json:"skipVerify"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type DatabaseOption struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type"`
From string `json:"from"`
Database string `json:"database"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Address string `json:"address"`
type DatabaseItem struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
From string `json:"from"`
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type DatabaseCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required,max=256"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Version string `json:"version" validate:"required"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port uint `json:"port"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password"`
SSL bool `json:"ssl"`
RootCert string `json:"rootCert"`
ClientKey string `json:"clientKey"`
ClientCert string `json:"clientCert"`
SkipVerify bool `json:"skipVerify"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type DatabaseUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Version string `json:"version" validate:"required"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port uint `json:"port"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password"`
SSL bool `json:"ssl"`
RootCert string `json:"rootCert"`
ClientKey string `json:"clientKey"`
ClientCert string `json:"clientCert"`
SkipVerify bool `json:"skipVerify"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type DatabaseDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,85 @@
package dto
import "time"
type PostgresqlDBSearch struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=name created_at"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
type PostgresqlDBInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name"`
From string `json:"from"`
PostgresqlName string `json:"postgresqlName"`
Format string `json:"format"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
SuperUser bool `json:"superUser"`
IsDelete bool `json:"isDelete"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type PostgresqlOption struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
From string `json:"from"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Database string `json:"database"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type PostgresqlDBCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Format string `json:"format"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
SuperUser bool `json:"superUser"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type PostgresqlBindUser struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
SuperUser bool `json:"superUser"`
type PostgresqlPrivileges struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"required"`
SuperUser bool `json:"superUser"`
type PostgresqlLoadDB struct {
From string `json:"from" validate:"required,oneof=local remote"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=postgresql"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
type PostgresqlDBDeleteCheck struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=postgresql"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
type PostgresqlDBDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=postgresql"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`
type PostgresqlConfUpdateByFile struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=postgresql mariadb"`
Database string `json:"database" validate:"required"`
File string `json:"file"`

agent/app/dto/device.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package dto
type DeviceBaseInfo struct {
DNS []string `json:"dns"`
Hosts []HostHelper `json:"hosts"`
Hostname string `json:"hostname"`
TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"`
LocalTime string `json:"localTime"`
Ntp string `json:"ntp"`
User string `json:"user"`
SwapMemoryTotal uint64 `json:"swapMemoryTotal"`
SwapMemoryAvailable uint64 `json:"swapMemoryAvailable"`
SwapMemoryUsed uint64 `json:"swapMemoryUsed"`
MaxSize uint64 `json:"maxSize"`
SwapDetails []SwapHelper `json:"swapDetails"`
type HostHelper struct {
IP string `json:"ip"`
Host string `json:"host"`
type SwapHelper struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
Used string `json:"used"`
IsNew bool `json:"isNew"`
type TimeZoneOptions struct {
From string `json:"from"`
Zones []string `json:"zones"`
type ChangePasswd struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Passwd string `json:"passwd"`

agent/app/dto/docker.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,39 @@
package dto
type DaemonJsonUpdateByFile struct {
File string `json:"file"`
type DaemonJsonConf struct {
IsSwarm bool `json:"isSwarm"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Mirrors []string `json:"registryMirrors"`
Registries []string `json:"insecureRegistries"`
LiveRestore bool `json:"liveRestore"`
IPTables bool `json:"iptables"`
CgroupDriver string `json:"cgroupDriver"`
Ipv6 bool `json:"ipv6"`
FixedCidrV6 string `json:"fixedCidrV6"`
Ip6Tables bool `json:"ip6Tables"`
Experimental bool `json:"experimental"`
LogMaxSize string `json:"logMaxSize"`
LogMaxFile string `json:"logMaxFile"`
type LogOption struct {
LogMaxSize string `json:"logMaxSize"`
LogMaxFile string `json:"logMaxFile"`
type Ipv6Option struct {
FixedCidrV6 string `json:"fixedCidrV6"`
Ip6Tables bool `json:"ip6Tables" validate:"required"`
Experimental bool `json:"experimental"`
type DockerOperation struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=start restart stop"`

agent/app/dto/fail2ban.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
package dto
type Fail2BanBaseInfo struct {
IsEnable bool `json:"isEnable"`
IsActive bool `json:"isActive"`
IsExist bool `json:"isExist"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Port int `json:"port"`
MaxRetry int `json:"maxRetry"`
BanTime string `json:"banTime"`
FindTime string `json:"findTime"`
BanAction string `json:"banAction"`
LogPath string `json:"logPath"`
type Fail2BanSearch struct {
Status string `json:"status" validate:"required,oneof=banned ignore"`
type Fail2BanUpdate struct {
Key string `json:"key" validate:"required,oneof=port bantime findtime maxretry banaction logpath port"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type Fail2BanSet struct {
IPs []string `json:"ips"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=banned ignore"`

agent/app/dto/firewall.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,74 @@
package dto
type FirewallBaseInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Version string `json:"version"`
PingStatus string `json:"pingStatus"`
type RuleSearch struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Strategy string `json:"strategy"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type FirewallOperation struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=start stop restart disablePing enablePing"`
type PortRuleOperate struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=add remove"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port string `json:"port" validate:"required"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol" validate:"required,oneof=tcp udp tcp/udp"`
Strategy string `json:"strategy" validate:"required,oneof=accept drop"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type ForwardRuleOperate struct {
Rules []struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=add remove"`
Num string `json:"num"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol" validate:"required,oneof=tcp udp tcp/udp"`
Port string `json:"port" validate:"required"`
TargetIP string `json:"targetIP"`
TargetPort string `json:"targetPort" validate:"required"`
} `json:"rules"`
type UpdateFirewallDescription struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port string `json:"port"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Strategy string `json:"strategy" validate:"required,oneof=accept drop"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type AddrRuleOperate struct {
Operation string `json:"operation" validate:"required,oneof=add remove"`
Address string `json:"address" validate:"required"`
Strategy string `json:"strategy" validate:"required,oneof=accept drop"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type PortRuleUpdate struct {
OldRule PortRuleOperate `json:"oldRule"`
NewRule PortRuleOperate `json:"newRule"`
type AddrRuleUpdate struct {
OldRule AddrRuleOperate `json:"oldRule"`
NewRule AddrRuleOperate `json:"newRule"`
type BatchRuleOperate struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Rules []PortRuleOperate `json:"rules"`

agent/app/dto/ftp.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,43 @@
package dto
import (
type FtpInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
User string `json:"user"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type FtpBaseInfo struct {
IsActive bool `json:"isActive"`
IsExist bool `json:"isExist"`
type FtpLogSearch struct {
User string `json:"user"`
Operation string `json:"operation"`
type FtpCreate struct {
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type FtpUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Description string `json:"description"`

agent/app/dto/group.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,25 @@
package dto
type GroupCreate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type GroupSearch struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type GroupUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"`
type GroupInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Type string `json:"type"`
IsDefault bool `json:"isDefault"`

agent/app/dto/host.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,75 @@
package dto
import (
type HostOperate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"required"`
Port uint `json:"port" validate:"required,number,max=65535,min=1"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
AuthMode string `json:"authMode" validate:"oneof=password key"`
Password string `json:"password"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
PassPhrase string `json:"passPhrase"`
RememberPassword bool `json:"rememberPassword"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type HostConnTest struct {
Addr string `json:"addr" validate:"required"`
Port uint `json:"port" validate:"required,number,max=65535,min=1"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
AuthMode string `json:"authMode" validate:"oneof=password key"`
Password string `json:"password"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
PassPhrase string `json:"passPhrase"`
type SearchHostWithPage struct {
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
Info string `json:"info"`
type SearchForTree struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
type ChangeHostGroup struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID" validate:"required"`
type HostInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
GroupID uint `json:"groupID"`
GroupBelong string `json:"groupBelong"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Addr string `json:"addr"`
Port uint `json:"port"`
User string `json:"user"`
AuthMode string `json:"authMode"`
Password string `json:"password"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
PassPhrase string `json:"passPhrase"`
RememberPassword bool `json:"rememberPassword"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type HostTree struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Children []TreeChild `json:"children"`
type TreeChild struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Label string `json:"label"`

agent/app/dto/image.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package dto
import "time"
type ImageInfo struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
IsUsed bool `json:"isUsed"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Size string `json:"size"`
type ImageLoad struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type ImageBuild struct {
From string `json:"from" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Dockerfile string `json:"dockerfile" validate:"required"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
type ImagePull struct {
RepoID uint `json:"repoID"`
ImageName string `json:"imageName" validate:"required"`
type ImageTag struct {
SourceID string `json:"sourceID" validate:"required"`
TargetName string `json:"targetName" validate:"required"`
type ImagePush struct {
RepoID uint `json:"repoID" validate:"required"`
TagName string `json:"tagName" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type ImageSave struct {
TagName string `json:"tagName" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package dto
import "time"
type ImageRepoCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"max=256"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"max=256"`
Auth bool `json:"auth"`
type ImageRepoUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Username string `json:"username" validate:"max=256"`
Password string `json:"password" validate:"max=256"`
Auth bool `json:"auth"`
type ImageRepoInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Auth bool `json:"auth"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
type ImageRepoOption struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl"`
type ImageRepoDelete struct {
Ids []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`

agent/app/dto/logs.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
package dto
import (
type OperationLog struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Source string `json:"source"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Method string `json:"method"`
UserAgent string `json:"userAgent"`
Latency time.Duration `json:"latency"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
DetailZH string `json:"detailZH"`
DetailEN string `json:"detailEN"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
type SearchOpLogWithPage struct {
Source string `json:"source"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Operation string `json:"operation"`
type SearchLgLogWithPage struct {
IP string `json:"ip"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type LoginLog struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
IP string `json:"ip"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Agent string `json:"agent"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
type CleanLog struct {
LogType string `json:"logType" validate:"required,oneof=login operation"`

agent/app/dto/monitor.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package dto
import "time"
type MonitorSearch struct {
Param string `json:"param" validate:"required,oneof=all cpu memory load io network"`
Info string `json:"info"`
StartTime time.Time `json:"startTime"`
EndTime time.Time `json:"endTime"`
type MonitorData struct {
Param string `json:"param" validate:"required,oneof=cpu memory load io network"`
Date []time.Time `json:"date"`
Value []interface{} `json:"value"`

agent/app/dto/nginx.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package dto
import (
type NginxFull struct {
Install model.AppInstall
Website model.Website
ConfigDir string
ConfigFile string
SiteDir string
Dir string
RootConfig NginxConfig
SiteConfig NginxConfig
type NginxConfig struct {
FilePath string
Config *components.Config
OldContent string
type NginxParam struct {
UpdateScope string
Name string
Params []string
type NginxAuth struct {
Username string `json:"username"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
type NginxKey string
const (
Index NginxKey = "index"
LimitConn NginxKey = "limit-conn"
SSL NginxKey = "ssl"
CACHE NginxKey = "cache"
HttpPer NginxKey = "http-per"
ProxyCache NginxKey = "proxy-cache"
var ScopeKeyMap = map[NginxKey][]string{
Index: {"index"},
LimitConn: {"limit_conn", "limit_rate", "limit_conn_zone"},
SSL: {"ssl_certificate", "ssl_certificate_key"},
HttpPer: {"server_names_hash_bucket_size", "client_header_buffer_size", "client_max_body_size", "keepalive_timeout", "gzip", "gzip_min_length", "gzip_comp_level"},
var StaticFileKeyMap = map[NginxKey]struct {
SSL: {},
CACHE: {},
ProxyCache: {},

View File

@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
package request
import (
type AppSearch struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Recommend bool `json:"recommend"`
Resource string `json:"resource"`
type AppInstallCreate struct {
AppDetailId uint `json:"appDetailId" validate:"required"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Services map[string]string `json:"services"`
type AppContainerConfig struct {
Advanced bool `json:"advanced"`
CpuQuota float64 `json:"cpuQuota"`
MemoryLimit float64 `json:"memoryLimit"`
MemoryUnit string `json:"memoryUnit"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
AllowPort bool `json:"allowPort"`
EditCompose bool `json:"editCompose"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`
HostMode bool `json:"hostMode"`
PullImage bool `json:"pullImage"`
type AppInstalledSearch struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Tags []string `json:"tags"`
Update bool `json:"update"`
Unused bool `json:"unused"`
All bool `json:"all"`
Sync bool `json:"sync"`
type AppInstalledInfo struct {
Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`
type AppBackupSearch struct {
AppInstallID uint `json:"appInstallID"`
type AppBackupDelete struct {
Ids []uint `json:"ids"`
type AppInstalledOperate struct {
InstallId uint `json:"installId" validate:"required"`
BackupId uint `json:"backupId"`
DetailId uint `json:"detailId"`
Operate constant.AppOperate `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`
DeleteDB bool `json:"deleteDB"`
Backup bool `json:"backup"`
PullImage bool `json:"pullImage"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`
type AppInstallUpgrade struct {
InstallID uint `json:"installId"`
DetailID uint `json:"detailId"`
Backup bool `json:"backup"`
PullImage bool `json:"pullImage"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`
type AppInstalledUpdate struct {
InstallId uint `json:"installId" validate:"required"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params" validate:"required"`
type AppInstalledIgnoreUpgrade struct {
DetailID uint `json:"detailID" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=cancel ignore"`
type PortUpdate struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Port int64 `json:"port"`
type AppUpdateVersion struct {
AppInstallID uint `json:"appInstallID" validate:"required"`
UpdateVersion string `json:"updateVersion"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package request
type FavoriteCreate struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type FavoriteDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,136 @@
package request
import (
type FileOption struct {
type FileContentReq struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
IsDetail bool `json:"isDetail"`
type SearchUploadWithPage struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type FileCreate struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content"`
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
Mode int64 `json:"mode"`
IsLink bool `json:"isLink"`
IsSymlink bool `json:"isSymlink"`
LinkPath string `json:"linkPath"`
Sub bool `json:"sub"`
type FileRoleReq struct {
Paths []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
Mode int64 `json:"mode" validate:"required"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
Group string `json:"group" validate:"required"`
Sub bool `json:"sub"`
type FileDelete struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
type FileBatchDelete struct {
Paths []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
type FileCompress struct {
Files []string `json:"files" validate:"required"`
Dst string `json:"dst" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Replace bool `json:"replace"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type FileDeCompress struct {
Dst string `json:"dst" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type FileEdit struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type FileRename struct {
OldName string `json:"oldName" validate:"required"`
NewName string `json:"newName" validate:"required"`
type FilePathCheck struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type FileWget struct {
Url string `json:"url" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
IgnoreCertificate bool `json:"ignoreCertificate"`
type FileMove struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
OldPaths []string `json:"oldPaths" validate:"required"`
NewPath string `json:"newPath" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Cover bool `json:"cover"`
type FileDownload struct {
Paths []string `json:"paths" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Compress bool `json:"compress"`
type FileChunkDownload struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type DirSizeReq struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
type FileProcessReq struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
type FileRoleUpdate struct {
Path string `json:"path" validate:"required"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
Group string `json:"group" validate:"required"`
Sub bool `json:"sub"`
type FileReadByLineReq struct {
Page int `json:"page" validate:"required"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
ID uint `json:"ID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Latest bool `json:"latest"`
type FileExistReq struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Dir string `json:"dir" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package request
type HostToolReq struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=status restart start stop"`
type HostToolCreate struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type SupervisorConfig struct {
ConfigPath string `json:"configPath"`
ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"`
type HostToolLogReq struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`
type HostToolConfig struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=supervisord"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=get set"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type SupervisorProcessConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Operate string `json:"operate"`
Command string `json:"command"`
User string `json:"user"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Numprocs string `json:"numprocs"`
type SupervisorProcessFileReq struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=get clear update" `
Content string `json:"content"`
File string `json:"file" validate:"required,oneof=out.log err.log config"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
package request
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/dto"
type NginxConfigFileUpdate struct {
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
Backup bool `json:"backup"`
type NginxScopeReq struct {
Scope dto.NginxKey `json:"scope" validate:"required"`
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId"`
type NginxConfigUpdate struct {
Scope dto.NginxKey `json:"scope"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required,oneof=add update delete"`
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId"`
Params interface{} `json:"params"`
type NginxRewriteReq struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type NginxRewriteUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content"`
type NginxProxyUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type NginxAuthUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
type NginxAuthReq struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
type NginxCommonReq struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
type NginxAntiLeechUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Extends string `json:"extends" validate:"required"`
Return string `json:"return" validate:"required"`
Enable bool `json:"enable" `
ServerNames []string `json:"serverNames"`
Cache bool `json:"cache"`
CacheTime int `json:"cacheTime"`
CacheUint string `json:"cacheUint"`
NoneRef bool `json:"noneRef"`
LogEnable bool `json:"logEnable"`
Blocked bool `json:"blocked"`
type NginxRedirectReq struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Domains []string `json:"domains"`
KeepPath bool `json:"keepPath"`
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Redirect string `json:"redirect" validate:"required"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Target string `json:"target" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
RedirectRoot bool `json:"redirectRoot"`
type NginxRedirectUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
package request
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/dto"
type PHPExtensionsSearch struct {
All bool `json:"all"`
type PHPExtensionsCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Extensions string `json:"extensions" validate:"required"`
type PHPExtensionsUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Extensions string `json:"extensions" validate:"required"`
type PHPExtensionsDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,5 @@
package request
type ProcessReq struct {
PID int32 `json:"PID" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
package request
type RecycleBinCreate struct {
SourcePath string `json:"sourcePath" validate:"required"`
type RecycleBinReduce struct {
From string `json:"from" validate:"required"`
RName string `json:"rName" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
package request
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/dto"
type RuntimeSearch struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
type RuntimeCreate struct {
AppDetailID uint `json:"appDetailId"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
Resource string `json:"resource"`
Image string `json:"image"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Source string `json:"source"`
CodeDir string `json:"codeDir"`
type NodeConfig struct {
Install bool `json:"install"`
Clean bool `json:"clean"`
Port int `json:"port"`
ExposedPorts []ExposedPort `json:"exposedPorts"`
type ExposedPort struct {
HostPort int `json:"hostPort"`
ContainerPort int `json:"containerPort"`
type RuntimeDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
type RuntimeUpdate struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
Image string `json:"image"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Rebuild bool `json:"rebuild"`
Source string `json:"source"`
CodeDir string `json:"codeDir"`
type NodePackageReq struct {
CodeDir string `json:"codeDir"`
type RuntimeOperate struct {
Operate string `json:"operate"`
ID uint `json:"ID"`
type NodeModuleOperateReq struct {
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"oneof=install uninstall update"`
ID uint `json:"ID" validate:"required"`
Module string `json:"module"`
PkgManager string `json:"pkgManager" validate:"oneof=npm yarn"`
type NodeModuleReq struct {
ID uint `json:"ID" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,220 @@
package request
import (
type WebsiteSearch struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
OrderBy string `json:"orderBy" validate:"required,oneof=primary_domain type status created_at expire_date"`
Order string `json:"order" validate:"required,oneof=null ascending descending"`
WebsiteGroupID uint `json:"websiteGroupId"`
type WebsiteCreate struct {
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Alias string `json:"alias" validate:"required"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
OtherDomains string `json:"otherDomains"`
Proxy string `json:"proxy"`
WebsiteGroupID uint `json:"webSiteGroupID" validate:"required"`
IPV6 bool `json:"IPV6"`
AppType string `json:"appType" validate:"oneof=new installed"`
AppInstall NewAppInstall `json:"appInstall"`
AppID uint `json:"appID"`
AppInstallID uint `json:"appInstallID"`
FtpUser string `json:"ftpUser"`
FtpPassword string `json:"ftpPassword"`
RuntimeID uint `json:"runtimeID"`
type RuntimeConfig struct {
ProxyType string `json:"proxyType"`
Port int `json:"port"`
type NewAppInstall struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
AppDetailId uint `json:"appDetailID"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
type WebsiteInstallCheckReq struct {
InstallIds []uint `json:"InstallIds"`
type WebsiteUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
WebsiteGroupID uint `json:"webSiteGroupID"`
ExpireDate string `json:"expireDate"`
IPV6 bool `json:"IPV6"`
type WebsiteDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
DeleteApp bool `json:"deleteApp"`
DeleteBackup bool `json:"deleteBackup"`
ForceDelete bool `json:"forceDelete"`
type WebsiteOp struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate"`
type WebsiteRedirectUpdate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
type WebsiteRecover struct {
WebsiteName string `json:"websiteName" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
BackupName string `json:"backupName" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteRecoverByFile struct {
WebsiteName string `json:"websiteName" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
FileDir string `json:"fileDir" validate:"required"`
FileName string `json:"fileName" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteGroupCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteGroupUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Default bool `json:"default"`
type WebsiteDomainCreate struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
Domains string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteDomainDelete struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteHTTPSOp struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
WebsiteSSLID uint `json:"websiteSSLId"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"oneof=existed auto manual"`
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Certificate string `json:"certificate"`
PrivateKeyPath string `json:"privateKeyPath"`
CertificatePath string `json:"certificatePath"`
ImportType string `json:"importType"`
HttpConfig string `json:"httpConfig" validate:"oneof=HTTPSOnly HTTPAlso HTTPToHTTPS"`
SSLProtocol []string `json:"SSLProtocol"`
Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"`
Hsts bool `json:"hsts"`
type WebsiteNginxUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteLogReq struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
LogType string `json:"logType" validate:"required"`
Page int `json:"page"`
PageSize int `json:"pageSize"`
type WebsiteDefaultUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
type WebsitePHPConfigUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Params map[string]string `json:"params"`
Scope string `json:"scope" validate:"required"`
DisableFunctions []string `json:"disableFunctions"`
UploadMaxSize string `json:"uploadMaxSize"`
type WebsitePHPFileUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`
type WebsitePHPVersionReq struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID" validate:"required"`
RuntimeID uint `json:"runtimeID" validate:"required"`
RetainConfig bool `json:"retainConfig" `
type WebsiteUpdateDir struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
SiteDir string `json:"siteDir" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteUpdateDirPermission struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
User string `json:"user" validate:"required"`
Group string `json:"group" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteProxyConfig struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Operate string `json:"operate" validate:"required"`
Enable bool `json:"enable" `
Cache bool `json:"cache" `
CacheTime int `json:"cacheTime" `
CacheUnit string `json:"cacheUnit"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Modifier string `json:"modifier"`
Match string `json:"match" validate:"required"`
ProxyPass string `json:"proxyPass" validate:"required"`
ProxyHost string `json:"proxyHost" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content"`
FilePath string `json:"filePath"`
Replaces map[string]string `json:"replaces"`
SNI bool `json:"sni"`
type WebsiteProxyReq struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteRedirectReq struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteId" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteCommonReq struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
type WafWebsite struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
Domains []string `json:"domains"`
Host []string `json:"host"`
type WebsiteHtmlReq struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteHtmlUpdate struct {
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Content string `json:"content" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,139 @@
package request
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/dto"
type WebsiteSSLSearch struct {
AcmeAccountID string `json:"acmeAccountID"`
type WebsiteSSLCreate struct {
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
OtherDomains string `json:"otherDomains"`
Provider string `json:"provider" validate:"required"`
AcmeAccountID uint `json:"acmeAccountId" validate:"required"`
DnsAccountID uint `json:"dnsAccountId"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
Apply bool `json:"apply"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
Description string `json:"description"`
DisableCNAME bool `json:"disableCNAME"`
SkipDNS bool `json:"skipDNS"`
Nameserver1 string `json:"nameserver1"`
Nameserver2 string `json:"nameserver2"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
type WebsiteDNSReq struct {
Domains []string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`
AcmeAccountID uint `json:"acmeAccountId" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteSSLRenew struct {
SSLID uint `json:"SSLId" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteSSLApply struct {
ID uint `json:"ID" validate:"required"`
SkipDNSCheck bool `json:"skipDNSCheck"`
Nameservers []string `json:"nameservers"`
type WebsiteAcmeAccountCreate struct {
Email string `json:"email" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=letsencrypt zerossl buypass google"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
EabKid string `json:"eabKid"`
EabHmacKey string `json:"eabHmacKey"`
type WebsiteDnsAccountCreate struct {
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Authorization map[string]string `json:"authorization" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteDnsAccountUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required"`
Authorization map[string]string `json:"authorization" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteResourceReq struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteBatchDelReq struct {
IDs []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`
type WebsiteSSLUpdate struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
Description string `json:"description"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain" validate:"required"`
OtherDomains string `json:"otherDomains"`
Provider string `json:"provider" validate:"required"`
AcmeAccountID uint `json:"acmeAccountId"`
DnsAccountID uint `json:"dnsAccountId"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType"`
Apply bool `json:"apply"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
DisableCNAME bool `json:"disableCNAME"`
SkipDNS bool `json:"skipDNS"`
Nameserver1 string `json:"nameserver1"`
Nameserver2 string `json:"nameserver2"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
type WebsiteSSLUpload struct {
PrivateKey string `json:"privateKey"`
Certificate string `json:"certificate"`
PrivateKeyPath string `json:"privateKeyPath"`
CertificatePath string `json:"certificatePath"`
Type string `json:"type" validate:"required,oneof=paste local"`
SSLID uint `json:"sslID"`
Description string `json:"description"`
type WebsiteCASearch struct {
type WebsiteCACreate struct {
CommonName string `json:"commonName" validate:"required"`
Country string `json:"country" validate:"required"`
Organization string `json:"organization" validate:"required"`
OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
Name string `json:"name" validate:"required"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
Province string `json:"province" `
City string `json:"city"`
type WebsiteCAObtain struct {
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Domains string `json:"domains" validate:"required"`
KeyType string `json:"keyType" validate:"required,oneof=P256 P384 2048 3072 4096 8192"`
Time int `json:"time" validate:"required"`
Unit string `json:"unit" validate:"required"`
PushDir bool `json:"pushDir"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
AutoRenew bool `json:"autoRenew"`
Renew bool `json:"renew"`
SSLID uint `json:"sslID"`
Description string `json:"description"`
ExecShell bool `json:"execShell"`
Shell string `json:"shell"`
type WebsiteCARenew struct {
SSLID uint `json:"SSLID" validate:"required"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,154 @@
package response
import (
type AppRes struct {
Items []*AppDto `json:"items"`
Total int64 `json:"total"`
type AppUpdateRes struct {
CanUpdate bool `json:"canUpdate"`
IsSyncing bool `json:"isSyncing"`
AppStoreLastModified int `json:"appStoreLastModified"`
AppList *dto.AppList `json:"appList"`
type AppDTO struct {
Installed bool `json:"installed"`
Versions []string `json:"versions"`
Tags []model.Tag `json:"tags"`
type AppDto struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Key string `json:"key"`
ID uint `json:"id"`
ShortDescZh string `json:"shortDescZh"`
ShortDescEn string `json:"shortDescEn"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Resource string `json:"resource"`
Installed bool `json:"installed"`
Versions []string `json:"versions"`
Limit int `json:"limit"`
Tags []model.Tag `json:"tags"`
type TagDTO struct {
type AppInstalledCheck struct {
IsExist bool `json:"isExist"`
Name string `json:"name"`
App string `json:"app"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Status string `json:"status"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
LastBackupAt string `json:"lastBackupAt"`
AppInstallID uint `json:"appInstallId"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
InstallPath string `json:"installPath"`
HttpPort int `json:"httpPort"`
HttpsPort int `json:"httpsPort"`
type AppDetailDTO struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Params interface{} `json:"params"`
Image string `json:"image"`
HostMode bool `json:"hostMode"`
type IgnoredApp struct {
Icon string `json:"icon"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
DetailID uint `json:"detailID"`
type AppInstalledDTO struct {
Total int `json:"total"`
Ready int `json:"ready"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
CanUpdate bool `json:"canUpdate"`
Path string `json:"path"`
type AppDetail struct {
Website string `json:"website"`
Document string `json:"document"`
Github string `json:"github"`
type AppInstallDTO struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
AppID uint `json:"appID"`
AppDetailID uint `json:"appDetailID"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
HttpPort int `json:"httpPort"`
HttpsPort int `json:"httpsPort"`
Path string `json:"path"`
CanUpdate bool `json:"canUpdate"`
Icon string `json:"icon"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
Ready int `json:"ready"`
Total int `json:"total"`
AppKey string `json:"appKey"`
AppType string `json:"appType"`
AppStatus string `json:"appStatus"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
App AppDetail `json:"app"`
type DatabaseConn struct {
Status string `json:"status"`
Username string `json:"username"`
Password string `json:"password"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName"`
ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"`
Port int64 `json:"port"`
type AppService struct {
Label string `json:"label"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Config interface{} `json:"config"`
From string `json:"from"`
type AppParam struct {
Value interface{} `json:"value"`
Edit bool `json:"edit"`
Key string `json:"key"`
Rule string `json:"rule"`
LabelZh string `json:"labelZh"`
LabelEn string `json:"labelEn"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Values interface{} `json:"values"`
ShowValue string `json:"showValue"`
Required bool `json:"required"`
Multiple bool `json:"multiple"`
type AppConfig struct {
Params []AppParam `json:"params"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package response
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/model"
type FavoriteDTO struct {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package response
import (
type FileInfo struct {
type UploadInfo struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int `json:"size"`
CreatedAt string `json:"createdAt"`
type FileTree struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Path string `json:"path"`
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
Extension string `json:"extension"`
Children []FileTree `json:"children"`
type DirSizeRes struct {
Size float64 `json:"size" validate:"required"`
type FileProcessKeys struct {
Keys []string `json:"keys"`
type FileWgetRes struct {
Key string `json:"key"`
type FileLineContent struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
End bool `json:"end"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Total int `json:"total"`
type FileExist struct {
Exist bool `json:"exist"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
package response
type HostToolRes struct {
Type string `json:"type"`
Config interface{} `json:"config"`
type Supervisor struct {
ConfigPath string `json:"configPath"`
IncludeDir string `json:"includeDir"`
LogPath string `json:"logPath"`
IsExist bool `json:"isExist"`
Init bool `json:"init"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Status string `json:"status"`
CtlExist bool `json:"ctlExist"`
ServiceName string `json:"serviceName"`
type HostToolConfig struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
type SupervisorProcessConfig struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Command string `json:"command"`
User string `json:"user"`
Dir string `json:"dir"`
Numprocs string `json:"numprocs"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
Status []ProcessStatus `json:"status"`
type ProcessStatus struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
PID string `json:"PID"`
Uptime string `json:"uptime"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
package response
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/dto"
type NginxStatus struct {
Active string `json:"active"`
Accepts string `json:"accepts"`
Handled string `json:"handled"`
Requests string `json:"requests"`
Reading string `json:"reading"`
Writing string `json:"writing"`
Waiting string `json:"waiting"`
type NginxParam struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Params []string `json:"params"`
type NginxAuthRes struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Items []dto.NginxAuth `json:"items"`
type NginxAntiLeechRes struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Extends string `json:"extends"`
Return string `json:"return"`
ServerNames []string `json:"serverNames"`
Cache bool `json:"cache"`
CacheTime int `json:"cacheTime"`
CacheUint string `json:"cacheUint"`
NoneRef bool `json:"noneRef"`
LogEnable bool `json:"logEnable"`
Blocked bool `json:"blocked"`
type NginxRedirectConfig struct {
WebsiteID uint `json:"websiteID"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Domains []string `json:"domains"`
KeepPath bool `json:"keepPath"`
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Redirect string `json:"redirect"`
Path string `json:"path"`
Target string `json:"target"`
FilePath string `json:"filePath"`
Content string `json:"content"`
RedirectRoot bool `json:"redirectRoot"`
type NginxFile struct {
Content string `json:"content"`

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package response
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/model"
type PHPExtensionsDTO struct {

View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package response
import "time"
type RecycleBinDTO struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Size int `json:"size"`
Type string `json:"type"`
DeleteTime time.Time `json:"deleteTime"`
RName string `json:"rName"`
SourcePath string `json:"sourcePath"`
IsDir bool `json:"isDir"`
From string `json:"from"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
package response
import (
type RuntimeDTO struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Resource string `json:"resource"`
AppDetailID uint `json:"appDetailID"`
AppID uint `json:"appID"`
Source string `json:"source"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Image string `json:"image"`
Params map[string]interface{} `json:"params"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Version string `json:"version"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
CodeDir string `json:"codeDir"`
AppParams []AppParam `json:"appParams"`
Port int `json:"port"`
Path string `json:"path"`
ExposedPorts []request.ExposedPort `json:"exposedPorts"`
type PackageScripts struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Script string `json:"script"`
func NewRuntimeDTO(runtime model.Runtime) RuntimeDTO {
return RuntimeDTO{
ID: runtime.ID,
Name: runtime.Name,
Resource: runtime.Resource,
AppDetailID: runtime.AppDetailID,
Status: runtime.Status,
Type: runtime.Type,
Image: runtime.Image,
Message: runtime.Message,
CreatedAt: runtime.CreatedAt,
CodeDir: runtime.CodeDir,
Version: runtime.Version,
Port: runtime.Port,
Path: runtime.GetPath(),
type NodeModule struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Version string `json:"version"`
License string `json:"license"`
Description string `json:"description"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,89 @@
package response
import (
type WebsiteDTO struct {
ErrorLogPath string `json:"errorLogPath"`
AccessLogPath string `json:"accessLogPath"`
SitePath string `json:"sitePath"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
RuntimeName string `json:"runtimeName"`
SiteDir string `gorm:"type:varchar;" json:"siteDir"`
type WebsiteRes struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Protocol string `json:"protocol"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
Remark string `json:"remark"`
Status string `json:"status"`
ExpireDate time.Time `json:"expireDate"`
SitePath string `json:"sitePath"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
RuntimeName string `json:"runtimeName"`
SSLExpireDate time.Time `json:"sslExpireDate"`
SSLStatus string `json:"sslStatus"`
type WebsiteOption struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
PrimaryDomain string `json:"primaryDomain"`
Alias string `json:"alias"`
type WebsitePreInstallCheck struct {
Name string `json:"name"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Version string `json:"version"`
AppName string `json:"appName"`
type WebsiteNginxConfig struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Params []NginxParam `json:"params"`
type WebsiteHTTPS struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
HttpConfig string `json:"httpConfig"`
SSL model.WebsiteSSL `json:"SSL"`
SSLProtocol []string `json:"SSLProtocol"`
Algorithm string `json:"algorithm"`
Hsts bool `json:"hsts"`
type WebsiteLog struct {
Enable bool `json:"enable"`
Content string `json:"content"`
End bool `json:"end"`
Path string `json:"path"`
type PHPConfig struct {
Params map[string]string `json:"params"`
DisableFunctions []string `json:"disableFunctions"`
UploadMaxSize string `json:"uploadMaxSize"`
type NginxRewriteRes struct {
Content string `json:"content"`
type WebsiteDirConfig struct {
Dirs []string `json:"dirs"`
User string `json:"user"`
UserGroup string `json:"userGroup"`
Msg string `json:"msg"`
type WebsiteHtmlRes struct {
Content string `json:"content"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
package response
import "github.com/1Panel-dev/1Panel/agent/app/model"
type WebsiteSSLDTO struct {
LogPath string `json:"logPath"`
type WebsiteDNSRes struct {
Key string `json:"resolve"`
Value string `json:"value"`
Domain string `json:"domain"`
Err string `json:"err"`
type WebsiteAcmeAccountDTO struct {
type WebsiteDnsAccountDTO struct {
Authorization map[string]string `json:"authorization"`
type WebsiteCADTO struct {
CommonName string `json:"commonName" `
Country string `json:"country"`
Organization string `json:"organization"`
OrganizationUint string `json:"organizationUint"`
Province string `json:"province" `
City string `json:"city"`

agent/app/dto/setting.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,124 @@
package dto
import "time"
type SettingInfo struct {
SystemIP string `json:"systemIP"`
DockerSockPath string `json:"dockerSockPath"`
SystemVersion string `json:"systemVersion"`
LocalTime string `json:"localTime"`
TimeZone string `json:"timeZone"`
NtpSite string `json:"ntpSite"`
DefaultNetwork string `json:"defaultNetwork"`
LastCleanTime string `json:"lastCleanTime"`
LastCleanSize string `json:"lastCleanSize"`
LastCleanData string `json:"lastCleanData"`
MonitorStatus string `json:"monitorStatus"`
MonitorInterval string `json:"monitorInterval"`
MonitorStoreDays string `json:"monitorStoreDays"`
AppStoreVersion string `json:"appStoreVersion"`
AppStoreLastModified string `json:"appStoreLastModified"`
AppStoreSyncStatus string `json:"appStoreSyncStatus"`
FileRecycleBin string `json:"fileRecycleBin"`
SnapshotIgnore string `json:"snapshotIgnore"`
type SettingUpdate struct {
Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
Value string `json:"value"`
type SnapshotStatus struct {
Panel string `json:"panel"`
PanelInfo string `json:"panelInfo"`
DaemonJson string `json:"daemonJson"`
AppData string `json:"appData"`
PanelData string `json:"panelData"`
BackupData string `json:"backupData"`
Compress string `json:"compress"`
Size string `json:"size"`
Upload string `json:"upload"`
type SnapshotCreate struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
From string `json:"from" validate:"required"`
DefaultDownload string `json:"defaultDownload" validate:"required"`
Description string `json:"description" validate:"max=256"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type SnapshotRecover struct {
IsNew bool `json:"isNew"`
ReDownload bool `json:"reDownload"`
ID uint `json:"id" validate:"required"`
Secret string `json:"secret"`
type SnapshotBatchDelete struct {
DeleteWithFile bool `json:"deleteWithFile"`
Ids []uint `json:"ids" validate:"required"`
type SnapshotImport struct {
From string `json:"from"`
Names []string `json:"names"`
Description string `json:"description" validate:"max=256"`
type SnapshotInfo struct {
ID uint `json:"id"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Description string `json:"description" validate:"max=256"`
From string `json:"from"`
DefaultDownload string `json:"defaultDownload"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
Version string `json:"version"`
Size int64 `json:"size"`
InterruptStep string `json:"interruptStep"`
RecoverStatus string `json:"recoverStatus"`
RecoverMessage string `json:"recoverMessage"`
LastRecoveredAt string `json:"lastRecoveredAt"`
RollbackStatus string `json:"rollbackStatus"`
RollbackMessage string `json:"rollbackMessage"`
LastRollbackedAt string `json:"lastRollbackedAt"`
type SyncTime struct {
NtpSite string `json:"ntpSite" validate:"required"`
type CleanData struct {
SystemClean []CleanTree `json:"systemClean"`
UploadClean []CleanTree `json:"uploadClean"`
DownloadClean []CleanTree `json:"downloadClean"`
SystemLogClean []CleanTree `json:"systemLogClean"`
ContainerClean []CleanTree `json:"containerClean"`
type CleanTree struct {
ID string `json:"id"`
Label string `json:"label"`
Children []CleanTree `json:"children"`
Type string `json:"type"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`
IsCheck bool `json:"isCheck"`
IsRecommend bool `json:"isRecommend"`
type Clean struct {
TreeType string `json:"treeType"`
Name string `json:"name"`
Size uint64 `json:"size"`

agent/app/dto/ssh.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,57 @@
package dto
import "time"
type SSHUpdate struct {
Key string `json:"key" validate:"required"`
OldValue string `json:"oldValue"`
NewValue string `json:"newValue"`
type SSHInfo struct {
AutoStart bool `json:"autoStart"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`
Port string `json:"port"`
ListenAddress string `json:"listenAddress"`
PasswordAuthentication string `json:"passwordAuthentication"`
PubkeyAuthentication string `json:"pubkeyAuthentication"`
PermitRootLogin string `json:"permitRootLogin"`
UseDNS string `json:"useDNS"`
type GenerateSSH struct {
EncryptionMode string `json:"encryptionMode" validate:"required,oneof=rsa ed25519 ecdsa dsa"`
Password string `json:"password"`
type GenerateLoad struct {
EncryptionMode string `json:"encryptionMode" validate:"required,oneof=rsa ed25519 ecdsa dsa"`
type SSHConf struct {
File string `json:"file"`
type SearchSSHLog struct {
Info string `json:"info"`
Status string `json:"Status" validate:"required,oneof=Success Failed All"`
type SSHLog struct {
Logs []SSHHistory `json:"logs"`
TotalCount int `json:"totalCount"`
SuccessfulCount int `json:"successfulCount"`
FailedCount int `json:"failedCount"`
type SSHHistory struct {
Date time.Time `json:"date"`
DateStr string `json:"dateStr"`
Area string `json:"area"`
User string `json:"user"`
AuthMode string `json:"authMode"`
Address string `json:"address"`
Port string `json:"port"`
Status string `json:"status"`
Message string `json:"message"`

agent/app/model/app.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,44 @@
package model
import (
type App struct {
Name string `json:"name" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Key string `json:"key" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null;"`
ShortDescZh string `json:"shortDescZh" yaml:"shortDescZh" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
ShortDescEn string `json:"shortDescEn" yaml:"shortDescEn" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Icon string `json:"icon" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Type string `json:"type" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Status string `json:"status" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Required string `json:"required" gorm:"type:varchar(64);"`
CrossVersionUpdate bool `json:"crossVersionUpdate" yaml:"crossVersionUpdate"`
Limit int `json:"limit" gorm:"type:Integer;not null"`
Website string `json:"website" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Github string `json:"github" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Document string `json:"document" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Recommend int `json:"recommend" gorm:"type:Integer;not null"`
Resource string `json:"resource" gorm:"type:varchar;not null;default:remote"`
ReadMe string `json:"readMe" gorm:"type:varchar;"`
LastModified int `json:"lastModified" gorm:"type:Integer;"`
Details []AppDetail `json:"-" gorm:"-:migration"`
TagsKey []string `json:"tags" yaml:"tags" gorm:"-"`
AppTags []AppTag `json:"-" gorm:"-:migration"`
func (i *App) IsLocalApp() bool {
return i.Resource == constant.ResourceLocal
func (i *App) GetAppResourcePath() string {
if i.IsLocalApp() {
return filepath.Join(constant.LocalAppResourceDir, strings.TrimPrefix(i.Key, "local"))
return filepath.Join(constant.RemoteAppResourceDir, i.Key)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
package model
type AppDetail struct {
AppId uint `json:"appId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
Version string `json:"version" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Params string `json:"-" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Status string `json:"status" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
LastVersion string `json:"lastVersion" gorm:"type:varchar(64);"`
LastModified int `json:"lastModified" gorm:"type:integer;"`
DownloadUrl string `json:"downloadUrl" gorm:"type:varchar;"`
DownloadCallBackUrl string `json:"downloadCallBackUrl" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Update bool `json:"update"`
IgnoreUpgrade bool `json:"ignoreUpgrade"`

View File

@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
package model
import (
type AppInstall struct {
Name string `json:"name" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null;UNIQUE"`
AppId uint `json:"appId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
AppDetailId uint `json:"appDetailId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
Version string `json:"version" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
Param string `json:"param" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Env string `json:"env" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
DockerCompose string `json:"dockerCompose" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
Status string `json:"status" gorm:"type:varchar(256);not null"`
Description string `json:"description" gorm:"type:varchar(256);"`
Message string `json:"message" gorm:"type:longtext;"`
ContainerName string `json:"containerName" gorm:"type:varchar(256);not null"`
ServiceName string `json:"serviceName" gorm:"type:varchar(256);not null"`
HttpPort int `json:"httpPort" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
HttpsPort int `json:"httpsPort" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
App App `json:"app" gorm:"-:migration"`
func (i *AppInstall) GetPath() string {
return path.Join(i.GetAppPath(), i.Name)
func (i *AppInstall) GetComposePath() string {
return path.Join(i.GetAppPath(), i.Name, "docker-compose.yml")
func (i *AppInstall) GetEnvPath() string {
return path.Join(i.GetAppPath(), i.Name, ".env")
func (i *AppInstall) GetAppPath() string {
if i.App.Resource == constant.AppResourceLocal {
return path.Join(constant.LocalAppInstallDir, strings.TrimPrefix(i.App.Key, constant.AppResourceLocal))
} else {
return path.Join(constant.AppInstallDir, i.App.Key)

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@ -0,0 +1,10 @@
package model
type AppInstallResource struct {
AppInstallId uint `json:"appInstallId" gorm:"type:integer;not null;"`
LinkId uint `json:"linkId" gorm:"type:integer;not null;"`
ResourceId uint `json:"resourceId" gorm:"type:integer;"`
Key string `json:"key" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null"`
From string `json:"from" gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null;default:local"`

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@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
package model
type AppTag struct {
AppId uint `json:"appId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`
TagId uint `json:"tagId" gorm:"type:integer;not null"`

agent/app/model/backup.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,24 @@
package model
type BackupAccount struct {
Type string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);unique;not null" json:"type"`
Bucket string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"bucket"`
AccessKey string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"accessKey"`
Credential string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"credential"`
BackupPath string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"backupPath"`
Vars string `gorm:"type:longText" json:"vars"`
type BackupRecord struct {
From string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"from"`
CronjobID uint `gorm:"type:decimal" json:"cronjobID"`
Type string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null" json:"type"`
Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null" json:"name"`
DetailName string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"detailName"`
Source string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"source"`
BackupType string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"backupType"`
FileDir string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"fileDir"`
FileName string `gorm:"type:varchar(256)" json:"fileName"`

agent/app/model/base.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
package model
import "time"
type BaseModel struct {
ID uint `gorm:"primarykey;AUTO_INCREMENT" json:"id"`
CreatedAt time.Time `json:"createdAt"`
UpdatedAt time.Time `json:"updatedAt"`

agent/app/model/clam.go Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
package model
type Clam struct {
Name string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null" json:"name"`
Status string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"status"`
Path string `gorm:"type:varchar(64);not null" json:"path"`
InfectedStrategy string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"infectedStrategy"`
InfectedDir string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"infectedDir"`
Spec string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"spec"`
EntryID int `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"entryID"`
Description string `gorm:"type:varchar(64)" json:"description"`

Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More