mirror of
synced 2025-01-19 16:29:17 +08:00
feat: 修改文件页面样式
This commit is contained in:
@ -6,7 +6,7 @@
<el-col :span="3">
<el-avatar shape="square" :size="180" :src="'data:image/png;base64,' + app.icon" />
<el-col :span="20">
<el-col :span="18">
<div class="detail">
<div class="name">
<span>{{ app.name }}</span>
@ -78,7 +78,7 @@
<div v-loading="loadingDetail">
<div v-loading="loadingDetail" style="margin-left: -32px">
<v-md-preview :text="appDetail.readme"></v-md-preview>
@ -1,21 +1,21 @@
<el-drawer v-model="open" :before-close="handleClose" :close-on-click-modal="false" width="50%">
<template #header>
<DrawerHeader :header="$t('file.setRole')" :back="handleClose" />
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
<FileRole v-loading="loading" :mode="mode" @get-mode="getMode"></FileRole>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit()">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
@ -26,33 +26,24 @@ import i18n from '@/lang';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import FileRole from '@/components/file-role/index.vue';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
file: {
type: Object,
default: function () {
return {};
let open = ref(false);
let form = ref<File.FileCreate>({ path: '', isDir: false, mode: 0o755 });
let loading = ref<Boolean>(false);
let mode = ref('0755');
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
em('close', false);
const onOpen = () => {
const f = props.file as File.FileCreate;
form.value.isDir = f.isDir;
form.value.path = f.path;
mode.value = String(f.mode);
const acceptParams = (create: File.FileCreate) => {
open.value = true;
form.value.isDir = create.isDir;
form.value.path = create.path;
form.value.isLink = false;
mode.value = String(create.mode);
const getMode = (val: number) => {
@ -70,4 +61,6 @@ const submit = async () => {
loading.value = false;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -2,11 +2,11 @@
<div v-loading="loading">
@ -16,43 +16,38 @@
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="save()">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="saveContent(true)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { SaveFileContent } from '@/api/modules/files';
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { ElMessage } from 'element-plus';
import * as monaco from 'monaco-editor';
import { reactive } from 'vue';
import { ref } from 'vue';
let editor: monaco.editor.IStandaloneCodeEditor | undefined;
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
language: {
type: String,
default: 'json',
content: {
type: String,
default: '',
loading: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
interface EditProps {
language: string;
content: string;
path: string;
name: string;
let data = reactive({
let open = ref(false);
let loading = ref(false);
let language = ref('json');
let form = ref({
content: '',
language: '',
path: '',
const em = defineEmits(['close', 'qsave', 'save']);
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
if (editor) {
@ -61,14 +56,6 @@ const handleClose = () => {
em('close', false);
const save = () => {
em('save', data.content);
const saveNotClose = () => {
em('qsave', data.content);
const initEditor = () => {
if (editor) {
@ -76,26 +63,45 @@ const initEditor = () => {
const codeBox = document.getElementById('codeBox');
editor = monaco.editor.create(codeBox as HTMLElement, {
theme: 'vs-dark', //官方自带三种主题vs, hc-black, or vs-dark
value: data.content,
value: form.value.content,
readOnly: false,
automaticLayout: true,
language: data.language,
language: language.value,
folding: true, //代码折叠
roundedSelection: false, // 右侧不显示编辑器预览框
editor.onDidChangeModelContent(() => {
if (editor) {
data.content = editor.getValue();
form.value.content = editor.getValue();
editor.addCommand(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KeyS, saveNotClose);
editor.addCommand(monaco.KeyMod.CtrlCmd | monaco.KeyCode.KeyS, quickSave);
const quickSave = () => {
const saveContent = (closePage: boolean) => {
loading.value = true;
SaveFileContent(form.value).finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
open.value = !closePage;
const acceptParams = (props: EditProps) => {
form.value.content = props.content;
form.value.path = props.path;
open.value = true;
const onOpen = () => {
data.content = props.content;
data.language = props.language;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,16 +1,17 @@
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
@ -28,25 +29,27 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.compressDst')" prop="dst">
<el-input v-model="form.dst" disabled>
<template #append><FileList :path="props.dst" @choose="getLinkPath"></FileList></template>
<template #append><FileList :path="form.dst" @choose="getLinkPath"></FileList></template>
<el-checkbox v-model="form.replace" :label="$t('file.replace')"></el-checkbox>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { computed, reactive, ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
@ -54,30 +57,12 @@ import { CompressExtention, CompressType } from '@/enums/files';
import { CompressFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import FileList from '@/components/file-list/index.vue';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
files: {
type: Array,
default: function () {
return [];
type: {
type: String,
default: 'compress',
dst: {
type: String,
default: '',
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface CompressProps {
files: Array<any>;
dst: string;
name: string;
operate: string;
const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
type: [Rules.requiredSelect],
@ -85,18 +70,16 @@ const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
name: [Rules.requiredInput],
const { open, files, type, dst, name } = toRefs(props);
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
let loading = ref(false);
let form = ref<File.FileCompress>({ files: [], type: 'zip', dst: '', name: '', replace: false });
let options = ref<string[]>([]);
let open = ref(false);
let title = ref('');
let operate = ref('compress');
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const title = computed(() => {
return i18n.global.t('file.' + type.value);
const extension = computed(() => {
return CompressExtention[form.value.type];
@ -106,26 +89,13 @@ const handleClose = () => {
em('close', open);
open.value = false;
const getLinkPath = (path: string) => {
form.value.dst = path;
const onOpen = () => {
form.value = {
dst: dst.value,
type: 'zip',
files: files.value as string[],
name: name.value,
replace: false,
options.value = [];
for (const t in CompressType) {
const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
if (!formEl) return;
await formEl.validate((valid) => {
@ -146,4 +116,21 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const acceptParams = (props: CompressProps) => {
form.value.files = props.files;
form.value.dst = props.dst;
form.value.name = props.name;
operate.value = props.operate;
options.value = [];
for (const t in CompressType) {
open.value = true;
title.value = i18n.global.t('file.' + props.operate);
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,23 +1,31 @@
<template #header>
<DrawerHeader :header="$t('commons.button.create')" :back="handleClose" />
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.path')" prop="path"><el-input v-model="getPath" disabled /></el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.name')" prop="name"><el-input v-model="addForm.name" /></el-form-item>
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.path')" prop="path">
<el-input v-model="getPath" disabled />
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.name')" prop="name">
<el-input v-model="addForm.name" />
<el-form-item v-if="!addForm.isDir">
<el-checkbox v-model="addForm.isLink" :label="$t('file.link')"></el-checkbox>
@ -37,10 +45,10 @@
<el-checkbox v-if="addForm.isDir" v-model="setRole" :label="$t('file.setRole')"></el-checkbox>
<FileRole v-if="setRole" :mode="'0755'" @get-mode="getMode"></FileRole>
<FileRole v-if="setRole" :mode="'0755'" @get-mode="getMode"></FileRole>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
@ -48,11 +56,11 @@
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { toRefs, ref, reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import { ref, reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { CreateFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
@ -65,16 +73,18 @@ const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
let loading = ref(false);
let setRole = ref(false);
const props = defineProps({
open: Boolean,
file: Object,
interface CreateProps {
file: Object;
const propData = ref<CreateProps>({
file: {},
const { open, file } = toRefs(props);
let addForm = reactive({ path: '', name: '', isDir: false, mode: 0o755, isLink: false, isSymlink: true, linkPath: '' });
let open = ref(false);
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
if (fileForm.value) {
@ -126,16 +136,20 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const onOpen = () => {
const f = file?.value as File.FileCreate;
addForm.isDir = f.isDir;
addForm.path = f.path;
const acceptParams = (create: File.FileCreate) => {
propData.value.file = create;
open.value = true;
addForm.isDir = create.isDir;
addForm.path = create.path;
addForm.name = '';
addForm.isLink = false;
const init = () => {
setRole.value = false;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,13 +1,11 @@
@ -22,7 +20,7 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.deCompressDst')" prop="dst">
<el-input v-model="form.dst" disabled>
<template #append><FileList :path="props.dst" @choose="getLinkPath"></FileList></template>
<template #append><FileList :path="form.dst" @choose="getLinkPath"></FileList></template>
@ -32,13 +30,12 @@
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { reactive, ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
@ -46,37 +43,23 @@ import { DeCompressFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { Mimetypes } from '@/global/mimetype';
import FileList from '@/components/file-list/index.vue';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
dst: {
type: String,
default: '',
path: {
type: String,
default: '',
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
mimeType: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface CompressProps {
files: Array<any>;
dst: string;
name: string;
path: string;
mimeType: string;
const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
dst: [Rules.requiredInput],
const { open, dst, path, name, mimeType } = toRefs(props);
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
let loading = ref(false);
let form = ref<File.FileDeCompress>({ type: 'zip', dst: '', path: '' });
let open = ref(false);
let name = ref('');
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
@ -84,6 +67,7 @@ const handleClose = () => {
if (fileForm.value) {
open.value = false;
em('close', open);
@ -99,14 +83,6 @@ const getLinkPath = (path: string) => {
form.value.dst = path;
const onOpen = () => {
form.value = {
dst: dst.value,
type: getFileType(mimeType.value),
path: path.value,
const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
if (!formEl) return;
await formEl.validate((valid) => {
@ -124,4 +100,14 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const acceptParams = (props: CompressProps) => {
form.value.type = getFileType(props.mimeType);
form.value.dst = props.dst;
form.value.path = props.path;
name.value = props.name;
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<el-dialog v-model="open" :title="$t('file.info')" :column="1" width="30%">
<el-drawer v-model="open" :title="$t('file.info')" :column="1" width="30%">
<el-descriptions :column="1" border>
@ -16,7 +16,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -1,17 +1,17 @@
<el-col :span="11" :offset="1">
@ -28,53 +28,43 @@
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script setup lang="ts">
import { FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { CompressExtention, CompressType } from '@/enums/files';
import { computed, PropType, reactive, ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { computed, reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { DownloadFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
paths: {
type: Array as PropType<string[]>,
default: function () {
return [];
name: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface DownloadProps {
paths: Array<string>;
name: string;
const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
name: [Rules.requiredInput],
type: [Rules.requiredInput],
const { open } = toRefs(props);
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
const options = ref<string[]>([]);
let loading = ref(false);
let open = ref(false);
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
if (fileForm.value) {
@ -91,18 +81,18 @@ const extension = computed(() => {
return CompressExtention[addForm.value.type];
const onOpen = () => {
addForm.value = {
type: 'zip',
paths: props.paths,
name: props.name,
options.value = [];
for (const t in CompressType) {
// const onOpen = () => {
// addForm.value = {
// type: 'zip',
// paths: props.paths,
// name: props.name,
// };
// console.log(addForm);
// options.value = [];
// for (const t in CompressType) {
// options.value.push(CompressType[t]);
// }
// };
const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
if (!formEl) return;
@ -130,4 +120,16 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const acceptParams = (props: DownloadProps) => {
addForm.value.paths = props.paths;
addForm.value.name = props.name;
addForm.value.type = 'zip';
options.value = [];
for (const t in CompressType) {
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -5,7 +5,7 @@
<el-button :icon="Refresh" circle @click="search" />
<el-col :span="22">
<div style="background-color: #ffffff">
<div class="path">
<BreadCrumbItem @click="jump(-1)" :right="paths.length == 0">/</BreadCrumbItem>
@ -23,7 +23,7 @@
<LayoutContent :title="$t('file.file')" v-loading="loading">
<template #toolbar>
<el-dropdown @command="handleCreate">
<el-button type="primary" icon="Plus">
<el-button type="primary">
{{ $t('commons.button.create') }}
<el-icon class="el-icon--right"><arrow-down /></el-icon>
@ -114,55 +114,24 @@
<CreateFile :open="filePage.open" :file="filePage.createForm" @close="closeCreate"></CreateFile>
<ChangeRole :open="modePage.open" :file="modePage.modeForm" @close="closeMode"></ChangeRole>
<Upload :open="uploadPage.open" :path="uploadPage.path" @close="closeUpload"></Upload>
<Wget :open="wgetPage.open" :path="wgetPage.path" @close="closeWget"></Wget>
<Move :open="movePage.open" :oldPaths="movePage.oldPaths" :type="movePage.type" @close="clodeMove"></Move>
<Process :open="processPage.open" @close="closeProcess"></Process>
<Detail ref="detailRef"></Detail>
<CreateFile ref="createRef" @close="search" />
<ChangeRole ref="roleRef" @close="search" />
<Compress ref="compressRef" @close="search" />
<Decompress ref="deCompressRef" @close="search" />
<CodeEditor ref="codeEditorRef" @close="search" />
<FileRename ref="renameRef" @close="search" />
<Upload ref="uploadRef" @close="search" />
<Wget ref="wgetRef" @close="closeWget" />
<Move ref="moveRef" @close="search" />
<Download ref="downloadRef" @close="search" />
<Process :open="processPage.open" @close="closeProcess" />
<Detail ref="detailRef" />
<script setup lang="ts">
import { onMounted, reactive, ref } from '@vue/runtime-core';
import { GetFilesList, DeleteFile, GetFileContent, SaveFileContent, ComputeDirSize } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { GetFilesList, DeleteFile, GetFileContent, ComputeDirSize } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { computeSize, dateFormat, getIcon, getRandomStr } from '@/utils/util';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import { useDeleteData } from '@/hooks/use-delete-data';
@ -195,19 +164,29 @@ let req = reactive({ path: '/', expand: true, showHidden: false, page: 1, pageSi
let loading = ref(false);
const paths = ref<string[]>([]);
const filePage = reactive({ open: false, createForm: { path: '/', isDir: false, mode: 0o755 } });
const modePage = reactive({ open: false, modeForm: { path: '/', isDir: false, mode: 0o755 } });
const compressPage = reactive({ open: false, files: [''], name: '', dst: '' });
const deCompressPage = reactive({ open: false, path: '', name: '', dst: '', mimeType: '' });
const editorPage = reactive({ open: false, content: '', loading: false });
const fileCreate = reactive({ path: '/', isDir: false, mode: 0o755 });
const fileCompress = reactive({ files: [''], name: '', dst: '', operate: 'compress' });
const fileDeCompress = reactive({ path: '', name: '', dst: '', mimeType: '' });
const fileEdit = reactive({ content: '', path: '', name: '' });
const codeReq = reactive({ path: '', expand: false, page: 1, pageSize: 100 });
const uploadPage = reactive({ open: false, path: '' });
const renamePage = reactive({ open: false, path: '', oldName: '' });
const wgetPage = reactive({ open: false, path: '' });
const movePage = reactive({ open: false, oldPaths: [''], type: '' });
const downloadPage = reactive({ open: false, paths: [''], name: '' });
const fileUpload = reactive({ path: '' });
const fileRename = reactive({ path: '', oldName: '' });
const fileWget = reactive({ path: '' });
const fileMove = reactive({ oldPaths: [''], type: '' });
const fileDownload = reactive({ paths: [''], name: '' });
const processPage = reactive({ open: false });
const createRef = ref();
const roleRef = ref();
const detailRef = ref();
const compressRef = ref();
const deCompressRef = ref();
const codeEditorRef = ref();
const renameRef = ref();
const uploadRef = ref();
const wgetRef = ref();
const moveRef = ref();
const downloadRef = ref();
const paginationConfig = reactive({
currentPage: 1,
@ -269,12 +248,12 @@ const jump = async (index: number) => {
const handleCreate = (commnad: string) => {
filePage.createForm.path = req.path;
filePage.createForm.isDir = false;
fileCreate.path = req.path;
fileCreate.isDir = false;
if (commnad === 'dir') {
filePage.createForm.isDir = true;
fileCreate.isDir = true;
filePage.open = true;
const delFile = async (row: File.File | null) => {
@ -304,39 +283,24 @@ const getIconName = (extension: string) => {
return getIcon(extension);
const closeCreate = () => {
filePage.open = false;
const openMode = (item: File.File) => {
modePage.modeForm = item;
modePage.open = true;
const closeMode = () => {
modePage.open = false;
const openCompress = (items: File.File[]) => {
compressPage.open = true;
const paths = [];
for (const item of items) {
compressPage.files = paths;
fileCompress.files = paths;
if (paths.length === 1) {
compressPage.name = items[0].name;
fileCompress.name = items[0].name;
} else {
compressPage.name = getRandomStr(6);
fileCompress.name = getRandomStr(6);
compressPage.dst = req.path;
fileCompress.dst = req.path;
const closeCompress = () => {
compressPage.open = false;
const openDeCompress = (item: File.File) => {
@ -345,48 +309,36 @@ const openDeCompress = (item: File.File) => {
deCompressPage.open = true;
deCompressPage.name = item.name;
deCompressPage.path = item.path;
deCompressPage.dst = req.path;
deCompressPage.mimeType = item.mimeType;
fileDeCompress.name = item.name;
fileDeCompress.path = item.path;
fileDeCompress.dst = req.path;
fileDeCompress.mimeType = item.mimeType;
const closeDeCompress = () => {
deCompressPage.open = false;
const openCodeEditor = (row: File.File) => {
codeReq.path = row.path;
codeReq.expand = true;
GetFileContent(codeReq).then((res) => {
editorPage.content = res.data.content;
editorPage.open = true;
fileEdit.content = res.data.content;
fileEdit.path = res.data.path;
fileEdit.name = res.data.name;
const closeCodeEditor = () => {
editorPage.open = false;
const openUpload = () => {
uploadPage.open = true;
uploadPage.path = req.path;
const closeUpload = () => {
uploadPage.open = false;
fileUpload.path = req.path;
const openWget = () => {
wgetPage.open = true;
wgetPage.path = req.path;
fileWget.path = req.path;
const closeWget = (submit: any) => {
wgetPage.open = false;
if (submit) {
@ -402,29 +354,19 @@ const closeProcess = () => {
const openRename = (item: File.File) => {
renamePage.open = true;
renamePage.path = req.path;
renamePage.oldName = item.name;
const closeRename = () => {
renamePage.open = false;
fileRename.path = req.path;
fileRename.oldName = item.name;
const openMove = (type: string) => {
movePage.type = type;
fileMove.type = type;
const oldpaths = [];
for (const s of selects.value) {
movePage.oldPaths = oldpaths;
movePage.open = true;
const clodeMove = () => {
movePage.open = false;
fileMove.oldPaths = oldpaths;
const openDownload = () => {
@ -432,31 +374,31 @@ const openDownload = () => {
for (const s of selects.value) {
downloadPage.paths = paths;
downloadPage.name = getRandomStr(6);
downloadPage.open = true;
fileDownload.paths = paths;
fileDownload.name = getRandomStr(6);
const closeDownload = () => {
downloadPage.open = false;
const saveContent = (content: string) => {
editorPage.loading = true;
SaveFileContent({ path: codeReq.path, content: content }).finally(() => {
editorPage.loading = false;
editorPage.open = false;
// const closeDownload = () => {
// downloadPage.open = false;
// search();
// };
// const saveContent = (content: string) => {
// editorPage.loading = true;
// SaveFileContent({ path: codeReq.path, content: content }).finally(() => {
// editorPage.loading = false;
// editorPage.open = false;
// ElMessage.success(i18n.global.t('commons.msg.updateSuccess'));
// });
// };
const quickSave = (content: string) => {
editorPage.loading = true;
SaveFileContent({ path: codeReq.path, content: content }).finally(() => {
editorPage.loading = false;
// const quickSave = (content: string) => {
// editorPage.loading = true;
// SaveFileContent({ path: codeReq.path, content: content }).finally(() => {
// editorPage.loading = false;
// ElMessage.success(i18n.global.t('commons.msg.updateSuccess'));
// });
// };
const openDetail = (row: File.File) => {
detailRef.value.acceptParams({ path: row.path });
@ -508,8 +450,7 @@ onMounted(() => {
.path {
height: 30px;
margin-bottom: 5px;
background-color: #ffffff;
.search-button {
@ -1,12 +1,11 @@
@ -30,7 +29,7 @@
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -38,32 +37,21 @@ import { MoveFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { toRefs, ref, reactive, PropType, computed } from 'vue';
import { ref, reactive, computed } from 'vue';
import FileList from '@/components/file-list/index.vue';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
oldPaths: {
type: Array as PropType<string[]>,
default: () => {
return [];
type: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface MoveProps {
oldPaths: Array<string>;
type: string;
const { open } = toRefs(props);
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
const loading = ref(false);
let open = ref(false);
let type = ref('cut');
const title = computed(() => {
if (props.type === 'cut') {
if (type.value === 'cut') {
return i18n.global.t('file.move');
} else {
return i18n.global.t('file.copy');
@ -83,6 +71,7 @@ const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
if (fileForm.value) {
@ -111,8 +100,12 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const onOpen = () => {
const acceptParams = (props: MoveProps) => {
addForm.oldPaths = props.oldPaths;
addForm.type = props.type;
type.value = props.type;
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,53 +1,50 @@
<el-dialog v-model="open" :before-close="handleClose" :title="$t('file.setRole')" width="30%" @open="onOpen">
<el-drawer v-model="open" :before-close="handleClose" :title="$t('file.rename')" size="30%">
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.path')" prop="path">
<el-input v-model="props.path" disabled />
<el-input v-model="addForm.path" disabled />
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.name')" prop="newName">
<el-input v-model="addForm.newName" />
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.name')" prop="newName"><el-input v-model="addForm.newName" /></el-form-item>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)">{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}</el-button>
<script lang="ts" setup>
import { RenameRile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { reactive, ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import { File } from '@/api/interface/file';
import i18n from '@/lang';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
oldName: {
type: String,
default: '',
path: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface RenameProps {
path: string;
oldName: string;
const { open } = toRefs(props);
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
const loading = ref(false);
let open = ref(false);
const oldName = ref('');
const addForm = reactive({
newName: '',
@ -60,6 +57,7 @@ const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
if (fileForm.value) {
@ -78,8 +76,8 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
let addItem = {};
Object.assign(addItem, addForm);
addItem['oldName'] = getPath(props.path, props.oldName);
addItem['newName'] = getPath(props.path, addForm.newName);
addItem['oldName'] = getPath(addForm.path, oldName.value);
addItem['newName'] = getPath(addForm.path, addForm.newName);
loading.value = true;
RenameRile(addItem as File.FileRename)
.then(() => {
@ -92,7 +90,12 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
const onOpen = () => {
const acceptParams = (props: RenameProps) => {
oldName.value = props.oldName;
addForm.newName = props.oldName;
addForm.path = props.path;
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
<el-dialog v-model="open" :title="$t('file.upload')" :before-close="handleClose" width="30%" :file-list="files">
<el-drawer v-model="open" :title="$t('file.upload')" :before-close="handleClose" size="40%" :file-list="files">
@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
<script setup lang="ts">
@ -30,24 +30,20 @@ import { ElMessage, UploadFile, UploadFiles, UploadInstance } from 'element-plus
import { UploadFileData } from '@/api/modules/files';
import i18n from '@/lang';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
path: {
type: String,
default: '',
interface UploadProps {
path: string;
const uploadRef = ref<UploadInstance>();
const files = ref();
const loading = ref(false);
let uploadPrecent = ref(0);
let open = ref(false);
let path = ref();
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = () => {
open.value = false;
em('close', false);
@ -70,7 +66,7 @@ const submit = () => {
formData.append('file', file.raw);
formData.append('path', props.path);
formData.append('path', path.value);
loading.value = true;
UploadFileData(formData, { onUploadProgress: onProcess })
.then(() => {
@ -81,4 +77,11 @@ const submit = () => {
loading.value = false;
const acceptParams = (props: UploadProps) => {
path.value = props.path;
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
@ -1,8 +1,10 @@
<el-dialog v-model="open" :before-close="handleClose" :title="$t('file.download')" width="30%" @open="onOpen">
<el-drawer v-model="open" :before-close="handleClose" :title="$t('file.download')" size="50%">
<el-col :span="22" :offset="1">
@ -13,22 +15,24 @@
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.path')" prop="path">
<el-input v-model="addForm.path" disabled>
<template #append><FileList :path="path" @choose="getPath"></FileList></template>
<template #append><FileList :path="addForm.path" @choose="getPath"></FileList></template>
<el-form-item :label="$t('file.name')" prop="name">
<el-input v-model="addForm.name"></el-input>
<template #footer>
<span class="dialog-footer">
<el-button @click="handleClose(false)" :disabled="loading">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button @click="handleClose()" :disabled="loading">{{ $t('commons.button.cancel') }}</el-button>
<el-button type="primary" @click="submit(fileForm)" :disabled="loading">
{{ $t('commons.button.confirm') }}
<script lang="ts" setup>
@ -36,22 +40,17 @@ import { WgetFile } from '@/api/modules/files';
import { Rules } from '@/global/form-rules';
import i18n from '@/lang';
import { ElMessage, FormInstance, FormRules } from 'element-plus';
import { reactive, ref, toRefs } from 'vue';
import { reactive, ref } from 'vue';
import FileList from '@/components/file-list/index.vue';
const props = defineProps({
open: {
type: Boolean,
default: false,
path: {
type: String,
default: '',
const { open } = toRefs(props);
interface WgetProps {
path: string;
const fileForm = ref<FormInstance>();
const loading = ref(false);
let open = ref(false);
let submitData = ref(false);
const rules = reactive<FormRules>({
name: [Rules.requiredInput],
@ -67,15 +66,12 @@ const addForm = reactive({
const em = defineEmits(['close']);
const handleClose = (submit: boolean) => {
const handleClose = () => {
if (fileForm.value) {
if (submit != true) {
em('close', false);
} else {
em('close', true);
open.value = false;
em('close', submitData);
const getPath = (path: string) => {
@ -92,7 +88,8 @@ const submit = async (formEl: FormInstance | undefined) => {
.then(() => {
submitData.value = true;
.finally(() => {
loading.value = false;
@ -105,7 +102,10 @@ const getFileName = (url: string) => {
addForm.name = paths[paths.length - 1];
const onOpen = () => {
const acceptParams = (props: WgetProps) => {
addForm.path = props.path;
open.value = true;
defineExpose({ acceptParams });
Reference in New Issue
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