ErrPortInOtherApp:"{{ .port }} port already in use by app {{ .apps }}"
ErrDbUserNotValid:"Stock database, username and password do not match!"
ErrDockerComposeNotValid:"docker-compose file format error!"
ErrUpdateBuWebsite:'The application was updated successfully, but the modification of the website configuration file failed, please check the configuration!'
ErrMovePathFailed:"The target path cannot contain the original path!"
ErrLinkPathNotFound:"Target path does not exist!"
ErrFileIsExist:"File or directory already exists!"
ErrFileUpload:"Failed to upload file {{.name}} {{.detail}}"
ErrFileDownloadDir:"Download folder not supported"
ErrCmdNotFound:"{{ .name}} command does not exist, please install this command on the host first"
ErrSourcePathNotFound:"Source directory does not exist"
ErrFavoriteExist:"This path has been collected"
ErrInvalidChar:"Illegal characters are prohibited"
ErrDomainIsExist:"Domain is already exist"
ErrAliasIsExist:"Alias is already exist"
ErrAppDelete:'Other Website use this App'
ErrGroupIsUsed:'The group is in use and cannot be deleted'
ErrBackupMatch: 'the backup file does not match the current partial data of the website:{{.detail}}'
ErrBackupExist: 'the backup file corresponds to a portion of the original data that does not exist:{{.detail}}'
ErrPHPResource:'The local runtime does not support switching!'
ErrPathPermission:'A folder with non-1000:1000 permissions was detected in the index directory, which may cause an Access denied error when accessing the website. Please click the save button above'
ErrDomainIsUsed:"Domain is already used by website {{ .name }}"
ErrDomainFormat:"{{ .name }} domain format error"
ErrDefaultAlias:"default is a reserved code name, please use another code name"
ErrUserIsExist:"The current user already exists. Please enter a new user"
ErrDatabaseIsExist:"The current database already exists. Please enter a new database"
ErrExecTimeOut:"SQL execution timed out, please check the database"
ErrRemoteExist:"The remote database already exists with that name, please modify it and try again"
ErrLocalExist:"The local database already exists with that name, please modify it and try again"
ErrTypeOfRedis:"The recovery file type does not match the current persistence mode. Modify the file type and try again"
ErrInUsed:"{{ .detail }} is in use and cannot be deleted"
ErrObjectInUsed:"This object is in use and cannot be deleted"
ErrPortRules:"The number of ports does not match, please re-enter!"
ErrPgImagePull:"Image pull timeout. Please configure image acceleration or manually pull the postgres:16.0-alpine image and try again"
ErrDirNotFound:"The build folder does not exist! Please check file integrity!"
ErrFileNotExist:"{{ .detail }} file does not exist! Please check source file integrity!"
ErrImageBuildErr:"Image build failed"
ErrImageExist:"Image is already exist!"
ErrDelWithWebsite:"The operating environment has been associated with a website and cannot be deleted"
ErrRuntimeStart:"Failed to start"
ErrPackageJsonNotFound:"package.json file does not exist"
ErrScriptsNotFound:"No scripts configuration item was found in package.json"
ErrContainerNameNotFound:"Unable to get container name, please check .env file"
ErrNodeModulesNotFound:"The node_modules folder does not exist! Please edit the running environment or wait for the running environment to start successfully"
ErrBackupInUsed:"The backup account is already being used in a cronjob and cannot be deleted."
ErrBackupCheck:"Backup account test connection failed {{ .err}}"
ErrOSSConn:"Unable to retrieve the latest version, please check if the server can connect to the external network."
ErrEntrance:"Security entrance information error. Please check and try again!"
ErrConfigNotFound:"Configuration file does not exist"
ErrConfigParse:"Configuration file format error"
ErrConfigIsNull:"The configuration file is not allowed to be empty"
ErrConfigDirNotFound:"The running directory does not exist"
ErrConfigAlreadyExist:"A configuration file with the same name already exists"
ErrUserFindErr:"Failed to find user {{ .name }} {{ .err }}"
ErrFirewall:"No firewalld or ufw service is detected. Please check and try again!"
ErrBashExecute:"Script execution error, please check the specific information in the task output text area."